Vol 1, Number 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
251 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Titin Alia Husnah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangkaraya
April, 26
May, 10
Approved: May,
The Covid-19 pandemic, which requires learning to be carried out
online, has made the implementation of learning in Jurisprudence
subjects not run optimally. This research was conducted with the
aim of knowing how the implementation of online learning in
fiqih subjects during the Covid -19 pandemic in MIS, Katingan
Hilir District, Katingan Regency. This research is a descriptive
qualitative research. The data taken from this study is data that is
relevant to the research focus, namely on online learning of fiqh
subjects during the Covid -19 pandemic in MIS, Katingan Hilir
District, Katingan Regency. The collected data will be analyzed
using several stages, preparation, analysis, presentation of the
results of the analysis. The results of this study indicate the
learning implementation strategy used by the teacher in fiqh
learning during the Covid 19 pandemic at MIS Katingan Hilir was
carried out by a strategy planning board. The use of learning
methods is centered on methods that are bold through the material
sent by the teacher. The media used are multimedia-based media
in the form of a powerpoint module and the whatsapp group and
google classroom media communication platform. After planning
by the teacher about learning then the teacher implements the
strategy, pre-learning activities are carried out in the form of
question and answer interactions.
Keywords: Implementation, online learning, fiqih
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
An unknown new human coronavirus, now termed Coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19), was identified in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan (Liu et al.,
2021). The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and its related efforts of
containment have generated a worldwide health crisis impacting all sectors of human life
(Bhattacharya et al., 2021) Covid-19 is a virus whose transmission is very fast and it is
difficult to know the characteristics of people who have been infected with this virus
because the incubation period is approximately 14 days (Rahman, 2020). Almost all
countries have experienced the impact of this pandemic so that many countries have set
lockdown statuses and other anticipations to break the chain of spreading Covid-19
(Zubaedah, 2019) . As a result of this policy, many sectors were paralyzed, for example,
the economic sector was paralyzed primarily by this pandemic (Ristanti, 2021). Apart
from the impacted economic sector, education is also one of the sectors that have also
experienced the direct impact of this pandemic (Puspitasari, 2020).
The United Nations or the United Nations states that one of the sectors affected
Titin Alia Husnah
Implementation of fiqih private vocational school learning in the covid-19
pandemic period in MIS Katingan 252
by this outbreak is the world of education (Handarini & Wulandari, 2020). This has led
several countries to decide to close schools and universities (Purwanto et al., 2020). To
prevent the spread of Covid-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
temporarily stopping activities that will potentially cause crowds (Susiyanti & Nugraheni,
2020). Even during the outbreak of Covid-19 in Indonesia, there were many ways that the
government did to prevent its spread through social distancing, one of which was the
Circular of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) of the Directorate of
Higher Education No. 1 of 2020 concerning the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 in
the world of education (Kurnia, 2021)
The circular instructs to organize distance learning and advises students to learn
from their respective homes (Ghulamudin & Habibi, 2020). As of last March, the impact
that Covid 19 has had on teaching and learning activities has been quite pronounced, this
can be seen from learning that should be done directly and meaningfully now can only be
done independently (Supiani, Muryati, & Saefulloh, 2020). That way students carry out
indirect learning by utilizing online or network learning which is considered quite
effective in situations like today (Pratiwi, 2021).
Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) itself is a respiratory tract infection caused
by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or what is often
called the Coronavirus (Isbaniah, 2020). This virus has a high mutation rate and is a
zoonotic pathogen that can persist in humans and animals with a very diverse clinical
presentation, ranging from asymptomatic, mild to severe symptoms, even to death
(Mulyadi, Romli, & Jamaludin, 2020).
