Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies Volume 3 Number 4, April, 2023 p- ISSN 2775-3735-
e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Furwanti Alwie1, Rendra Wasnury2, Jushermi3, Nia Anggraini4, Monica Agnes Br Harianja5, Dedi Hidayat6 Faculty of
Economics and Business, Universitas Riau, Indonesia12356 STIE Persada
Bunda, Indonesia4 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] |
Politics is the basic policy of the state administration that is
currently and will apply, which is sourced from the values that apply in
society to achieve state goals. The purpose of government-run politics is to
achieve the welfare of the general public. Elections are a form of political
participation as an embodiment of people's sovereignty, because at the time
of voting, the people become the most decisive party for the political
process in an area by voting directly. This study aims to determine whether the
influence of the Political Marketing Mix on the decision to choose repeat
voters in General Elections in Indonesia (a case study on FEB students, Universitas
Riau). This study applied quantitative research method. The analysis technique used is
multiple linear regression with the test equipment using Warp PLS 7.0. The
number of samples to be taken as many as 145 respondents with purposive
sampling method. The data was collected by distributing online
questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it was found that: 1)
Political products have a significant effect on voting decisions. 2)
Political Promotion has a significant effect on the Decision to Choose. 3)
Political Price has a significant effect on the Decision to Choose. 4)
Political distribution has a significant effect on voting decisions. |
political marketing mix;
voting decisions; repeat voter |
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International |
Politics is the basic policy of administering the state which is
currently and will apply, which originates from the values prevailing in
society to achieve state goals (Pramono, 2018; Qurbani, 2012). The purpose of government-run politics is to achieve the
welfare of the general public. Presidential elections are a form of political
participation as a manifestation of people's sovereignty, because at the time
of voting, the people become the most decisive party to the political process
in an area by voting directly (Filan & Firdaus, 2022).
Citizens' political awareness is an important factor in political
participation, meaning that it is related to knowledge and awareness of rights
and obligations related to the community environment and political activities
being the measure and level of someone involved in the process of political
participation (Averus & Alfina, 2020; Nanda, 2017). The experience of general elections in Indonesia which have
taken place over several decades shows that many voters do not vote (Ta’dung, 2017). As a phenomenon described above, if someone has high
political awareness and trust in the government, then political participation
tends to be active, whereas if awareness and trust are very small, then
political participation becomes passive and apathetic (Saputra, 2017).
Data from We The Youth shows that in the 2014 election there were 24.89
percent of voters who decided to abstain (Shofi et al., 2020). In the 2019 election, the
General Election Commission recorded the number of permanent voters under the
age of 20 as many as 17.5 million people, and voters aged 21 to 30 as many as
42.84 million people. In total, the number of voters aged less than 20 years
and 21-30 years reached 60.34 million people. The total number of permanent
voters for the 2019 election is 192 million. This means that 31.4 percent of
voters in the 2019 election are young people.
Table 1. Number of Voters by Age in the 2019 Election
No |
Age |
Total |
1. |
17-20 |
17,5 million people |
2. |
20-30 |
42,84 million people |
3. |
30 (above) |
132,46 million people |
192,8 million people |
The Alvara Research Center survey also explains why young people are the
biggest contributors to abstentions (Silalahi, 2019). First, it could be because they are not very active in following
political news. Second, they tend to be apathetic towards political processes.
Third, their knowledge related to politics is not too great. More specifically,
based on data from the Riau Provincial Election Commission in 2019, it shows
the high number of abstentions in Riau. This can be seen from the data on
voters in the DPT who do not exercise their right to vote. The following
details the data that the author presents.
