Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
360 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
Ahmad Dahlan University
May, 3
May, 7
May, 19
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Vocational High School (SMK) aims to prepare students or graduates who are ready to
enter the world of work and can develop a professional attitude in their field. SMK students
need attention so that graduates can prepare a relatively fast time to adapt to the work
environment. This can be seen from the waiting period for vocational students to be prepared
to work and their ability to work in accordance with professional knowledge and the demands
of the world of work. However, in fact there are many vocational students who are not ready
to work, so that they are the biggest contributor to open unemployment in Indonesia.
Data from the Central Statistics Agency shows that until August 2018 the open
unemployment rate has reached 11.24%. The open unemployment rate has decreased because
This study aims to analyze the effect of work motivation, learning
achievement and student internship results of Light Vehicle
Engineering Department students on work readiness of State
Vocational High School students in Cilacap Regency. This
research method uses quantitative methods with data collection
techniques using questionnaires and documentation. The validity
test used Product Moment and the reliability test used Alpha
Cronbach's. Data analysis used simple and multiple linear
regression as well as relative and effective contributions. The
results showed that: 1) Work motivation has an effect on job
readiness, namely rx1y = 0.672; r2 = 0.452, regression coefficient
= 0.702; 2) Learning achievement has an effect on job readiness,
namely rx2y = 0.134; r2 = 0.018, regression coefficient = 0.009;
3) Internship has an effect on job readiness, namely rx3y = 0.610;
r2 = 0.440, regression coefficient = 0.069; 4) Work motivation,
learning achievement, and internship together have an effect on
job readiness, namely Rx123y = 0.673; R2x123y = 0.452, multiple
linear regression equation Y = 0.982x1 + 0.019x2 + 0.057x3 +
15.133 with a total effective contribution of 51.50% to job
: work motivation, learning achievement, internship,
work readiness
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 361
the open unemployment rate reached 10.42% in August 2019. In 2020 the unemployment rate
for vocational students fell to 8.49.
Table 1 Data on Open Unemployment Rate for the last three years
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, February 2020
Even though the open unemployment rate as of August 2019 has decreased, it is
unfortunate that the Open Unemployment Rate is still dominated by those with vocational
diplomas on average of 10.05 percent. Preliminary research (prelemenary) conducted at BKK
SMK Negeri 2 Cilacap, SMK Negeri 1 Wanareja, SMK Negeri Karangpucung, and SMK
Negeri Nusawungu Meraka states that the traceability data for alumni on the Light Vehicle
Engineering Skills Competency is based on the percentage of those who work an average of
17, 55%.
Table 2 Data on students of alumni of the Light Vehicle Engineering
Negeri 1
working yet
Source: Data from BKK State Vocational Schools in Cilacap Regency
SMK graduates are prepared to be able to work directly according to their competence.
The success of learning at SMK can be seen from the results of learning achievement and
graduates who work, this is related to one another, as stated by Mu'ayati and Margunani in
(Rachmawati & Totalia, 2018) that high work readiness is related to high achievement.
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
362 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Table 3 Recap of data for the top 4 rank UN SMK Automotive Engineering Spectrum
in Cilacap
School Name
UN Average
SMK N 2 Cilacap
SMK Negeri 1
SMK Negeri
Source: Puspendik Kemendikbud in 2019
Based on the data above, SMK Negeri Karangpucung, SMK Negeri 1 Wanareja, SMK
Negeri Nusawungu, and SMK Negeri 2 Cilacap are all A accredited, but the results of the
National Examination are still low for the last three years and continue to decline every year.
So that in preparing students who are ready to work is still low.
This research is a quantitative study, in which data collection uses research
instruments and quantitative data analysis with the aim of testing the predetermined
hypothesis. In addition, this research is an ex post facto research because the data is obtained
from events that have occurred before the research was carried out (Arikunto, 2019). The
population of this study were 137 students of class XII of the light vehicle engineering
expertise competency of State Vocational High Schools in Cilacap Regency, which amounted
to 137 students divided into 4 schools, all of which were used as research subjects so that this
study was a population study.
