Eduvest � Journal
of Universal Studies Volume 2 Number 11, November, 2022 p- ISSN
2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Vidlina Lie, Deitje
A Kauutuk, Ronny Palilingan,
Henny N Tambingon Manajemen Pendidikan Universitas Negeri
Manado, Indonesia |
The purpose
of this study was to analyze and describe technology-based learning
management at SMKs in South Minahasa Regency.
Technology-based learning management is a form of learning management that
utilizes technological learning instruments to support the teaching and
learning process to obtain optimal learning outcomes. The results of the
study indicate that the management of technology-based learning has begun to
be carried out by the three SMKs which are the current research locations,
namely through planning, implementation and evaluation. These three schools
already have sufficient supporting facilities for the implementation of
technology-based learning management, however, there are still weaknesses and
deficiencies that need to be addressed, especially by the Education Office
and especially school principals so that the use of technology can be more
optimized to support optimal learning outcomes. |
Management, Learning, Technology, Education |
work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International |
Education is the determinant of the future of
a nation, with education the progress and decline of a nation will be very
determined. According to SISDIKNAS Law No. 20 of 2003, education is a conscious
and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that
students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength,
self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed
himself and society. Thus the aspect of education is always the subject of
discussion which continuously changes according to the dynamics of developments
that occur in society (Syahira, 2021). The
society is so dynamic that the mindset and patterns of interaction and
adaptation are increasingly unpredictable resulting in changes that occur more
quickly and cannot be predicted as to what form and direction these changes
will take. The education system in Indonesia is currently experiencing major
challenges regarding the changes in question (Aryana, 2021).
Entering the 4.0 era, society is required to
be able to match global changes marked by the massive use of technology, both
information and telecommunications, so the world of education is also affected
by these conditions so that skills, skills and technological literacy are a
must for all elements involved in the world of education, both school leaders
and tertiary institutions, teaching staff both lecturers and teachers,
education staff and students or students. According to (Sutabri,
2014) Information
Technology is: "Information Technology is a technology that is used to
manage data so as to produce high-quality and useful-value information
including processing, obtaining, compiling, storing, manipulating data to
obtain quality information.
In the past, this technology was limited to
the use of computers as the only data processing instrument, but now data
processing instruments have developed to become more diverse and easier to
operate and use more broadly and easily, such as smartphones, Ipads, and
notebooks equipped with various supporting applications (Yusuf, 2018).
The demands of global progress encourage the
world of education to always adapt to technological developments to improve the
quality of education, especially adjustments to the use of information and
communication technology for the world of education, especially in the learning
process and educational services. This requires the readiness of all elements
in increasing competence in mastering both information and telecommunications
technology (Hennessy et al., 2016). This
condition will support the success of education, especially in learning.
Learning requires optimal management which includes planning, organizing,
implementing and controlling, this is needed to create order, communication and
utilization of existing resources in order to achieve learning objectives
effectively and efficiently. Learning
is an activity carried out in the classroom which is controlled by the teacher
as the person in charge. In simple terms, learning can be defined as a plan
that is carried out to activate students' learning activities in the learning
process. (Kurniawan et al., 2021). In line with (Gasong,
states that learning can be interpreted by
the process of organizing, organizing the surrounding environment and providing
guidance or assistance to students so that they can grow and encourage students
to be able to achieve goals in the learning process. The teacher is responsible
for achieving the quality of the educational product produced, so that in
carrying out the process, the teacher must seriously build and create an image
of himself as a facilitator, initiator, mediator, motivator and evaluator for
the work he does with this role the teacher also has a managerial function in
learning management in the classroom. The fulfillment of these elements will
show the quality of a teacher's performance. (Tambingon, 2018)
�Performance is part of a universal concept
which is the operational effectiveness of an organization and employees based
on predetermined standards and criteria. It underlies the idea that
organizations are run by humans, so performance is actually part of established
human behavior and has an effect on desired actions and outcomes.�
This statement indicates that teachers who
have good performance will be able to achieve learning objectives well too.
Learning management is very important in order to increase the effectiveness of
the teaching and learning process, various efforts have been made to improve
the quality of education (Alsunbul, 2002). Various obstacles, difficulties, and limitations are encountered
in the teaching and learning process, starting from the factors of students,
families of students, as well as facilities and infrastructure that are less
representative, but the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud)
continues to instruct all educators at all levels of education to be able to
create fun learning for students and students. Therefore, the role of the
teacher is needed in managing or managing learning starting from planning,
organizing, actuating and evaluating in order to increase the effectiveness of
the current teaching and learning process, both the implementation of distance
learning (PJJ) within the network (online) or outside the network (offline).