Table 2. Data on the number of voters and abstentions from
the 2019 Riau Province election
No |
Descriptions |
A |
Voter Data |
Voter |
Rights |
Abstentions |
Percentage |
1 |
Pekanbaru City |
611.093 |
482.116 |
128.977 |
21% |
2 |
Kampar |
510.475 |
412.067 |
98.408 |
19% |
3 |
Meranti Island |
147.517 |
106.181 |
41.336 |
28% |
4 |
Indragiri Hulu |
301.342 |
239.190 |
62.152 |
21% |
5 |
Bengkalis |
412.262 |
321.644 |
90.618 |
22% |
6 |
Indragiri Hilir |
491.150 |
347.179 |
143.971 |
29% |
7 |
Pelalawan |
226.417 |
183.598 |
42.819 |
19% |
8 |
Rokan Hulu |
339.328 |
276.455 |
62.873 |
19% |
9 |
Rokan Hilir |
417.327 |
318.531 |
98.796 |
24% |
10 |
Siak |
297.161 |
233.809 |
63.352 |
21% |
11 |
Kuantan Singingi |
232.018 |
190.142 |
41.876 |
18% |
12 |
Kota Dumai |
199.963 |
160.168 |
39.345 |
20% |
Total |
4.186.053 |
3.271.530 |
914.523 |
22% |
Source: KPU Riau Province, 2019
The high potential of voters among young people, especially repeat
voters with the dark side of indifference to elections, creates a big challenge
and homework for political parties and candidates to convince and get young
people to wake up to vote. This makes the candidates must have a pattern to
market themselves. Moreover, this study aims to determine whether the
influence of the Political Marketing Mix on the decision to choose repeat
voters in General Elections in Indonesia (a case study on FEB students,
Universitas Riau).
Research sites
This quantitative research was conducted at the Faculty of
Economics and Business, Universitas Riau.
Population and Sample
In this study, the population was all active FEB students at the Universitas Riau. The sample in this study used
a nonprobability sampling method with a purposive sampling method, namely
sampling based on certain criteria.
Determination of the number of Representative samples depends on the
number. The number of indicators is multiplied by 5 to 10 (Ferdinand, 2014). So the number of representative samples in this study is:
29x5=145. The criteria set by the researcher in the sampling study are:
1) Active student of FEB, Universitas Riau
2) Have been a repeat voter
(using their right to vote at least 2 times to elect both the President and
Vice President, DPR/DPRD, Regent and/or Mayor election.
Data analysis
The data analysis used is
Multiple Regression Analysis using WarpPLS version 7.0 software. PLS analysis
has two models, namely the outer model and the inner model. The outer model
(measurement model) specifies the relationship between variables and their indicators.
Meanwhile, the inner model (structural model) specifies the relationship
between latent variables, namely between exogenous/independent variables and
endogenous/ dependent variables (Ghozali, 2008).
Data Quality Test (Outer Model) Convergent Validity
Table 3. Data Quality
Test (Outer Model) Convergent Validity Test
Variable |
Indicator |
Loading |
Decision |
Product |
PDP1 |
0,753 |
Valid |
0,617 |
PDP2 |
0,811 |
Valid |
PDP3 |
0,758 |
Valid |
PDP4 |
0,754 |
Valid |
PDP5 |
0,755 |
Valid |
PDP6 |
0,872 |
Valid |
PDP7 |
0,853 |
Valid |
PDP8 |
0,785 |
Valid |
PDP9 |
0,713 |
Valid |
Promotion |
PMP1 |
0,781 |
Valid |
0,568 |
PMP2 |
0,79 |
Valid |
PMP3 |
0,806 |
Valid |
PMP4 |
0,812 |
Valid |
PMP5 |
0,762 |
Valid |
PMP6 |
0,752 |
Valid |
PMP7 |
0,749 |
Valid |
PMP8 |
0,749 |
Valid |
PMP9 |
0,723 |
Valid |
PMP10 |
0,707 |
Valid |
PMP11 |
0,746 |
Valid |
PMP12 |
0,734 |
Valid |
PMP13 |
0,708 |
Valid |
PMP14 |
0,718 |
Valid |
Value |
HP1 |
0,788 |
Valid |
0,655 |
HP2 |
0,873 |
Valid |
HP3 |
0,763 |
Valid |
Distribution |
DP1 |
0,744 |
Valid |
0,702 |
DP2 |
0,877 |
Valid |
DP3 |
0,886 |
Valid |
Decision |
KM1 |
0,782 |
Valid |
0,714 |
KM2 |
0,77 |
Valid |
KM3 |
0,912 |
Valid |
KM4 |
0,907 |
Valid |
Source: Research Processed Results,
In the table above it can be seen the value of the loading indicator or
loading factor construct of each variable. It is known that all indicators have
a loading factor value above 0.7. Then also obtained an average variance
extracted (AVE) value above 0.50 which means that all the reflective indicators
above have a correlation with the construct variable. This explains that all
indicators in the variable construct meet the convergent validity requirements.
