Eduvest � Journal of Universal Studies Volume 2 Number 11, November, 2022 p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Anik Yuliati, Syamsul Huda Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UPN"Veteran" Jawa Timur,
Indonesia |
Technology continues to develop and advance which has a major impact on everyday life including the online marketing process, one of which is by using social media influencers. An influencer is someone who acts as an bring another one because of their views, advice, or opinions so that they can influence buyers. This study aims to analyze the influence of influencers as digital marketing. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, namely bt defining various matter being studied and then drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that influencers are carriers of influence in purchasing decisions so that influencers are used as the main choice in digital marketing strategies. Influencers use social media in their promotions. The social media that are widely used today are Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on. These influencers have influence with their honest reviews, in contrast to advertisements that openly bring viewers to buy their products |
influencers, digital marketing, social media |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International |
Economic globalization is a process of economic and trade activity in which various countries around the world become market forces that are unified and increasingly integrated without barriers or national territorial boundaries. Globalization is closely related to marketing. Since the existence of this globalization era, everything has developed and expanded, such as the way producers market a product to consumers.
Marketing is one of the important lines in business, how a product is introduced until it is distributed until it reaches the hands of consumers is one of the tasks of the marketing department, currently there are many methods and methods that can be used to market a product or service, but along with developments In this era, marketers also have to change marketing patterns and strategies so that they are able to keep up with the times and be able to compete in the free market with their competitors, one of which is by utilizing digital marketing technology to complement existing conventional marketing tactics.
Since the existence of technology has opened our eyes that distance is no longer a barrier, it is different from the conventional method which used to be very complicated and cost more to market. Since the entry of this technology, various new ways to market and promote a product or service are very diverse, such as using social media (Handika & Darma, 2018).
Social media empowers people to become information disseminators. The most used social media in Indonesia are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and others. The ease of buying and selling online that comes with digital marketing has an impact on purchasing decisions from consumers. With the increasing convenience of consumers in consuming, the level of trust in purchasing decisions will also increase, so that if consumers can easily access information on the internet, marketing strategies that are marketed to consumers online will be effective to implement (Fathurrahman et al., 2021).
Companies that are experiencing fluctuations must look at the marketing strategy side, especially on social media, because young people nowadays are not easily influenced by marketing campaigns carried out by companies but trust information from an influencer more. With the ability of an influencer, it is hoped that it can influence consumer attitudes and behavior such as helping potential customers in deciding product purchases. Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled "Analysis of Influencer Influence as Digital Marketing".
The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This descriptive research aims to explain the meaning and describe various phenomena both natural and engineered, with more emphasis on the characteristics, quality, and interrelationships between activities (Utami et al., 2021). Meanwhile, qualitative is an approach in researching natural objects, namely the researcher becomes the key instrument, the data collection technique is carried out in a combined manner, and places more emphasis on generalizations. (Prasanti, 2018). In a qualitative approach, data processing and findings are not obtained from statistical procedures or other forms of calculation (Surayya, 2015). A qualitative approach is also defined as an approach that focuses on a deeper understanding of a research problem formulation (Salma, 2021).
Influencers are made to be an effective and cost-effective marketing tool, as they are often not perceived as advertising thus guaranteeing a wide reach to an engaged audience. Many businesses use influencers to promote their brand to their target audience (Ye et al., 2021). An influencer is someone who acts as an influencer because their views, advice, or opinions can influence the buyer's decision. Influencers in the marketing process can be said to be mediators who connect companies with the company's target group through voices that are trusted by potential users, followers, and influencers. Therefore, influencers play a growing and significant role in marketing in generation Z. Public trust in influencers because their content is always honest compared to advertisements that clearly show the goal of inviting consumers to buy their products. There are even some advertisements that are a little exaggerated so that consumers see interested in buying the product (Crystrie & Sartika, 2022).
Influencers are increasingly favored by various companies and brands in promoting their products, this can be called influencer marketing. An influencer can leverage their influence to land a job by establishing a relationship with a brand (Audzeret et al., 2020). Since the beginning, influencers certainly have their own characteristics and uniqueness to express their content. Influencers collaborate with companies to create content about brand products or services that are urgently needed so that audiences who may just see or want to try it can get a good impression from consumers. The special feature of influencers is that brands have to engage a lot on various social media platforms (Masitoh & Adjid, 2022).
On research Karagur et al., (2022) mentioned that in the United States it was reported that 63% of consumers bought products because of influencer recommendations. So that these influencers are very influential on consumer purchasing decisions.
Social media
The internet, social media, mobile apps and other digital communication technologies have become part of everyday life for billions of people around the world. The use of social media has become an integral element in the lives of many people around the world (Dwivedi & Wang, 2021).
