Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 3 Number 3, March, 2023

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727






Ivo Christiana Siregar

STT Paul Medan, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]




The competence of Sunday school teachers plays an important role in achieving the  goal of Christian education in Sunday School, namely carrying out the great  commission.   This study aims to explain the competence of Sunday school teachers, education in Sunday schools and the great mandate in education.  This research uses a library method with descriptive qualitative proximity, where researchers try to answer research problems by looking for literature sources related to research problems. The conclusion of this study is that there is a need for competent teachers so that the goal of Christian religious education in Sunday School can be realized.  The way is that the church develops paedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence of Sunday school teachers through a continuous set of spiritual development, knowledge and abilities.



competence of Sunday school teachers, education in   Sunday school, Great Commission  in Education


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




In carrying out the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20, the strategies and methods of the Gospel Message are generally the main subject of discussion. Arie de Kuiper gives an overview of the method of the Gospel Message can be through individual testimony, being a missioner congregation in communion and a onerous approach that summarizes all areas of social, educational, medical life such as service to the sick, the poor and the spread of Christian readings (Arie, 2022).

In Matthew 28:19-20 there is an imperative work of μαθητεύσατε (mathēteusate) which means make all nations my disciples.  This is the goal to be achieved in a manat agung.  So  being a  human being a student is God's mission which should also be the purpose of teaching or education (Hornlangi, 2020).

 To achieve educational goals requires a competence that includes knowledge, skills and personal characteristics. Cully reveals to understand the meaning of education, we must see it in complete insight. Sensitive educators realize that the collection of knowledge and experience of mankind is not the only elixir for parenting children. In their duties, an understanding of the factors in interpersonal relationships must also be included. The results of psychological investigations show that growth and development include a personal wholeness in the whole environment. Good school teachers, always aware of such factors at work in their teaching duties, but it was only in this century that they were described in detail (Cully, 2006). Cully said teachers are not only qualified in knowledge and rich in experience but must also understand the growth and development of children so that  educational goals  are achieved.

Ethical problems are faced with the situation of the school minggu, a non-formal education for children organized by the church, preparing competent teachers  is difficult because generally  Sunday school teachers are congregants who do not have a background in education and rarely receive prior guidance before teaching. While the development of the times requires Sunday school teachers to  be  able to adapt to  many things as expressed by Pujiono that teachers of  different times with their students need to adapt to culture, habits, and characteristics learners (Pujiono, 2021).

Cully writes that since its inception, the  church has been a teaching society because they want their children to know the truth, they feel the need to testify of what God has done for them and they have the strength to bear such testimony (Cully, 2006). This means that the  church that has come to know the  truth will be moved to carry out the great commission of "go and make all my disciples....".  Only the church needs to seriously prepare the congregation to master the competencies required in Sunday school ministry so that the Word of God revealed in the Bible can be conveyed to children.




This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive literature method that explores data in a literature study that correlates with the research topic. The sources are textbooks, both physical books and e-books, and journals.  Through this method, the author will explore and elaborate on the understanding of the competence of Sunday school teachers, education in Sunday school and the great mandate in education.  This research is expected to provide understanding and encouragement for the church to develop the competence of Sunday school teachers so that  the goals of the great  commission are achieved through education in  Sunday schools




Competence of Sunday School Teachers

The basis of Christian Education is the truth of the Christian concept in God's relationship with humans or vice versa (Purba et al., 2023, p. 63). That’s why efforts to educate children in Sunday school must include the understanding and understanding of God's Word, therefore teachers must be prepared to qualify as a teacher Sunday School. Martin Luther insists whoever intends to teach another must be trained for such  a long time to be prepared for the service. Similarly, he must have special abilities that are only possible after studying earnestly since his youth. It is this view that the Apostle Paul expressed in 1 Timothy 3:2 a churchman must be able to educate and teach others.  While he pointed out that preachers should be more skilled at educating than the laity.  According to 1 Timothy 4:6, Timothy was praised for having been educated in the words of faith and true doctrine from childhood.  To teach another person  precisely  and clearly is  not a trivial  art, because it is a skill beyond the  ability of  unlearned people (Boehlke, 2005).

The qualifications or requirements needed to perform a job/service are known as competencies. According to Stephen P. Robbin in (Seta, 2021), Kompetensi is theability or  capacity of a person  to do various tasks in  a   work, where this ability is determined by two factors, namely intellectual and physical  ability.  Based on the Law of  the Republic of   Indonesia No. 14  of 2005 Article 10,  competencyis a set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that must be possessed, lived, and mastered by teachers or lecturers in carrying out professional duties  which include competencies paedagogic, personality competence, social competence  and   professional competence obtained through professional education  (Indonesia, 2005).  