The data collection techniques used in this study were questionnaires and
documentation. Questionnaire to obtain data on the variables of work motivation, internship
and work readiness. This research uses a closed questionnaire type, where the respondent
gives a checklist feature (v) to the existing alternative answers that match the condition of the
subject. The research questionnaire before use was tested on 31 students to test the validity
and reliability of the instrument. The questionnaire was measured using a Likert scale with 4
alternative answers.
Documentation is used to collect information, about the number of students absorbed
in the world of work, the value of productive subjects and other information needed and its
nature can support this research. The analysis of information descriptions includes the
presentation of information on Mean (Meter), Median (Me), Mode, (Mo), Standard Deviation
(SD), Frequency Distribution Tables, and Table Types of trends for each variable.
The information analysis technique uses simple regression analysis to test the initial,
second, and third hypotheses, namely the effect of work motivation, the effect of learning
achievement and the effect of internship on job readiness partially. In contrast, the multiple
regression analysis of 3 predictors was tried to test the fourth hypothesis that there was an
effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and industrial work applications jointly on
the work
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 363
readiness of State Vocational High School (SMK) students in Cilacap Regency for the
2019/2020 academic year.
A. Research Result
1. Normality Test
From the results of the normality test shows that the instruments of work motivation,
learning achievement and internship show Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) for each variable is greater
(>) than alpha (0.05), which means that the study comes from a normally distributed
2. Linearity Test
The test criteria for stating the linearity of the regression line is done by comparing the
significance of the DFL (Defiation From Linearity) with an alpha level of 0.05. If the
significance value of DFL> alpha 0.05, it can be said that the line of regression is linear. This
is because the DFL significance value of each line is greater than the alpha level of 0.05.
3. Multicolinearity Test
The test criteria show whether or not multicollinearity occurs with a VIF (Variance
Inflation Factor) value with a significance level of 5%. If the VIF value <5, it can be said that
the variables X1, X2, and X3 meet the multicollinearity free requirements. So it can be stated
that the three independent variables have no influence on each other.
4. T-test (partial)
To determine whether there is a significant influence between variables, it can be seen
by looking at the sig column namely in the Coefficient table.
5. Hypothesis testing
Table 4 t-test result (X
Y), (X
Y), and (X
Based on the t test for the work motivation variable, the t value = 13.961 and the t table
value = 1.662, so that t count> t table or 13.961> 1.662. The probability value is 0.000, so the
significance is <0.05 or 0.000 <0.05. It is concluded that in this study Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted, which means that it has a significant influence between work motivation variables
on work readiness variables in State Vocational School students in Cilacap Regency for the
2019/2020 academic year.
Based on the t test for the learning achievement variable, the value of t count = 13.961
and the value of t table = 1.662, so that t count> t table or -2.082> 1.662. The probability
work motivation
work practices
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
364 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
is 0.038, so the significance is <0.05 or 0.038 <0.05. It is concluded that in this study Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that it has a significant influence between the
learning achievement variables on the work readiness variables of State Vocational School
students in Cilacap Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year.
Based on the t test for the apprenticeship variable, the value of t count = 13.613 and the
value of t table = 1.662, so that t count> t table or 13.613> 1.662. The probability value is
0.000, so the significance is <0.05 or 0.000 <0.05. It is concluded that in this study Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that it has a significant influence between the
internship variables on the work readiness variables of the State Vocational School students
in Cilacap Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year
6. Simultaneous F-Test
The F test is used to test the significance of the effect of all independent variables
simultaneously on the dependent variable. This test was carried out with the SPSS 22.0 for
windows program. Following are the results of the F test (Simultaneous).
Table 5 F-test result
Sum of
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable : working readiness
b. Predictors: (Contant), work motivation, learning achievement, work practices
Based on the F test, the calculated F value = 34.245 and the F table value 3.057, so that
F count> F table or 34.245> 3.057. The probability value is 0.000, so the significance is
<0.05 or 0.000 <0.05. It is concluded that in this study Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted,
which means that the variable work motivation, learning achievement, internship
simultaneously has a significant influence on the work readiness variables of class XII
students in Light Vehicle Engineering at State Vocational High Schools in Cilacap Regency
for the 2019/2020 Academic Year.
7. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the linear relationship
between the variables of work motivation, learning achievement, and internships on job
Table 6 Summary of the results of the multiple regression analysis.
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Beta (ß)
work motivation
work practices
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 365
Based on the results of the multiple regression analysis test, it was found that a =
15.133 regression coefficient of work motivation (a1) = 0.982, the coefficient of learning
achievement (a2) = 0.019, the coefficient of industrial work practice (a3) = 0.057 so that the
multiple regression equation is:
Y = a + a
+ a
+ a
Y = 15,133 + 0,982 X
+ 0,019 X
+ 0,057 X
The value of the constant (a) is 15.133, so the amount of student work readiness is
15.133 if the variables of work motivation, learning achievement, and internship are zero or
constant. This constant value means that if the variables of work motivation, learning
achievement, and internship do not contribute, then the average value of job readiness is
considered zero. The regression coefficient value of the work motivation variable is 0.982
and has a positive value on the work readiness variable. This shows that every time there is
an increase or decrease in work motivation will increase or decrease student work readiness
by 0.982. The regression coefficient value of the learning achievement variable is 0.019 and
has a positive value on the work readiness variable. This shows that every time there is an
increase or decrease in learning achievement, it will increase or decrease student work
readiness by 0.019. The regression coefficient value of the internship variable is 0.057 and
has a positive value on the work readiness variable. This shows that every time there is an
increase or decrease in internship, it will increase or decrease student work readiness by
8. Analysis of the coefficient of determination
Determination analysis is used to determine the percentage of the contribution of the
influence of the independent variables simultaneously to the dependent variable. Based on
processing using SPSS 22.0. The coefficient of determination (Adjust R Square) shown in the
following table indicates the ability of the multiple regression equation to show the level of
model explanation for the dependent variable. This means how much influence the
independent variable has on the dependent variable. The results of the Adjust R Square
coefficient of determination are presented in the following table:
Table 7 Adjusted R Square Results
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), work motivation, learning achievement, work practices
Based on the results of the Model Summary output by looking at the Adjusted R
Square, it is because the Adjusted R Square value increases and decreases if there are
additional independent variables into the model. The result of Adjusted R Square value is
0.515 or 51.5%, which means that the ability of the dependent variable, namely work
readiness, can be explained by three independent variables, namely work motivation, learning
achievement and internship. In conclusion, Accept Ha and Reject Ho have a big influence of
51.5%, so the other 48.5% are explained by other variables outside of this study.
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
366 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
9. Coefficient of Partial Determination of Relative Contribution and Effective Contribution
Contribution of predictors is used to find out how many contributions (contributions)
of each independent variable. The weight of the contributions of each independent variable
Effective Donations (SE)
) = ßX
x rxy
x 100%
= 0,702 x 0,672 x 100%
= 47,17%
) = ßX
x rxy
x 100%
= 0,009 x 0,134 x 100%
= 0,12%
) = ßX
x rxy
x 100%
= 0,069 x 0,610 x 100%
= 4,21%
Relative Contribution
)% = SE(X
= 47,17 x 100%
= 91,59%
)% = SE(X
= 0,12 x 100%
= 0,23%
)% = SE(X
= 4,21 x 100%
= 8,18%
Effective contributions of work motivation (X1), learning achievement (X2), and
internship (X3) to work readiness (Y) are:
1) The effective contribution of work motivation (X1) to work readiness is 47.17%.
2) The effective contribution of learning achievement (X2) to work readiness is
3) The effective contribution of industrial work practices (X3) to work readiness is
The relative contributions of work motivation (X1), learning achievement (X2), and
internship (X3) to work readiness (Y) are:
1) The relative contribution of work motivation (X1) to work readiness is 91.59%.
2) The relative contribution of learning achievement (X2) to work readiness is 0.23%.
3) The relative contribution of internship (X3) to work readiness is 8.18%.
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 367
B. Discussion
1. First Hypothesis Testing
Sourced from research results and analyzed with the PC program showing that there
is an influence between work motivation on work readiness in class XII students of the
competency of the State Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method competence
in Cilacap Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year is a positive influence. Based on the
results of simple regression analysis, it was found that the value of rcount was 0.672, which
was positive, meaning that work motivation had a positive relationship to work readiness.
