Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 3 Number 4, April, 2023

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727






Yani Supriani

Universitas Serang Raya, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]




During the Covid 19 pandemic, students had low motivation and enthusiasm because they were not ready to face the various difficulties caused by the pandemic. Students who have a growth mindset will have an impact on efforts to build quality education, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic and studies on growth mindset in the scope of education in Indonesia are still limited. The purpose of this research is to foster a growth mindset in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goals in the form of efforts to build quality education during the Covid 19 pandemic. This research method uses the literature study method (research results review). The growth mindset has a very important role in building strong student personalities during the learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic. The quality of education has a major influence on other fields, and by having a growth mindset the younger generation can help the community and provide positive enthusiasm to face any situation, at any time, and to anyone. The slightest participation from youth who have a growth mindset will be able to bring about this change. From this study it resulted that a growth mindset can realize the achievement of the SDGs goals in the form of quality education efforts during the Covid 19 pandemic.



growth mindset; quality education; COVID 19


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




At the end of 2019, right in December at the end of the year, the WHO China Country Office announced a case that had no etiology found in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China (Jaya & Guntoro, 2020). Then, on January 7, 2020, China identified pneumonia of unknown etiology as a new type of coronavirus (novel coronavirus). In early 2020 NCP started to become a global pandemic and became a health problem in several countries outside the PRC (Fathurahman, 2020). Based on the World Health Organization (WHO) cluster pneumonia cases with unclear etiology in the city of Wuhan have become a health problem throughout the world (Lisma & Rangkuti, 2021).

This pandemic continues to develop until there are reports of deaths and new cases outside of China. Indonesia is the second country with the highest spread of Covid-19 with spikes above 1000. Indonesia occupies positions 31 and 40 countries with the highest number of cases in the world (Hennida et al., 2020). Based on these data, it shows that Indonesia is in a critical state of health, so there needs to be the right solution to stop the spread of Covid-19 so that activities can run normally again, especially for the world of education.

The influence or impact resulting from Covid-19 is so great in the world of education, this is widely felt by various elements of the level of education, both higher education and elementary education. Due to the high spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia, universities and other tertiary institutions were closed, including elementary schools. This situation invites various policies in an effort to deal with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemicit's getting worse. Nearly 107 countries in the world have finally decided to close schools for an undetermined period (Viner et al., 2020). With the closure of schools, the government has taken several steps to ensure that the learning process is not left behind and students still have the right to acquire knowledge. Therefore, the government's next decision is that the learning process will continue, but not face-to-face but e-learning. So for this policy students must study at home which is carried out with distance learning through two approaches, namely online and offline distance learning (Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia).

The implementation of this distance learning policy in a number of educational institutions has not been maximized due to various limitations. This is proven by one of the results of research conducted by Baety and Munandar based on the results of their research, 63 respondents stated that the implementation of this learning had not been running effectively. This lack of effectiveness is caused by the sudden implementation so media adaptation is needed first. In addition, this online learning has the disadvantage of the learning process, which requires a very large quota (Baety & Munandar, 2021).

Based on the results of research by Fitra et al (2021) stated that from the results of the questionnaire, 83.3 students experienced problems in online learning, namely the network was unstable and many were constrained, including a lack of understanding of the material so that students found it difficult to complete various assignments given by lecturers thus obtaining an unsatisfactory value (Fitra et al., 2021). In addition, learning changes due to Covid-19 require adaptation and persistence of students in the learning process due to various obstacles such as decreased enthusiasm, motivation, and feeling bored in learning so that it will hinder students from achieving learning goals.

Some of the research above explains that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on platforms that focus on educating the younger generation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, students had low motivation and enthusiasm because they were not ready to face the various difficulties caused by the pandemic. Those who have a fixed mindset will avoid challenges and will give up easily (Dweck, 2009). Thus, the authors conclude that there are still many students who have a fixed mindset and this fixed mindset will have an impact on efforts to build quality education.

Quality education is one of the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Safitri et al., 2022). Therefore, as an Agent of Change (AOC) has an obligation to participate in realizing the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of efforts to build quality education. Therefore, the author wants to study about cultivating a growth mindset to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of quality education efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because action in one field can influence other fields, so that later changes will be made for the better in the fields of education, social, economic, environmental, and sustainable. We also believe that the slightest participation from youth who have a growth mindset will be able to bring about this change.

Because with a positive mindset can change the way they think about themselves and their lives (Dweck, 2009). Research by Faatihathul Ghaybiyyah explains that growth mindset has a significant influence on academic grit (Ghaybiyyah & Nisa, 2021). It is this mindset that allows people to thrive when experiencing the most challenging times in their lives. People who have a growth mindset will love what they are doing or what they are facing right now even though they have to find various difficulties that they don't like until they finally achieve success (Dweck, 2009).

