How to cite:
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika. (2022). Adi
Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika. Journal of Eduvest. Vol
2(10): 2105-2118
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 10, October, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
Adi Nugroho
, Bayu Arsan
, Zannah Astaria Dhika
PT Varuna Tirta Prakasya (Persero), Universitas Pancasila,
PT Angkasa Pura
I, Universitas Indonesia,
PT Angkasa Pura II, universitas Padjadjaran,
The development plan for the Capital City of Indonesia (IKN) on
Kalimantan Island requires support from various aspects, such
as the economy, government, and transportation. Recognizing
the potential for economic and trade development
accompanied by the heavy traffic in the IKN area, it needs to
be in line with adequate accessibility. The existing airports on
Kalimantan Island, especially in East Kalimantan, have the
potential to meet the demands of the community in the future.
This paper aims to analyze the possibility of existing airports
around the new Capital City of Indonesia (IKN) area to be used
as a Multi-Airports System to support the successful transfer of
Multi-airport systems; Airports; National Capital City;
Capital City of Indonesia
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International
Jakarta as the State Capital of Indonesia was ranked as the 9th most populous city
in the world in 2017 (According to data from the World Economic Forum , 2017). The high
population is followed by very high urbanization growth which results in high congestion
and unhealthy air quality, therefore, Jakarta is the city with the worst air quality in the world
(Kezebou et al., 2019). In addition, according to the 2015-2045 population projection data
(Results of the Inter-Census Population Survey), about 57% of Indonesia's population or
around 150.18 million people are concentrated on the island of Java. Supported by data
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika
Developing Multicultural Material Learning Guide Model For Students Of
Primary Education
from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2020, the economic contribution of Java Island
is 59% of the National GDP, which means that economic and regional growth has not been
evenly distributed in Indonesia.
Responding to these problems, in an effort to reduce the level of population density
and encourage equitable regional growth, in the Attachment to the Presidential Regulation
of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2020 concerning the 2020-2024 National
Medium-Term Development Plan, it is stated that the State Capital City (IKN) will be
relocated to the island. Kalimantan, whose development will be carried out in stages,
supported by the development of new metropolitan areas and cities outside Java. Socio-
economic considerations are an important consideration in the plan to relocate the National
Capital City (IKN), especially to reduce regional inequality in the country (Handayani &
Rukmana, 2020).
The location of the new National Capital City (IKN) is located in North Penajam
Paser Regency and Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. The selection of the
location of the new State Capital (IKN) is based on 8 (eight) principles of the State Capital,
as has been stated in the Pocket Book on the Transfer of the State Capital compiled by
Bappenas, including Designing according to Natural Conditions, Unity in Diversity,
Connected, Active and Accessible, Circular and Resilient, Convenient and Efficient
through Technology, Safe and Affordable, Low Carbon Emissions and Economic
Opportunity for all. One of the reasons for the selection of East Kalimantan as the new
State Capital (IKN) is because the location is safe and the threat of disaster is minimal. In
addition, the location has high location accessibility, being near two major cities, namely
Balikpapan and Samarinda.
Figure 1.1 New IKN Location Map, East Kalimantan
The relocation of the National Capital City (IKN) from Java Island to Kalimantan
Island is expected to help encourage economic diversification and increase output non-
traditional economic sectors such as services, government, trade and transportation. In
terms of transportation , one of the development strategies for the Kalimantan Region will
prioritize strengthening connectivity, where basic service infrastructure in metropolitan,
city and urban areas is carried out through the development and strengthening of integrated
connectivity between sea, river, land and air modes. Expectations for strengthening
connectivity to support increased output economic sector , one of which is by developing
connectivity in the air also supported by other research ( Fasone , 2014) where the airport,
as a place to take off and land air transportation, can increase economic and social value
from two sides, namely as a business activity and as a infrastructure for regional economic
Market share for passengers arriving and departing from and to the island of
Kalimantan about 8% (calculated from the total passengers at 5 (five) doors of major
airports on the island of Borneo namely Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan
International Airport, Supadio International Airport , Syamsudin Noor International
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Airport, International Airport Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Pranoto and Tjilik Airport Riwut
) of the total Indonesian air passengers in 2020 and will continue to increase if the IKN has
been established.
