Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
354 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Universitas Internasional Batam
May, 3
May, 7
May, 19
This paper aims to research the current GDP growth of Batam
and provide alternative solutions to the city regarding to the
several possible steps that can be taken in terms of raising the
GDP of Batam city. Substantial evidence was shown that proves
that Batam has not reached its possible target of GRDP growth.
Several operable solutions were provided in this paper, all those
that ultimately leads to pushing more citizens to open up new
business which leads to new job creations, the increased number
of investors that are willing to put money in Batam, and the
increased productivity and quality of our human resources. To
conclude shortly, this paper provided information that can
describe the performance of the regional economy, evaluated
development results, contributed to the making of regional
policies or plans, and provided operable solutions in order to
raise the GDP of Batam which, in the long run, is expected to
increase the quality of life in Batam.
Keywords: GDP growth, job creations, investors, increased
productivity, development
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
According to (Laksamana, 2016), the calculation of GRDP is crucial for the
country, because a country's economic growth is determined by an increase in output as
measured by calculating GRDP. Another expert opinion, (Dynan & Sheiner, 2018) also
revealed that measuring GRDP accurately is important to accurately measure the
productivity of a country in producing goods and services.
According to Spencer (James, Gubbins, Murray, & Gakidou, 2012), the use of
GRDP as the most appropriate calculation to see the economic development of a region.
Research by (Silastri, Iyan, & Sari, 2017) also concludes that GRDP is one of the most
universal economic indicators for calculating economic development.
There are many experts who are also researching on how to increase GRDP.
According to (Odit, Dookhan, & Fauzel, 2010), take people's education is proven to be
seen as an important factor in increasing economic growth. Research by (Burda,
Hamermesh, & Weil, 2006) also does this with his findings suggesting that hourly
productivity is the main factor behind regional GRDP.
In addition to labor, there are other factors that are more significant in the
influence of GRDP according to the economist (Choi, Furceri, Loungani, Mishra, &
Poplawski-Ribeiro, 2018), that the higher the country's productivity, the more services
and products produced, the higher the country's GRDP.
On the other hand, research by (Koojaroenprasit, 2012) argues that the highest
factor for an increase in regional GDP is foreign investment. This research is also
Solving solutions in raising the GRDP of Batam city based on theoretical and
empirical evidence 355
supported by the study of (Sutawijaya, 2010) which argues that investment can affect
economic growth such as increasing production, employment, added value, and exports.
Prior to that, (Forte & Moura, 2013) has revealed that the effect of investment depends on
the domestic conditions of the host country. Another study conducted by (Kunle, Olowe,
& Oluwafolakemi, 2014) for the same subject, then the results reveal that even though
investment directly has a positive effect on economic growth.
Batam City in Indonesia is known as one of the islands with the highest potential
in terms of economic development (Harefa, 2013). Batam is one of the regions that is
regulated to compete with other countries in the Asia Pacific (Sunantri & Wibowo, 2010).
This is the reason why this research is background for Batam City. Batam is seen as an
island that has enormous economic potential due to its strategic location (Dedees, 2016).
Therefore, Batam City is one of the small islands in Indonesia which has the highest
GRDP (Priyadi & Si, 2019).
Batam's GRDP per 2021 is ranked 17th for the highest GRDP by city; and this
was achieved in a fairly short time. Batam's GRDP growth can be called a rate when
compared to other cities, but it can still respond slowly when compared to other cities
abroad that have similar strategic locations such as Malaysia or Singapore. Therefore, this
research was conducted in order to provide alternative solutions to increase the GRDP of
Batam more rapidly; to assist the vision and mission of Batam.
This study uses secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency as well as
various economist journals to get the effect of increasing productivity through education
and ease of starting employment, as well as the effect of foreign investment for countries
that have similar economic, social and geographical conditions to Batam City, so the data
is based on historical costs. The type of data is qualitative and quantitative data, and
involves a naturalistic and interpretive approach to the subject matter in this study.
According to the research results, there is a special method that will work well for
Batam City based on data that has been researched from other areas that have similar
geographical, social and economic conditions to Batam.
A. Batam City Workforce Productivity and Its Correlation with Batam's GRDP
The country's labor productivity and GRDP have shown to have a fairly strong
correlation; with the basic fact that labor productivity means more and more human
resources that are well utilized; and more and more products and services produced by a
region. And one of the things that can reflect labor productivity is the unemployment rate
in a region.
Table 1 shows the TPT and GRDP of Batam City in 2011 - 2019
TPT Kota Batam
PDRB Kota Batam
Source: CNBC Indonesia and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
356 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
The data in table 1 shows that Batam's GRDP will be lower if the TPT Batam is
getting higher. It should be noted that although the PDRB calculation of Batam City
includes many things other than the level of labor in Batam City, it still cannot be denied
that Batam City workforce is indeed one of the factors that influence the PDRB of Batam
City; and this can be proven through the data presented where the number of variables
provided can more accurately support the theory put forward.
Figure 1 Graphic Illustration of TPT and GRDP of Batam City in 2011 - 2019
Source: CNBC Indonesia and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics
Figure 1 above is illustrated in order to show more clearly that the TPT and GRDP
of Batam City move in opposite directions; the higher the TPT in Batam City, the lower
the GRDP.
1. Implementation of the New Law to Facilitate Community Work Creation
Having proven that labor productivity does have a correlation with Batam's GRDP,
it is necessary to find a solution to increase Batam's labor productivity. One of the biggest
problems regarding low productivity is the high rate of unemployment, and the lack of
job creation.
