Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 3 Number 4, April, 2023

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727







Sri Mulyati

SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 04, Indonesia
[email protected]




In the teaching and learning process, teachers become the main actors in creating educational interactive situations, namely interactions between teachers and students, students with students and learning resources in supporting the achievement of learning goals. Social studies as one of the fields of study that has the aim of equipping students to develop their reasoning in addition to aspects of values and morals, contains a lot of memorized social material so that the knowledge and information received by students is limited to memorized products. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of learning improvement actions implemented based on the principles of PTK aims as follows: the use of interactive learning models in material about the appearance of nature can improve the learning achievement of grade IV students of SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 03. This research uses qualitative methods with a classroom action research approach. Classroom action research (PTK) is one form of qualitative research. The results showed that from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 regarding the use of interactive learning models, the author can conclude that; (1) by using interactive learning, it turns out to be able to increase the learning achievement of grade IV students of SD N Pondok Kacang Timur 04 on material about the appearance of nature, and (2) through interactive learning, students can be more active in learning activities, especially in social studies subjects.



Learning achievement; social subject; interactive learning model


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International





In the teaching and learning process the teacher becomes the main actor in creating an educative interactive situation, namely the interaction between teachers and students, students with students and with learning resources in supporting the achievement of learning objectives (Sukamto, 2016). For the realization of such a teaching and learning process, of course, it requires the teacher's efforts to actualize his competence in a professional manner, especially in methodological aspects (Febriana, 2021).

IPS (social studies) as a field of study that has the goal of equipping students to develop their reasoning in addition to aspects of values ​​and morals, contains a lot of rote social material so that the knowledge and information received by students is limited to rote products (Jenanu & Arifin Maksum, 2014). The nature of social studies lessons has consequences for the teaching and learning process which is dominated by an expository approach, especially teachers using the lecture method while students are less involved or tend to be passive (Erianjoni, 2011). In the lecture method, there is an imperative dialogue. In fact, in the teaching and learning process the involvement of students must be in totality, meaning that it involves the mind, sight, hearing, and psychomotor (skills, one of which is while writing) (Anggreni, 2019). So, in the teaching and learning process, a teacher must invite students to listen, present media that can be seen, provide opportunities to write and ask questions or responses so that creative dialogue occurs which shows an interactive teaching and learning process (Gani & Saddam, 2020). Learning situations like this can be created through the use of a participatory approach.

The process of teaching and learning has a broader meaning and understanding than the notion of teaching, because it implies an inseparable unit of activity between students who learn and teachers who teach, which are intertwined in the form of educative interaction (Yuspi, 2017). The teacher's role in social studies learning has a close relationship with how to activate students in learning, especially in the process of developing their skills (Sudrajat & Hernawati, 2020).

Skills development that students must have are thinking skills, social skills and practical skills (Sitohang, 2011). Thinking skills are developed to train students to think logically and systematically through the teaching and learning process with the development model of critical thinking, social and practical skills through creative dialogue models (Sumiyati, 2017). These three skills can be developed in interactive teaching and learning situations between teachers and students and students and students.                       

The problem that arises in schools when carrying out student learning in the field of social studies is the lack of motivation from students to participate in the teaching and learning process (Sulastri et al., 2015). They are less serious in focusing on social studies learning material (Salam, 2020). This arises because in the implementation of teaching and learning teachers more often use books as learning resources, where teachers only use the lecture method in explaining social studies learning material. There are no visual media or picture examples which are a means of real knowledge for students.

Based on the results of observations and information provided by teachers at Pondok Kacang Timur 04 Elementary School, especially class IV, there are problems faced by students, namely the lack of motivation from students in participating in the teaching and learning process of social studies subjects, this statement is also based on the results of students' daily test scores in social studies subjects which is quite low and students' classical absorption is still below the minimum standard of 75%. In detail, of the 27 grade IV students at SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 04 who scored 80 were 3 students (11%), who got a score of 70 were 10 students (35%), who got a score of 60 were 10 students (38%), who 4 students (14%) got a score of 50. This fact shows that the students of SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 04 have not achieved mastery in studying social studies.

