Named Entity Recognition In Electronic Medical Records Based On Hybrid Neural Network And Transformer
Electronic Medical Records, Named Entity Recognition, Information Extraction, Natural Language Processing, Hybrid Neural NetworksAbstract
The development of artificial intelligence in the field of health encourages the use of electronic medical records in all health facilities to record health services provided to patients. For hospitals, extracting information from electronic medical records can make it easier for management to make clinical decisions and for researchers to obtain data for research in the medical and nursing fields. The research builds a model of named entity recognition in electronic medical records based on hybrid neural networks, bidirectional encoder representations from transformers, and setting hyperparameters to get the highest accuracy. The research data set is processed from an initial examination form of an adult patient in a hospital onto an electronic medical record in 2022, and the data is pre-processed. Next, perform the entity-tagging phase on the text and divide 70% of the training datasets by 30% of the testing datasets. Training and evaluation of models built using the confusion matrix method. The results of this study show that the entity identification model called bidirectional encoder representations from transformers consistently outperforms the neural network-based entity recognition model in any evaluation metric. The abbreviation of the bi-directional encoder representation of transformer has very high precision, recall, and f1-score values, demonstrating its ability to recognise entities very well. In this study, although the model named Entity Recognition based on neural networks also has high accuracy, the low precision and recall values indicate that this model may have difficulty recognising entities accurately.
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