Discriminant Validity Test
Table 4. Results of
Discriminant Cross Loading Validity Test of Research Variables
Indicator |
Product |
Promotion |
Value |
Distribution |
Decision |
PDP1 |
0,753 |
0,097 |
-0,064 |
0,059 |
0,041 |
PDP2 |
0,811 |
-0,104 |
0,083 |
-0,172 |
0,201 |
PDP3 |
0,758 |
0,075 |
0,075 |
0,012 |
-0,068 |
PDP4 |
0,754 |
-0,048 |
0,115 |
0,078 |
-0,25 |
PDP5 |
0,755 |
-0,007 |
-0,105 |
-0,13 |
0,227 |
PDP6 |
0,872 |
-0,06 |
-0,117 |
0,01 |
-0,019 |
PDP7 |
0,853 |
-0,029 |
0,059 |
0,02 |
-0,08 |
PDP8 |
0,785 |
0,055 |
-0,088 |
0,031 |
0,045 |
PDP9 |
0,713 |
0,042 |
0,051 |
0,105 |
-0,106 |
PMP1 |
0,045 |
0,781 |
0,242 |
0,149 |
-0,432 |
PMP2 |
0,026 |
0,79 |
0,314 |
0,125 |
-0,396 |
PMP3 |
-0,03 |
0,806 |
0,279 |
0,032 |
-0,257 |
PMP4 |
-0,117 |
0,812 |
0,303 |
0,049 |
-0,209 |
PMP5 |
0,114 |
0,762 |
-0,032 |
-0,006 |
0,094 |
PMP6 |
0,184 |
0,752 |
-0,008 |
-0,145 |
-0,05 |
PMP7 |
0,014 |
0,749 |
-0,017 |
-0,059 |
-0,024 |
PMP8 |
-0,016 |
0,749 |
-0,038 |
-0,1 |
-0,026 |
PMP9 |
0,022 |
0,723 |
0,095 |
-0,173 |
0,214 |
PMP10 |
-0,176 |
0,707 |
0,158 |
0,171 |
-0,271 |
PMP11 |
0,016 |
0,746 |
-0,404 |
-0,032 |
0,376 |
PMP12 |
-0,067 |
0,734 |
-0,353 |
-0,014 |
0,375 |
PMP13 |
-0,024 |
0,708 |
-0,389 |
-0,004 |
0,468 |
PMP14 |
0,005 |
0,718 |
-0,251 |
-0,008 |
0,253 |
HGP1 |
0,154 |
-0,062 |
0,788 |
-0,144 |
-0,143 |
HGP2 |
0,009 |
0,097 |
0,873 |
0,069 |
-0,055 |
HGP3 |
-0,168 |
-0,047 |
0,763 |
0,07 |
0,211 |
DBP1 |
0,137 |
0,028 |
-0,099 |
0,744 |
0,02 |
DBP2 |
-0,087 |
-0,028 |
-0,014 |
0,877 |
0,041 |
DBP3 |
-0,029 |
0,004 |
0,096 |
0,886 |
-0,057 |
KM1 |
0,103 |
0,058 |
-0,172 |
0,161 |
0,782 |
KM2 |
-0,077 |
0,195 |
0,082 |
0,189 |
0,77 |
KM3 |
-0,014 |
-0,125 |
0,038 |
-0,15 |
0,912 |
KM4 |
-0,009 |
-0,09 |
0,04 |
-0,149 |
0,907 |
Source: Research Processed Results,
In the table above it can be seen that the correlation value of all
indicators from each construct has a high correlation with the construct
variable. This explains that all indicators in each construct variable meet the
discriminant validity requirements.
Table 5. Validity
Test of AVE Square Roots
Variable |
Product |
Promotion |
Value |
Distribution |
Decision |
Product |
0,785 |
0,412 |
0,481 |
0,459 |
0,602 |
Promotion |
0,412 |
0,753 |
0,482 |
0,484 |
0,586 |
Value |
0,481 |
0,482 |
0,809 |
0,483 |
0,64 |
Distribution |
0,459 |
0,484 |
0,483 |
0,838 |
0,585 |
Decision |
0,602 |
0,586 |
0,64 |
0,585 |
0,845 |
Source: Research Processed Results,
In the table above it can be seen that the square root value of AVE
along the diagonal line has a greater correlation between one construct and
another so it can be concluded that the construct has a good level of validity.
