Eduvest � Journal
of Universal Studies Volume 2 Number 11, November, 2022 p- ISSN
2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Fibria Anggraini
Puji Lestari, Yolanda Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia Email: [email protected],
[email protected] |
Taxes are a
source of state revenue, economic growth conditions can have an impact on the
taxation sector, besides that poverty and wage factors can also affect state
tax revenues. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of the
effect of economic growth, poverty and wages on tax revenues. The sample used
in this study was 30 provinces in Indonesia. The research method used in this
research is descriptive quantitative analysis method. Using secondary data
during 1991-2021 and analyzed with time series data regression. The results
of the research conducted can be seen that economic growth has a positive and
significant effect on tax revenue, poverty has a negative and significant
effect on tax revenue, positive and significant effect on tax revenue. as
well as tax revenue |
Economic growth, poverty, wages and taxes |
work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International |
Tax is one of the
sources of state revenue that is used to finance development. Since the tax
reform in Indonesia concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures No. 6 of
1983 and the latest No. 16 of 2009 is used to create an efficient and effective
taxation system so as to increase state revenue in the tax sector. Taxes are
people's contributions to the state treasury based on law with no direct
reciprocity that can be shown and used to pay public expenses (Mardiasmo, 2018).
Along with an
increase in GDP tax revenue can be said to have increased. The government will
also be able to determine tax revenue with certainty, if economic growth is
marked by an increase in GDP. The 2021 tax revenue plan is IDR 1,231.87
trillion or grows 16% from the 2021 target Rp. 1,229.6 trillion (Setyawan, 2021). Meanwhile, Indonesia's economic growth in
2021 is 3.69%. To achieve this target, all levels of the Directorate General of
Taxes are trying to increase tax revenues through extensification and
intensification of taxes as much as possible. Given the growing population and
economic growth that must continue, it is estimated that tax revenues can still
be expected to increase.
In tax revenue
there are several factors that influence it such as economic growth, inflation,
wages, poverty, public consumption, the rupiah exchange rate, international oil
prices, crude oil production and interest rates. However, this research is
limited to only discussing economic growth, poverty and wages received by the
Economic growth
Economic growth is a change in the condition of the country's economy on an ongoing basis towards a better direction. According to Adam Smith, economic growth is a change in the level of a country's economy which is based on population growth, so that its output will increase. Economic growth can be interpreted as a process of increasing production capacity for every economy in the form of national income. According to Frederich List economic growth includes community economic growth from the results of natural resource management (Sukirno, 2016). Adam Smith in his book An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth Nation, which analyzes the causes of economic killing and the factors that determine economic growth. The factors that become economic growth are: human resources, natural resources, science and technology progress and the inflation rate. One of the factors that can affect economic growth is GDP. GDP is the overall value of all goods and services produced within a certain period. GDP or often called GDP is a measure of income and economic expenditure, ignoring income received from or paid to non-residents. GDB is the economic statistic that gets the most attention because it is considered the best single measure of people's welfare (Mankiw N, 2018). GDP calculated on the basis of current prices can be used to see shifts and economic structure or constant prices used to determine economic growth from year to year. Economic growth can be seen from the increase in real GDP from year to year. If GDP rises, economic growth will be better . If the average economic growth from year to year increases, the per capita income of the community will be high, which means that welfare will also increase. Economic growth is characterized by an increase in GDP from year to year. Meanwhile, tax collection will be based on GDP, which will eventually be distributed to the country's development. Such as research entitled "The Impact of Economic Growth and Tax Reform on Tax Revenue and Structure: Evidence from China Experience" which states that empirical results show that economic growth is not not only has a significant effect on total tax revenue and changes in structure, but also has a long-term stability relationship with total tax revenue (Zeng & Qian li, 2013). And in the long run, there's not a tremendous growth in tax revenues. In addition, each tax reform shows a clear impact on the tax structure, while the impact of changes in total tax revenues decreases over time. In addition, research states that economic growth has a significant effect on tax revenues. (Herman, 2007). And also the results of the study entitled �Causal Relationship between Government Tax Revenue Growth and Economic Growth: A Case of Zimbabwe �(1980-2012)� which states that economic growth has no significant effect on tax revenues (Dzingirai & Zacary, 2014). In addition, the results of a study entitled "The Effect of Economic Growth on Taxation Revenue: The Case of Newly Industrialized Country" concluded that there was a relationship between economic growth and tax revenue of 21%. (Roshaiza Taha, Loganathan, Nanthakumar, 2011).