The explosive growth that will occur certainly needs to be accommodated . There
needs to be readiness in terms of airport infrastructure, one of which is in terms of airport
capacity around the State Capital area (Cidell, 2015). Expansion of existing infrastructure
is the most common alternative to accommodate increased demand will happen. However,
a focus on the activity of a single airport within a region often provides a limited perspective
on the geography of air transport, and its impact on the metropolitan area and its wider
surroundings. This is because the air transportation market is shaped by interactions
between consumers, local mobility, airline operations decisions, new airports (in some
cities) and (in other cities) which have long been secondary airports, where supply and
demand are realized at more than one airport at a time. market area(Dupont-Rouzeyrol et
al., 2016). Therefore, multi-airport implementation The system can be a solution for
airports in the National Capital Region (IKN) by optimizing the services of other airports
around it .
Multi-Airports System defined as System airport where there is more from one
competing airports in the same metropolitan area for serve then cross airline flight
commercial (De Neufville et al., 2013). From definition the could concluded that the Multi-
Airports System focuses on service flight commercial for areas or metropolitan areas that
have characteristics passenger common originating and / or aim local with growth highest
compared with the surrounding area .
The development of the Multi-Airports System pays great attention to market
dynamics , where customers and users of the system who play a role important in the
process . Market dynamics provide explanation base on level and distribution traffic
between airport in a multi-airports system (De Neufville et al., 2013), where influence
airline operating flights _ both at the primary airport ( primary airport ) and secondary
airport ( airport secondary ) (Jiménez et al., 2017). For that , on both or more airport ok _
airport main ( primary airport ) and airport alternative ( secondary airport ), important for
share role for each airport .
In general , multi-airport systems have airport main with one or more airport
secondary which has more traffic a little than airport major ( Mota , 2019), between 10%
and with 50% airport traffic major (De Neufville et al., 2013). However, no close possibility
that airport secondary have same level _ with airport , as happened in the implementation
of the multi -airports system in Paris, Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport as
airport secondary grow and chase growth airport main , namely the International Airport
Orly , Paris. because of that , the market is very holding role important in implementation
of multi -airpots system. Markets can influence with various how and when alone (Collins
et al., 2013).
In the multi- airport systems market, airport operators hold role important for
influence market development. Most often experienced by airport operators who have
implementing a multi-airports system is in development airport main and airport secondary
, when will conducted development infrastructure for airport main or when for add or
develop one and/ or airport secondary other . Metropolitan area with amount less traffic
from threshold limit , will maintain second the airport When available another reason that
makes airport the permanent exists , for example reason technical . Could our see example
implementation of the multi-airports system in Taiwan, When the airport major in the
metropolitan area namely Taoyuan International Airport is not could serve flight cross the
ocean , so the passengers must use airport alternative (Tian et al., 2018). Second airport the
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika
Developing Multicultural Material Learning Guide Model For Students Of
Primary Education
no once reach capacity maximum airport , however because reason technical the airport
alternative no could closed so is _ airport main that is close with the metropolitan area.
Similar with Thing the above , demand/capacity also becomes things airport
operators consider _ in development of a multi-airport system. As has been alluded to ,
with existence explosive growth _ on the construction of a new State Capital (IKN) in the
Kalimantan region is possible existence enhancement demand for airport flights _ around
whereas infrastructure airport existing moment this have Where are the
limitations/constraints there is limitations environmental / technical / geographical for
expand airport To use support operation airport . For that , needed airport alternative to "
accommodate " the demand
Basically , _ in the management of the airport system must balance two main
objectives. The first thing is from a business point of view, it has to do with the corporate
features of the various companies operating at the airport, and it refers to the economic
consequences that will ensure the sustainability of their financial condition in the long term.