Competence Paedagogic

 Paedagodic competence is the ability of educators in the management of peserta didik learning. Marbun (2022) emphasized that educators must master curriculum  management, starting with curriculum  tool planning  , curriculum implementation  and  curriculum evaluation , as well as having an understanding of  educational psychology, especially those related to  the needs and development of the curriculum so that  martial arts activities  are more meaningful and successful.

 Paedagogic competencies related to teacher and student interaction include the ability to explain material, implement learning methods, provide and answer questions, manage and conduct evaluations. In this case the teacher must understand the characteristics, learning motivation, interests, attitudes and development of his students.

To develop the paedagodic competence of Sunday school teachers, churches can conduct seminars on curriculum, child development psychology, classroom management workshops; and other education. 


Personality Competence

 Personal competence is a personal talent that displays a steady, stable, intelligent and authoritative personality. According to Rusman in (Marbun, 2022), educators have a consistent personality and can serve as a source of inspiration for students. Become an exemplary   personal figure in order to carry out the tripusat advocated by Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, namely Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodo, Ing Madya Mangun Karso and Tut Wuri Handayani (in front of the teacher gives   example or example, in the middle gives initiative and in the back gives encouragement or incentive. That's why Jannes, et al state that personality competence plays an important role in the  achievement of students' work and learning (Marbun, 2022).

The personality competence of the Sunday school teacher is to be exemplary.  According to the Big Dictionary Indonesian the notion of exemplary comes from the word "exemplary" which means things that can be imitated or imitated.  To be an example is to be a person of Christ character.  Ratnasari said that a teacher in teaching or educating students is also expected to have a good impact on the character and ethics of the students. Being an example for the nara didik can be through activities that are easy to imitate, misalnya: come on time to give advice that can be understood and appreciate the students (Ratnasari, Triposa, & Arifianto, 2022). Nuriyani revealed that teachers who have good spirituality have a positive effect on the growth of  their students (Simatupang, 2020)

Some of the Christian characters mentioned in the Bible that must be developed and displayed by Sunday school teachers are integrity (Tit. 1:7-9); humility (Matt. 5:1-7; Mark 10:14-15; 1 Tim. 3:6); love with all its characteristics (Matt. 22:37-39; 1 Cor. 13); serve and help (Luke 10:25-37); inner strength and righteousness (Luke 11:37-53; 12:15; John. 16:33); a close relationship with Christ (1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:2 2;  John 15:1-8); joy (John 17:13);  holiness (John 17:16; 2 Timothy 2:22);  peace (2 Tim, 2:22);  patient and diligent (1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:25);  self-mastery  (1 Timothy 3:2; Tit. 1:8);  not  greedy and not quarrelsome (  1 Timothy 3:2-3; 6:10-11); and  other qualities (Lepa, 2022).  

To develop the personality competencies of Sunday school teachers, the church can educate through spiritual coaching, sermon, encouraging Sunday school teachers  to have personal  shady moments; and  other education.


Professional Competence

             Profesional competence is the ability to understand the subject totally and thoroughly. According to Rusman in (Marbun, 2022),  this implies that educators are required to have a correct and broad understanding of the field of  study or material lessons to be taught, as well as mastery of methodical didactics which includes mastery of theoretical concepts, the ability to choose the right models, strategies and methods and the ability to  apply them in learning activities. Have a deep understanding of the curriculum and teacher base.  Professional competence is the ability of a Sunday school teacher to master the subject he teaches. Widiyanto revealed that increasing the professional competence of teachers allows teachers to carry out teaching tasks well. making it able to present learning materials that are easy to understand, interesting and can manage classes effectively (Widiyanto & Fernando, 2020).

            As has been explained in the background regarding the background of the Sunday school teacher is the general congregation. So to develop their professional competence, the church needs to prepare a curriculum, buku-books supporting the learning process in Sunday school and educating Sunday school teachers to understand it; the church holds Bible study classes;  Sunday school teachers  take props  courses; and  other educational activities.