Entering the 21st century, the world is
growing rapidly, technology is developing massively. This development touches
and influences various aspects of human life, from economic, legal,
transportation, to educational aspects (Wang, 2012). Education is now increasingly advanced with the presence
of modern learning concepts or methods, of course, with a variety of
distinctive approaches from each of these methods. Some of them are cooperative
learning, inquiry learning, discovery learning, e-learning, to learning methods
that combine the two, namely hybrid learning. All of these learning methods
essentially aim to help the learner in the process of absorbing new information
or gaining new knowledge for himself, but there is no absolute or most perfect
method so that whatever method is used will depend heavily on the ability to
manage all the elements involved in it. . In line with what was stated by (Mokoginta
et al., 2022) that:
� The use of appropriate media will increase
attention to the material to be studied, with the help of media students will
concentrate more and the learning process will be better so that in the end
students' understanding of learning material can be improved�
Learning becomes a very important thing in
educational activities. Facilitating learning for students is a noble task for
a teacher. For this reason, the teacher is not only required to make the
learning atmosphere comfortable and interesting, but the teacher must also
understand and master the knowledge of learning management both inside and
outside the classroom (Adisel & Prananosa, 2020). Teachers must be able to choose and apply learning
methods that are appropriate to the complexity of the material and the
character of each student. So that the methods and approaches applied are truly
in accordance with the self-development of students because students are
subjects and not as objects in teaching and learning activities. Therefore,
teachers must be able to use methods and approaches as well as use appropriate
facilities and infrastructure so that the teaching and learning process becomes
interesting and fun. As stated by. (Tangkowit et al., 2021) :
The use of technology can be a connecting
medium to improve the level of education. Not only in teacher-student
relationships, but also in making teachers and students have information about
the outside world, so they can find more learning materials. In addition,
schools can also create more schools
technologically systemized in order to
facilitate access for teachers and students.
By utilizing technology, teachers must be
able to provide the widest possible space for students to be active and
actively involved throughout the learning process. So that cognitive, affective
and psychomotor learners can grow and develop optimally and at the same time
without experiencing stunting (Budiman, 2017).
In learning interactions, it is strongly
influenced by several components, namely: students, teachers, principals,
curriculum, school facilities (library), milu and several other facilities
needed in the learning process so that they will support the quality of
Thus, learning activities can bring changes
to students, both changes in knowledge, behavior, and skills. With these
changes, of course students will be trained in solving life's problems and can
adapt to their environment.
Seeing the facts stated above, this research
is interesting, important, and very necessary to be carried out as an effort to
prepare learning that is innovative and sensitive to changes and developments
of the times. Researchers also want to show that the Covid-19 pandemic actually
only acts as a gateway to changing learning to be sensitive to the times,
science and technology, and contextual. It is also possible that online,
offline and hybrid learning models will continue to be used as an alternative
to conventional learning models. Of course, the constraints of each of these
models must be minimized and the advantages must be utilized. The results of a
deeper analysis of the learning model by utilizing technology applied during
the Covid-19 pandemic can be used as material for consideration in future
policy making. Whether we admit it or not, even though we hope that the
Covid-19 pandemic will end soon, education, technology and science will
continue to develop and require humans to make use of it by following these
developments wisely.
The presence of scientific and technological
developments can be used as a way to improve the quality of learning conducted
by a teacher. To be able to make this happen, a teacher needs to understand and
have Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) abilities in him.
Talking about Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), there are two major parts
that make up Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), namely content knowledge and
pedagogical knowledge. According to Shulman (1986:6), content knowledge
includes knowledge of concepts, theories, ideas, frameworks, methods of proof
and evidence. Meanwhile, pedagogical knowledge relates to teaching methods and
processes which include knowledge about class management, assignments, learning
planning and student learning.