Given the danger and the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus, almost all schools
respond quickly to government instructions by stopping learning face-to-face, including
MIS Al Muhajir and MIS Ar Raudah Kereng Pangi. MIS al Muhajir and MIS Ar Raudah
Kereng Pangi are schools with an Islamic religious education background located in
Katingan district. Based on data obtained from the official website of Katingan Regency,
it is known that in Katingan Regency there are 2 State Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and 5 Suasta
Ibtidaiyah madrasas, two of which are located in Kereng Pangi, namely MI Al Muhajir
and MI Ar Raudah. MIS Al Muhajir and MIS Ar Raudah Kereng Pangi are known to also
limit the physical interaction space (physical distancing) that took place during the
pandemic, of course, creates mental or psychosocial pressure on children. In general,
children expressed boredom with this situation because they were at home for quite a
long time, thus reducing students' interest in learning (Zubaedah, 2021).
Based on observations, it is known that Katingan Hilir Subdistrict has two MIS in
the Hampalit village, both MISs have adequate learning support facilities, both in terms
of learning infrastructure, the condition of teaching and education personnel as well as the
quality of teachers owned by many who are certified. However, it is known that the two
schools have uneven internet connections, some can easily access the network and some
have to go to great lengths to get it.
This is of course an inhibiting factor for the implementation of learning in the
two schools, in addition to the internet network, it is known that online learning requires
several media that must be fulfilled such as the Zoom application, Google Meet, or other
applications that must be balanced in terms of mastery of these applications (Anggaira,
Pd10, & Metro, 2020). In this case, of course, children and parents need time to master it,
especially them still at the basic level of education so continuous guidance is needed by
parents and the school. Not only that, but other problems also arise regarding the costs
that must be incurred for purchasing internet packages, as we know that the applications
used in online learning are very wasteful of internet quota so that parents have to pay a lot
of money (Harsela, 2021).
Vol 1, Number 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
253 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Based on the explanation of the fiqh teacher at MIS, Katingan Hilir District, it is
known that fiqh learning during the Covid -19 pandemic was carried out using an online
system using the Whatsapp application to convey learning, this was done because the
existing network did not allow using other applications such as Zoom. As we know,
based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion No. 165 of 2014, the purpose of learning
fiqh is so that students can know and understand the principles of Islamic law in detail
and comprehensively, both in the form of naqli and aqli arguments, as a life guide for
their personal and social life and so that students can carry out and practice the provisions
of Islamic law properly, to foster obedience to carry out Islamic law, discipline, and high
social responsibility in their personal and social life (Fahmi, 2021).
Based on this description, it can be ascertained that the learning objectives of fiqh
at MI will not be achieved, because the delivery of learning only uses a Whatsapp social
media application, so it is impossible for learning to be optimal as a whole, especially in
practical material in fiqh learning, of course, there will be a lot of obstacles faced, so it
can be presumed that the indicators for achieving basic competencies and learning
objectives have not been achieved, thus both must be simplified and linked to the Covid -
19 pandemic situation, the existing curriculum must be modified and adapted to the
emergency conditions of the Covid -19 pandemic.
Departing from the above background, the authors are interested in researching
the two schools where the two schools have the same problems in online learning, but in
this case, the author does not compare the two schools but wants to know or see how the
strategies of the two schools this comes out of the existing problems so that later the best
way will be found to get out of the problems that exist in online learning. The research
was conducted at MI Al-Muhajir Kereng Pangi and MIS Ar Raudah Kereng Pangi,
Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted at
MI Al-Muhajir Kereng Pangi and MIS Ar Raudah Kereng Pangi, Katingan Regency,
Central Kalimantan Province. The data taken from this study is data that is relevant to the
research focus, namely on online learning of fiqh subjects during the Covid -19 pandemic
at MIS, Katingan Hilir District, Katingan Regency.
Sources of data in this study were 2 Fikih MIS teachers in Katingan Hilir
Subdistrict as research subjects, 2 school principals and 2 grade V and VI students in
MIS, Katingan Hilir District as research informants. To collect data in the field,
researchers used several data collection techniques, namely, observation, interviews, and
documentation. The collected data will be analyzed using several stages, preparation,
analysis, presentation of the results of the analysis.
