Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 3 Number 4, April, 2023

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727







Aben BYH Romana, Fransiskus Salesius Onggang, Gladur Blasius, Susana Emo

Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected],

             [email protected], [email protected]




The low awareness of mothers about implementing health protocols will have an impact on toddlers. The incidence of COVID-19 at the Wuhan China children's hospital reached 10.6% in toddlers, in Indonesia it was 2.9%, in East Nusa Tenggara there were 858 toddlers and at the Sikumana Health Center in Kupang City in 2020 6 toddlers, and in 2021 it increased to 70 toddlers. The study aims to find out relationship between the level of knowledge and behavior in implementing health protocols for mothers under five in the working area of ​​the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City. This type of research method is an analytical quantitative research approachCross sectional study and using a parametric test, namely the chi-square test. Results of study shows most of the level of knowledge and behavior in implementing health protocols for mothers under five is in the good category. Statistical test resultsshows a p value of 0.000 < Alpha 0.05 meaning that there is a significant correlation or relationship betweenthe level of knowledge and behavior of mothers with toddlers regarding the implementation of health protocols at posyandu, Oepura village, Sikumana health center, Kupang City. There is a relationshipbetweenthe level of knowledge and behavior of mothers with toddlers about implementing health protocolsin the working area of ​​the Sikumana health center, Kupang city. It is hoped that the knowledge of mothers under five about implementing health protocols will be well maintained and those who still have sufficient and insufficient knowledge need to be increased



level of knowledge; mothers of toddlers; behavior of implementing health protocols


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




Corona virus disease (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic, because its spread has spread worldwide and has resulted in a threat to society in terms of health, economy and society. This is due to the fact that this disease is new, so much knowledge about this new virus is not available (Siti, 2021). A continuous increase in COVID-19 cases, because there are still many found in the community who are less concerned about maintaining health and lack awareness in implementing health protocols (Hanggara et al., 2021). The low awareness of parents, in this case mothers, in implementing health protocols will also have an impact on toddlers. Because the family is the smallest unit in the order of life. Therefore, the first education starts from the family and what is applied by the family or mother will be followed by the toddler. So the role of mothers in protecting children during the COVID-19 pandemic is very important. The incidence of COVID-19 in children's hospitals in Wuhan China with severe and critical symptoms is 10.6% in aged children < 1 year, 1-5 years (7.3%). Half of children with critical Covid-19 are toddlers who are less than 5 years old (Cynthia et al., 2022).

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) in 2020 stated that there were 11,000 Indonesian toddlers who were exposed to the COVID-19 virus, with a mortality rate of children under 1 month of age (13%), ages up to 1 year (23%), and children aged 1-5 year (24%) (Giri, 2021). Based on data from the task force for handling COVID-19 in Indonesia as of 11 August 2021, the total number of COVID-19 in toddlers aged 0-5 years was 2.9% and 0.5% of them diedworld. According to data from UNICEF and the Indonesian pediatrician association, entering the Covid-19 pandemic, real data shows that there has been an increase in under-five deaths of around 50% (Fredy et al., 2021).

 COVID-19 cases in children in NTT are of particular concern as in other regions in Indonesia where positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NTT totaled 858 toddlers aged 0-5 years (Ministry of Health, 2021).

Data obtained from the Sikumana health center in Kupang city, namely the total number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in 2020 was 137 people, and in 2021 there were 2,359 people with a total of 4 people who died in 2020 and 52 people in 2021. Meanwhile, the number of toddlers who were confirmed positive for the corona virus in 2020 totaled 6 toddlers and for 2021 70 toddlers (Covid-19 Data Manager at the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City)

The low implementation of health protocols is due to a lack of awareness and indifference from all elements, according to a study conducted by (Novalia & Handayani, 2021) that most people have not implemented health protocols properly and correctly. This is because many people believe the news spread on the internet but cannot be justified for its truth.

Based on the results of interviews with 10 mothers of toddlers at the Posyandu Kasih, Oepura subdistrict, Sikumana Health Center, Kupang city, that six respondents said they did not know and did not implement the COVID-19 health protocol. Only four respondents said they knew and implemented the COVID-19 health protocol.

The key to success in breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 is complying with the health protocols set by the government. The family, in this case the mother, is an important pillar in looking after other family members, for example toddlers, by making various creative and innovative efforts, especially for children who are in golden age will be very easy to imitate and receive stimulation (Cynthia et al., 2022).

Therefore, mother's knowledge about implementing health protocols is very important in order to properly implement COVID-19 prevention measures. Because knowledge will affect the behavior of implementing health protocols, where high knowledge can produce a positive attitude in protective measures against COVID-19, and vice versa mothers who do not have knowledge related to implementing health protocols will have an impact on their behavior in implementing health protocols (Yunianto et al., 2020).