Based on the results of the correlation coefficient which is positive, until the regression
coefficient of 0.702 shows a positive value so that it can be recognized that work motivation
has a positive effect on student work readiness. It is in accordance with the information (N =
95), if work motivation continues to be large so that you want to increase work readiness and
the opposite if work motivation continues to be low so that you want to continue to become
low work readiness, so it can be said that the bond between work motivation and work
readiness is unidirectional. .
Not only that, based on the interpretation table for Sugiyono (2010: 231) the level of
correlation (bonding) is in a strong type because it lies in the correlation interval between 0,
600 to 0.799. The coefficient of determination x1 to Y (r2x1y) is 0,452. This shows that the
work motivation variable has an influence on the work readiness of Class XII Students in the
competency of the State Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method in Cilacap
Regency for the 2019/2020 Academic Year of 45, 2% on the contrary 54, 8% is determined
by other variables not studied.
The results of this research are in line with the theory put forward by Kardimin which
was reported by (NURJANAH, n.d.), if there are 2 aspects that affect job readiness, they are
internal and external aspects. Motivation in this matter is work motivation which is one of the
internal aspects that comes from within the student. Vocational High School (SMK) students
who are prepared to be ready-to-work graduates need work motivation. This matter is
supported by the comments of (Wiryani, Sunarya, & Santyadiputra, 2015) that a student who
wants to work, so that work motivation wants to ensure that students are ready to work.
The results of this research are also reinforced in the Theory of Planned Behavior with
an aspect of intention or in this research that is work motivation. Theory of Planned Behavior
explains that work motivation variables affect and want to shape students' attitudes to be
ready to work. (Wiryani et al., 2015) explained that there will be great motivation to
penetrate the world of work so that you want to increase work readiness and the opposite is
This research is in line with the research tried by (Khoiroh & Prajanti, 2018) which
ensures that work motivation has a positive effect on job readiness. For Caballero and Walker
reported by (Rachmawati & Totalia, 2018) states that "Communication, motivation, initiative,
creativity and Interpersonal skills are the attributes that appear most frequently across the
studies for work readiness". Caballero and Walker say that communication, motivation,
initiative, creativity and interpersonal skills are highly emerging tools in research that can
share the impact of job readiness on students.
Based on this theoretical study, it continues to strengthen that work motivation has a
positive effect on work readiness of class XII students in the competency of the State
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
368 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method in Cilacap Regency for the 2019/2020
academic year.
2. Second Hypothesis Testing
Based on the results of research analyzed with the PC program, it shows that there is
an influence between learning achievement on work readiness of class XII students of the
competency of the State Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method in Cilacap
Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year in the form of a positive influence. Based on the
results of simple regression analysis, it was found that the value of rcount was 0.14, which
was positive for work learning achievement and had a positive relationship with job
Based on the results of the correlation coefficient which is positive, until the regression
coefficient of 0.009 shows a positive value so that it can be recognized that learning
achievement has a positive effect on student work readiness. It is in accordance with the
information (N = 95), if learning achievement continues to be large so that you want to
increase work readiness and the reverse is if learning achievement continues to be low so that
you want to continue to be low work readiness, so it can be said that the bond between
learning achievement and work readiness is unidirectional. .
Not only that, based on the interpretation table for Sugiyono 2010: 231) the level of
correlation (bond) is of a very weak type because it lies in the correlation interval between 0,
000 to 0, 199. The coefficient of determination X2 to Y (r2x2y) is 0, 018.This shows that the
learning achievement variable has an influence on the work readiness of Class XII Students
on the competency of the State Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method in
Cilacap Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year of 1, 8% on the contrary 98, 2%
determined by other variables not studied.