The second is referring from a planning point of view, to airport development in terms of
infrastructure both from the air side and the land side investment and maintenance to
shape travel demand and airline policies (C. Fasone, 2014).
Success implementation of a multi-airports system can seen implementation in the
City of London, where there are 5 (five) airports that implement The multi-airport system
concept includes Heathrow Airport (LHR), Gatwick Airport (LGW), Stansted Airport
(STN), Luton Airport (LTN) and London City Airport (LCY). In 1954 , Heathrow Airport
(LHR) became the primary airport in the City of London and in the same year, Gatwick
Airport (LGW) was expanded to become an alternative primary airport serving smaller
airlines and aircraft. charter . Following in the 1950s, Luton Airport (LTN) was developed
as a military base and as a dominant manufacturing site served by charter aircraft . Similar
to Luton Airport (LTN), Stansted . Airport (STN) was also developed as a military base
mostly served by charter aircraft , and was proposed by the government in the 1967 White
Paper to be developed as a third airport of London ". In 1987, London City Airport
(LCY) opened for service after going through several developments. Due to the location of
the airport being very close to central London, London City airport only serves short-haul
destinations. - specifically for the European business market and serving European Hubs
such as Schiphol , Frankfurt and Barajas .
Growth passengers at Heathrow Airport (LHR) showing stable growth _ from 1950
to _ with 2004 , and started show point saturated . Meanwhile, Gatwick Airport (LGW )
consistent growth more slow from Heathrow Airport (LHR) at the end 1960 's though not
yet show point saturated in 2006. Stansted Airport (STN) and Luton Airport (LTN) started
show growth in the 1990s. After 1991 and 1995 respectively , second airport the show
significant growth more _ fast than Heathrow Airport (LHR) or Gatwick Airport (LGW),
so increase their market share in a multi- airport system .
This growth is almost entirely due to demand growth from the European community
and domestic services offered by Low Cost Carrier (LCC). Air traffic at Luton Airport
(LTN) and Stansted Airport (STN) serve short and medium-haul routes, so that when there
was a terrorist attack in 2001 it was less affected than traffic at Heathrow Airport (LHR)
and Gatwick Airport (LGW) serving intercontinental and on certain US-European routes.
However, in 2007, Stansted Airport (STN) started direct intercontinental services to New
York , suggesting a possible shift from a secondary airport dominated by low-cost carriers,
to a primary airport serving all markets. Relatively, it can be seen that, Heathrow Airport
(LHR) dominates the system but its market share is consistently declining. Gatwick Airport
(LGW) has consistently maintained its position as the second alternative primary airport,
with an increasing market share through the late 1980s, and was a major contributor to the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
reduced market share at Heathrow Airport (LHR). In the 1990s the market share at Stansted
Airport (STN) in particular, and Luton Airport (LTN) increased, with corresponding
reductions in the share of Heathrow Airport (LHR) and Gatwick Airport (LGW). In 2006
Stansted Airport (STN) had a clear position as the third airport, fourth Luton Airport (LTN),
and fifth London City Airport (LCY) by contributing a market share of 35% of total aircraft
movements in London in 2006 right below Heathrow Airport (LHR) by 42% .
Method used _ in study this is method studies literature . Method studies literature
that is series related activities _ with method collection of library data , reading and taking
notes , and manage ingredient research (Nursalam, 2016). Method study this conducted
with compare an existing data with the data obtained from study for give put in related with
implementation of the Multi-Airport System in the new National Capital Region (IKN) .
Studies literature got from various source good journals , books , documentation ,
internet and libraries (Fuad et al., 2020). Study previously meant _ in study this is related
research _ with Multi-Airport System .