A. Overview of the Research Location
1. MIS Al-Muhajir
a. History of the establishment of MIS Al-Muhajir
MIS Al Muhajir is located at Jalan Mesjid No. 8 Hampalit Village, Katingan
Hilir District, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, zip code 74451.
The school is located 500 meters from the center of the District. Located in the
north and adjacent to the Al Muhajirin mosque
Titin Alia Husnah
Implementation of fiqih private vocational school learning in the covid-19
pandemic period in MIS Katingan 254
MIS Al Muhajir was founded in 1998 by a foundation, namely the Al
Muhajir Islamic education foundation. The establishment of MIS Al Muhajir was
due to the large number of children who wanted to go to a religious school, so at
that time there was only one SDN school. In addition, there is strong
encouragement from the people of Hampalit, Katingan Hilir Regency, to establish
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, because religious education is very important for children
and educates morals at an early age. Originally, this school did not have its own
building, so the learning center borrowed the MTS Al Muhajir building, a year
later this school built its own school.
Private status is recognized based on the Decree of the Minister for
Administrative Reform No. B-11/1/1997 with No. Madrasah Statistics
111262060004 with the name Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Since the establishment
of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Muhajir in 1997, this Madrasah has made rapid progress
in guiding its students until now it has progressed rapidly. Several changes in the
head of the Itidaiyah madrasah, for more details, please see the following table:
Table 1
Headmaster of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta Al Muhajir
Furthermore, there are 19 teaching staff and education staff at MIS Al
Muhajir in 2020/2021, consisting of 5 male teachers and 14 female teachers. All
the teachers at MIS Al Muhajir are mostly from Islamic and Religious Universities,
only some come from Public Universities (PT). All the teachers at MIS Al Muhajir
have completed their undergraduate education (S1), there is even 1 teacher who has
graduated from S2. To increase quality and scientific educational resources.
The list of MTsN 2 Pulang Pisau Teachers in 2018/2019 is as shown in the
following table:
Table 2
List of Educators
Hj. Halimah, S.Pd
Nor Hariyanti, S.Th.I
Hululiyah, S.Pd
Miftakhul Rahmi, M.Pd
Siti Mulidah, S.Pd
Ummu Kulsum, S.Pd.I
Lisna, S.Pd
Headmaster’s name
Year of Service
H. Sayuti
1998- 1999
H. Makki
1999 - 2000
H, Juanda
2000 - 2002
Erna Wati
2002 2005
Ahmad Iswan
2005 2006
Abdul Hamid
2006 2008
Hj. Halimah, S.Pd
2008 until now
Vol 1, Number 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
253 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Arbainah, S.Pd
Eka Sismiati, S.Pd.
Imam Zuhudi, S.Pd.
Aisyah Nur, S.Pd.
Titin Alia Husnah
Implementation of fiqih private vocational school learning in the covid-19
pandemic period in MIS Katingan 254
Bainah, S.Pd.I
Fitri, S.Pd.I
Erna Wati, S.Pd. I
Titin Alia Husnah, S.Pd.I
Ardiansyah, S.Pd.I
Lusdiampu, S.Pd.I
M. Heriansyah, S.Pd
Rizka Naufal, S.Pd.
From the table above, it can be seen that MIS Al Muhajir has a teaching staff
consisting of 19 people, also has 1 educational staff as an administrative staff. The
name and educational background can be seen in the following table:
Table 3
List of Education Personnel
M. Ihwan, S.Pd.I
Vision and Mission and Objectives of MIS Al Muhajir
MIS Al Muhajir is a private educational institution that was established with
the aim of supporting the 9 year compulsory education program as well as an
introduction that supports the goals of national education. MIS Al Muhajir seeks to
realize the noble ideals of National Education as stated in the National Education
System No. 2 of 2003, namely realizing potential human resources for national
development who have faith and devotion to God Almighty, have noble character,
have knowledge, skills, physically and mentally healthy, has a solid and
independent personality and has a responsibility to society and the nation.