Reliability Test
Table 6. Cronbach's
Alpha Results
Alpha |
Description |
Product |
0,922 |
Reliable |
Promotion |
0,941 |
Reliable |
Value |
0,735 |
Reliable |
Distribution |
0,785 |
Reliable |
Decision |
0,864 |
Reliable |
Source: Research Processed Results,
In the table above it can be seen that all the values of Cronbach's
alpha construct variables are above 0.70. This explains that all construct
variables meet the reliability requirements.
Table 7. Composite
Reliability Results
Reliability |
Criteria |
Description |
Product |
0,935 |
> 0.70 |
Reliable |
Promotion |
0,948 |
> 0.70 |
Reliable |
Value |
0,85 |
> 0.70 |
Reliable |
Distribution |
0,875 |
> 0.70 |
Reliable |
Decision |
0,909 |
> 0.70 |
Reliable |
Source: Research Processed Results,
In the table above it can be seen that all values of the composite
reliability of the construct variables of the research variables are above
0.70. This explains that all construct variables meet the reliability
Structural Model Testing (Inner Model)
Table 8. R – Square
Model structure |
R-squared Coefficients |
Adjusted R-squared
Coefficients |
0.632 |
0.622 |
Source: Research Processed Results,
In the table above, it can be obtained that the value of Adjusted R
Square for the decision-making variable is 0.622. This means that 62.2% of the
voting decision variable is influenced by product, promotion, price and
political distribution. While the remaining 37.8% is influenced by other
variables not included in this study.
Average path coefficient (APC)=0.247, P<0.001 Average R-squared
(ARS)=0.632, P<0.001 Average adjusted R-squared (AARS)=0.622,
P<0.001 block VIF (AVIF)=1.691,
acceptable if <= 5, ideally <= 3.3 Average full collinearity VIF
(AFVIF)=1.860, acceptable if <= 5, ideally <= 3.3 Tenenhaus GoF (GoF)=0.642, small >= 0.1,
medium >= 0.25,
large >= 0.36 Sympson's paradox ratio (SPR)=1.000, acceptable
if >= 0.7, ideally = 1 R-squared contribution ratio
(RSCR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.9, ideally = 1 Statistical suppression ratio
(SSR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.7 Nonlinear bivariate causality
direction ratio (NLBCDR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.7
Table 9. Value of Fit
Indicators and Quality Indexes
Research Processed Results, 2021
1) Average path coefficient
The average path coefficient
(APC) value was obtained of 0.247 with a p-value <0.001, so it can be
interpreted that the research model has good fit.
2) Average R-squared (ARS)
The average R-squared (ARS)
value is 0.632 with a p-value <0.001, so it can be interpreted that the
research model has a good fit.
3) Average adjusted R-squared
An average adjusted
R-squared (AARS) value of 0.622 was obtained with a p-value <0.001, this
could mean that the researcher's model had good fit.
4) Average block VIF (AVIF)
& Average full collinearity VIF (AFVIF)
The average variance
inflation factor (AVIF) value is 1.691 and the average full collinearity
variance inflation factor (AFVIF) is 1.860 <3.3, which means that there is
no multicollinearity problem between indicators and between exogenous
5) Tenenhaus GoF (GoF)
The tenenhaus goodness of
fit value was obtained of 0.642 > 0.36 which indicates that the predictive
power of the model is large or the fit model is very good.
6) Sympson's paradox ratio
(SPR), R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR), Statistical suppression ratio
(SSR), Nonlinear bivariate causality direction ratio (NLBCDR)
To evaluate the quality
indexes, the Symson's paradox ratio (SPR) index is 1,000 > 0.70 (ideal), the
R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR) is 1,000 > 0.90 (ideal), the statistical
suppression ratio (SSR) is 1,000 > 0.70 (ideal) and the nonlinear bivariate
causality direction ratio (NLBCDR) value is 1,000 > 0.70 which means that
the indices have no causality problem in the model.