After the learning activities were completed the researcher held peer discussions, the results of discussions with colleagues found several problems that occurred in the teaching and learning process, such as lack of interaction between teacher and students, teacher mastery of teaching methods was still below standard, students tended to be passive and lack of student motivation , the method used in teaching is only lectures, and students tend to memorize rather than understand the subject matter.

Related to the background of the discussion above, the author chose the title "Improving student achievement of class IV SD Negeri Pondok Kacang Timur 04 in the social studies subject about Appearance of Nature by using an Interactive Learning model".     

Based on the description above, the purpose of this study is to find out the application of learning corrective actions carried out based on PTK principles. The aims are as follows: by using interactive learning models in material about natural appearances, it can improve student achievement in grade IV SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 03.

The results of this study will be useful for teachers to gain classroom action research experience in class IV SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 04, especially in order to improve the quality of social studies learning processes and outcomes, for students to provide training/experience to solve problems and improve student achievement, and for schools can be used as input or information to improve the quality of the process or learning outcomes in class by appealing to teachers to do PTK.



This study used a qualitative method with a classroom action research approach. Classroom action research (PTK) is a form of qualitative research, which emphasizes the process of change during the implementation of the action until success occurs (Sugiyono, 2017).


         Research subject

The place used to carry out this research was SD Negeri Pondok Kacang Timur 04 Pondok Aren District. The time used by researchers in carrying out this classroom action research was for 2 cycles, namely on October 15 2019 (Cycle 1) and October 22 2019 (Cycle 2). The subject studied was Social Sciences with the material Appearance of Nature for Grade IV Semester I SD Negeri Pondok Kacang Timur 04 for the 2018/2019 academic year. The research subjects were students of SD Negeri Pondok Kacang Timur 04 class IVB, totaling 23 students, consisting of 15 male students and 8 female students. The characteristics of class IVB students at SD Negeri Pondok Kacang Timur 04 for the 2018/2019 academic year are very heterogeneous, in class IV the level of intelligence of students is not evenly distributed.                                     


         Description Per Cycle

      Cycle I                                   

1)  Plan

     The learning improvement plan that the researchers compiled included; (1) hold question and answer and discussion about natural appearance, and (2) students discuss and do question and answer about natural appearance.

2)  Implementation

     The implementation of the learning plan includes the following; (1) the teacher explains the material by conducting questions and answers with students, (2) guiding students in working on the LKS, and (3) discussing the LKS to measure students' ability to accept the teacher's explanation.

3)  Observation / Data Collection / Instruments

     In carrying out this learning improvement we were assisted by colleagues who acted as observers, namely Mrs. Siti Fatimah. In this way, a sample of data will be obtained which we really need in making improvements to this study. In order for this observation to work properly, we start from an agreement between the observer and the researcher, this aims to make the observations made more focused on the problem to be observed. Some of the aspects observed include; explain the concept of natural appearance, lead group discussions, guide students in discussions, and draw conclusions.                                                                      

4)  Reflection

This activity in cycle 1 is a reflection that we will use in seeing the strengths and weaknesses that may arise in improving learning, so that we can find some strengths and weaknesses in researchers. Among others:


By making improvements to this learning, researchers can see in more detail the problems that often arise in learning in general, so researchers can immediately make improvement plans that can minimize existing problems.


At this time it turns out that research conducted by researchers rarely cannot be recognized for its validity, because this research is carried out on a narrow scale (only on certain groups).


Cycle 2

1)  Plan

In the implementation of learning cycle 1, it turned out that the results of student learning evaluations showed that understanding of natural appearances was still lacking. Therefore, the researcher made a learning improvement plan that was in accordance with the learning improvement goals that had been set.                                                     

Based on the factors causing the lack of success of IPS learning that has been implemented, the researchers designed a general plan in carrying out improvements to learning materials including the following; (1) holding a dialogue with students discussing natural appearances around them, (2) giving group assignments in the form of group worksheets, so that researchers can measure students' ability to understand learning, and (3) using a variety of learning methods, namely the lecture method , question and answer methods, presentations and giving assignments in groups.

