Development of Smart Factory 4.0 using cyber-physical system-based workshop in Rolling Stock Industry to Support Industry 4.0


  • Ahmad Fajar Alkharis Interdiciplinary School of Management Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Reny Nadlifatin Interdiciplinary School of Management Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Surabaya, Indonesia



Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, Manufacturing, Rolling Stock, Smart Factory


Driven by the concept of mass customization, manufacturing enterprises are now required to transform their traditional workshops into smart workshops. The integration of cyber-physical systems (CPS), which serves as the core of Industry 4.0, is crucial in achieving smart manufacturing. By implementing CPS, the conventional workshop can transition into a new paradigm characterized by intelligence and flexibility. However, the implementation of CPS in workshops is a complex undertaking that is still in its early stages. Therefore, this research paper aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on CPS-based workshops, with the intention of facilitating their implementation in the industry. Initially, the paper identifies seven key features of CPS-based workshops, namely self-sensing, self-awareness, self-assessment, self-optimization, self-adjustment, self-configuration, and self-control. Subsequently, the paper proposes the architectural framework of CPS-based workshops from a technical standpoint. Furthermore, a conceptual model of CPS-based workshops is developed, which highlights the three fundamental elements and closed-loop mechanism of such workshops. Finally, a case study of a Rolling stock manufacturing company in Indonesia is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing CPS-based workshops in the industry.


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