Based on preliminary interviews, data was
obtained that the obstacles encountered during online learning at SMK schools
in South Minahasa Regency included a lack of technological facilities that support
student learning such as the unavailability of cellphones or electronic devices
that support and low digital skills for both teachers and students. Even though
cellphones are available, there are still limited human resources in managing
technology for online purposes. This causes less optimal learning material
delivered to students. Other obstacles are felt by parents of students who live
in areas where the network is not good. Apart from that, they also complained
that the quota price was starting to feel heavy because it exceeded their usual
needs. The busyness of student guardians is also an obstacle. Those who work as
traders, especially online traders, must always use their cellphones, because
online learning requires them to share it with their children. Discussing the
explanation above, this shows that State Vocational Schools in South Minahasa
have carried out learning by utilizing technology. Referring to this, the
researcher is interested in carrying out research that focuses on learning management
in SMK, what and how learning management is by utilizing technology focusing on
the research title "Technology-Based Learning Management at SMK Negeri
Minahasa Selatan Regency"
research is a qualitative research, as stated by (Sugiyono,
2015) that
qualitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of
positivism, used to research on natural object conditions, (as opposed to
experiments) where the researcher is the key instrument, data collection
techniques are carried out by triangulation (combined), data analysis is
inductive/qualitative and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning
rather than generalization (Zuriani, 2016:
42). According to (Herdiansyah,
2019), Qualitative
research is methods for exploring and understanding the meanings that a number
of individuals or groups of people ascribe to social or humanitarian issues.
Researchers use qualitative research so that it is easier for researchers to
determine the formulation of problems and preparation of reports. Furthermore,
the descriptive method was chosen because the data sought was in the form of a
statement. In addition, the descriptive method was chosen to make it easier for
researchers to collect data and to describe the data obtained from the field in
the form of descriptive data (not numbers or statistics). So this research
seeks to describe a research which is a phenomenon or relationship related to
how hybrid learning management improves the effectiveness of the teaching and
learning process at State Vocational Schools in South Minahasa Regency.
location chosen by the author for this study was a Vocational School in South
Minahasa Regency consisting of State Vocational School I Amurang, Tenga State
Vocational School and Tumpaan State Vocational School where previously the
author had conducted an initial survey of the problems the author observed
related to technology-based learning management. The author feels interested in
researching this matter, for this reason, these three schools were chosen as
the location of this research where the three schools already have internet
access and have implemented technology-based learning.
research is a qualitative research so that the key instrument is the researcher
himself and supporting instruments in the form of interviews and documentation.
The data
sources of this research consist of two kinds of sources, namely primary and
secondary data sources. Primary data sources come from interviews with the Head
of the SMK, Curriculum Coordinator, IT Operator, Facilities and Infrastructure
Coordinator and Class Teacher (homeroom teacher), and head of the student
representative class at SMK Negeri I Amurang, SMK Negeri Tenga and SMK Negeri
Tumpaan, South Minahasa Regency. Primary data sources also come from
observations of the learning process carried out in these schools. Secondary
data sources in this study were obtained from various documents related to
technology-based learning management carried out at SMK Negeri I Amurang, SMK
Negeri Tenga and SMK Negeri Tumpaan. These documents include learning tools,
assessment sheets, documentation of learning activities, school profiles,
circulars, and include learning videos.
This section will
discuss based on the data collected on how to manage technology-based learning
at the South Minahasa District Vocational School starting from the planning,
implementation and evaluation stages so that it clearly describes the posture
or pattern of technology-based learning management at the Minahasa District
Vocational School.
learning management is a form of regulation or management of learning by
combining a learning process with the use of learning media. The media is
technological in nature, be it the internet, the use of video, LCD and other
ICT tools
Learning Planning
Referring to the research results as previously
described, there were several aspects that were the focus of attention from the
three sites that were the subject of the study. It was found that all of them
already had readiness in technology-based learning management, both HR
readiness, namely teachers and infrastructure or facilities readiness. SMK
Negeri I Amurang as a driving school has more mature readiness than SMK Negeri
I Tumpaan and SMK Negeri I Tengah, this is indicated by the lack of supporting
facilities in the two schools compared to those owned by SMK Negeri I Amurang.
The implementation of learning that utilizes technology by teachers has been
carried out but in terms of learning planning the teachers find it difficult in
terms of preparing class administration such as designing syllabus and lesson
plans. If it is associated with the effectiveness of learning management
carried out in the two SMKs, namely SMK Negeri I Tumpaan and SMK Negeri I
Tenga, it can be assessed that it has not been maximized. Based on the facts on
the ground, most of the teachers in the two SMKs interviewed had not prepared
lesson plans that were integrated with technology as a guide for lesson
planning. Though according (Bafadal
et al., 2019) good
planning accompanied by careful details must be done as well as possible.