Based on the description above, the authors consider that students who have a growth mindset will have an impact on efforts to build quality education, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, studies on growth mindset in the scope of education in Indonesia are still limited, so the authors are interested in conducting this study with the aim of cultivating a growth mindset in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of efforts to build quality education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because, the quality of education has a major influence on other fields, and by having a growth mindset the younger generation can help society and provide positive enthusiasm to face any situation, anytime, and to anyone. Each step can provide benefits, motivation, and always encourage to always participate in positive activities in order to develop their potential, and form the slightest change in oneself, but able to create a big impact on the country for the future.



This study uses the method of literature study (research results review), namely the search for some empirical literature that is appropriate and relevant to this theme (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The study of the research results includes, first, research by Barbouta, A., Barbouta, C., & Kotrotsiou with the research title Growth Mindset and Grit: How Do University Students' Mindsets and Grit Affect their Academic Achievement?; secondly, research by Claro, S., Paunesku, D., Dweck, CS, Thompson, RA, & Wilson, entitled Growth mindset tempers the effects of poverty on academic achievement; third, research by Fathihatul Ghaybiyyah with the title of the role of learning motivation as a mediator variable of growth mindset and parenting style on academic grit of junior high school students; fourth, research by Dweck in a book entitled mindset; Change your mindset for big changes in your life.

The literature study in this research is based on the results of both published and unpublished papers (Knopf, 2006). The literature used is in the form of books and scientific articles from international and national journals. The literature review includes several stages, namely the sources used as review literature are in line with the writing. Then the contents that are loaded are adjusted to the existing library sources. then the content of the source is summarized to produce new ideas.



In the phenomenon that occurs, we as writers offer and provide solutions to help solve these problems in order to save the world of Indonesian education from the threat of an educational crisis. The bids submitted are as follows:

1)  A quality education system starts at the curriculum (Adha et al., 2019). The curriculum makes the basis as a reference for teaching and learning so that quality education is carried out. This curriculum is reviewed from several aspects that occur so that there is a need for definite and precise clarity in its implementation. Besides that, educators (teachers, lecturers) must have guidance by holding a different curriculum from the previous curriculum, so that educators can adapt to the new teaching and learning environment. With this strategy, hopefully it can help in the smooth running of the education system through this curriculum.

2)  KBM process with dynamic models, methods, strategies and media. With this dynamic learning process, it is expected that students can carry out learning without boredom and boredom. However, the current curriculum meets the criteria that should be achieved, namely the 2013 curriculum, where the 2013 curriculum is a learning process that will always be carried out with scientific activities, such as observing, asking, reasoning, trying, and making connections with what is being studied. However, our learning has become entrenched so that there needs to be a breakthrough to change the culture. Therefore, it is also necessary to implement a dynamic learning process, such as learning distractions with conversations, there are relaxation activities in ongoing learning, students are made curious for knowledge, involve students in productive activities outside which will be rich in knowledge and insight. This can make students productive both in the academic and non-academic fields.

3)  Teaching/reading materials are one of the roles in the teaching and learning process. In this process there needs to be a change because from the basic level up to the top level they still use the same reading (models and methods). The author has a strategy that the process of teaching/ reading materials needs to be improved slowly and significantly. For example, elementary schools use interesting reading materials for knowledge, then junior high schools (junior high schools) use student worksheets, and senior/vocational high schools (high schools/vocational schools) use reading materials for knowledge, abilities/skills, and mindset. From these references, you can make references as non-monotonous reading material (using worksheets continuously).

4)  Qualified teaching staff, this has a very important role in class because they directly deal with students. The teacher/lecturer is a very effective mediator, therefore the teacher/lecturer needs to understand the situation in the classroom to apply models, methods, strategies and media in ongoing teaching and learning. Even though the teacher/lecturer has attained higher education, guidance from the Ministry of Education and Culture or other institutions is needed so that the teaching and learning activities can be optimized.

5)  Facilities and infrastructure, is one support for the continuity of the learning process. However, this facility is not an existing facility in general in schools but a detailed facility. Facilities such as books do not all have to be read in their homes, technological media during learning takes place so that students are not bored while learning, coupled with decorations when explaining material on PowerPoint, displaying knowledge videos and others.

6)  The growth mindset movement is guided by a counseling teacher, for students to determine the direction and pattern of life that will be lived. Students who tend to be active (developing mindset) will find it easier to get close to the teacher but there are also many students who are passive experiencing a fixed mindset that makes it difficult to be close to their teacher, this is because they have their own personal traits and characters. However, this counseling teacher is limited, so there must be a role from other teachers to foster this growth mindset. So, counseling education needs to be improved to open the mindset of these students.

After knowing the ideas that have been described and the solutions presented, it is necessary to implement these ideas as a driver and support for the success of the concept that has been planned and to find out how much success has been achieved. For this reason, it is necessary to have related parties in achieving these goals, namely, as follows:

1)  The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI), this first party is the party that organizes education in Indonesia so that it has a really big role in achieving quality education. The Ministry of Education and Culture can also establish education from several sectors/fields to produce quality education, starting from the national education system, procuring teaching staff, procuring budgets, and infrastructure.