To realize this desire, MIS Al Muhajir always makes various ways and
improvements both in terms of human resources and in terms of the necessary
facilities and infrastructure. The various strategies for developing Al Muhajir's MIS
are outlined in the vision, mission and objectives. The vision, mission and
objectives are:
MIS Al Muhajir's vision
Preparing young generations who are qualified, intelligent, skilled, virtuous,
have a science and technology perspective, and have an appreciation of Islamic
culture with a foundation of faith and devotion and make madrasas a trusted
partner in society
MIS Al Muhajir's mission
To achieve this vision MIS Al Muhajir has missions, including:
a) Berprestasi dan bermutu tinggi dalam hasil belajar
b) Memiliki daya saing yang tinggi
c) Berakhlak mulia dan terampil dalam menjalankan agama
d) Memiliki apresiasi tinggi terhadap seni budaya islam
e) Memiliki rasa kesetiakawanan sosial yang tinggi
f) Terbangunnya citra madrasah sebagai mitra yang terpercaya di
Vol 1, Number 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
255 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
1) The achievement of increased achievement and high quality of learning
2) The achievement of increased competition among fellow students in terms of
3) To achieve an increase in the younger generation who have noble character
and are skilled in practicing religious teachings.
4) The achievement of a high appreciation of Islamic cultural arts.
5) Achieving an increase in a high sense of social solidarity.
6) The establishment of an image of the madrasa as a trusted partner in society..
MIS Al_Muhajir facilities are pangi
The study room facilities at MIS Al-Muhajir are 22 rooms in the 2018/2019
academic year. A total of 12 rooms are used as learning facilities or classrooms, 1
principal room, 1 teacher room, 1 library room, 5 WC rooms.
MIS Al Muhajir Students for 2020/2021 Academic Year
In the 2020/2021 academic year, MIS Al Muhajir students totaled 327 people
consisting of class VI as many as people, 44 male students and 66 female students. There
are 96 class students, 40 boys and 56 girls. For class IX there are 107 people, 42 men and
65 women.
B. Research Results
1. Online learning strategies for fiqh subjects during the Covid -19 pandemic
in MIS, Katingan Hilir District, Katingan Regency
Strategy is a way of determining all aspects related to the achievement of
learning objectives, including planning, implementation and assessment. The
strategy applied in learning activities is called a learning strategy. the purpose of
the learning strategy is the realization of the efficiency and effectiveness of
learning activities carried out by students.
a. MIS Al-Muhajir
Based on the results of observations made by the author on March 8-20
20121, it is known that there are several strategies applied by the jurisprudence
teacher, namely project-based learning strategies, learning with project-based
learning strategies is carried out by giving assignments to students, levers are given
such as Prayers practice both obligatory prayers and sunnah prayers.
The results of the researchers' findings through these observations were in
line with what was conveyed by the jurisprudence teacher who stated that the
jurisprudence learning strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic at MIS Al-Muhajir
Kereng Pangi was carried out according to government recommendations, namely
using a project based learning learning strategy, this strategy. This is done by
instructing students to make papers or summaries of biased material as well by
asking several students who live close to each other to make a project such as
making a prayer practice video, as excerpts from the following interview:
The online learning strategy that I did was implemented according to the
government's recommendation, namely using a project-based learning strategy. I
did this strategy by instructing students to make papers or summaries about biased
material as well by asking several students who live close to each other to make a
projects usually make videos such as prayer practices.