So the role of the family, especially mothers who spend a lot of time with toddlers, has an important influence in preventing COVID-19. Specifically, the mother's role in preventing COVID-19 in children is to protect and ensure that all family members adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle, by implementing health protocols such as washing hands as often as possible, using masks if they have to do activities outside the home and maintaining a safe distance or social distancing, consuming healthy food and getting enough rest (Yunianto et al., 2020). Another way that can be done by parents in maintaining the health of their children is by habituating clean and healthy living behavior in the home environment (Gori, 2022).

Based on the description above, the study aims to exame the relationship between knowledge level and behavior in implementing health protocols for mothers under five during the COVID-19 pandemic in the working area of the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City.



This type of research is quantitative analytic research with a cross-sectional study approach (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The research instrument used a questionnaire consisting of a questionnaire on the level of knowledge of toddler mothers and the behavior of toddler mothers regarding the implementation of health protocols. The population in this study ismothers of toddlers in posyandu of Oepura village in the working area of the Sikumana health center, Kupang city with a total of 181 mothers of toddlers and the sample size used was 125 mothers of toddlers. Data analysis in this study uses the SPSS application and research ethics, namely maintaining privacy and anonymity.









General data



Table 1

Age of Respondents



Percentage (%)
















(Source: Research Primary Data)

Table 1 shows that the age of the most respondents at the Sikumana health center Posyandu, Kupang, Oepura village, was at the age of 20-30 years as many as 63 respondents (50%), and the smallest respondent at the age of 51-60 years was 1 respondent (1%).


Educational Background

Table 2

Educational Background of Respondents



Percentage (%)

Elementary School



Junior High School



Senior High School



















(Source: Research Primary Data)

Table 2 shows that the last education of the most respondents was junior high school as many as 42 respondents (34%). And the last education of the few respondents was that 1 respondent (1%) did not graduate.




Table 3

Occupation of Respondents



Percentage (%)







Private sctor






(Source: Research Primary Data)

Table 3 shows that the type of work most respondents are IRT as many as 107 respondents (86%).


Custom data

Knowledge level

Table 4

Knowledge level of Respondents

Knowledge level


Percentage (%)







Not enough






(Source: Research Primary Data)

Shows the level of knowledge of mothers with toddlers about implementing health protocolsIn the Working Area of ​​the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City, in June 2022, 107 respondents were included in the good category (86%), sufficient category 16 respondents (13%) and less category 2 respondents (2%).


Health Protocol Implementation Behavior


Table 5

Behavior of implementing health protocols results

Behavior of implementing health protocols















(Source: Research Primary Data)


Showing Behavior of Implementing Health Protocols in toddler mothersincluded in the good category as many as 84 respondents (66%), sufficient category 41 respondents (33%), and no one is categorized as bad


The relationship between the level of knowledge and behavior and behavior of toddler mothers regarding the application of health protocols


Table 6

level of knowledge and behavior of toddler mother

level of knowledge


P value







































Statistical test results using Chi Square analysis obtained a significance value or Sig. (2-tailed) of (ρ.000) because the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < smaller than 0.05 meansthere is a significant correlation or relationship betweenthe level of knowledge and behavior of mothers with toddlers regarding the implementation of health protocols at posyandu, Oepura village, Sikumana health center, Kupang City



Characteristics of Toddler Mothers

The results of his research showed that the age of most respondents was between 20-30 years,In general, the age or age of the mother can indicate the level of maturity or maturity in solving a problem at hand, including when determining or making decisions to implement health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because age can affect one's comprehension and thinking patterns, this is where, the older you get, the more one's understanding and thinking patterns will develop (Kartikasari, 2020).

Furthermore, the latest education shows that mothers of toddlers who are the most respondents are junior high school as many as 42 respondents.Education can affect the level of mother's knowledge. This means that one of the factors that influence mother's knowledge is the level of education, where a higher level of education can influence a person's perception to make it easier to make decisions and act (Kartikasari, 2020). Education is the main factor determining a person's level of knowledge where the higher the level of education the better the way of thinking in the decision-making process. According to the researcher's assumption that the higher the mother's education, the better it is in protecting her child, especially the health of toddlers because the health and illness of toddlers depends on how the mother cares for or protects toddlers.

Data based on the type of work shows that most of the respondents are housewives.Work is something that is done by humans for a specific purpose that is done in a good and right way. Age, level of education and work can have an influence on the level of knowledge of the mother, because the older you are, the more you develop your comprehension and mindset (Desi, 2020).


Knowledge Level of Toddler Mothers

The research results found thatthe highest level of knowledge about implementing the health protocol for toddler mothers is included in the good category. The results of this study are supported by previous research by (Munir, et al, 2022) regarding the relationship between knowledge about COVID-19 and adherence to the application of visitor health protocols, the results of the study areas many as 83 respondents (35%) the level of knowledge of respondents is good. In addition to the results of research conducted by (Munir, 2022) results of research conducted by (Kartikasari, 2020) also supports this research entitled the relationship between level of knowledge and adherence to health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic in pregnant women, the results of the research are respondents who have good knowledge.

