Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Dian Novitasari, Luciana Wardani and Luthfiyah Awwalul Karimah
Muhammadiyah Malang University
E-mail: dianns18na@gmail.com, lucianawardani07.25@gmail.com,
May, 3
May, 7
May, 18
This writing aims to find out about the role of students in creating
superior and moral graduates. This research was conducted at
Alhuda Islamic Junior High School in Lamongan Regency with
uses a qualitative method. The technique of collecting data on this
writing is done by means of interviews and observations. The
result of the research is by screening students to be able to create
superior and moral graduates. The role of students is by screening
students who will register at the school. Of course, prioritizing the
ability of students who later can provide guidance or coaching to
be able to produce quality graduates. Then in realizing excellent
and moral graduates, the role of students at Alhuda Islamic
Junior High School is by increasing the development of Intra
School Organization (OSIS). The goal is none other than
introducing students to organize, direct and control student
activities. As well as fostering and implementing coordination of
security, health, cleanliness, order, shade, beauty and kinship.
Keywords: role, student, superior, moral
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Perceptions of Muslims, as violent and monolithic, have played acentral role in
the global discourse on extremism. But, very little workhas been done in the field of
education to decipher how Islam’s historicconceptions of knowledge and education may
have affected the emer-gence of radicalization in Islam today (Sabic-El-Rayess, 2020).
Education is a conscious effort made by humans as an obligation that cannot be
abandoned or considered as something that is not important (Huda, 2016). Education is
essentially an effort to pass on values, which will be a helper and guide for mankind in
living life, and at the same time to improve the fate and civilization of mankind (Sanaky,
2014). Education is a process of guidance for changes in attitudes and behavior of a
person or group, which is carried out consciously in order to mature humans in forming
individuals who are independent and physically and spiritually healthy (Muhammad
Rifai, 2011).
The development in the world of education is getting better day by day in line
with the development of the need for improving the quality of Human Resources.
Increasing human resources is not as easy as imagined, the various changes that occur in
humans in the form of changes in lifestyle, cultural transitions, economies and others will
affect education policy. So that educational policies are increasingly changing from time
to time (Umar & dkk, 2016). This have been a challenge for an educational institution. So
that educational institutions have a tough task in facing challenges and increasingly large
technological developments that have positive and negative impacts on educational
Dian Novitasari, Luciana Wardani and Luthfiyah Awwalul Karimah
The role of students in realizing excellent and moral graduates at Alhuda
islamic junior high school
institutions (Tidjani, 2017).
Life that is always side by side with competition between people certainly raises
various problems. Therefore, humans must be able to adapt as best as possible to be able
to create a perfect human being. As we know that educational institutions in it certainly
involve and process humans to become highly knowledgeable (Nasir Usman & A.R,
2019). Thus, educational institutions must be able to create graduates who are superior
and have morals in accordance with the norms of society (Syafe’i, 2017). Considering
that currently Indonesia is truly at the stage of a moral crisis. Morals become sidelined for
worldly gratification.
Student management has a significant role in the world of education in coaching
students, both students who have just registered themselves in the educational institution
and students who have been accepted (Sa’diyah, 2018). Student management is
responsible for conducting coaching or self-development of students to the limit of
students' graduation. Therefore student management is an effort to regulate students,
starting from students entering educational institutions until they graduate (Kompri,
Strategy must have something to do with management, without strategic
management that is not directed systematically, so it is known as strategic management,
which has the meaning of a single system that has various components that are
interconnected and influence each other, and move simultaneously which consists of
planning. (Planning), organizing, implementing (actuating), and controlling (controlling).
These four things are referred to as management functions (Kurniasih & Sari, 2013).
The strategic management function as explained by several experts, among them
is according to Henri Fayol, that management includes sequential functions, namely:
planning, organizing, and controlling. According to John D Milles, classifying
management functions into two categories, namely: directing (direction and guidance),
and facilitating (giving assistance) (Sudjana, 2010).
In addition, student management in the school can help all staff and the
community in understanding the progress of the school. This means that the quality and
degree of the school is reflected in a school system. Whether the school is able to develop
the entire school community to be more professional or not. Everything will be seen from
how to implement the system in each school (Saihudin, 2018).
SMP Islam Alhuda is a Full Day School Plus based educational institution Al-
Qur'an. This middle level institution has a combined curriculum between the National
curriculum and the Islamic boarding school curriculum. Seeing the deteriorating moral
condition, Islamic Junior High School tries in such a way to restore human identity to
become a person who has a polite and polite personality. Not only that, Alhuda Islamic
Junior High School also continues to strive to be able to create excellent and moral
Based on the above explanation, this paper is made with the aim of knowing
about the role of students at Alhuda Islamic Junior High School in creating and creating
excellent and moral graduates. This research is important for conducted as an evaluation
material for student management to create excellent and moral graduates.