Poverty is a
condition in which a person or group of people is unable to fulfill their basic
rights to survive. The World Bank defines poverty as "Poverty is to be
hungry, to lack shelter and clothing to be sick and not cared for, to be
illiterate and not schooled." "Poverty means hunger, lack of shelter
and clothing, being sick and not cared for, illiterate, and not going to
school. (Wibowo, 2014). In other words, poverty means a deficiency
which is often measured by the level of welfare. According to Karl Mark, the
cause of poverty is the exploitation of workers by capitalists. In Indonesia,
in 1998, poverty reached 19.9 percent. (Investment, 2018). The study entitled "The Influence of
Poverty Level and Per Capita Income on Local Tax Revenue and Audit Opinion with
the Level of Public Trust as an intervening variable on Regional Tax Revenues
of Provincial Governments throughout Indonesia concluded that poverty level has
a significant effect on tax revenues (Alwi, 2021). In
addition, the results of the study entitled "Negative Income Taxes,
Inequality and Poverty," state that poverty/inequality results in a
decrease in tax revenue. (Angyridis & Thompson, 2016). Likewise
with the results of a study entitled "Does Poverty Matter for Tax Revenue
Performance in Developing Countries", concluding that the poverty rate
significantly reduces tax revenues in developing countries. (Gnangnon, 2021).
to Article 1 number 30 of Law Number 13 of 2013 concerning Manpower (UU
13/2003), wages are workers' rights that are received and expressed in the form
of money as compensation from employers or employers to workers which are
determined and paid according to a work agreement, agreements, or laws and
regulations, including benefits for workers and their families for a job and or
service that has been performed. The theory of wages put forward by David
Ricardo if the wages of laborers or workers are high enough, then the worker
will also tend to consume large amounts as well. wedding parties because the
wages are enough to provide a dowry and a wedding party. there are limited
funds for wages. These funds are part of public funds collected from savings.
Thus wages are compensation received by workers in connection with the work
performed. Research related to wages such as "Effort and Wages: Evidence
from the payroll tax ," which concludes that an increase in wages results
in an increase in taxes on wages received (Lang, 2020). Likewise, research entitled "Taxation and
Centralized Wages setting: The Case of Endegenous
Labor Supply," concluded that the relationship between taxation, wages and
employment in adjusting working hours, changes in wages will have an impact on
changes in taxes and can even increase employment and if the profit tax used to
finance public spending, higher taxes would reduce wages and increase
employment (Kilponen & Sinko, 2005). And also the results of the study entitled
"The Influence of Wages, Population and Economic Growth on PBB-P2 Tax
Receipts in the City of Kediri" concludes that together wages, population
and economic growth affect PBB-P2 tax revenues (Rohadi, 2020).
Tax revenue
Taxes are mandatory
levies or fees that must be paid by the people to the state and will be used
for the benefit of the government and the general public. Therefore taxes are
one of the sources of state revenue used to finance development. In this case
tax collection can be forced because it is carried out based on law -Indonesian
state law. The definition of tax according to article 1 of Law no. 16 of 2009,
namely mandatory contributions to the state owed by individuals or entities
that are coercive by law by not getting compensation directly and used for the
needs of the state for the greatest prosperity of the people (Directorate General of Taxation, 2009). According to Ray M. Sommerfield,
Herschel M. Anderson and Horace R. Brock, taxes are the transfer of resources
from the private sector to the government sector, not as a result of breaking
the law, but must be carried out based on predetermined provisions, without any
direct and proportionate rewards so that the government can carry out their
duties to run the government (Mardiasmo, 2018). Tax revenues are influenced by external factors such as economic growth,
inflation rates, the rupiah exchange rate, international oil prices, oil
production and interest rates. While internal factors include high national
compliance and discipline, availability of networks and access to effective
information (Gunadi, 2008). While the indicator of tax revenue is the amount of tax
revenue which includes central tax, local tax customs and excise and regional
levies (Rahayu, 2017). Such
as research that examines the effect of tax revenue is influenced by external
factors such as economic growth, inflation rates, the rupiah exchange rate,
international oil prices, oil production and interest rates. While internal factors
include high national compliance and discipline, availability of networks and
access to effective information (Gunadi, 2008). According to Adam Smith in his book Wealth of Nation that tax
collection carried out by the state must be in accordance with the ability and
income of the taxpayer. The state may not act discriminatory against taxpayers.