Table 10. Performance
Importance Analysis (PIA)
No |
Statement |
Means |
Loading Factor |
Quadrant |
1 |
Political candidate
platform |
3,993 |
0,753 |
II |
2 |
Past records |
4,31 |
0,811 |
I |
3 |
Formal education |
3,979 |
0,758 |
II |
4 |
Certain age
considerations |
3,71 |
0,754 |
II |
5 |
Lead experience |
4,2 |
0,755 |
II |
6 |
Good governance |
4,214 |
0,872 |
I |
7 |
morals |
4,428 |
0,853 |
I |
8 |
The level of ideological similarity |
3,786 |
0,785 |
I |
9 |
promise |
3,703 |
0,713 |
II |
10 |
Advertisement via tv |
3,034 |
0,781 |
11 |
Advertising via radio |
2,931 |
0,79 |
IV |
12 |
Ads through newspapers |
3,034 |
0,806 |
IV |
13 |
Advertising through magazines |
3,014 |
0,812 |
IV |
14 |
Publication via television |
3,545 |
0,762 |
15 |
Advertising via radio |
3,331 |
0,752 |
16 |
Ads through newspapers |
3,283 |
0,749 |
17 |
Advertising through magazines |
3,248 |
0,749 |
18 |
Debate events |
3,662 |
0,723 |
II |
19 |
Celebrity |
2,69 |
0,707 |
20 |
Publication via |
3,283 |
0,746 |
Facebook |
21 |
Publication via Twitter |
3,345 |
0,734 |
22 |
Publication via |
3,469 |
0,708 |
Youtube |
23 |
Publication via Blog |
3,352 |
0,718 |
24 |
Economy Price |
4,021 |
0,788 |
I |
25 |
Psychological price/protection value |
3,614 |
0,873 |
IV |
26 |
National image |
4,4 |
0,763 |
II |
27 |
Live meeting |
3,655 |
0,744 |
II |
28 |
Indirect interaction |
3,4 |
0,877 |
IV |
29 |
Interaction by other parties |
3,614 |
0,886 |
IV |
30 |
Attention |
3,738 |
0,782 |
II |
31 |
Interest |
3,428 |
0,77 |
32 |
choosing a |
4,338 |
0,912 |
I |
candidate |
33 |
The act of choosing a candidate |
4,407 |
0,907 |
I |
Average |
3,64118 |
0,78464 |
Research Processed Results, 2021
After testing the hypothesis, the following table summarizes the
hypotheses that have been tested:
Table 11. Hypothesis test results
No |
Influence |
Path Coefficients |
P |
Decision |
values |
H1 |
→ Decision |
0,294 |
<0,001 |
Significant |
H2 |
Promotion → Decision |
0,176 |
0,014 |
Significant |
H3 |
→ Decision |
0,308 |
<0,001 |
Significant |
H4 |
Distribution → Decision |
0,208 |
0,005 |
Significant |
Source: Research Processed Results,
H1: A path
coefficients value of 0.294 is obtained, which means that for every 1 unit
increase in perceptions of political products, the decision to vote will
increase by 0.294 and vice versa assuming other variables are constant. Then a
p value <0.001 is obtained, which means that political products have a
significant effect on voting decisions.
H2: A path
coefficient value of 0.176 is obtained, which means that every 1 unit increase
in perceptions of political promotion will increase the decision to vote by
0.176 and vice versa assuming other variables are constant. Then obtained a p
value of 0.014 <0.05 which means that political promotion has a significant
effect on the decision to vote.
H3: A path
coefficients value of 0.308 is obtained, which means that for every 1 unit
increase in perceptions of political prices, then
it will increase the decision to choose by 0.308 and vice versa assuming other
variables remain. Then a p value <0.001 is obtained, which means that
political prices have a significant effect on the decision to vote.
H4: A path
coefficients value of 0.208 is obtained, which means that each increase in
perception of political distribution by 1 unit will increase the decision to
vote by 0.208 and vice versa assuming other variables are constant. Then a p
value of 0.005 <0.05 is obtained, which means that political distribution
has a significant effect on voting decisions.
Based on the result of study, the conclusion are; (1)
products have a significant effect on the decision to elect repeat voters in
general elections in Indonesia, a case study on FEB students at the Universitas Riau,
(2) political
promotion has a significant effect on the decision to elect repeat voters in
general elections in Indonesia, a case study of FEB students at the Universitas Riau,
(3) political
prices have a significant effect on the decision to vote for recurring voters
in general elections in Indonesia, a case study on FEB students at the Universitas Riau,
and (4) political
distribution has a significant effect on the decision to elect repeat voters in
general elections in Indonesia, a case study on FEB students at the Universitas Riau.
Moreover, this research is expected to be a
reference and basis for further research. For those who want to do further
research, they can add other variables that can influence the decision to
choose, such as social media, promotion mix, and others so that the results
obtained are even better. Because in this study, 62.2% of the voting decision
variables were influenced by product, promotion, price and political
distribution. While the remaining 37.8% is influenced by other variables not
included in this study.
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