The stages of learning improvement planning are as follows; (1) make a written learning improvement plan which contains steps for implementing learning so that students can easily follow the lesson, (2) prepare observation sheets which are the result of an agreement between researchers and colleagues who act as observers, and (3) create group worksheets to determine the level of success of student learning.

2)  Implementation

In the implementation of learning must pay attention to several things, especially the goals to be achieved. While the steps to improve learning that will be carried out are: (1) filling out the worksheets that have been provided, (2) describing the appearance of nature with coherent sentences, (3) holding questions and answers about matters related to the material, (4) students working on post-test questions, and (5) together students make conclusions on learning outcomes.

3)  Observation / Data Collection / Instruments

In carrying out this learning improvement we were assisted by colleagues who acted as observers, namely Mrs. Siti Fatimah. In this way, we will obtain data that we really need in making improvements to this study. In order for this observation to work properly, we start from an agreement between the observer and the researcher, this aims to make the observations made more focused on the problem to be observed.

Several aspects were observed, among others, as follows: explaining the concept of natural appearance, leading group discussions, guiding students in discussions, and drawing conclusions.                                                           

4)  Reflection

The next cycle 2 activity is a reflection that is useful for finding some things that have been done so that researchers can know some of the things that become self-strengths and weaknesses, namely:


Various things that become strengths or benefits include researchers being able to directly improve learning practices that have been carried out so that they become better and more effective because they can see/feel/experience and can offer new ways to improve and enhance teacher professionalism in learning activities. By looking at various indicators of the success of the process and learning outcomes that occur in students.


The validation of CAR is still often questioned because of the rather loose methodology which is informal even though its objectivity is maintained, it still raises doubts. The results of the research conducted cannot be generalized because these results are only related to students in classes who have adapted to the existing situations and conditions.


Implementation Procedures

Steps taken in improving social studies learning: (1) as an initial activity the teacher holds questions and answers with students, (2) presents material through the method: lectures and discussions with students, (2) makes observations outside the classroom, (3) analyzes worksheets, (4) draw conclusions, and (5) give assignments and homework.

According to the problems faced, namely the number of students who do not understand the material, what is of particular concern in improving social studies learning for class IV is to strive for students to be motivated to learn.          


Data Analysis

Analysis of the observed data during the learning process took place in the form of qualitative descriptive. In carrying out the observation the researcher was assisted by the observer to fill in the observation sheet checklist that had been prepared. The aspects that were observed included the activeness of students in paying attention to and listening to teacher explanations, asking questions, answering and expressing opinions, as well as activities in learning using the demonstration method.

The completeness of student learning outcomes can be seen from the acquisition of student scores after participating in science learning using the demonstration method. To calculate the total score, the following guidelines are used:

P = x 100%


P = Percentage of learning completeness

n = Number of students who have completed their studies

N = Total number of students.



The results of the research included students' formative tests in cycle 1 and cycle 2, as well as the results of process assessments carried out during the teaching and learning process.


Description per Cycle

         Learning before implementing improvements

1)  Planning Stage

     Researchers prepared learning tools consisting of learning implementation plans, observation sheets, formative questions, and supporting learning tools.

2)  Activity and Implementation Stage

The learning activities and implementation phase were held on Monday, October 8 2019, in class IV (four) of Pondok Kacang Timur 04 SDN 04 with a total of 23 students. Researchers act as teachers, observations / observations carried out during the learning process takes place. The process of teaching and learning activities is guided by the lesson plans that have been made. A formative test is given at the end of the learning process, and this test aims to determine the level of understanding and success of students in understanding the material that has been taught. The data obtained after the learning process are:    


Table I. Recapitulation of Student Scores Before Improving Social Studies Class IV