With regard to facilities and infrastructure, SMK
Negeri I Tumpaan and SMK Negeri I Tenga in terms of infrastructure pay enough
attention to meeting the needs for ongoing learning. This was stated in
interviews with teachers and the Sarpras Coordinator that schools have made
every effort to procure infrastructure as much as possible according to the
budget. The problem is the maintenance of existing infrastructure. The data
that the researchers obtained regarding the facilities and infrastructure at
the two SMKs were corroborated by interviews, observation and documentation.
With regard to ICT machines/equipment, the two SMKs have been trying to procure
ICT equipment. The problem that has been an obstacle related to ICT devices
owned by schools is in terms of maintenance. As revealed from the interviews
with the IT Coordinator and teachers that the computer laboratory:
Most of them are damaged, only a few computers can be
used, the others, even though they have been repaired, are still damaged again,
so this hinders learning using computer laboratories. The summarized data has
been verified by the latest data from the Sarpras Coordinator.
With regard to the funding allocated for the
integration of ICT in learning, more specifically the allocation of funds for
the integration of ICT in learning already exists but is limited and is still
the main obstacle. This was stated by the Principal in an interview regarding
the management of ICT infrastructure in schools and the constraints of ICT
integration in learning as quoted as follows:
need for funding with a limit of five hundred thousand rupiah, above this value
the procurement of infrastructure with the permission of the school principal
but below this value is directly with the Sarpras Coordinator. ...The main
obstacle is cost, for example regarding the provision of a computer laboratory,
LCD maintenance, special ICT room settings do not yet exist, funds for the need
for photocopies of student activity sheets are quite large, approximately two
million per month.� (Principal)
Interview data regarding funds with school principals
was corroborated by data from the Sarpras Coordinator and Head of
The key to the success of the Technology-based
learning management model lies in the planning stage of Technology-based
learning that is carried out by the teacher involving parties directly related
to Technology-based learning. According to the function of learning planning,
it is as a guide or guide in preparing learning programs, preparing learning
processes, preparing learning materials/media/resources, and preparing
assessment tools so as to facilitate the preparation of PAIKEM learning
preparations and learning development. (Triwiyanto, 2015). Through
lesson plans, preparations for ICT integration in lesson plans are prepared
with consideration in such a way as to suit the situation and conditions of the
school. The difficulties faced by teachers in developing lesson plans can be
overcome by collaborating with other teachers who hold the same grade level
with facilitation and supervision by the designated principal or senior
teacher. Further according to the principal's statement that:
terms of completing technology-based learning plans, schools also pay attention
to the readiness of resources or teacher potential in integrating technology in
the development of syllabus and lesson plans so that they are in accordance
with real conditions in schools, including by carrying out in-house training
and offline training for all teachers to make equal distribution of human
resources in schools concerned. level of mastery of technology.
Training is ideally carried out on a scheduled basis
and the frequency of implementation is more or more often, for example it is
carried out every 3 months or 4 months so that there is always updating of
information and proficiency skills.
of Technology-Based Learning
In management, one of the stages that requires a lot
of involvement from school components is the implementation stage. Implementation
of learning is a process of ongoing teaching and learning in the classroom
which is the core of activities in schools. So the implementation of teaching
is teacher interaction with students in order to convey lesson material to
students and to achieve teaching goals. In this implementation function
includes learning management and leadership activities carried out by teachers
in class and management of students. In addition, it also contains organizing
activities carried out by the principal such as the division of work into
various special tasks that must be carried out by the teacher, as well as
regarding other management functions. Therefore, in terms of the implementation
of learning, it includes two things, namely, class and student management and teacher
management. The two types of management will be described in detail as follows:
Management of
classes and students
management is an effort to optimize the potential of existing classes as
optimally as possible to support the process of educative interaction to
achieve learning goals. With regard to classroom management there are at least
nine things that must be considered, namely :
study room,
arrangement of learning facilities,
seating arrangement,
study room,
arrangement of learning facilities,
seating arrangement,
lighting, temperature,
warm-up before entering into the material to be studied (formation
and development of competencies) and
9. build an atmosphere in learning
The teacher can arrange and manipulate everything, the situation that exists when the teaching and learning process takes place. According to Nana Sudjana quoted by Suryobroto the implementation of the teaching and learning process includes the following stages:
1. Pre-instructional stage
That is the stage taken when starting a teaching and
learning process: The teacher asks for student attendance and records students
who are not present; Ask students how far the discussion went before; Provide
opportunities for students to ask about lesson material that they have not
mastered from the lessons that have been delivered; Briefly review other lesson
2. Instructional stage
Namely the stage of providing learning materials which
can be identified by several activities as follows: Explaining to students the
teaching objectives that must be achieved by students; Explain the subject
matter to be discussed; Discuss the main material that has been written; For
each subject matter discussed, concrete examples, questions, assignments should
be given; Use of teaching aids to clarify the discussion on each subject
matter; Summarize the results of the discussion of all the subject matter.