The principle of certainty, all tax collections must be based on law, so those
who violate will be subject to legal sanctions (Principle of Equality) (Pamungkas, 2022).
theory states that in the economic cycle, the level of consumption that is
carried out becomes income for people. That is, if someone uses their money for
transactions, it can directly become income for other people. Normally the
economy of a country is caused by demand and supply going hand in hand. As with
VAT, it occurs on public consumption. The higher the level of public
consumption, the VAT revenue will increase. Research that discusses tax
revenues such as "Factors affecting tax income revenues in the Visegrad
countries. An empirical evidence based on regression analysis, concluded that
tax revenue can be influenced by various factors such as social, cultural and
political (Mihokova, 2015). In addition,
research entitled "The Impact of Economic Growth and Tax Reform on Tax
Revenue and Structure: Evidence from China Experience" which states that
empirical results show that economic growth not only has a significant effect
on total tax revenue and changes in structure, but also has long-term stability
relationship with total tax revenue (Zeng & Qian li, 2013). The results of the study entitled "Effects of
Inflation on Tax Revenue Performance in Kenya," which concluded that
inflation has a negative effect on tax revenues in Kenya (Nalyanya, 2020). Research related to wages such as "Effort and
Wages: Evidence from the payroll tax ," which concludes that an increase
in wages results in an increase in taxes on wages received (Lang, 2020). Likewise
with the results of a study entitled "Does Poverty Matter for Tax Revenue
Performance in Developing Countries", concluding that the poverty rate
significantly reduces tax revenues in developing countries (Gnangnon, 2021). research
that discusses public consumption with the title "Relative Consumption
Concerns and The Optimal Tax Mix", which means that tax revenue is
influenced by consumption of non-positional goods and income (Eckerstorfer, 2013). It
can be said that consumption can affect tax revenue. Furthermore, it can be
said that there are many factors that can affect tax revenue
�� Researchers use the correlational method to analyze
research data in connection with the correlation between variables used in
finding the impact that occurs between the variables used in this study (Now, 2014). In
addition, there are 30 provinces in Indonesia that are sampled in this study.
Using purposive sampling technique in sampling. There are four components used,
such as one dependent variable and three independent variables. Tax revenue as
the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variables consist of economic
growth (X1), poverty (X2), and wages (X3).
Some of the methods used
in data collection include:
1. Documents
in the form of reports at the Central BPS from 1991 to 2021.
2. Theories
and methods are taken from literature review.
Systematic research is
described as follows:
Economic growth (X1)
Tax revenue��������
Poverty (X2)������ �����������������������������
Wages (X3)
Image 1
Research scheme
The results obtained
were collected and processed and analyzed using multiple linear regression
analysis, with the following equation:
Y = a + β₁X₁ +
β₂X₂+ β3X3 ��+e
Y��� : Tax revenue
X1���� : Economic growth
X2���� : Proverty
X3���� : Wages
��� : Constant
Normality Test
The residual normality test in this study aims to find
out whether the data is normally distributed or not. However, beforehand it is
necessary to test the normality of the data with parametric or non-parametric
analysis tests. This test uses the Kolmogorof Smirnov method and the results
are as follows:
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test |
Pertumbuhan ekonomi |
Kemiskinan |
Upah |
Penerimaan Pajak |
N |
31 |
31 |
31 |
31 |
Normal Parametersa,b |
Mean |
152.457 |
19.244 |
43.086 |
14.467 |
Std. Deviation |
156.100 |
.54712 |
.06156 |
.36003 |
Most Extreme
Differences |
Absolute |
.283 |
.159 |
.122 |
.094 |
Positive |
.283 |
.094 |
.122 |
.093 |
Negative |
-.154 |
-.159 |
-.112 |
-.094 |
Z |
.960 |
.887 |
.679 |
.522 |
Asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) |
.614 |
.411 |
.746 |
.948 |
��� a.Test distribution is Normal
��� b.Calculated from data
��� Source: Processed data (2022)
Based on the table above, we can see that the
significance value of Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) for economic growth is 0.614,
poverty is 0.411, wages are 0.747 and tax revenue is 0.948 which is greater
than 0.05, so the research data is normally distributed.
