Implementasi Algoritma XGBoost untuk Memprediksi Harga Jual Cabai Rawit di DKI Jakarta


  • Dhafin Riando Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
  • Afiyati Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia



XGBoost Algorithm, Price Prediction, Cayenne Pepper, Agricultural Markets, Predictive Analytics


This research focuses on applying the XGBoost algorithm to analyze and predict cayenne pepper prices. The main aim is to exploit XGBoost's exceptional capability to manage large datasets and discern intricate patterns for precise price forecasting. The dataset comprises historical cayenne pepper price data, along with pertinent economic and climatic factors. The XGBoost model was developed and validated on this dataset, with its performance assessed using metrics. The results indicated a high level of accuracy, achieving an R² score of 99% on the training set and 92% on the test set, reflecting a strong alignment between predicted and actual prices. Moreover, the model attained an average cross-validation score of 96%, reinforcing its robustness and reliability. These findings highlight XGBoost's efficacy in agricultural price prediction, offering stakeholders a potent tool for data-driven decision-making. This study enriches the literature on machine learning applications in agriculture and emphasizes XGBoost's potential to enhance predictive accuracy and operational efficiency.



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