The Effect of External Audit Quality, Related Party Transactions, Political Connec-tions, Esg Performance and Independent Assurance on Sustainability Reports on Firm Value


  • Ayu Sholekha Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
  • Christina Dwi Astuti Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia



Firm value, Sustainability Factors, Non-Financial Factors, Energy Sector and Basic materials Sector


This research is based on the importance of companies knowing the factors that can affect the value of the firm in accordance with the development of the times so that the company can continue to survive in success in the long term. This study combines factors related to the company's non-financial performance, including sustainability performance such as ESG performance and the use of independent assurance in sustainability reports as well as other non-financial performance such as the quality of external audits, related party transactions, and political connections to determine the influence of these factors on the firm's value. The method used in this study is a panel data regression analysis method using e-views 9 with a sample of companies in the energy and basic materials sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2021-2023. The results of this study show that the quality of external audits, related party transactions, political connections, environmental performance (ESG_Environment), social performance to employees (ESG_Social Employees) and the use of independent assurance in sustainability reports have no effect on firm value while, social performance to the community (ESG_Social Community) and governance performance (ESG_Governance) have a positive effect on firm value.


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