Today social media allows people to interact freely with others and offers a variety of ways for marketers to reach and engage with consumers (Appel et al., 2020). Social media is an internet-based technology that facilitates conversation. The difference with traditional web applications is on platforms in the form of content creation, content uploading, networking, conversing, media sharing and bookmarking (Rosyadi, 2018). The most used social media for influencers is usually social media with a high level of users, including:
a. Instagram
Instagram is an effective and affordable social media for marketing products, and this makes consumers more likely to be interested in buying products offered by influencers they trust. Instagram is the most used application today, because Instagram is an application that focuses on the use of images and videos. Instagram also has a new feature that is currently in great demand, namely tiktok.
b. Tiktok
Currently there are quite a lot of tiktok users in Indonesia. TikTok is a social media that is no less effective than other platforms. Product marketing through tiktok can be done by influencers by creating content in the form of videos that contain information about their products.
c. Facebook
The pioneer of all social media has indeed made many people use Facebook, so it's not surprising that many influencers use Facebook to market their products.
d. Fashion blogs, Twitter, Pinterest and many other applications are currently being used to influence users to be more interested and decide to buy the products offered.
In marketing on social media, of course, you also have a different strategy on each platform. Tiktok, which is currently exploding, usually offers certain hashtags in the trending section, these hashtags can then be used as promotional media. Unlike Instagram, this platform is decorated with various contents, types, backgrounds and types of users. Instagram itself offers special advertising through them directly, but the type of marketing that is trending that is loved by many people is actually offers from Instagram users who have a large number of followers, this account is usually called celebgram, this celebgram then usually becomes one of the active promotional media (Aldianto, 2020).
The existence of social media and changes in choices have an impact on buying behavior models that describe the traditional way of buying products. Due to social media too, it is possible to go deeper into companies and to describe their own experiences and opinions to other users, creating the kind of viral marketing effect that can be spread to thousands of users with just a few clicks (Sudha & Sheena, 2017).
In the research conducted by Rosmika & Utam, (2021) stated that Instagram or Facebook social media is preferred compared to others as a means of promotion for business people, women prefer Instagram than men.
Digital Marketing
The emergence of superior internet technology has become one of the ways to reach a growing target audience. Digital marketing has now become an integral part of every business regardless of size and type. Currently digital marketing has an important role in the success of every business in the world (Kaur, 2017). With the increasing use of digital media by consumers, more and more companies are using digital marketing to reach their target market. Moreover, in this ever-growing era, there are many changes, all of which are carried out online (Smith, 2011).
Menurut Chaffey dan Chandwick dalam (Wilis & Augustina, 2022) digital marketing is the application of the internet and related digital technologies in conjuction with traditional coomunications to achieves marketing objectives. This can be achieved by increasing consumer knowledge such as profile, behavior, value, and loyalty level, then integrating targeted communications and online services according to each individual's needs. Another understanding according to Sawicky (2016) is that digital marketing is an activity of exploiting digital technology that is useful in forming channels to reach potential recipients in order to achieve a company's goals through meeting consumer needs more effectively. Then another understanding of digital marketing is the use of the internet as a container for marketing activities. Digital marketing itself has four dimensions, namely interactive, incentive program, site design, and cost (Syukur & Salsabila, 2022).
The goal of digital marketing is to reach a wider market with internet media. All media used in digital marketing have the same goal, which is to connect with potential customers. Currently digital marketing is in great demand by the public to support various activities needed (Wiliana & Purwaningsih, 2022). A business really benefits from digital marketing such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencers, content automation, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, and so on (Bala & Verma, 2018).
Influencer Influence As Digital Marketing
Influencer influence underlies the success of increasing sales. The role of social media influencers in sales has become a strategy that is often used by almost every company in marketing their products. Their existence can improve the purchase decision. Then the involvement of influencers for marketing strategies that convey someone when promoting a product so as to influence other people to take an attitude in an absolute decision, in the end use the product and lead to increased income for business people (Rahmawati, 2021). The benefit of influencers is to further enhance marketing on social media Instagram, due to a more positive impact (Nasution, 2021).
In line with research conducted by Khairani et al., (2022) that the use of influencer services is a promotional strategy that uses mass media that has the power to influence potential customers and regular consumers.
Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that influencers are the carriers of influence in purchasing decisions so that influencers are used as the main choice in digital marketing strategies. Influencers use social media in their promotions. The social media that are widely used today are Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on. These influencers have influence with their honest reviews, in contrast to advertisements that openly bring viewers to buy their products.
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