Eduvest � Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 3 Number 2, February, 2023

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727





Ni Putu Nursiani, Rolland E. Fanggidae, Debryana Yoga Salean, Merlyn Kurniawati, Jachielin H. Lada

Universitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




East Nusa Tenggara is a province that has great natural wealth and tourism potential. The enthusiasm of tourists to visit tourist objects in NTT is quite large, seen from the increase in tourist visits every year. The current phenomenon of tourism turmoil in NTT creates many opportunities as well as threats to the sustainability of the sustainable tourism industry in the future. A gap like this creates opportunities for human resources in the tourism sector to increase economic contribution to the region. One strategy that can be implemented is to encourage more business actors in the tourism sector and develop the self-capacity of business actors who already exist in the world of tourism. Apart from that, it is also important to increase the capacity and professionalism of human resources for tourism and the creative economy, so that the competitiveness of tourism in NTT can also increase. In an effort to maximize the achievement of these goals, human resources (HR) are needed who have the competence, knowledge, ability, productivity and good performance. Efforts to meet the objectives of increasing the capacity and professionalism of maximum tourism human resources involve self-efficacy and strong work involvement from within the business actors. This study aims to analyze Work Engagement and Self-Efficacy in Self-Development of Business Actors in the Tourism Sector in NTT. The research was conducted by studying the phenomena and entrepreneurial behavior of the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo (a tourist city with the highest tourist visit rate in NTT) and Timor Island (an area with the second highest tourist visit rate).



work engagement, self efficacy, self development, entrepreneur, tourism


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is one of the many countries that are famous as world tourism destination countries. The presence of diverse tourist attractions in Indonesia encourages the high number of tourist visits, thus contributing greatly to the country's income. Aware of the positive impact of the tourism sector, Indonesia finally tried to optimize their tourism sector so that they could get a greater income every year. One of the provinces that holds natural wealth and great tourism potential to be optimized is East Nusa Tenggara. The current phenomenon of tourism turmoil in NTT poses many opportunities and also poses a threat to the sustainability of the sustainable tourism industry in the future. In the direction of NTT's 2018-2023 tourism policy, it is stated that the contribution of tourism to the economy is still very small: 0.74% (BPS 2018). Even though the number of tourist visits continues to increase. Gaps like this give rise to opportunities from human resources in the field of tourism to increase economic contributions to the region. One strategy that can be done is to encourage more business actors in the tourism sector and develop the capacity of business actors who already exist in the world of tourism (Priambodo et al., 2019).

In addition, it is also important to increase the capacity and professionalism of tourism human resources and the creative economy, so that the competitiveness of NTT tourism can also increase. With the increasing capacity and professionalism of tourism human resources, it will have an impact on many positive things in the self-development of human resources and also the tourism sector itself. These positive impacts include increasing the contribution of tourism to the quality and quantity of labor, increasing the professionalism of business actors in the tourism sector and the creative economy, increasing the image of NTT tourism, and it is not impossible that it will have an impact on increasing business units in the creative economy sector in NTT (Damayanti, 2019).

In an effort to maximize the achievement of these goals, human resources (HR) are needed who have competence, knowledge, ability, productivity and good performance. This is as stated by Mathis & Jackson that HR is part of the design of a formal system that connects organizations to ensure the effective and efficient use of talent and human potential in order to achieve the goals of the organization. The existence of quality human resources has a role for the success of planned planning or targets.

Efforts to meet the objectives of increasing the capacity and professionalism of tourism human resources to the maximum, involve self-efficacy and strong work involvement from within business actors. Self-efficacy affects how much effort a person will make, and how long a person will last when faced with obstacles or negative experiences. The stronger the perception of individual self-efficacy, the stronger and more durable the effort he makes (Firnanda & Wijayati, 2021).

A high level of self-efficacy in a business actor is very important. (Shaheen & AL-Haddad, 2018) mentions that Entrepreneurial self-efficacy has a strong impact on entrepreneurial intentions, which ultimately has an effect on entrepreneurial behavior. Self-efficacy contributes greatly to motivation and self-development which includes how to fight for expected targets, duties and responsibilities, and enable business actors to overcome problems and failures experienced, especially in difficult times after the Covid-19 pandemic, because self-efficacy is a person's confidence in their abilities. In addition, as well as self-efficacy, Work engagement has an important role in the development of an individual and organization (Mugiono et al., 2020).

