Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence
Analysis of the effect of increasing the gdp of central java province through
infrastructure development 414
Rembang which is the first position in Central Java with 6.9% and followed by Semarang
City and Purbalingga City with the second position with a percentage of 6.3%. In
addition, in the third and subsequent positions only get a percentage of 6.0%-3.3%. It is
an obligation of the government to carry out comprehensive infrastructure in the districts
and cities in Central Java in order to consider the economy and development of the
infrastructure sector in Central Java which is part of Indonesia.
Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that Batam City has a fairly good
GRDP every year in the 2010-2019 period and has decreased in 2020 due to the Covid-19
virus. The results of the GRDP of the City of Batam each year are quite influential on the
economy of the city of Batam, this can be seen from the growth rate of GRDP each year,
although the average is below 5%, it can bring significant changes to the profits of the
City of Batam. Which in turn may also bring significant changes towards the rate at
which the city is developing its infrastructure and facilities which can improve the quality
of life for the citizens living in the area. Those facilities being public schools, hospitals,
interconnecting roads allowing the people to easily access the previously mentioned
facilities and their workplace, which would then improve their productivity and increase
the GRDP of Batam, causing the cycle to repeat again.
In conclusion, the economic growth of a city largely depends on how developed its
infrastructure are.he authors provide author recommendations related to this analysis,
namely during this covid-19 pandemic, hopefully the government can improve further
improvements to the economy of Batam City which was affected by the pandemic.
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