Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 6, June 2021
prices in certain years with calculations with the aim of understanding the budget for
added value of goods and services.
Locally-generated revenue
Regional original income is income generated from the regional tax sector,
regional levies, the results of regionally owned companies, the results of the
administration of separated regional assets, as well as other legitimate regional original
income (Maharani, 2016). implemented by the local government as well as the first
source of income for a region. PAD is divided into 3 types, namely fines and levies,
regional taxes and regional income (Romhadhoni, Faizah, & Afifah, 2019).
Based on the research that has been done by the author, there are several results
and discussions from 2010-2020 which the authors can describe based on the data that
has been collected, as follows:
1. In a period of 10 years, namely 2010-2020, the growth rate of Batam City's
GRDP is in a fairly stable position although it has decreased slightly (2010-
2019), in 2020 Batam City's GRDP touched a minus (-) percentage and fell to
point -2.55%, this is certainly one of the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic.
2. The information and communication sector is the most stable business sector
and continues to grow every year, even after the COVID-19 pandemic, this
sector continues to grow.
3. The business sector in the service category is the sector most affected by
COVID-19 in 2020, this is evidenced by the decline in the growth rate of other
service sectors to -67.98% in 2020.
Based on GRDP data that has been described and analyzed, Batam City's GRDP
growth has decreased and increased every year, this is influenced by various things,
such as the growth of various field sectors, the COVID-19 pandemic and others.
Based on the analysis above, it can be concluded that Batam City has a fairly
good GRDP every year in the 2010-2019 period and has decreased in 2020 due to the
Covid-19 virus. The results of the GRDP of the City of Batam each year are quite
influential on the economy of the city of Batam, this can be seen from the growth rate of
GRDP each year, although the average is below 5%, it can bring significant changes to
the profits of the City of Batam. The authors provide author recommendations related to
this analysis, namely during this covid-19 pandemic, hopefully the government can
improve further improvements to the economy of Batam City which was affected by the
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Pengangguran Terbuka, Ipm, Jumlah Penduduk Dan Upah Minimum Terhadap
Kemiskinan Di Provinsi Jawa Timur (Tahun 2010-2015).
Basmar, Edwin, Purba, Bonaraja, Damanik, Darwin, Banjarnahor, Astri Rumondang,
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