Titin Alia Husnah
Implementation of fiqih private vocational school learning in the covid-19
pandemic period in MIS Katingan 256
In line with what was conveyed by Mrs. U, the principal of MIS Al-Muhajir
Palanka Raya, stated that:
"For this learning strategy, the average teacher uses a project learning
strategy, the main thing is to avoid students who do not make it clear because they
are often at home and playing with friends, so if there are assignments or projects
that must be done students will be able to take advantage of the time to study. "
Based on the results of interviews with the two sources above, the writer
confirmed with several students, one of whom was L from class V, revealing:
"It's true ma'am, usually we are given the task of making mkalah, ma'am but
still confused, if we are not told to make a video, usually a video of prayer, ma'am,
we can also make a video wuhdu."
In line with the results of the observations and interviews conducted, the
authors found documents in the form of papers, photos and videos regarding
projects that the teacher gave to students, from these findings it can be ascertained
that the statements expressed by the three sources above are true to the reality in
the field.
b. MIS Ar-Raudah
Based on the results of observations made by the author on March 8-20
20121, it is known that the learning strategies carried out are the same as the
learning strategies applied in MIS Al-Muhajir, namely project learning strategies,
project learning is given through groups on WhatsApp.
In line with the results of observations made by the author, Mr. D as a
jurisprudence teacher at MIS Ar-Raudah Kereng Pangi stated that the learning
strategy used is of course a suitable learning strategy during a pandemic such as
project learning, project learning can be done without a teacher beside the students
and can done remotely. As the following interview results:
"The learning strategy that I am doing is of course a suitable learning
strategy during a pandemic like this. In my opinion, the appropriate strategy
is a project learning strategy, because project learning can be done without a
teacher beside the students and can be done remotely, the teacher just sends
assignments or projects on students only.”
In line with what the fiqh teacher said, the head of the MIS Ar-Raudah AH
maderasah stated that:
Regarding this learning strategy, I don't really know, but usually the teacher
gives assignments to students, such as making papers, summarizing and
sometimes someone is asked to make a video."
In line with what was stated by the two above, the writer confirmed the
students, one of whom was M from class V, who revealed that:
"For learning, we are usually given assignments, ma'am, the task is usually
to summarize, make papers, for jurisprudence learning we are usually asked
to make videos.”
Regarding this learning strategy, through the study of the author's
documentation found documents in the form of papers or summaries made by
students and also videos that have been sent by students, thus it is known that
everything conveyed by the sources above is in line with the documents that the
authors found.
2. Online learning media for fiqh subjects during the Covid -19 pandemic in
MIS, Katingan Hilir District, Katingan Regency
Learning media is anything that can be used to transmit messages, stimulate
Vol 1, Number 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
257 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
thoughts, feelings, attention and willingness of students so that it can
encourage the
learning process. The author will present the results of research on this
learning media based on each madrasah, as follows:
a. Mis Al-Muhajir Kereng Pangi
Based on the results of observations made by the author on February 15-27,
20121, it is known that the learning media used in online learning at MIS Al-
Muhajir Kereng Pangi uses media in the form of groups on WhatsApp (WA), and
utilizes media in the form of internet sites that contain subject matter learned.
In line with the observations of the writer of the fiqh subject teacher, Ibu U,
stated that the jurisprudence learning media that is commonly used in online
learning are power points, which are sent through the WA groub, powerpoints are
processed according to the subject matter being taught. He also often explains that
his party often uses internet sites that load subject matter by sharing links with
students through the WA groub. In addition, usually also use sites on YouTube, but
sometimes it is difficult to find material that matches what you want to convey.
Following are the results of the interview with Ms. U:
"The fiqh learning media that I usually use in online learning are
powerpoints, which are sent through the WA groub, I process the powerpoints
according to the subject matter being taught. I also often use internet sites that load
subject matter by sharing links with students through the WA groub. Besides that,
we usually use the site on You Tube, but sometimes it's difficult to find the
material that matches what you want to convey. "
Ms. U added that:
"Powerpoint is the learning medium that I use the most because it is better
for us to adjust what we want to convey, there are several ways to use audio,
meaning that we can speak as well as add pictures in the hope that what we
conveyed earlier can be understood by students well. Also, students are not too
heavy downloading ordinary material so their memory is full, which often happens.