Simultaneous Parameter Significance Test
(F statistical test)
Y = a + β₁X₁ + β₂X₂+ β3X3 ��+e
�Conducted to test whether the independent variables together have a
significant influence on the dependent variable in this study as follows:
����������������������������������������������������������� �������
Table 2
Model |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
3.532 |
3 |
1.177 |
89.216 |
.000a |
Residual |
.356 |
27 |
.013 |
Total |
3.889 |
30 |
����������� ����� a. Predictors: (Constant),
Pertumbuhan ekonomi, Kemiskinan, Upah |
�������������������� b.
Dependent Variable: Penerimaan Pajak |
�������������������� Source:
Data processed (2022) |
From the output of the ANOVA test or F test in the
table above, it can be seen that the sig value of the calculated F is 0.000
<0.05, so Ho is rejected at the confidence level α = 0.05. In other
words, simultaneously the level of economic growth, poverty and wages
significantly and simultaneously affect the tax revenue variable.
Test of Determination
The coefficient of determination (R2) essentially measures how far
the model's ability to explain the variation in the dependent variable. While
the Correlation Test is used to determine the relationship of the independent
variables to the dependent variable.
Table 3
Uji Determinasi (R2)
Model Summaryb |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
Durbin-Watson |
1 |
.953a |
.908 |
.898 |
.11488 |
2.398 |
����������� �a. Predictors:
(Constant), Wages, Poverty, Economic Growth
����������� b. Dependent Variable: Tax revenue
Source: Processed data (2022)
the results of the determination test, the coefficient of determination is
0.898 or 89.8%. This figure means that the variables of economic growth (X1),
poverty (X2) and wages (X3) have a relationship of 89.8% to tax revenue (Y).
Individual Parameter Significance Test
(Statistical Test t)
statistical t test was carried out to test whether each independent variable
has a significant effect on the dependent variable. The t test in this study
includes economic growth, poverty and wages as the independent variables and
tax revenues as the dependent variable. To see the magnitude of the influence,
the beta number or Standardize Coefficient is used which is shown in table 4
Table 4
Test Results
Model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
-22.386 |
1.530 |
-14.630 |
.000 |
Economic growth |
.035 |
.014 |
.150 |
2.399 |
.024 |
Poverty |
-.200 |
.041 |
-.304 |
-4.894 |
.000 |
Wages |
5.497 |
.346 |
.938 |
15.906 |
.000 |
Dependent Variable: Tax Revenue
Source: Processed data (2022)
Based on the test results above, the calculated t
value for the economic growth variable is 2.399 with a significance level of
0.024 <0.05. This shows that t count is greater than t table (2.399 >
1.701), meaning that there is a significant effect of the variable economic
growth on tax revenue. It can be said that Ho is rejected (economic growth has
a negative effect on tax revenue) and accepts Ha ( economic growth has a
positive effect on tax revenues).
: Poverty Level Has a Negative Effect on Tax Revenue
The calculated t value for the poverty variable is
-4.894 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05. This shows that t count is
smaller than t table (-0.200 <1.701), meaning that there is a significant
negative effect of the poverty variable on tax revenue or in other words Ho is
accepted (poverty has a negative effect on tax revenue) and rejects Ha (poverty
positive effect on tax revenue). The higher the poverty level, the less tax
revenue and vice versa.
Wages Have a Positive Effect on Tax Receipts
The calculated t value of the wage variable is 15.906
with a significance level of 0.000 > 0.05. This shows that t count is
greater than t table (15.906 > 1.701), meaning that there is a significant
effect of the wage variable on tax revenue or it can be said that the results
of this study reject Ho (wages have a negative effect on tax revenue) and
accept Ha (wages positive effect on tax revenue).
From the results of the t test it is stated that all
independent variables have a significant influence both positively and
negatively on tax revenues. This can be seen from the results of the t test in
table 4. The probability of significance for the economic growth variable is
0.024, for the poverty variable is 0.000 and the wage variable is 0.000.