3. Evaluation and follow-up stage
This stage aims to determine the success of the
instructional stage, the activities carried out at this stage are: Asking
questions to the class or to several students regarding all the main aspects of
the material that has been discussed at the instructional stage; If the
questions asked cannot be answered by students (less than 70%), the teacher
must repeat the lesson; To enrich students' knowledge of the material
discussed, the teacher can give assignments or homework; End the lesson by
explaining or telling the subject matter to be discussed in the next lesson.
Teacher management
teacher as one of the components in teaching and learning activities (KBM), has
a very important position in determining the success of learning, because the
main function of the teacher is to design, manage, implement and evaluate
learning. Teachers must be able to position themselves and create a conducive
atmosphere, which is responsible for the growth and development of the child's
soul. In order to encourage teacher professionalism, implicitly the National
Education System Law no. 20 of 2003 article 35 paragraph 1 lists national
education standards including: content, process, graduate competence,
educational staff, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing and
assessment. The standard referred to in this case is a criterion that has been
developed and determined by the program based on effective resources,
procedures and management, while the criterion is something that describes the
desired condition. The competence possessed by each teacher will show the
actual quality of the teacher, this competency will be manifested in the form
of mastery of knowledge from professional actions in carrying out their duties
as a teacher.
of Technology-Based Learning
The learning evaluation system based on information
and communication technology that is carried out is actually the same as the
learning evaluation system that is generally carried out, namely through the
assessment of student learning outcomes. In terms of measuring the level of
achievement of student competence, it is necessary to carry out an assessment,
the results are used as material for preparing progress reports on learning
outcomes, and to become continuous improvement in the learning process. The
evaluation results obtained become the basis for teachers to be able to provide
support for students who have low achievement of competence and determine an
appropriate learning process by making improvements to the deficiencies that
existed in previous learning. Assessment is carried out consistently,
systematically, and programmed. This is in accordance with learning assessment
in general which refers to the 2013 curriculum that is being used. The results
of the research show that the program carried out by the teacher in the context
of assessing learning outcomes is:
Daily test,
Midterm test,
5. And repeat
class increase.
Some tasks at school and at home are done individually
and some are done in groups. Individual assignments at school that are often
given by teachers are in the form of exercises from books or questions made by
the teacher, observations outside the classroom, portfolios, making crafts and
class surveys. While group assignments at school include group discussions,
observations, and making simple tools. Then the tasks at home are also almost
the same, namely doing questions, observing, and making simple tools. Some of
the tasks above are what teachers strive to be able to take advantage of
technology, for example in giving assignments, teachers use interactive media
to display assignments, then when students are looking for information to do
individual or group assignments, students can use information technology, such
as computers, Android, and so on. other gadgets to access the internet.
Likewise for daily tests and midterm tests. The questions, both written and
unwritten, were prepared by the teacher. In this case, the teacher utilizes
information technology to assist in making these questions, for example from a
collection of question banks, articles on the internet and magazines. However,
students still technically do it manually, namely working on answer sheets. The
same is true for end-of-semester tests that are done by students manually.
Based on the results of the research, the implementation of the assessment of
learning outcomes is still carried out manually, namely students working on
questions on answer sheets. However, there was one teacher who carried out the
assessment of learning outcomes by means of an assessment on the media lectora,
even though they did not use it routinely. Evaluation questions are used in the
form of multiple choices about the material that has been studied. From these
activities it can be seen that the evaluation activity has utilized information
and communication technology. However, this has not been done in its entirety,
there are still many evaluation activities that are carried out manually.
in Technology-based Learning at South Minahasa State Vocational School
At this time, Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) plays an important role in various fields, including in the field of
education. One of the applications of ICT in the field of education includes
the use of multimedia facilities and Internet media in the learning process.
Utilization of multimedia facilities in the learning process is realized
through learning modules that are more interactive and attract students'
interest, for example the use of flash, the existence of explanations through
sound/audio media and the addition of features that can increase the active
participation of students. Meanwhile, the use of Internet media in the learning
process is expected to make it easier for students to get the information
needed, so it is hoped that students will actively seek the information and
knowledge needed. However, in reality, the application of ICT in education in
Indonesia is still in its early stages and has not been fully utilized.