Mrs. U also explained that:
"The selection of instructional media is based on the availability of facilities
owned by the students. In the beginning, video was tried, but many students could
not download it because the memory was full and the network was slow. There are
also students who don't understand the message points from the video… we can't
carry out ours but if there's nothing good for the students. "
In line with what was conveyed by Mrs. U, the principal of MIS, Almuhajir
Palanka Raya, stated that:
"The school gives freedom to teachers to choose learning media to use,
considering the learning tools owned by teachers and students, if I see that most
teachers use the WA groub media, because it is the easiest and lightest on
cellphones, material and evaluation sent via WA. "
Based on the results of interviews with the two sources above, the writer
confirmed with several students, one of whom was L from class V, revealing:
"Usually using WA, so assignments are sent via WA, sometimes they do use
video, but if the video assignment is sometimes able to check the cellphone doesn't
load the memory so it can't be saved anymore. So now I just use chores, not just
videos. "
In line with the results of observations and interviews conducted, the author
found documents in the form of learning materials in the form of powerpoints that
Titin Alia Husnah
Implementation of fiqih private vocational school learning in the covid-19
pandemic period in MIS Katingan 258
had been prepared by the teacher, besides that the authors also found online lesson
plans owned by the teacher which contained the delivery of material in the form of
powerpoints through the WA Group.
b. MIS Ar-Raudah
Based on the results of observations made by the author on March 8-20
20121, it is known that the learning media used in online learning at MIS Ar-
Raudah Kereng Pangi is the same as MIS-Al-Muhajir, namely using media in the
form of groups on WhatsApp (WA), and utilizing media in the form of internet
sites that contain subject matter.
In line with the results of observations made by the author, Mr. D as a
jurisprudence teacher at MIS Ar-Raudah Kereng Pangi stated that in online
learning that is done, of course the first learning media is to use a cellphone, with
cellphone media can send videos or visual learning, and the second is media in the
form of computers.
"Of course, the first media is using a cellphone, with the cellphone media it
can send video or visual learning, and the second is the media that I use is a
computer, now this computer is very helpful both in sending the assignment in the
form of a pdf or word or vice versa. . "
Furthermore, Mr. U added that:
"While the application used is WA, in the WA application there are features
for sharing videos, photos, and voice notes, so it's easier to use, besides that WA is
easier to understand so there is no more homework in this application. The WA
application is also light to use so that all student cellphones are able to use it. "
In line with what the fiqh teacher said, the head of the MIS Ar-Raudah AH
maderasah stated that:
"Regarding this media, for all lessons we divide it into 3, namely image
media, video media and audio media, all of which are applied by cellphones
through the WA application, this application was chosen according to the facilities
owned by the teacher and students."
Regarding this learning media, through the study of the author's
documentation, he found online learning lesson plans which contained one of the
learning steps to share videos through WA media. In addition, the authors also
found meeting minutes that discussed learning media in online learning.
Evaluation of online learning in fiqh subjects during the Covid -19 pandemic
at MIS, Katingan Hilir District, Katingan Regency
Learning media is anything that can be used to transmit messages, stimulate
thoughts, feelings, attention and willingness of students so that it can encourage the
learning process. The author will present the results of research on this learning
media based on each madrasah, as follows:
a. For example Al-Muhajir Kereng Pangi
Based on the results of observations made by the author on 15-27 February
20121, it is known that the evaluation of learning carried out in online learning at
Mis Al-Muhajir Kereng Pangi uses the test method sent via WA, the evaluation is
carried out after 2-3 meetings.
In line with the observations of the writer of the fiqh subject teacher, Mrs. U,
stated that the evaluation of student learning was carried out using a test-form
evaluation carried out after 2-3 times of material delivery activities and question
and answer interaction, evaluation was given to students through WA media.