Therefore the probability value of the significance of the economic growth
variable has a positive effect on tax revenues, poverty has a negative effect
on tax revenues and wages has an individually positive effect on tax revenue
The summary of the
results of the study is described as follows:
Summary of Research Results
Economic growth
Poverty Tax revenue
����������������������������������������������������������� 5,497
����������������������������������������������������������� Image 2
of Research Results
In the picture above you can see a summary of the
results of the research that the results of the t test obtained the economic
growth variable of 0.035, the poverty variable -0.200 and wages 5,497. These
variables can significantly affect tax revenue both negatively and positively.
1. The
Economic Growth Rate Has a Positive Effect on Tax Revenues
The results of the study show that the level of
economic growth has a positive and significant effect on tax revenues, meaning
that when the level of economic growth increases, tax revenues will increase,
and vice versa. This is in accordance with previous research and existing
In line with research conducted by Kanghua Zeng, Shan
Li, Qian Li with the title "The Impact of Economic Growth and Tax Reform
on Tax Revenue and Structure: Evidence from China Experience" which states
that empirical results show that economic growth does not only have a
significant effect on total tax revenue and structure changes, but also has a
long-term stability relationship with total tax revenue.
Likewise with the theory according to Frederich List
economic growth includes the economic growth of society from the results of
natural resource management (Sukirno, 2016). Therefore
economic growth which is marked by an increase in GNP will increase revenue in
the tax sector which will later be used for development. An increase in GDP
indicates a demand for factors of production because these factors of
production are the most important thing in creating the output demanded by the
product market. With economic growth increases will have an impact on tax
revenues through the imposition of tax rates.
Poverty Level has a negative effect on Tax
The test results show that poverty has a negative and
significant effect on tax revenue, meaning that when the poverty rate
increases, tax revenue will decrease and vice versa. This is in accordance with
previous research.
In line with the results of the study entitled
"Negative Income Taxes, Inequality and Poverty," states that
poverty/inequality results in a decrease in tax revenue (Angyridis & Thompson, 2016). Likewise
with the results of a study entitled "Does Poverty Matter for Tax Revenue
Performance in Developing Countries", concluding that the poverty rate
significantly reduces tax revenues in developing countries. (Gnangnon, 2021). Therefore
it can be concluded that when poverty increases, it shows that people's purchasing
power is weaker and this will have an impact on tax revenues.
Likewise according to the World Bank which defines
poverty as "Poverty is to be hungry, to lack shelter and clothing to be
sick and not cared for, to be illiterate and not schooled". sick and not
cared for, illiterate, and not in school (Wibowo,
2014). In other words poverty means a deficiency which is often measured
by the level of welfare. The cause of poverty arises usually because of
inequality in the ownership of resources which has an impact on the
distribution of income per capita. Society with the economy Low-income people
only have a limited amount of resources. Therefore, poverty in Indonesia has a
large role in tax revenues.
3. Wages have
a positive and significant effect on tax revenues
The effect of wages on tax revenue in this study has a
positive and significant effect, meaning that when there is an increase in
wages, it will increase tax revenue.
This is in line with research related to wages such as
"Effort and Wages: Evidence from the payroll tax," which concludes
that wage increases result in increased taxes on wages received. (Lang, 2020).
theory regarding wages was put forward by David Ricardo if the wages of
laborers or workers are high enough, then these workers will also tend to make
large consumptions such as weddings because their wages are enough to provide
dowry and wedding parties. As a result, the higher the birth rate. This will
increase. growth in the labor force who are looking for work and are willing to
work even though the wages are as low as possible by employers. With the
government setting a minimum wage it is intended to improve the welfare of workers
and their families, so an increase in wages means that people's purchasing
power for consumption can increase. This will have a direct positive impact or
indirectly tax revenue will also increase.
on the results of the study it was found that economic growth has a positive
effect on tax revenues with a significance value of α = 0.024 (α
<0.05) and wages can have a positive effect on tax revenues as seen from a
significance value of α = 0.000 (α <0.05) while poverty has an
effect negative on tax revenue with a significance value of α = 0.000
(α <0.05). And from the simultaneous test the effect of economic
growth, poverty and wages is 89.8%, while the remaining 10.2% is influenced by
other variables not used in the study This means that if there is an increase
or decrease in the value of these variables it can affect tax revenue.
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