The results of this research are in line with the theoretical study of Nurjanah and
Sukirno (2018) which reported that accounting learning achievement is one of the internal
aspects that affects work readiness). For Hawkins as reported by (Setiawati & Sudira, 2015)
reports that “achievement is understood in terms of standards, and these are defined as
academic outcmes, which are judged againts solute or comparative criteria and across a
narrow range of curriculum subject ”. Which means achievement as a standard, and academic
results, which are decided for absolute criteria or comparison criteria and in the curriculum of
specific subjects. After that, Miller's comments in Hall which were quoted by (Thoharudin &
Relita, 2019) said that “The underlying theory that links to work readiness lies in contextual
learning. The integration of academic and vocational curriculum helps address the skills
required of the 21st century student”. It means the theory that underlies the ties to work
readiness with the contextual education process. (Ketut, 2016) suggests aspects that affect
students' job readiness, including intelligence skills. (Dalyono, 2012) says that some aspects
that shape work readiness, including certain intellectual capacities, especially conceptual
basis and analysis, can support a person's work in experiencing challenges in the viewing
period. Not only that, (Kardimin, 2004) emphasized that one of the aspects that affect student
work readiness is the level of knowledge ability.Source from the theoretical study continues
to confirm that learning achievement has a positive effect on work readiness of class XII
students of competency in the ability of the Light Vehicle Method. State Vocational High
School (SMK) in Cilacap Regency 2019/2020 academic year. The proof of this second
hypothesis can share data if in fact the learning achievement of the Light Vehicle Method
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 367
even though the effect is small but needs special attention so that the work readiness of
students continues to be great
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
368 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
3. Third Hypothesis Testing
Based on the results of the research analyzed with a computer program, it shows that
there is an influence between apprenticeship on work readiness in class XII students of the
light vehicle engineering skills competency of State Vocational High Schools in Cilacap
Regency for the 2019/2020 Academic Year, which is a positive influence. Based on the
results of simple regression analysis, it is obtained that the value of rcount is 0.610 which is
positive, which means that internship has a positive relationship with job readiness. Based on
the results of the correlation coefficient which is positive, the regression coefficient of 0.069
indicates a positive value so that it can be seen that internship has a positive effect on student
work activity.
In accordance with the research data (N = 95), if the internship is higher it will increase
work readiness and vice versa if the internship is lower, the work readiness is getting lower,
so it is said that the relationship between internship and student work readiness is
unidirectional. Interpretation table according to Sugiyono (2010: 231) the level of correlation
(relationship) is in the very weak category because it is in the correlation interval between
0,000 to 0.199. The coefficient of determination X3 to Y (r2x3y) is 0.440. This shows that
the apprenticeship variable has an influence on the work readiness of class XII students in the
light vehicle engineering competency skills of State Vocational High Schools in Cilacap
Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year of 44%, while 56% is determined by other
variables that are not examined.
The results of this study are in line with the theory put forward by (Kardimin, 2004)
that one of the external factors that influence a person's work activity is work experience, in
this case apprenticeship. Vocational school students are equipped with theoretical and
practical knowledge in schools that require non-formal learning through this internship so
that they add insight and develop student skills by practicing the theories obtained directly in
the internship. According to (Hamalik, 2001) the implementation of apprenticeship has
benefits for students, one of which is providing practical experience to students so that the
training results are richer and broader as provisions to enter the world of work. (Anwar,
2006) states that apprenticeship has added value for students in the form of learning
outcomes to be more meaningful, because after graduation they have the ability as provisions
to improve themselves gradually prolonged and transporting the self-esteem and self-
confidence of students which in turn can force them to improve their reliable abilities at a
greater level.
Work readiness in implementing apprenticeship that looks good must be increased
simultaneously because there are various future demands that not only demand work
readiness, but also readiness to increase Indonesia's economic development contained in the
master plan for accelerating Indonesia's economic development (Arfandi & Sampebua,
2016). For (Rohmantoro, 2018) industrial work application is an implementation of dual
system learning that combines systematically and synchronizes between learning programs in
schools and the ability programs obtained through direct work activities by students in the
world of work that match their skill competencies.