Following are the results of the interview with Ms. U:
Vol 1, Number 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
259 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
"The evaluation that we do is a series of assessments that we use to find out
the learning outcomes of students. The form of evaluation that we use in fiqh
learning is the test method as a measuring tool for the achievement of learning
objectives. Assessment by test is carried out after 2-3 activities, the form of test
chosen by the teacher in conducting the assessment is in the form of multiple
choice questions sent via WA. "
In line with what was conveyed by Mrs. U, the principal of MIS, Almuhajir
Palanka Raya, stated that:
"In evaluating learning, our students' learning outcomes use the multiple
choice test method, because the multiple choice test method is the most appropriate
test method, because by using multiple choice students only need to send answers
in the form of question answer choices, without must be long in typing the
Based on the results of interviews with the two sources above, the writer
confirmed the students, one of whom was L from class V, revealing:
"The evaluation is usually sent by WA, ma'am, because it is a multiple
choice. Evaluation is carried out at the end of the material ma'am, the point is that
if the chapters are finished, the evaluation is about 2-3 times. "
After obtaining the results of the interview, the writer tried to collect
research supporting documents regarding the evaluation of online learning. From
this activity the writer found the test questions that had been sent via WA and the
test answers sent by the students.
b. MIS Ar-Raudah
Based on the results of observations made by the author on March 8-20
20121, it is known that the evaluation of learning carried out is in the form of a
test, in the form of a multiple choice test sent through the WA groub, evaluation is
carried out at the end of the subject matter or at the end of each chapter.
In line with the results of observations made by the author, Mr. D as a
jurisprudence teacher at MIS Ar-Raudah Kereng Pangi stated that the evaluation of
learning was carried out with cellphone media using the WhatsAPP application, the
evaluation was carried out in the form of a multiple choice test. As the results of
the following interview:
"We always carry out this learning evaluation at the end of each subject, it is
carried out using cellphone media using the WhatsAPP application, the evaluation
is carried out in the form of a multiple choice test. Evaluation is carried out to
measure the achievement of learning objectives on each subject. "
In line with what the fiqh teacher said, the head of the MIS Ar-Raudah AH
maderasah stated that:
"The evaluation carried out by the teachers at MIS Ar-Raudah is an
evaluation in the form of a multiple choice test, questions are sent via the WA
application, we have set this before the new school year begins.
“The consideration that this form of test is the easiest form of test to administer and
is most suitable for use in situations like the present."
In line with what was stated by the two above, the writer confirmed the students,
one of whom was M from class V, who revealed that:
"For evaluation, it is usually sent via WA, ma'am, in multiple choice, ma'am.
Usually after defecating, mom, if I'm not mistaken, I usually have three meetings. "
Regarding the evaluation of this learning through the study of the author's
documentation found online learning lesson plans which contained learning evaluatio
Titin Alia Husnah
Implementation of fiqih private vocational school learning in the covid-19
pandemic period in MIS Katingan 262
activities at the end of the subject. In addition, the authors also found meeting minutes
that discussed the teacher's evaluation of fiqh subjects.
The learning implementation strategy used by the teacher in fiqh learning during
the Covid 19 pandemic at MIS Katingan Hilir was carried out with strategic planning,
initially the teacher made a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) one by one material
because it adjusted to the Distance Learning syllabus (PJJ) during the pandemic covid-19.
The use of learning methods centered on online methods through material sent by the
teacher. The media used are multimedia-based media in the form of a power point module
and communication media platforms, the WhatsApp group and google classroom. After
planning by the teacher about learning then the teacher implements the strategy, pre-
learning activities are carried out in the form of question and answer interactions.
Interaction during learning is in the form of information exchange or a reciprocal
relationship between teachers and students. Continuing activities from the learning
implementation process, namely evaluation and assessment, the form of evaluation used
by the jurisprudence teacher in conducting assessments on distance learning in the form
of multiple choice tests that are filled out by students via google form.
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