Student's name



Adelia Kusuma



Adzim Framiadzi



Agus Prasetyo



Aliza Arrahmi Aziz



Ananda Alifio



Azti Nur Hafidzah



Daniel Ananda maulana



Dhea Indra Kirana









Kanaya Rapasha



Kiani Aldina Putri



M. Rizky Ramadhan



Meivira Sonia Putri



M. Zaky Firdaus



M. Abdi Sudrajat



Melati AB



Mirna Nur Azizah



Putri Dyah fauziah



Raffi fairuz



Renanta Paras Maheswari



Ufhuwanul hanif



Zahra Septyaningrum







Number of Students : 23 students

Number of Questions: 5 points

The maximum number of individual values: 100

The maximum number of classical values: 2,300

Expected completeness: 75%

Number of students who succeeded: 13 students

Number of students who have not succeeded: 10 students

Percentage of completeness : 55%

From the data above it can be explained that there are 10 students who have not completed social studies learning, this is because:

1. Students have not mastered the material.

2. Students have not mastered what the teacher explained.

3. Students do not understand the questions given by the teacher.

The data shows that classically students have not achieved mastery learning, because students who score 70 and above are only 55%, less than the desired mastery of 75%.


         Repair Cycle 1

            Planning Stage

The researcher prepared learning tools consisting of Improvement Implementation Plan 1, observation sheets, evaluation tools, learning scenarios about Natural Appearance, and supporting teaching tools.

Implementation Stage

The activity phase and implementation of learning improvements were carried out on Monday, October 15 2019, in class IV (four) of SDN Pondok Kacang Timur 04 Pondok Aren District with 23 students. Researchers act as teachers, and observers carried out during the learning process takes place. The process of teaching and learning activities is guided by the initial learning outcomes and the Improvement Implementation Plan made. An evaluation test is given at the end of the learning process, the test aims to determine the level of understanding and success of students towards the material that has been taught. The data obtained after the repair process is as follows:


Table 2

Recapitulation of Student Values ​​in Improved IPS Learning Cycle 1 Class IV


Student's name



Adelia Kusuma



Adzim Framiadzi



Agus Prasetyo



Aliza Arrahmi Aziz



Ananda Alifio



Azti Nur Hafidzah



Daniel Ananda maulana



Dhea Indra Kirana









Kanaya Rapasha



Kiani Aldina Putri



M. Rizky Ramadhan



Meivira Sonia Putri



M. Zaky Firdaus



M. Abdi Sudrajat



Melati AB



Mirna Nur Azizah



Putri Dyah fauziah



Raffi fairuz



Renanta Paras Maheswari



Ufhuwanul hanif



Zahra Septyaningrum








Number of Students : 23 students

Number of Questions: 5 points

The maximum number of individual values: 100

The maximum number of classical values: 2,300              

Expected completeness: 75%

The number of students who succeeded: 16 students

Number of students who have not succeeded: 7 students

Percentage of completeness : 70 %


The results of the data above can be explained that students are still not able to understand the concept of natural appearance totaling 7 people, this shows an increase. Before the repairs were carried out students who scored above 70 were only 55%, after the first improvements were made it increased to 70%. Even though there is an increase, classically students have not achieved learning mastery, because students who score 70 and above are still 70%, less than the desired percentage of completeness, which is 75%. In the process assessment during the learning process, it was found that one group was less active, the cooperation was also lacking, and the time to show the role was still not serious. This shows that students' interest is still lacking.


         Repair Cycle 2

Planning Stage

At this planning stage the researcher prepared learning tools consisting of Improvement Implementation Plan 2, observation sheets, evaluation tools, learning scenarios, and supporting teaching tools.

Implementation of Improvements Stage

The learning improvement implementation stage was carried out on Monday, October 22 2019, in class IV (four) of Pondok Kacang Timur 03 SDN 03 with a total of 23 students. Researchers act as teachers, and observers carried out during the learning process takes place. The process of teaching and learning activities is guided by the results of improvement 1 (cycle 1) and the Implementation Plan for Improvement 2 that has been made. An evaluation test is given at the end of the learning process, the test aims to determine the level of understanding and success of students towards the material that has been taught. The data obtained after the repair process 2 is as follows:


Table 3

Recapitulation of Student Scores in Improved IPS Learning Class IV Cycles


Student's name



Adelia Kusuma



Adzim Framiadzi



Agus Prasetyo



Aliza Arrahmi Aziz



Ananda Alifio



Azti Nur Hafidzah



Daniel Ananda maulana



Dhea Indra Kirana









Kanaya Rapasha



Kiani Aldina Putri



M. Rizky Ramadhan



Meivira Sonia Putri



M. Zaky Firdaus



M. Abdi Sudrajat



Melati AB



Mirna Nur Azizah



Putri Dyah fauziah



Raffi fairuz



Renanta Paras Maheswari



Ufhuwanul hanif



Zahra Septyaningrum







Number of Students : 23 students

Number of Questions: 5 points

The maximum number of individual values: 100

The maximum number of classical values: 2,300

Expected completeness: 75%

Number of students who succeeded: 20 students

Number of students who have not succeeded: 3 students

Percentage of completeness : 88%


Based on the analysis of learning outcomes above, it can be explained that there were 3 students who had not been able to do the evaluation test, this showed a significant increase. Before the improvement was carried out the percentage of learning completeness was only 55%, after the first improvement was carried out it increased to 70%. improvement 2 with very good results. The percentage of completeness reached 88%, greater than the desired percentage of completeness which was 75%. In the assessment of the process during the learning process, it is very visible that the students are active, showing good cooperation between the teacher and students.


Discussion of Each Cycle

         Completeness of Learning Outcomes

Based on the results of research during the teaching and learning process, it shows an increase in student learning interest and student learning outcomes in social studies learning. This is evidenced by an increase in the percentage of completeness in the evaluation test in improvement 1 and in the evaluation test for improvement 2. Before the completion of the improvement, reaching 55% was still far from the desired percentage of completeness. But after improving 1 percentage of completeness there is an increase to 70%. Even though there is an increase in both interest and student learning outcomes in improvement 1, it still needs further improvement because it has not achieved the desired mastery. Then the improvement of cycle 2 was carried out, the learning completeness score experienced a significant increase, namely 88%.


Teacher's Ability to Manage Learning

Based on the results of research, student activity, group work and the seriousness of students in each learning process has increased, which has an impact on improving student learning outcomes. Increasing student learning outcomes shows how big the teacher's role is in managing learning, and the teacher has succeeded in cultivating student interest in Social Sciences lessons.


Teacher and Student Activities in Learning

Based on data analysis, it can be seen that the development of activities in the learning process is as follows.

1)  In the implementation of learning the teacher asks questions and answers with students, the teacher tells a lot of stories so that students only listen a lot, students are less active.

2)  In the implementation of cycle 1 improvements the teacher conducted more intensive question and answer sessions with students, students actively asked the teacher. The teacher observes students using observation sheets while students work on assignments.

3)  In the implementation of improvement 2, apart from conducting questions and answers the teacher also added media using pictures of natural appearance. Students are more active and feel happy in participating in learning activities. The teacher observes by using observation sheets during the lesson.

The teacher has carried out the learning process well, including guiding, directing, giving reinforcement/motivating and observing each student's activities, especially in conducting question and answer with students, motivating students who lack courage to be confident. At the end of the lesson the teacher gives an evaluation test.

The results of this study indicate that learning through interactive learning models is very beneficial for both teachers and students. With an interactive learning model students feel happy because interaction with the teacher will make it easier to understand the subject matter, can eliminate boredom, boredom in learning (Kristanti & Sujana, 2022). So that the application of interactive learning models can increase student interest and student learning outcomes in social studies subjects.



In pre-learning the number of students who did not complete the lesson was very high. After carrying out learning improvements in Cycle 1, there was a marked increase in student learning outcomes, namely 70%, 16 students had completed and 7 students had not completed. In cycle 2 there was a significant increase of 88%.

Based on the description of the discussion and research results above from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 regarding the use of interactive learning models, the authors can conclude that; (1) by using interactive learning, it turns out that it is able to improve the learning achievement of fourth grade students at SD N Pondok Kacang Timur 04 in material about natural appearance, and (2) through interactive learning, students can be more active in learning activities, especially in social studies subjects.



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