How to cite:
Andrea Putri, Fitri, Ria Bintan Napitupulu and Kendy Setiawan Hartono.
(2021). Analysis Of Income Income In Batam City Through The Tourism
Industry. Journal Eduvest. 1(6): 505-511
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Andrea Putri, Fitri, Ria Bintan Napitupulu and Kendy Setiawan Hartono
Batam International University
May, 29
June, 10
June, 18
Batam Islands has a strategic geographical location
between various foreign countries such as Vietnam,
Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore.
Therefore, competition in the Riau Islands is not centered
on national competition, even in the international field,
because of the geographical location of the Riau Islands
which is closer to various foreign countries than the
capital city of Indonesia and is also the third tourism
destination after Bali and Jakarta. This research uses
descriptive qualitative method. Primary data was obtained
by conducting (a) in-depth interviews with relevant
stakeholders in Batam City Regency. While secondary data
comes from various trusted publications, such as BPS,
Bappeda Belitung Regency, journals, newspapers,
magazines, official documents, and other articles sourced
from the internet. All the data is then compiled and
adjusted to the focus of this study and then analyzed and
drawn conclusions. The results of this study concluded
that the economic decline in the Batam tourism sector was
caused by these factors. (1) The rapid spread of covid-19
made Indonesia decide to close itself off from other
countries. (2) the lack of foreign tourists who travel in
Batam. (3) Batam has no plans to stabilize the economy
when there are no foreign tourists.
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Andrea Putri, Fitri, Ria Bintan Napitupulu and Kendy Setiawan Hartono
Analysis Of Income Income In Batam City Through The Tourism Industry 506
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
In today's era of globalization, the tourism division is the largest industry in the
global economy (Hasani, 2011). Globalization and internationalization have created a
strata in society (Purnomo, 2016). Tourism industry resistant to global crisis (Suryawati,
2018), at a time when the global economy is mired but Indonesia's economic growth
continues to increase (Chandra, 2015). Bps data shows that the number of guesthouses
visiting Batam (Fahlevi, 2016) in January reached 260 visits, a decrease of 44.80% when
compared to the previous month (Statistik, 2014), where the number of guesthouses in
December 2020 was 471 visits (Diah Ayu, 2020).
So when compared to January 2020, wisman visits in January 2021 decreased by
99.83% (Diah Ayu, 2020). The influence of tourism on economic growth in Indonesia.
Batam welcomed nearly two million tourists last year with more than half being tourists
from Singapore (Yunus, 2018). When compared to 2018, the island saw a 3.2% increase
in the number of tourists (Rahmi & Fikri, 2018); equivalent to more than 60,000 tourists.
Then wisman who came to Batam in January 2021, namely wisman who are Filipino
(Ismayanti & Djamhur, 2021) and other ASEAN nationalities as many as 259 visits
(Jinan & Ilal, 2018).
In this pandemic condition, there are several things that can help the economy of
Batam city which is experiencing a decline due to Covid-19 (Rosfiantika, Permana, &
Mahameruaji, 2020), one of the things that can help restore the economy of Batam is by
reviving the tourism sector of Batam city (Halida, 2021), tourism sector has an important
role in encouraging the smoking of a Country (Nizar, 2011).
Figure 1. Table of wisman visits to Batam 2011-2019
Source: BPS, 2021.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
The data in table 1 shows the growth of foreign tourists. Tourists who enter Batam
from year to year is increasing, from the 2011 analysis recorded from 29.63% continued
to increase to the following year until 2019 of 50.15%. This indicates that the tourism
industry is a global economic division that is resistant to global crises, at a time when the
global economy is underway.
Figure 2. GDRP growth Batam city
Source: BPS, 2021
Based on the economic growth rate of Batam city continues to experience a
slump in recent years (Idarti & Hasanah, 2018). The data in figure 2 explains that the
growth of Batam's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) has always decreased (Purba
& Saputra, 2018). Then can be seen a very drastic decrease that occurred in 2017 where
gdp batam city is reaching at the figure of 2.61% (Saragih, 2019) and began to increase
again in the following year, namely 2018-2019 (Ilyas & Ali, 2020). Batam growth is still
above the national economic growth, but as an industrial city growth below 7% is still
small growth (Saefuloh, 2016).
In figure 3, Gross Regional Domestic Product of Batam City can also be seen
from the previous 5 years, namely from 2016 seen a significant increase and decrease
following the GDP chart in Batam City as attached (Sandy, 2018).
