How to cite:
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence. (2021).
Analysis Of The Effect Of Increasing The Gdp Of Central Java Province
Through Infrastructure Development. Jurnal Eduvest. 1(6): 409-415
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence
Batam International University
E-mail: [email protected],,
May, 25
June, 3
June, 14
Infrastructure can be said to be the main driver for the
growth of economic activity in every country in the world,
therefore the importance of infrastructure cannot be
underestimated. However, infrastructure development for
Central Java is considered to be still in its early stages and
as such, inadequate infrastructure could seriously hamper
the economy. This study aims to investigate the effect that
an increase in GDP has on infrastructure growth through
data collected from various sources. The methodology
used to analyze and review the information generated by
the data is a quantitative method. The data used is
secondary data on infrastructure in 35 districts in Central
Java from 2010 to 2020. The analytical tool used in this
study is panel data regression using the fixed effect
method. Indicators to determine the progress of the
national economy can be seen from the values seen in
various GRDP in Indonesia. The results of this study
conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected several
things, one of which is the country's economic growth.
Planned infrastructure development can bring growth to
the economy of a region as in the example shown above.
Infrastructure development is one of the supporting
factors to increase economic growth in a region. The
development can be in the form of the establishment of
hospitals, transportation facilities, public schools and
GDP, Infrastructure , Economic, Production
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence
Analysis of the effect of increasing the gdp of central java province through
infrastructure development 410
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Economic growth is seen as the most important part of economic policy in any
country or economic system (Muttaqin, 2018). The endogenous growth model, which was
an improvement on the Harrod Domar and Solow growth models, explains that
investment in human capital, innovation and knowledge would unquestionably contribute
to economic growth (Ogundipe, Mobolaji, & Ogundipe, 2021). Beside, Countries with
higher rates of savings have had a faster economic growth than those with lower saving
rates (Ribaj & Mexhuani, 2021). Many analysts believe that economic growth in a high-
income country tends to be slower every year to come in the next period and partly that is
the development of this country's population which is expected to decline significantly
(Baker, De Long, & Krugman, 2005).
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be interpreted as the total amount of
production produced by the government (Arif, 2014). Gross Domestic Product is a
production of the value of goods and services originating from within a country in a
certain period. The calculation of national income is also a concept in gross domestic
product. According to (Tatan Sukwika, 2018) Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)
is a very important indicator and is used to determine the economic condition of an area
in a period, whether it is based on prevailing prices or on the basis of constant prices. The
influence of Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in a related area will always follow a
certain pattern based on the results of a selective study when faced with certain situations
and conditions, so that equitable development needs to be carried out thoroughly if the
targets set before the development are to be achieved.
GRDP has an unfavorable influence on the development of the unemployment
rate, thus causing the unemployment rate to decrease if the regional GRDP increases and
vice versa. This explanation agrees with the notion (Laksamana, 2016) where GRDP has
a large and negative effect when faced with unemployment growth in Central Java.
Infrastructure development within the country has become an important aspect in
the process of accelerating the level of national and regional development. Infrastructure
has a role to be the driving wheel of economic growth (Andiyan & Rachmat, 2021).
GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) is one of the most important indicators in
knowing the condition or economic growth of a region from within the level of one
period. GRDP can be interpreted as the sum of all income earned from each business unit
of economic activity in an area (Wahyuningtyas, Rusgiyono, & Wilandari, 2013). This
GRDP can be used as a source of information in planning, designing or developing in the
economic field.
Infrastructure can be mentioned as one of the drivers of a country's economic
growth. The source comes from an allocation of public and private financing. According
to (Gie, 2002) in (Hawali & Aritenang, n.d.) in macroeconomic theory, the availability of
infrastructure services is an influence on reducing production costs and of course also
affects the marginal productivity of private capital. Infrastructure is an important
influence for improving the welfare of human life (Atmaja & Mahalli, 2015). One
example is an increase in the value of consumption, production capacity of the workforce
and as an entry point to employment (Sulaksono, 2015). According (Mankiw, 2003)
argues that infrastructure is a physical system that provides facilities in the form of
drainage, bridges and others as a form of government investment in its citizens to
encourage economic development. Infrastructure is also built to advance a company's
How to cite:
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence. (2021).
Analysis Of The Effect Of Increasing The Gdp Of Central Java Province
Through Infrastructure Development. Jurnal Eduvest. 1(6): 409-415
Published by:
productivity level in the form of an increase from a company so that it can become even
better (Hapsari, 2011).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
This research was conducted in order to determine the effect of infrastructure
development on economic growth conditions in Central Java Province. The analysis was
compiled based on the results of economic data in the province of Central Java from
2010-2020. By using quantitative analysis methods, the authors can determine the rate of
economic growth that occurs in an area that is difficult to separate from the infrastructure
in the country such as transportation, telecommunications, sanitation, and energy. These
factors can cause infrastructure development within the country to be the basis of
sustainable economic development.
Based on data from the Central Java Statistics Agency (BPS Jateng) it has been
noted that the effects of infrastructure development in Central Java are developing from
year to year. Infrastructure plays an important role in increasing the value of state
consumption, access to employment, increasing labor productivity, increasing prosperity
in the country's economy and realizing macroeconomic stability.
Gross Regional Domestic Product in Central Java province has increased from
2010 to 2019. However, based on data from BPS it is known that in 2020 there will be a
decline due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This epidemic has caused national income in
Central Java to decline, many economic activities have slowed (Indayani & Hartono,
2020), one of which is infrastructure development the regional and state economies
experienced a slump that year.