Previously, there had been many previous studies that were relevant to this
research, one of which was the research conducted by (PANGESTU, 2021) with the title
The Role of Islamic Education Teachers and Character in Implementing Character
Education Towards Internalization of Karimah Morals at SMK N 3 Salatiga in 2020. In
the study It is concluded that the PAI teacher's actions and character in implementing
character education at SMK N 3 Salatiga students through holding student spirituality
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
activities, providing good advice and exemplary. The implementation of character
education towards moral attitudes at SMK N 3 Salatiga in implementing morality
education is as follows: holding dhuha prayers, reading asthmaul khusna, and carrying
out congregational prayers. The supporting and inhibiting factors at SMK N 3 Salatiga in
implementing character education are: a. The supporting factor is seen from the
commitment of the teachers and the condition of the environment around the school, the
majority of which are pondok pesantren. b. The inhibiting factor is seen from the
infrastructure in the form of inadequate prayer rooms, the background for character
education for each student is different and the students are not wise in using gadgets.
In contrast to previous studies, this study focuses on the role of student
management in creating superior and moral graduates. Because to create superior and
moral graduates is not only the duty of religious teachers but also plays a role in the
student section.
The research method used in this research is qualitative research methods. The
qualitative research method is the collection of data in a natural setting with the intention
of interpreting the phenomena that occur, namely the researcher as a key instrument, the
sampling of data sources is carried out purposively and snowbaal, the collection
technique is by triangulation (combined), data analysis of inductive or qualitative data
and results. qualitative research emphasizes meaning rather than generalization (Regar,
Areros, & Asaloei, 2018). The data that is processed to do this writing consists of primary
data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained directly from informants and
respondents in the field who are the principal of the Alhuda Islamic Middle School and its
staff. Then secondary data is data obtained through books, journals, or other references
that support and are in accordance with the research objectives (Atang Hermawan Usman,
A. Student Management Objectives and Functions
Universally, the objectives of student participant management are controlling the
activities of student participants who can support the process of teaching and learning
activities in schools, and learning runs easily, orderly, and orderly which can lead to
donations in reaching school goals and learning objectives in totality. In particular, the
objectives of learning management are as follows:
1. Increase the knowledge, skills, and psychomotor of students.
2. Channeling and improving universal skills (intelligence), talents, and
attention of students.
3. Channel your hopes and aspirations. And fulfill the needs of student
participants (Darma, 2018).
For Imron, universally for student participant management is a vehicle for
maximizing self-improvement, both in terms of individualism, social, aspirations, needs,
and other abilities (Rifa'i, 2018). This matter is intended so that students can increase
their potential without many obstacles. Both from a social perspective to peers, family,
and residents, and channeling the hobbies, fun, and attention of students can help support
the self-growth of student participants (Annas, 2017).
Dian Novitasari, Luciana Wardani and Luthfiyah Awwalul Karimah
The role of students in realizing excellent and moral graduates at Alhuda
islamic junior high school
B. Scope of Student Management
Universal student participant management has 3 main tasks, namely the acceptance
of new student participants, learning activities and progress, and tutorials and disciplinary
guidance (Annas, 2017).
For Imron, the scope of student participant management is as follows: 1) planning
of student participants, 2) acceptance of new students, 3) orientation of students, 4)
controlling the arrival and absence of students, 5) grouping of students, 6) controlling the
assessment of results student learning, 7) controlling the increase in the level of student
participants, 8) controlling student participants who transfer and drop out, and 9) code of
ethics, legal councils, punishment and discipline of student participants (Rifa 'i, 2018).
From some of the scope described by Imron, one of the points we take is the
acceptance of new students at Alhuda Islamic Junior High School. The acceptance of
student participants includes several stages, including:
1. Participant acceptance policy
Alhuda Islamic Junior High School, implements several policies must be fulfilled
by prospective applicants. Administrative policy for registering at Alhuda Islamic Junior
High School as usual. However, there is a policy that is quite firm, which is to make
Alhuda Islamic Junior High School one of the schools to go to. Not acting as a stepping
stone for not being accepted into school was his first goal.
2. Student acceptance system
The system for accepting students is by registering first at the institution's office,
after which they fill out the registration form and fulfill the administrative requirements.
After that registrants will be given a test in the form of an observation test for sorting and
sorting out student participants. After that, the accepted students will be grouped
according to their respective skills and weaknesses.