(Mercer, 2007) �states Work Engagement is considered something that can bring change to individuals, teams, and companies. �Work engagement is the attitude and behavior of individuals in working by expressing themselves in total. In relation to the self-development of business actors, self-efficacy and work engagement encourage individuals to have a strong character and high commitment to create new innovations in the business world, especially tourism businesses. Along with the times, business actors are not only required to be able to create new innovations, but also to have a positive impact and value for the surrounding environment. This can only be realized if business actors have a high involvement in their business and also strong self-efficacy.

Based on the background explanation above, the author wants to conduct research aimed at analyzing Work Engagement and Self-Efficacy in the Self-Development of Tourism Business Actors in NTT. The research was conducted by studying the phenomenon and entrepreneurial behavior of the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo (the tourist city with the highest level of tourist visits in NTT) and Timor Island (the area with the second highest level of tourist visits).

Entrepreuner (Entrepreneurial)

In simple terms, the meaning of entrepreneurship (entrepreneur) is a person who has the courage to take risks to open a business on various occasions. Being brave enough to take risks means being independent and daring to start a business, without being overwhelmed with fear or anxiety even in uncertain conditions. Entrepreneurial activities can be carried out alone or in groups. An entrepreneur in his mind always tries to find, take advantage of and create business opportunities that can provide profits (Kasmir, 2006). Mas'ud Machfoedz (2005) states that an entrepreneur is an independent person in pursuit of achievements, he dares to take risks to start managing a business in order to make a profit. Therefore, he prefers to be a leader rather than a follower, for which an entrepreneur has a strong sense of self-confidence and self-preservation when facing challenges at the time of starting a business venture. In facing various problems, an entrepreneur is always required to be creative.

On the other hand, (Dzisi, 2018) defines "entrepreneurship as the innovator who introduces something new into an economy". Where entrepreneurship as an innovator is a business activity that innovates and introduces something new to the economy. In this case include new products, new methods for the production process or new sources of raw materials for new industrial structures and creating new organizations for various industries. In his thinking, Schumpeter emphasizes entrepreneurship as the process of an innovating entrepreneur where the entrepreneur� becomes an actor and translator of new inventions and ideas into commercial products.�

Attitudes and behaviors are strongly influenced by the traits and dispositions possessed by a person. Good, progress-oriented and positive traits and dispositions are traits and dispositions needed by an entrepreneur in order for the entrepreneur to progress or succeed. (Meredith & Howard, 2017) put forward the following characteristics and dispositions of entrepreneurship:






Table 1 Characteristics and Dispositions of Entrepreneurship






Confidence, non-dependence, individualistic, and optimism


Task and result-oriented


The need for achievement, profit-oriented, perseverance and fortitude, determination to work hard, have a strong drive, energetic and initiative


Risk taking

Ability to take risks reasonable and challenge-loving



Behavior as a leader, getting along with others, responding to suggestions and criticisms



Innovative and creative and flexible



Foresight, perspective


Honest and diligent

Have the belief that life is the same as work

Source: Entrepreneurship: Engineering and Practice, Geoffrey G. Meredith

Personal Development

Self-development can be seen as a growth of ability that occurs far beyond what is required in a job. According to (Fanani et al., 2008) what is meant by self-development is the development of all the potentials that exist in oneself, in an effort to increase the potential for thinking and initiating and increasing intellectual capacity obtained by carrying out various activities. According to (Tarmudji, 2018), self-development means developing your talents, realizing dreams, increasing self-confidence to be strong in the face of trials, and living good relationships with others. This can be achieved through the effort of learning from experience, receiving feedback from others, practicing sensitivity to oneself as well as others, deep awareness, and trusting the efforts of the heart. Based on the three understandings above, it is known that self-development is an effort made by individuals to develop themselves with awareness of more changes in themselves. This development includes the development of a person's better attitude, potential, skills, abilities, and level of intellectualism. Self-development through improved performance and professionalism is closely related to the development of various elements of human resources towards a higher quality direction. The first step that needs to be taken is the development of the potential that each individual has. In self-development, various aspects need to be considered, including: 1) Self-Integrity 2) Discipline 3) Persistence and Wisdom 4) Work Ethics.