The province of Central Java is experiencing rapid development of infrastructure,
because Central Java has a high population and there are many companies that are
established in the area. In this case, the movement of infrastructure greatly affects the
GDP in the country. Therefore, research to examine more deeply the impact of
infrastructure development on GRDP is very important in order to increase the pace of
the economy of Central Java province.
Previously, there have been previous studies that are relevant to this study, one of
the studies conducted by (Zamzami & PUJIYONO, 2014) with the title Analysis of the
Effect of Infrastructure on the GDP of Central Java in 2008 2012. The results of This
study indicates that the length of road, irrigation, the rate of education (Senior High
School), public civil servants, and the development expenditure, have affect significantly
to regional GDP of Central Java. Meanwhile, water, electricity, the rate of health (amount
of bedroom in hospital) and housing positively affect regional GDP but not significant.
Semarang city and Surakarta city have good regional GDP because their coefficients are
positive, meanwhile the other cities are negative. The result of this study also founded the
irrigation has the biggest impact.
During the research process, the author's team used quantitative research to carry
out this analysis. The approach used in this research is descriptive research. This research
was conducted by collecting descriptive data about a social phenomenon. The author uses
quantitative data in conducting the research process. Quantitative data is one type of data
that depends on numbers and numbers. The data source used by the author is primarily
from the BPS (Central Statistic Agency) website which contains data needed by the
authors to determined the development of GRDP in Central Java, mainly on Batam from
the year 2010 to 2020, with the secondary source being namely through various literature
studies, news and several journals which contains references the author feel correlates
with the topic. The population referred to in the study This is the entire area in the district
and city consisting of 29 districts, 6 municipal areas and 576 sub-districts. The sample is
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
How to cite:
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence. (2021).
Analysis Of The Effect Of Increasing The Gdp Of Central Java Province
Through Infrastructure Development. 1(6): hlm
Published by:
part of the population. Here the author uses a sample of the area and population to
conduct this research.
Infrastructure development in an area is an activity that has been planned and
carried out as a form of effort to achieve change towards a better condition compared to
the situation before the development took place. Therefore, many want development in
their respective areas so that the quality of life and welfare of the people in their area
experience a more positive change, the intended infrastructure can include several
projects such as train stations, bridge construction, construction of hospitals and public
schools, transportation facilities and others. The things mentioned earlier can be called a
form of supporting factors that encourage the growth of an economy in a region or
So as the object of research, the research team uses data regarding the Gross
Domestic Regional Product of the province of Central Java as a measuring tool and as the
basis for the results of this group's research in analyzing the impact of infrastructure
development that can directly affect the economic growth of a region, especially in the
Central Java area.
Picture 1. GDP of Central Java. Source:
Based on the table above, the GRDP of Central Java province experiences constant
economic growth (except in 2020 where the GRDP of Central Java has decreased due to
COVID-19) every year, this is believed to have occurred due to the sustainable
infrastructure development experienced by the region. For example, the construction of
the Semarang-Solo toll road that connects the city of Semarang with the city of Surakarta
and passes through five other districts has a very positive influence on the activity and
productivity of the agricultural and industrial sectors of each region connected to this toll
road by providing easy access between producers and distributors. and producers with
supply chains, thereby facilitating regional economic growth and Gross Regional
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence
Analysis of the effect of increasing the gdp of central java province through
infrastructure development 412
Domestic Revenue in the Central Java region since the completion of the Semarang-Solo
toll road construction project on November 11, 2011.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
So from the example mentioned above, it can be concluded that infrastructure
development has a very prominent impact on the economy of a region and also on a
country when we pay attention to Gross Domestic Product, with this the welfare of the
community also increases thanks to the ease of access provided by the completion of the
Picture 2 GRDP of the Central Java
As the table above shows, the GRDP of the Central Java region in the processing
industry will experience rapid growth over the next 10 years. The team of authors believe
that this rapid growth is due to the completion of the construction of the Semarang-Solo
toll road which not only facilitates social mobility but also connects industry with the
natural resources, human resources and supply chains needed to operate their processing
activities more efficiently and optimally.
Picture 3 The average growth rate of GRDP of districts and cities in Central Java
The results of the analysis obtained from the author's team on the average growth
rate of GRDP in districts and cities in Central Java can be seen from table 1.3 which
concludes that there is a large increase in each part of the district and city such as
Jeffri Winardy, Jerly Engelina, Desy Rinika and Arvin Clarence
Analysis of the effect of increasing the gdp of central java province through
infrastructure development 414
Rembang which is the first position in Central Java with 6.9% and followed by Semarang
City and Purbalingga City with the second position with a percentage of 6.3%. In
addition, in the third and subsequent positions only get a percentage of 6.0%-3.3%. It is
an obligation of the government to carry out comprehensive infrastructure in the districts
and cities in Central Java in order to consider the economy and development of the
infrastructure sector in Central Java which is part of Indonesia.
Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that Batam City has a fairly good
GRDP every year in the 2010-2019 period and has decreased in 2020 due to the Covid-19
virus. The results of the GRDP of the City of Batam each year are quite influential on the
economy of the city of Batam, this can be seen from the growth rate of GRDP each year,
although the average is below 5%, it can bring significant changes to the profits of the
City of Batam. Which in turn may also bring significant changes towards the rate at
which the city is developing its infrastructure and facilities which can improve the quality
of life for the citizens living in the area. Those facilities being public schools, hospitals,
interconnecting roads allowing the people to easily access the previously mentioned
facilities and their workplace, which would then improve their productivity and increase
the GRDP of Batam, causing the cycle to repeat again.
In conclusion, the economic growth of a city largely depends on how developed its
infrastructure are.he authors provide author recommendations related to this analysis,
namely during this covid-19 pandemic, hopefully the government can improve further
improvements to the economy of Batam City which was affected by the pandemic.
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