The first factor influencing knowledge is experience, this can be obtained from one's own experience or that of others. For example, if a family member has been exposed to COVID-19, then they will know more about what to do if they are exposed to COVID-19, as well as a mother when she has been confirmed with COVID-19, so she will protect and look after her toddler by strictly implementing the health protocol. Both levels of education, people who have broad insight then have a good level of knowledge. Likewise, on the other hand, people who have low knowledge have minimal or below average levels of knowledge.

According to the assumptions of the researchers interpreted from the results of this study, it shows that the level of knowledge of mothers under five is in the category of knowing and understanding which means that mothers under five know about implementing good health protocols, namely washing hands with soap for 20 seconds, wearing masks when in public places and conducting independent isolation if confirmed positive for COVID-19. Why is it categorized as knowing and understanding because the application of health protocols to toddlers is still low which is in accordance with the data on an increase in COVID-19 in toddlers in the Sikumana Health Center Work Area, Kupang City. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the knowledge of mothers in caring for and protecting children or toddlers from corona virus infection, not only knowing but having to apply it with real action.


Health Protocol Implementation Behavior

The results of the study found that the behavior of implementing health protocols for toddler mothers was included in the good category. The results of this study are supported by previous research conducted by (Teuku, 2022) entitled Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the community in implementing the Covid-19 prevention health protocolshows that most people's behavior in implementing the COVID-19 prevention health protocol is in the good category.

Behavior is the result of the interaction between knowledge, attitudes and actions. Mother's behavior in implementing health protocols greatly affects the health and illness of toddlers. Because when a toddler gets sick, it is the mother who takes care of everything because the toddler is sick, it will hinder all activities or work from the mother, so one way to keep toddlers healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic is the behavior of implementing the mother's health protocol. Because there has been an increase in cases of COVID-19 in the last two years in the working area of ​​the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City, it requires mothers to be alert in toddler health. Because, Mother's behavior will influence behavior in carrying out and implementing health protocols for toddlers. Where Behavior based on knowledge will last longer than behavior that is not based on knowledge.


The relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers under five about the behavior of implementing health protocols

Based on the results of statistical tests using the SPSS application with a ρ value of 0.00 <0.005, it means that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge of mothers under five about the behavior of implementing health protocols in the Work Area of ​​the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City. The results of this study are supported by research conducted by (Sari & Utami, 2021) entitled the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitude in implementing health protocols, the results of the study showed that there was a very strong and unidirectional significant relationship between knowledge about COVID 19 and the behavior of implementing health protocols with a significance value or Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000, because the value of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < smaller than 0.0. that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and adherence to health protocols. Research results from (Mulyati Dini, Tahlil Teuku, 2022) entitled Knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the community in implementing the health protocol for preventing Covid-19. The results of his research found that community behavior in implementing the health protocol for preventing COVID-19 was in the good category.

Knowledge is the result of human sensing, or the result of knowing someone about an object through the senses they have either through the eyes, nose and so on. From the results of this study, most of the knowledge of mothers with toddlers about implementing health protocols is good, but this is out of sync with the increase in cases of COVID-19 in toddlers because good knowledge may not be in line with actions that reflect that mothers can practice implementing health protocols properly, for example when coming home from outside the house before touching toddlers should wash hands and change clothes worn with clean ones.

Furthermore, knowledge of toddler mothers about health is an important aspect before the occurrence of health behavior. where the better the mother's knowledge, the behavior is also good. The results of this study indicate that the behavior of mothers under five in implementing health protocols is mostly good.The key behavioral factors are predisposing factors (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs), realization factors (facilities), and reinforcement factors, namely support from the surrounding community. Any behavior in the form of concrete actions from a person is an awareness of its importance to one's health and life (Mulyati, 2022). Behavior is a response or reaction to stimuli or stimuli from outside. Because of this understanding, it can be concluded that the occurrence of health behavior is due to open habits related to health maintenance, health recovery and awareness of the importance of health (Pakpahan, 2021).

The author's assumption is that the behavior of toddler mothers will be well developed if they have experienced COVID-19 in their own mothersbut it is also a dilemma for mothers who are affected by COVID-19 and their babies who are still breastfed, it will also be very difficult to separate mothers from their babies because many toddlers do not want to be separated from their mothers during quarantine which is quite long for approximately 14 days. So mothers must be able to apply health protocols properly and when they want to touch or give their child breast milk. Because toddlers who get COVID-19 are usually transmitted from mothers or people who carry them without good health protocols.



The conclusion of study are; (1) characteristics of mothers under five based on age are mostly at the age of 20-30 years, the most recent education is junior high school education and the most types of work are housewives, (2) the level of knowledge of mothers under five about implementing health protocols in the Sikumana Health Center Work Area, Kupang City is in the good category, (3) the behavior of implementing health protocols by mothers under five in the Work Area of the Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City, is in the good category, and (4) there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and behavior of mothers with toddlers regarding the implementation of health protocols at posyandu, Oepura village, Sikumana health center, Kupang City.



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