Protection Of Land Rights Of The Pantai Bahagia Village Community Based On National Agrarian Law
Land Rights Protection, National Agrarian Law , juridical-empirical methodAbstract
The purpose of this research is to determine the protection of land rights for the residents
of Pantai Bahagia village based on national agrarian law. The method used is the juridical-
empirical method. The juridical-empirical method is a research approach that examines the
current regulations as seen from the realities in society, or research that observes the
application of the law in its actual state. The results of this study indicate that the form of
protection of land rights that can be provided to the 2014 households in Pantai Bahagia
Village, who occupy land in forest areas, can be realized through the release of forest areas.
The release of these forest areas is carried out through a request to the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry (KLHK), considering evidence of land ownership and historical
data possessed by the community. With the release of the forest area, the community can
then register the land as their property rights, thus providing legal certainty over their land.
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