It was recorded that on January 1, 2021, there were 853,128 people in Batam who
were at the working age. Meanwhile, the recorded employment is only 81,486, including
MSMEs without employees. People tend to be reluctant to open jobs because they have a
fear of failure. 38,876 MSME owners were interviewed for a research conducted by
Batam Pos, of the 38,876 MSME owners, more than 35,000 admitted that they had an
enormous fear of failure when they started out; and most of them have the same reasons,
namely because of high local taxes and also the regional laws which are quite heavy if the
MSMEs end up failing. 15,648 respondents admitted that they almost did not open
MSMEs because of the many challenges.
The community cannot have employment opportunities, if the community itself is
not able to create jobs. Relying solely on society to create jobs; especially with the tax
law and doing business which is quite strict, it is a difficult thing. So it takes a
breakthrough in the copyright work law that can make it easier for people to create jobs.
It can be considered that the local government has prepared a safety net or willa walker
for prospective MSME owners to encourage them to more easily open new MSMEs and
create new jobs. There are many laws that can be changed to facilitate the creation of new
jobs for the community.
For example but not limited to; Rigid calculation of severance pay, payment of
employment recognition (UPMK) and compensation for rights (UPH) differentiated by
reason of dismissal, as regulated in articles 161 to 172 in Law No. 13/2003 on
employment, can be canceled. On the other hand, job creation can be replaced in that the
employer is only obliged to pay severance pay and UPMK according to the employee's
tenure, no longer obliged to be 32 months.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Grafik 1
TPT Kota Batam PDRB Kota Batam
Solving solutions in raising the GRDP of Batam city based on theoretical and
empirical evidence 357
Administrative requirements such as building construction permits (IMB), building
ownership status and land rights permits, architectural permits and building designations,
among others that are regulated in Law 28/22 can be cut, especially in 2021 where most
MSMEs no longer require all these things on line.
The requirements for outsourcing could also be relaxed significantly under the new
bill, as Article 66 of the Manpower Act which prohibits outsourced employees from
doing more than the core duties in the company has to be revised. The new bill suggests
that it should make it possible for agencies to hire workers for a variety of tasks,
including freelance and full-time.
There is a need for a new law on job creation, its point is to strengthen existing
regulations by simplifying business licensing procedures in almost all business sectors.
The bill changes the applicable laws related to the business sector, which aims to
facilitate the licensing process and conduct business in the country. All of the
aforementioned laws have also been implemented in several countries such as Vietnam
and the Philippines which show an increase in job creation of around 5-7% compared to
the previous one.
2. Increase Productivity Through Education
Education also has a significant correlation for the GRDP of a region. The
country's GRDP in the United Kingdom is approximately $ 35,580 with 99% of the adult
population being literate; The GRDP in Mexico is around $ 11,410 with 92% of the adult
population being literate; and the country's GRDP in Mali is around $ 1,130 with only
46% of the adult population being literate. The data presented is intended to highlight that
the higher the education of the community, the more quality human resources will be able
to increase productivity and produce products / services.
Batam can improve the education of its people by holding programs that can
encourage people to want to go to higher education, and provide free basic education
from an early age. Public schools without fees are not unheard of in Batam; but the
community is often not only free to attend school, but also does not see the importance of
school; some of them also do not go to school to be able to work, sell, or help their
parents to earn income.
By 2021, there are 54 free schools in Batam, and 35 of them are financed by the
government. Some of these free schools are located quite close to, some even have less
than 100 students per school. One solution to this is that the government can do this is to
close 12 of the 54 schools whose students are below 100, then allocating funds to run
these 12 schools as an incentive for every student who attends school every day. These
incentives can be additional motivation for students to visit schools, with the hope of
getting incentives, but also gaining knowledge in the process.
B. Encouraging Fields for Foreign Investment
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that one of the motors to boost the
regional economy is increased foreign and domestic investment. If economic growth in
Batam can increase by around 5-7%, then every 10 years means that Batam's GRDP can
increase 2x.
One of the ways to attract investors to Batam City is by building more advanced
infrastructure. Batam's geographic location makes Batam a bridge city, especially for
Singapore and Malaysia. Therefore, every year there are always a lot of foreign people
who pass through Batam to transit. The effect is the number of developers who build
property with the target market not Batam people; such as Meisterstadt, where over 60%
of buyers are foreign investors, and Monde City, which is around 47%. The buyers are
mostly citizens from Singapore and Malaysia. The number of property buyers in Batam is
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
356 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
not only because of the attractive apartments, but also because of Batam's infrastructure
which can be
Solving solutions in raising the GRDP of Batam city based on theoretical and
empirical evidence 357
believed as one of the cities that can develop rapidly. Therefore, Batam infrastructure can
be developed more rapidly and more effectively to increase foreign investors investing in
Batam City, not only in property but also in state projects.
If implemented properly, vital new infrastructure will allow the free movement of
goods to increase output and increase demand. A developing economy can basically help
infrastructure projects to pay for the projects themselves.
The Indonesian Minister of Finance predicts a 1% increase in infrastructure
spending will result in a 1.4% increase in GRDP within 4 years. But regardless,
successful growth depends on developing economies creating a balance of economic,
social and environmental factors to create an "enabling environment"; overcome
regulation, bureaucracy and land tenure rights to encourage investment.
The gap between infrastructure projects and a country's ability to finance them is
often filled by specialist investors, or partnerships between government and private
corporate investors. The success of Batam's pension, insurance and wealth funds could
help build up sizable capital to buy infrastructure assets, which many governments and
private owners are happy to sell.
Based on the analysis carried out and evidence of the relevant data presented,
there are 2 most effective solutions to increase the GRDP of Batam City; the first is to
attract foreign investment through Batam infrastructure development; this has proven to
be working well, and local governments can be even more supportive by increasing
purchases of infrastructure assets. The second is to increase Batam's productivity in two
ways, namely creating laws that make job creation easier, and improving the quality of
Batam's human resources through education.
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