Constraints in the application of ICT in the field of
education are caused, among other things: The uneven infrastructure that
supports the application of ICT in the field of education is an initial problem
that must be resolved immediately by the authorities, because without the supporting
infrastructure, the application of ICT in the field of education will only be
just a dream. Infrastructure is a very important component that serves as the
initial and main capital in the application of ICT in education. At this time,
there is a tendency that only certain areas have access to ICT. This is because
there are still many areas where they don't even have telephone access, let
alone access to the Internet. Even though in fact there is a lot of superior
human resource potential that is owned by the region. If this continues like
this, it is feared that the potential of human resources owned by the region
will be wasted and cannot be utilized for the progress of the Indonesian nation
in general, so that an interactive and creative discussion process is obtained
on the website.
Another obstacle that needs to be resolved is the
unpreparedness of human resources to utilize ICT in the learning process. This
unpreparedness is due to patterns of learning habits that still do not consider
the important role of ICT in improving the quality of learning. They tend to be
satisfied with the material that has been provided by the teacher directly,
causing them to be unwilling/lazy to look for additional information on the
Internet even though the facilities and infrastructure already support the
application of ICT. Sometimes these obstacles are much more difficult to solve
than the absence of infrastructure that supports ICT, this is because it is
usually more difficult to change a person's behavior pattern/habit. Therefore,
there needs to be awareness from each individual learner to utilize and apply
ICT in their learning methods.
Barriers to integrating ICT in learning, can be
concluded with two groups, namely:
1. Physically
it can be in the form of inadequate facilities and infrastructure, especially
for schools located in remote areas. even if there are facilities and
infrastructure, they are still very minimal both in terms of quantity and
quality of the equipment. Used multimedia devices are still used in educational
institutions in rural areas. Of course, this used multimedia device still uses
outdated specifications. So that its use is not able to compete with the rapid
rate of development of ICT.
2. Non-physically
Teachers lack self-confidence in using ICT
in carrying out the PBM process. Teachers are afraid of failing to teach
through the use of ICT which is currently highly recommended. Although the use
of ICT in the learning process is highly recommended by experts.
Lack of teacher competence, what is meant
here is the lack of teacher competence in integrating ICT into pedagogical
practice, that is, they do not have knowledge and skills in using computers and
are not enthusiastic about change and integration with learning using computers
in their classes.
Teacher attitudes and inherent resistance
to change. Teachers' attitudes and resistance to change regarding the use of a
new strategy, namely the integration of ICT in PBM. This is meant by the
teacher's attitude that the use of ICT in PBM has no clear benefits or
In the Information, Communications, and Technology
(ICT) Era, currently ICT in the classroom is very important to provide
opportunities for student learning success in the current information age. By
using ICT, obstacles in learning can be overcome. The findings show that
teachers have a strong desire to integrate ICT into education, however, they
encounter many obstacles. The main obstacle is:
Lack of confidence, / trust.
Lack of competence.
Lack of access to resources.
Information and communication technology (ICT) has
become an essential part of most organizations and businesses. Computers began
to be placed in schools in the early 1980s, and several researchers indicated
that ICT was an important part of education for the next generation. Modern
technology (ICT) has a lot to offer in the world of education, namely improving
teaching and learning in the classroom; The view that new technology has the
potential to support education across the curriculum; and Provide opportunities
for effective communication between teachers and students in ways that have not
been possible before. Efforts to apply ICT in Education.
on the results of the research and discussion, the following research
conclusions can be drawn.
learning management at SMK Negeri I Amurang has been
carried out optimally starting from planning, implementation to evaluation,
this has been achieved because it is supported by adequate human resources and
of technology-based learning at SMK Negeri I Tumpaan
is still low starting from planning, implementation to evaluation, this occurs
due to the low availability of human resources and infrastructure in schools.
Management of technology-based learning at SMK Negeri I Tenga
is still low starting from planning, implementation to evaluation, this occurs
due to the low availability of human resources and infrastructure in schools
of Technology in Learning at SMK Negeri I Amurang has
been maximized because it is supported by adequate human resources and
infrastructure. The use of technology in learning at SMK Negeri I Tumpaan has not been maximized because it is not supported
by adequate human resources and infrastructure.
use of technology in learning at SMK Negeri I Tenga
is not maximized because it is not supported by adequate human resources and
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