Figure 3. GDRP Batam City Chart 2016-2020
Source: BPS, 2021
Andrea Putri, Fitri, Ria Bintan Napitupulu and Kendy Setiawan Hartono
Analysis Of Income Income In Batam City Through The Tourism Industry 508
Figure 4. Graph of cpi development in Batam
Source: BPS, 2021
Penelitian ini membandingkan pendapatan Kota Batam di sektor pariwisata
sebelum pandemik dan saat kondisi pandemik (Hamsal & Abdinagoro, 2021), data taken
in the form of data numbers wisman who traveled in Batam before and after the
pandemic. The core problem in this study is the growth that occurs in the economy of
Batam tourism sector (Fahrika & Roy, 2020) decreasing during the pandemic, this study
seeks the decline purely due to Covid-19 (Marsella, Zaki, & Masburiyah, 2021),tujuan
penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan penurunan ekonomi di sector pariwisata batm yang
di sebabkan oleh pandemik (Kho, 2021). The initial hypothesis is, batam economy in
tourism sekotr decreased in the result of forced closures that caused wisman can not enter
Batam because the airport and the docking is closed, caused by this pandemic, the lack of
wisman greatly affects the economy in the tourism sector of Batam city (Nirwandar,
Results of the study (Purwadinata & Kaluge, 2017) shows that local tax
innovation programs have the potential to slow down local government innovation in
other sectors. The conclusion of this study is that local tax innovations conducted by local
governments have not run optimally because there are still many other program
innovations that require a follow-up plan of the local tax program so as to seem to slow
down the innovation of local governments in implementing fiscal decentralization
(Harefa, 2020).
This research uses descriptive qualitative method by comparing the disclosed data.
The data is obtained from BPS Batam through data execution. The data used include
primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting (a) in-depth
interviews with relevant stakeholders in Batam City Regency, such as the Tourism
Office, Regional Revenue Service, Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda),
Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, Central Statistics Agency (BPS), and
academics tourism colleges and (b) focus group discussions (FGD).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
Primary data collection activities were carried out in the Belitung Regency area in
2018. All of these stake holders were selected with consideration as policy makers, direct
actors, and observers of tourism issues. While secondary data comes from various trusted
publications, such as BPS, Bappeda Belitung Regency, journals, newspapers, magazines,
official documents, and other articles sourced from the internet. All the data is then
compiled and adjusted to the focus of this study and then analyzed and drawn conclusions
and recommendations in the context of policy improvement efforts to increase the
proportion of PAD revenue from this sector. In an effort to compile the results of the
analysis, this study also carried out pre-field research activities before in-depth interviews
with stakeholders. The activities carried out include documentation and literature studies
as well as focus group discussions with resource persons who have expertise in their
respective fields.
The discussion of several causes of the economic decline in Batam City, one of
which is a decrease in income from the tourism sector, research reveals the economic
decline in the tourism sector was caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the closure carried
out by Indonesia was due to all cities which resulted in foreign tourists not being allowed
to enter Indonesia. Batam, with the regulation in the field of tourism, it is necessary to
revise it. The reason for the need for revision is because so far revenues from the tourism
sector have not been the mainstay of regional income.
However, considering the rapid development of tourism infrastructure
development, it is believed that in the coming year the tourism sector is expected to be the
main source of income for the regional government to support APBD revenues. Local
government efforts to increase PAD are carried out through intensification and
extensification for all types of revenue. Efforts to increase the tourism sector in order to
have an impact on Batam City's regional income, intensification and extensification of all
potential revenues are carried out through the PAD Optimization Team.
This is also a discussion in discussions with tourism actors who stated that it was
necessary to encourage tourism sector activities to increase regional revenues and tourism
actors. This team consists of technical agencies that manage regional revenue receipts
Batam City has focused on being a place for industry and tourism, previously it needs to
be known that Batam includes FTZ (free trade zone) and SEZ (special Economic Zone)
Batam is also a place that in the interest of tourists.
Batam is a place for foreign tourists to go on tourism as well as to shop for goods
in Batam, so the closures carried out by Indonesia really have an impact on the economy
of the Batam tourism sector, because tourists cannot enter Batam, causing many tourism
places to be deserted and employees there losing This work also makes the
unemployment rate in Batam increase drastically, which is very unfortunate, but there are
some foreign tourists who can enter because the large ship where they work rests in the
Batam sea, but it is also less likely to boost Batam's economy if only a few can enter.
From the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the
economic decline in the Batam Tourism sector was caused by factors, namely (1) the
rapid spread of Covid-19 made Indonesia decide to close itself off from other countries.
Andrea Putri, Fitri, Ria Bintan Napitupulu and Kendy Setiawan Hartono
Analysis Of Income Income In Batam City Through The Tourism Industry 510
(2) the lack of foreign tourists who travel in Batam. (3) Batam does not have a plan to
stabilize the economy when there are no foreign tourists. A suitable recommendation
according to our research is that Indonesia reopens itself to other countries because in our
opinion if Indonesia is able to anticipate Covid in the country, it should also be able to
handle foreign tourists who come to visit tourism, and also if it has been reopened Coavid
prevention protocols must be strict and implemented in tourist attractions located in
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