Application of J48 and Naïve Bayes Algorithms to Predict Ream Bookings at PT. Nippon Presisi Teknik


  • Panji Satrio Bakti Universitas Mercubuana
  • Eliyani Eliyani Universitas Mercubuana



Naïve Bayes; J48; Decision Tree; Algorithm


In the field of goods production, demand prediction is important. By doing sales predictions, companies can make calculations and forecasts for what raw materials are mostly ordered. J48 and Naïve Bayes algorithm are two popular machine learning technique. By using these two algorithms, this study aims to develop an accurate and more reliable predictive model that help the company to make data driven decision. This study focuses on the application of quantitative methods, specifically the J48 algorithm and Naïve Bayes algorithm. This research conducted 4 times testing on each algorithm. This study produces high accuracy values ​​with the Naïve Bayes and J48 algorithms. Both algorithm results have a fairly high accuracy value of 94% for Naïve Bayes and 98% for J48. The findings of this study implicate that by using J48 and Naïve Bayes algorithm, company can make informed decisions lead to improved operational efficiency, cost-effective, and resource utilization.