 Social Competence

The   capacity of educators to interact and engage successfully with students, fellow educators, education staff, parents or guardians of students and the surrounding community as members Society is referred to as SOSIal competence.  According to Sanjaya in (Marbun, 2022), social competence includes communicating orally, in writing, through  gestures; from a functional point of view capable of  using information and communication technologies;  communicate effectively with learners, fellow educators,  education staff,  parents or guardians of learners; and communicate politely with the surrounding community. This implies that educators should be able to communicate socially with students, classmates, administrators; and a larger society.  Purwoto, dkk said that social  skills are not only related to how to talk to others, but also include expertise to get used to behaving to people around and  social competence  has a positive effect  on  teaching and learning  process (Purwoto, Budiyana, & Arifianto, 2020).

            In order to exercise social competence, Sunday school students   are encouraged to live in communion (Hebrews 10:24-25) because in communion everyone learns to build relationships; attend communication seminars, leadership seminars, social media technolohi workshops; and other education.


Education in Sunday School

 Sunday School is a forum for Christian religious education in the church.  Here a child is guided to know the truth according to the  development of his age. Martin Luther says there should be a Christian  religious education  that instills faith in young people (Boehlke, 2005).  So that  one day they may be able to live in truth.

The opening of the Sunday School was originally to open up educational opportunities for children coming from poor families in this area (in Boughton, Kent county), without interfering with their work on weekdays ordinary, and to accustom children from a young age to always worship every Sunday as well as spend leisure hours on Sundays through good and regular activities. The child  will be taught to read, to know the responsibility of a Christian, especially to study diligently and behave well according to  his needs as a laborer and helper   in the future day (Boehlke, 2016).  With the existence of Sunday School at that time, in addition to being able to read and write, the result that stood out was a "spiritual" result, namely an improvement in terms of identity the children themselves. For he began to feel that he was cared for by teachers and supporters as a valuable person. And it is precisely in the educational process that its identity is strengthened.  Although he was a pauper, he was a human being loved by certain people.   He also began to know himself as also loved  by God (Boehlke, 2016).

Patti said Sunday School  ministry hasa  positive influence on church growth (Pattinama, 2019), as well as Siswoyo said that Sunday School is a means to shaping the  faith and character of the child (Siswoyo, 2018),  as well as Yulianingsih which reveals that the  motivation of children to read the Bible can be improved in  Sunday school (Yulianingsih, 2020).  Thus  the  Church must understand the importance of  the role of Sunday School in Christian religious  education for the  spiritual growth of children.   Because the child's ethics can be discipled in Sunday School, the child will  grow up with an awareness of his identity before  God, the child   will one day  bring goodness for this world. Therefore, the church must take responsibility and play a role in developing Sunday school ministry. 


The Great Commission on Education

Matthew 28:19-20 has four verbs: one imperative verb μαθητεύσατε (mathēteusate), which is the command to make disciples, and three participatory verbs, πορευθέντες (poreuthentes), βαπτίζοντες (baptizontes), and διδάσκοντες (didaskontes) which means to go, baptize, and teach, meaning that the task of Christian religious education is to  preach the gospel to his protégé.

 Luther's thinking  about the purpose of Christian religious education was to involve all the citizens of the congregation, especially the young, in order  to study regularly and orderly in order to become more aware of their sins and rejoice in the Word of Jesus Christ that set them free in addition to equipping them with sources of faith, especially the experience of prayer, the written Word, the Bible and various cultures so that they are able to serve others including society and country and  take part responsibly in Christian communion, namely the Church (Boehlke, 2005).    Calvin's thought of Christian religious education was the fertilization of the minds of believers and their children with the Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through a number of learning experiences carried out by the church, so that in them a continuous spiritual growth was produced that was embodied even more profoundly through self-devotion to God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ in the form of acts of love towards others (Boehlke, 2005).  Groome's idea that the purpose of Christian religious education is to enable people to live as Christians, that is, to live according to the Christian faith (Thomas, 2017).  Based on the above thoughts, the purpose of education is to make disciples of people through a series of teachings and learning experiences in order to grow, be able to live in truth and be witnesses. Thus, the purpose of God's mission in the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20 can be realized through education.



Competence is essential in achieving educational goals both formal and informal.  Thegovernment regulates it in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2005 Article 10 that there are 4 (four) competencies of teachers:   paedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence.

The task of the church is to carry out God's mission of the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20, including through Christian religious education in Sunday School which is a non-formal education. It needs teachers with qualified competence so that the goal of Christian religious education in Sunday School can be realized.  However, teachers in Sunday schools are generally congregants who do not have a latar of teacher education,

Therefore, to achieve the goal of Christian religious education in Sunday School, namely carrying out the great commission, the researcher  proposed that the church develop paedagogic competence, personality competence, social competence and professional competence of teachers. Sunday School through a continuous set of spiritual development, knowledge and abilities for Sunday School teachers



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