2)  Teacher organization, is a forum for association of educators. This organization can help educators coordinate and communicate with each other so that there is an exchange of thoughts, experiences when carrying out teaching and learning activities in each of their duties.

3)  The private sector also has a role in developing the abilities/skills of students to hone their abilities so that when they graduate, they will acquire abilities other than in the academic field.

4)  Internal and external organizations in schools/higher education, these organizations can also encourage quality education so that it can develop, both in terms of academic, non-academic, and mindset.

Morover, the study will explain how to implement it after an idea has been described, solution planning and parties involved in promoting quality education. By holding a strategy and timeline so that it runs smoothly, regularly and significantly. The strategy and timeline that will be implemented are as follows:

1)  Improving the ability of educators

In this global era, the function of learning is more important in increasing mastery of science and technology than the results of technology (Wijaya et al., 2016). Professional learning is needed in their field. Improvement and development of professional capabilities according to the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education covers various aspects including the ability to use methods and facilities in the teaching and learning process, carry out assessments of learning processes and outcomes, ability to utilize the environment as a source of learning, discipline, and learning commitment to assignments, capacity building learning can be implemented as follows; (1) curriculum implementation, (2) development of annual programs, semester programs, and preparation for teaching, (3) use of methods, media, and learning resources, (3) implementation of learning activities, (4) remedial and enrichment programs, (5) carry out extracurricular activities, (6) the growth mindset movement is guided by guidance and counseling (BK), and (7) application of local content

2)  Utilization of the environment, as well as improvement of infrastructure and facilities 

Utilization of the environment includes increasing success, beauty, safety, and environmental health. The development of infrastructure and facilities to support the learning process can be carried out as follows; (1) library, (2) supporting facilities for curriculum activities, (3) infrastructure and facilities for extracurricular and mulok activities

3)  Carry out monitoring and evaluation in a planned manner

Learning quality improvement programs can be achieved if the learning process in class goes well, is efficient and effective. This can be accomplished if students play a direct role in teaching and educating their students, can improve their abilities, are fostered continuously. To motivate students to develop their main daily tasks in accordance with the demands of their profession, it is necessary to carry out a professional development process as follows; (1) objective and (2) means

4)  Development of learning evaluation tests

The first step in developing a test is to establish a test specification, which contains a description that shows the overall characteristics of a test. The development of learning evaluation tests can be carried out as follows; (1) mechanisms, tests, and evaluation of learning, (2) the ability of educators to manage tests and evaluation of learning, and (3) basic principles of assessment

5)  Establish a relationship between the school and the community

School is a place for fostering and developing knowledge and culture that is appropriate and desired by the community where the school is located (Sidauruk et al., 2023). On the other hand, the community is expected to help and cooperate with schools so that school programs run smoothly and the graduates produced meet the needs of the community.

Therefore, the relationship between the school and the community needs to be nurtured and developed continuously, namely; (1) school relations with parents of students, (2) school relations with related agencies, (3) school relations with the world of business and community leaders, and (4) school relations with other educational institutions

6)  Improving basic competence and improving attitudes that educators must have

In carrying out the learning process, a learner must have the attitude and ability; (1) mastering the curriculum and learning tools, (2) mastery of subject matter, (3) mastery of assessment methods and techniques, (4) commitment or love of educators towards their duties, and (5) discipline.




Based on the description above it can be concluded,To foster a growth mindset in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of efforts to build quality education during the Covid-19 pandemic, the ideas put forward are; (1) a quality education system starts at the curriculum, (2) KBM process with dynamic models, methods, strategies and media, (3) teaching/reading materials, as one of the roles in the teaching and learning process, (4) qualified educators, (5) facilities and infrastructure as a support for the continuity of the learning process, and (6) the growth mindset movement is guided by a counseling teacher, for students to determine the direction and pattern of life that will be lived.

In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of efforts to build quality education during the Covid-19 pandemic by cultivating a growth mindset, this can be done by implementing steps including; (1) improving the ability of educators, (2) utilization of the environment, as well as improvement of infrastructure and facilities, (3) carry out monitoring and evaluation in a planned manner, (4) development of learning evaluation tests, (5) establish a relationship between the school and the community, and (6) improving basic competence and improving attitudes that educators must have.

When this step is carried out,then the goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of efforts to build quality education during the Covid-19 pandemic through the cultivation of a growth mindset will be well achieved.

Thus, action in one field can influence other fields, so that later changes will be made for the better in the field of education, social, economic, environmental, and sustainable. We also believe that the slightest participation from youth who have a growth mindset will be able to bring about this change. In addition, the quality of education has a major influence on other fields, and by having a growth mindset the younger generation can help society and provide positive enthusiasm to face any situation, at any time, and to anyone.

We always hope that every step of the way can provide benefits, motivation, and always give enthusiasm to always participate in positive activities in order to develop their potential, and make even the slightest change in themselves, but to be able to create a big impact on the country one day.



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