Object research which is airports around the area of the National Capital City (IKN),
especially in the area of Kalimantan Island , including Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) is located in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan;
International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ) located in Banjarmasin City, South
Kalimantan; Supadio Airport (PNK) is located in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan; Tjilik
. Airport Riwut (PKY) in Palangkaraya City , Central Kalimantan; Aji Prince International
Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) which is located in Samarinda City ; Muara Badak
Airport (BXT) located in Kutai Kartanegara ; Melalan Airport Melak (MLK), West Kutai
and Tanjung Bara Airport (TJC).
The analysis carried out in this study is based on the market share , Airport
Management, distances between airports, airport routes and Analysis of the role, function,
hierarchy, use and classification of airports. Market share This study was conducted to find
out how big the contribution of these airports to airports in Indonesia, by looking at the
number of passengers in 2020 at the airport compared to the number of passengers in
Indonesia. Analysis of airport management is carried out by comparing data from research
in the world with conditions in Indonesia to find out the appropriate criteria in multi-
airports. system (Manatu, 2014). As for the analysis of airport distances using a literature
study that refers to Ministerial Regulation (PM) Number 39 of 2019 to find out the criteria
in multi-airports system . In addition to the distance between airports, PM Number 39 of
2019 also regulates the airport service radius or airport catchment area . The Ministerial
Regulation states that the service radius on the island of Kalimantan is 60 km (the straight
distance between airports is 120 km ) or the travel time for transportation modes is at least
4 (four) hours. Radius calculation using google my maps , while for calculating the straight
distance between airports using google earth . To find out the route services available at
these airports, an analysis of airport route services is carried out to be used as a reference
in multi-airports system . For flight routes, Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan
International Airport (BPN) and Aji Prince Tumenggung Pranoto International Airport
(AAP) use 2021 data. Analysis of the role, function, hierarchy, use and classification of
airports in multi-airports The system is reviewed based on the Decree of the Minister of
Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number KM 166 of 2019 and analysis of the
new State Capital Development (IKN) study.
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika
Developing Multicultural Material Learning Guide Model For Students Of
Primary Education
A. Kalimantan Profile
Issue strategic main development territory is still existence inequality marked region
_ with height number poverty and level unemployment in the Eastern Region of Indonesia
(KTI). In 2019, the island of Borneo had 974.2 thousand soul or about 5.93% figure poverty
from whole amount number poverty in Indonesia. Temporary level unemployment in
Kalimantan Island in the same year that is about 5%.
In effort push even distribution growth interregional that , in Term Development
Plan The National Medium Term (RPJMN ) 2020-2024 states that relocation of the
National Capital City (IKN) to Borneo Island will conducted by gradually supported with
development of metropolitan areas and cities new outside _ Island Java . Kalimantan Island
which has large as big as ( area the island of Borneo) is known as a barn of energy national
and the lungs of the world, then besides conducted development of the metropolitan area,
development of the island of Kalimantan in five years coming directed for maintain
Kalimantan's function as the lungs of the world ( Heart of Borneo ).
With large land of 743.33 km, Kalimantan Island as Heart of Borneo , has a number
of airport for support activity people good interregional Borneo Island and cross Island .
Like is known that plan the development of the State Capital (IKN) on the island of
Kalimantan, more precisely in East Kalimantan. For that , in study this more focusing on
airports in the East Kalimantan region. Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Transportation (KM) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 166 of 2019 concerning Order
National Airports , airports included in the East Kalimantan region, among others:
1. Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport
2. Kotabangun Airport
3. Kalimarau Airport
4. Datah Airport string
5. Melaka Airport
6. Muara Wahau Airport
7. Tanjung Bara Airport
8. Prince Aji Airport Tumenggung Pranoto
9. Maratua Airport
B. Airport Profile
Airport can Becomes tool effective for local marketing of a region and its ability
to increase the attractiveness of the region (V. Fasone et al., 2014). Known island of
Borneo as the lungs of the world or Heart of Borneo , has 31 ( three twenty one ) operating
airport _ based on BPS data in 2020. Among 31 ( three twenty one ) airport that , there is a
number of frequent airport _ Becomes the place then cross passenger air , including
International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ) which is located in Banjarmasin City, South
Kalimantan and Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN)
is located in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan.