Self-efficacy is an individual's confidence or confidence in his ability to organize to perform a task, achieve a goal, produce something and implement actions to achieve certain skills. The following are put forward some opinions from experts regarding the meaning of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a person's evaluation of his ability or competence to perform a task, achieve a goal or overcome obstacles (Baron, 2003). There needs to be better self-knowledge so as not to be mistaken in drawing conclusions about one's own abilities, therefore an understanding of oneself is needed.

(Kwan et al., 2012) revealed that self-efficacy is a cognitive process that takes the form of beliefs and expectations as well as decisions on a person's ability to act in order to obtain maximum results.� Self-efficacy is the confidence of an individual in his ability to successfully perform a specific task.

Based on the presentation of self-efficacy definitions by the experts above, it can be concluded that self-efficacy is a person's belief in his abilities and actions taken in overcoming various problems that arise in his work, in order to achieve maximum results.

In addition, (Mangkunegara & Prabu, 2012) explained that the characteristics of indvidu based on tiggi low self-efficacy are as follows:

Table 2

Characteristics of Indvidu ased on Tiggi - Low Self-Efficacy.

Low Self-Efficacy

High Self-Efficacy

1.      Slow in fixing failures

1.      Can handle effectively the situation and problems experienced

2.      Don't have the confidence to face obstacles

2.      Be confident in success and brave to overcome obstacles

3.      Threats are seen as something to be avoided

3.      Threats are considered a challenge to be faced

4.      Reduce effort and give up quickly

4.      Persistent in trying and working hard

5.      Doubt about your abilities

5.      Believe in your abilities

6.      Commitment to weak tasks

6.      Have a high commitment to the task

7.      Don't like to look for new situations

7.      Likes to look for new situations


Work Engagement

Work Engagement is a center of self-affective work that reflects the personal satisfaction of employees and the affirmations they get from working and being part of an organization (Perrin et al., 2003) Work engagement is a combination of satisfaction and commitment, satisfaction refers more to emotional or attitude elements, while commitment involves more motivational and physical elements (Schmidt, 2004). The conclusion that can be drawn from the description of the theory above regarding work �engagement is the attitude and behavior of employees in work by expressing themselves in total both physically, cognitively, affectively and emotionally. The employee finds meaning in work, pride has become part of the organization in which he works, works to achieve the overall vision and mission of an organization. Employees will go the extra mile and strive for something for work above what is expected both in time and energy.

Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that Work engagement is a psychic condition of an employee that is related to a sense of attachment, enthusiasm and enthusiasm when doing his job.

According to (Bakker, 2011) there are two factors that affect work engagement, namely:

a.    Job Resources

Job resourches are defined as physical, psychological, social, and organizational aspects of work that are able to reduce job demands in relation to the psychological sacrifices given by employees and exert an influence on the achievement of goals.

b.   Personal Resources

Personal resources are defined as positive self-evaluations related to an individual's mental resilience and also refer to an individual's feelings about his or her ability to successfully control and influence his environment.



The research method carried out in this study uses the survey method. that is, conducting direct observations in the field by interviewing respondents who use questionnaire tools. The sampling method in this study uses Purposive Sampling, this is because there is no definite data on population size and complete information about each element of the population, with the criteria, namely tourism business owners, who are decision makers in the tourism business, as well asdetermining samples using the� snow bowling method.� The respondents in this study were business actors in the tourism sector in the Labuan Bajo area, Kupang City, and TTS which amounted to 100 respondents.�



Work Engagement (X1)








Self-Development (Y)


Self-efficacy (X2)





Figure 1 Research Models


Based on the above frame of mind, the research hypothesis can be formulated as follows:

H1: It is suspected that Work Engagement affects the Self-Development of Business Actors

� in the field of tourism in Labuan Bajo and Timor Island

H2: It is suspected that Self-Efficacy affects the Self-Development of Business Actors in the field

� Tourism in Labuan Bajo and Timor Island

H3: It is suspected that Work Engagement and Self-Efficacy simultaneously affect

� Self-Development of Business Actors in the field of tourism in Labuan Bajo and Island Timor



Descriptive Analysis

In this study, there were three variables that became the object of study, namely work engagement as an independent variable (X1), self-efficacy as an independent variable (X2), and development as a dependent variable (Y). This research was conducted in Labuan Bajo, Kupang and TTS districts with a total of 100 respondents in the tourism sector.