3. Criteria for new student admissions
Alhuda Islamic Junior High School has several criteria to obtain quality student
participants. SMP Islam Alhuda uses a combination of the national curriculum and the
Islamic boarding school curriculum, of course, prospective students have expertise in
universal subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Language, and so on. Not only that,
students are also required to have the ability to read and write the Qur'an. Given that the
subjects that are emphasized are tartilul Qur'an, Tahfidzhul Qur 'an, and tarjamah al-Qur'
C. Student Management Principles
The principles of student management necessary to examine for implementing the
objectives and use of student management properly. The principles are interpreted is
something that must be a guide in carrying out tasks. If something is no longer used as a
guideline, that matter no longer wants to be a principle. Conversely, the principle of
student participant management itself means that to manage student participants, the
principles mentioned on this basis must always be held and used as guidelines. There are
also the management principles of student participants described by the Ministry of
Learning and Culture (Rifa 'i, 2018) which are as follows:
1) The totality of school management is looked at as part of the management of
2) To carry out the learning mission and educate student participants, it is aimed
at all forms of student participant management.
3) To unite students who have various kinds of backgrounds and comparisons,
so that it can be tried by striving for student management activities.
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
4) Activities that are in a try by student participants must be looked at as an
effort to make arrangements for the guidance of student participants.
5) To stimulate and urge the independence of students, it is mandatory to do it
through student management activities.
6) The life of students either at school or in the future must be functionalized
through student participant management.
7) Characteristics of students such as intellectual, attention, talent, individual
needs, experience, and physical condition are recognized by the
implementation of student participant management.
Not only that, from the comments of experts (Taqwa, 2016) it can be concluded
that the management principles of students are as follows:
1) Student management is part of the totality of school management. Until he is
obliged to have the same goals and/or support all management goals.
2) Management activities are required to carry out the learning mission and to
educate student participants. Either activity that is light, heavy, liked, or
disliked by students must be shown to educate students.
3) Activities that are tried must endeavor to unite student participants who have
various backgrounds and differences. All these comparisons are formed to
unite with mutual domination and respect.
4) The management activity is stared at as an effort to regulate the student
participant guidance. Until the guidance, it must find the availability of the
supervised party, namely the student participants themselves. Because it does
not cover up, maybe the guidance will be carried out well if there is no
availability from the students themselves.
5) Urgent management activities and stimulate the independence of students.
With this principle, there is to be useful for student participants not only in
schools but also in the community area.
6) Management activities play a role in the lives of students both at school and
in the future.
D. Student Management Position
Student management or student participants is an effort to regulate all matters
relating to students starting from the admission of new student participants to the
discharge or graduation of students from a school. To carry out student management is
not only controlled by the principal but also controlled by the vice principal of student
affairs. But it needs to be recognized that only the principal holds and shares the final
decision on each school activity. Based on the results of observations at SMP Islam
Alhuda, student management has the following positions:
1. Student management functions to improve the quality of the Intra School
Student Organization (OSIS)
This means for everyone to have expertise in the organization. Until the existence
of this alibi, it shows that there must be an effort to improve the expertise of each person
in matters of organizational governance. In this matter, each student is trained to improve
his organizational skills. Because in organizations, students want to be able to lead
themselves so that with these skills students can build bonds and lead other people. With
the use of student management, it is hoped that students will have the provisions and
expertise when they are required to go directly to the residents.
Dian Novitasari, Luciana Wardani and Luthfiyah Awwalul Karimah
The role of students in realizing excellent and moral graduates at Alhuda
islamic junior high school
2. Student management functions in centralizing and regulating student activities
Student activity is an arrangement of activity programs that are the results of the
thoughts of student participants (Fajri & amp; Safinah, 2020). In this case, student
management has a role to urge and guide students towards the skills possessed by
3. Student management functions in the implementation of 7K
The state of the school is a condition of the school area that reflects a condition by
observing something that is intertwined (Fajri & amp; Safinah, 2020). With the
implementation of student management, guidance can be tried in the development of 7K
aspects which include aspects of safety, health, cleanliness, discipline, shade, beauty, and
kinship to produce a healthy, disciplined, accomplished, noble, faithful, and pious air so
that creativity can grow normally.
The universal goal of student participant management is to control the activities
of student participants who are able to support the process of teaching and learning
activities in schools. And education can run easily, orderly, and in an orderly manner
which can later lead to donations in reaching school goals and learning objectives in
totality. Universally the use of student participant management is as a vehicle for
maximizing self-improvement, both in terms of individualism, social, aspirations, needs,
and other abilities. There are also stages in implementing the process of admitting new
students, including the admission policy, the admission system, and the acceptance
To implement the objectives and use of student participant management, it is
necessary to hold and make student management principles as a guideline. Therefore, all
student management roles or student participants must always adhere to and be
proportional to the principles of management itself. After that, in realizing excellent and
moral graduates, the position of students at Alhuda Islamic Junior High School is to
increase the development of Intra School Organizations (OSIS). The goal is none other
than introducing students to organize, carry out direction and control student activities.
And fostering and coordinating security, health, cleanliness, discipline, shade, beauty and
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