Dian Novitasari, Luciana Wardani and Luthfiyah Awwalul Karimah
The role of students in realizing excellent and moral graduates at Alhuda
islamic junior high school
institutions (Tidjani, 2017).
Life that is always side by side with competition between people certainly raises
various problems. Therefore, humans must be able to adapt as best as possible to be able
to create a perfect human being. As we know that educational institutions in it certainly
involve and process humans to become highly knowledgeable (Nasir Usman & A.R,
2019). Thus, educational institutions must be able to create graduates who are superior
and have morals in accordance with the norms of society (Syafe’i, 2017). Considering
that currently Indonesia is truly at the stage of a moral crisis. Morals become sidelined for
worldly gratification.
Student management has a significant role in the world of education in coaching
students, both students who have just registered themselves in the educational institution
and students who have been accepted (Sa’diyah, 2018). Student management is
responsible for conducting coaching or self-development of students to the limit of
students' graduation. Therefore student management is an effort to regulate students,
starting from students entering educational institutions until they graduate (Kompri,
Strategy must have something to do with management, without strategic
management that is not directed systematically, so it is known as strategic management,
which has the meaning of a single system that has various components that are
interconnected and influence each other, and move simultaneously which consists of
planning. (Planning), organizing, implementing (actuating), and controlling (controlling).
These four things are referred to as management functions (Kurniasih & Sari, 2013).
The strategic management function as explained by several experts, among them
is according to Henri Fayol, that management includes sequential functions, namely:
planning, organizing, and controlling. According to John D Milles, classifying
management functions into two categories, namely: directing (direction and guidance),
and facilitating (giving assistance) (Sudjana, 2010).
In addition, student management in the school can help all staff and the
community in understanding the progress of the school. This means that the quality and
degree of the school is reflected in a school system. Whether the school is able to develop
the entire school community to be more professional or not. Everything will be seen from
how to implement the system in each school (Saihudin, 2018).
SMP Islam Alhuda is a Full Day School Plus based educational institution Al-
Qur'an. This middle level institution has a combined curriculum between the National
curriculum and the Islamic boarding school curriculum. Seeing the deteriorating moral
condition, Islamic Junior High School tries in such a way to restore human identity to
become a person who has a polite and polite personality. Not only that, Alhuda Islamic
Junior High School also continues to strive to be able to create excellent and moral
Based on the above explanation, this paper is made with the aim of knowing
about the role of students at Alhuda Islamic Junior High School in creating and creating
excellent and moral graduates. This research is important for conducted as an evaluation
material for student management to create excellent and moral graduates.
Previously, there had been many previous studies that were relevant to this
research, one of which was the research conducted by (PANGESTU, 2021) with the title
The Role of Islamic Education Teachers and Character in Implementing Character
Education Towards Internalization of Karimah Morals at SMK N 3 Salatiga in 2020. In
the study It is concluded that the PAI teacher's actions and character in implementing
character education at SMK N 3 Salatiga students through holding student spirituality