Based on the results of a descriptive analysis on the variable work engagement of business actors in the tourism sector, with the achievement value being at a very high level. This shows a high level of attachment of business actors to their work, characterized by high morale and enthusiasm in work and a feeling of pride in the work they are engaged in. Meanwhile, the results of the descriptive analysis on the self-development variable are also with the achievement value being at a very high level of 2073. This means that the self-development of business actors in the tourism sector is high or in accordance with what is expected. Most business actors have made self-development efforts by attending training or training related to the tourism business field.


Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

This analysis is used to find out how much influence free variables namely Work Engagement (X1) and Self-Efficacy (X2) have on the bound variables, namely Self-Development (Y), the results of multiple linear regression analysis can be seen in the following table.


Table 1






Source: SPSS IBM V.26 processed (2022)



Based on the coefficient table above, a model of multiple linear regression equations can be obtained as follows:

Y = -4.595 + 0.874X1 + 0.411X2

The equation of the multiple regression model above shows that the independent variables analyzed, namely the work engagement (X1) and self-efficacy (X2) variables, have a positive influence on the dependent variable (Y), namely self-development.


Hypothesis Test

Partial Test (t-test)

The t test was conducted to see the extent of the influence of work engagement and self-efficacy on self-development. Testing through the t test is to compare the t-count with the t-table or compare the significance value with alpha (α = 0.05).


Table 2

t Test Results








Source: SPSS IBM V.26 processed (2022)


Simultaneous Test (F Test)

Simultaneous tests are used to test the magnitude of the influence of variables Work engagement (X1), self-efficacy (X2) and self-development (Y) simultaneously, the results of the F test can be seen as follows:



Table 3 Simultaneous Test Results (Test F)








Source: SPSS IBM V.26 processed (2022)


Coefficient of Determination (R2)

The coefficient of determination (R square) or often symbolized by R2 is interpreted as the contribution of the influence that variables X1 and X2 give to Y. The value of the coefficient of determination (R Square) can be used to predict how much the influence of the free variable (X) contributes to the bound variable (Y).


Table 4 Coefficient of Determination Test Results






Source: SPSS IBM V.26 processed (2022)


The results of the analysis show that the value of the coefficient of determination is 0.624. This means that the variables of work engagement and self-efficacy contributed 62.4% to self-development, while the remaining 37.6% was influenced by other factors that were not studied in this study. So this can be interpreted to mean that work engagement and self-efficacy have a strong influence on self-development.


The Effect of Work Engagement on Self-Development

The results of this study show that there is a significant influence between work engagement (X1) on self-development (Y) in business actors in the tourism sector. This is evidenced by the value of tcount > ttable with a significant level of ρ < α which means that work engagement has a positive and significant effect on self-development. This means that the work engagement owned by business actors in the tourism sector has encouraged and created a good and comfortable motivational atmosphere for more quality business actors. Thus, through these results, it can be seen that high work engagement conditions can improve the self-development of business actors, because business actors feel bound and motivated to continue to develop their potential.


The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Self-Development

The results of this study show that there is a significant influence between self-efficacy (X2) on self-development (Y) in business actors in the tourism sector. This is evidenced through that the value of tcount > ttable with a significant� level of ρ < α which means Self-efficacy (X2) has a significant effect on self-development (Y) in business actors in the field of tourism.� This shows that high self-efficacy will affect good self-development patterns.� Efforts to self-efficacy in business actors demand efforts to increase their potential to overcome shortcomings, as well as trying to view reality objectively, and have a good personality in interpersonal communication. The current condition of fierce competition requires a business actor to have good self-efficacy and self-development patterns, so that he can continue to develop his business with existing innovations.



Based on the results of the discussion that has been described, several conclusions can be drawn, namely the results of the descriptive analysis using the score range on the variables show that work engagement (X1) is in the very high category, the self-efficacy variable (X2) is in the high category, and self-development (Y) is in the very high category.

Based on the results of the partial hypothesis test (t test) proves that work engagement (X1) has a positive and significant effect on the self-development of business actors in the tourism sector. In other words, the higher the work engagement, the more self-development will increase.

Based on the results of the partial hypothesis test (t test) it proves that self-efficacy (X2) has a positive and significant effect on the self-development of business actors in the tourism sector.� In other words, the higher the self-efficacy, the more self-development will increase

Simultaneously, work engagement and self-efficacy have a significant effect on the self-development of business actors in the tourism sector. In other words, if work engagement and self-efficacy increase together, self-development will increase



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