Other comments were informed by (Borland, Considine, Kalb, & Ribar, 2016) if "Job
rediness refers to those generic attitudes and skills that are necessary to and retain a job" this
comment means that job readiness refers to a set of attitudes and skills needed to obtain and
maintain a job. The implementation of OJT has a meaningful position for students to improve
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 369
student competence, this is expressed by Tukunimulongo (2016: 3) that "On The Job
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
370 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
plays a significant role in the development of organization, enhancing performance as well as
and increasing productivity". It is said that OJT plays a significant position in organizational
development, increasing performance and increasing productivity. This means that it can be
said that schools (students) who carry out OJT to students want to share training provisions
for students to familiarize themselves with expertise and knowledge.
Sourced from the theoretical study, it continues to strengthen if there is an effect of
apprenticeship on the work readiness of class XII students of the Light Vehicle Method
Ability Competency. Vocational High School (SMK) in Cilacap Regency for the 2019/2020
Academic Year is in the form of a positive influence. It is proven that the third hypothesis
can share data if the internship has a large enough contribution to ensure student work
readiness so that attention is needed so that the work readiness of students continues to be
4. Fourth Hypothesis Testing
The research results show that there is an influence between work motivation, learning
achievement, and internship together on work readiness of class XII students of the
competency of the State Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method in Cilacap
Regency for the 2019/2020 academic year in the form of a positive influence. Based on the
results of the multiple regression analysis of the 3 predictors, it was found that the Rhitung
price was 0, 673, which was positive, meaning that there was a positive relationship between
work motivation, learning achievement, and internship together on job readiness.
Match with research information (N = 95), work motivation, learning achievement, and
internship together continue to grow so that you want to increase work readiness and the
opposite if work motivation, learning achievement, and internship together continue to be
low until readiness work continues to be low, so it can be said that the bonds are
unidirectional. Not only that, Sugiyono (2010: 231) the level of correlation (bonding) is in
large types because it lies in the correlation interval between 0, 600 to 0.799.
5. Price coefficient
Determination of X1, X2, X3 against, Y (R2X123) is 0, 452. This shows that the
variables of work motivation, learning achievement, and internships together have an
influence on work readiness of class XII students on the competency ability of the Middle
School Light Vehicle Method State Vocational Schools (SMK) in Cilacap Regency for the
2019/2020 academic year of 45.2%, on the other hand 54.8% is determined by other variables
not studied.
Based on the bond between work motivation, learning achievement, and internship
together, it has a large level of correlation and the coefficient of determination is 45.2%, so it
is possible that work motivation, learning achievement and internships together can influence
job readiness as much as 45, 2%.
This result is reinforced by a theoretical study put forward by Slameto (2013: 113) that
the aspect that affects job readiness comes from 2 aspects, namely the internal aspect and the
external aspect. Internal aspects that affect work readiness include work motivation and
learning achievement. On the other hand, the external aspect that affects job readiness is
work experience obtained through internship or said internship experience.
Sismoyo, Budi Santosa and Muhammad Sayuti
The effect of work motivation, learning achievement, and work practice results
on work readiness 371
Sourced from the results of the information analysis in this research, the conclusions
that can be stated are as follows: There is a positive and significant effect of work motivation
on work readiness of class XII students of competency in the ability of the Light Vehicle
Method in State Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Cilacap Regency in the 2019 school
year. / 2020 with a correlation coefficient of rx1y of 0.672; The coefficient of determination
r2x1y is 0, 452.There is a positive and significant influence of learning achievement on work
readiness of class XII students. Light Vehicle Method competency competence in State
Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Methods in Cilacap Regency in the 2019/2020
school year with a correlation coefficient of rx2y of 0 , 134; The coefficient of determination
r2x2y is 0, 018.There is a positive and significant influence of industrial work applications on
work readiness of class XII students. Light Vehicle Method competency competence in State
Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Methods in Cilacap Regency in the 2019/2020
school year with a correlation coefficient of rx3y of 0, 610; The coefficient of determination
r2x3y is 0, 440. There is a positive and significant influence on work motivation, learning
achievement, and industrial work applications on work readiness of class XII students on the
competency of the State Vocational High School (SMK) Light Vehicle Method in Cilacap
Regency in the 2019/2020 school year with rx123y correlation coefficient of 0.673; the
coefficient of determination r2x123y of 0.452.
Anwar. (2006). Pendidikan Kecakapan Hidup. Bandung: Cv Alfabeta.
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