Other airports located in Kalimantan include Supadio Airport (PNK) located in
Pontianak City, West Kalimantan and Tjilik Airport. Riwut (PKY) in Palangkaraya City ,
Central Kalimantan. Whereas airports that have distance not enough than 100 km from
Balikpapan Airport ( as the airport with the most IKN area) namely Aji Pangeran
International Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) which is located in Samarinda City .
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
In KM 166 Years 2019 includes role , function , use , hierarchy and classification
airport so that could see each role airports in the East Kalimantan region in the table below
this .
Table 1.1 Role, Function , Use , Hierarchy and Airport Classification
In the table above show that from fifth airport , which has hierarchy as the
primary airport is Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan
(BPN), while those who play a role as airport secondary is Aji Pangeran . Airport
Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP). For use airports , 5 (five) airports the on used as airports
that serve domestic flights , except for Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International
Airport Sepinggan (BPN), no only serve domestic flights but also serve flight
international .
Muara Badak LNG Airport (BXT) is a airports that serve flight special , because
airport the owned by company Natural Gas processing The largest liquid LNG in
Indonesia is PT Badak Bontang , which is located in Bontang City , East Kalimantan,
so that only serve flight for needs company that . Temporary fourth airport other , have
function government managed by each airport operator .
The role of the airport mentioned in KM 166 of 2019 , among others, play a role
in as knot , gate economy , transfer fashion transportation , tourism , area isolated ,
vulnerable disaster , area borders , and insights archipelago . Sultan Aji Muhammad
Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) and Aji Pangeran . Airport
Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) plays a role as knot , gate economy , transfer fashion
transportation , tourism and insight archipelago . Similar with second airport , the role
of Melak Airport (MLK) as a knot , gate economy , transfer fashion transportation ,
tourism and insight archipelago as well as added as role airport for area isolated .
Meanwhile , Tanjung Bara Airport (TJC) does not play a role as airport tourism , but
for area isolated.
Alih Moda
4E 4C 3C 2C
Kode Bandara (IATA)
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika
Developing Multicultural Material Learning Guide Model For Students Of
Primary Education
C. Analysis results
1. Analysis Market Share
Bolgeri et al., (2008) in their article analyzing implementation of the multi-airports
system in the City of London, see passenger market share for each available airport _
in a multi- airport system . From calculation passenger market share that , can seen
role respective airports as well as could see how much big his contribution to amount
passengers in London .
For see The largest airport market share on the island of Kalimantan, can be seen
on the graph under this .
Chart 1.1 Market Share Indonesia
Of the 5 (five) airports , Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport
Sepinggan (BPN) have largest market share between other airports with 3.3%
percentage of the total number of passengers in Indonesia is 75 million passenger based
on statistical data year 2020. Followed by International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ)
of 1.8%. After International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ), there is an International
Airport Supadio , Pontianak (PNK) which has market share of 0.1% different from
International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ) is 1.7%. Whereas for airport others , Aji
Pangeran. Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) and Tjilik. Airport Riwut Palangkaraya
(PKY) each has market share of 0.7% and 0.5%. By overall , for fifth airport which is
located on the island of Borneo holding market share of 8.1% of amount passengers in
Indonesia in 2020.
If passenger market share whole airports located on the island of Borneo against
amount passengers in Indonesia in the same year , namely by 10.5% with amount
passenger whole airports on the island of Borneo as many as 7.9 million passenger .
Meanwhile , the fifth market share airport the to whole airports located on the island
of Borneo can seen on the graph stem under this .
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Graph 1.2 Market share Kalimantan Island
As seen in the chart above , between fifth airport , the airport that holds highest market
share that is Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) with
percentage by 34.5% followed with International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ) by
18.71% then International Airport Supadio , Pontianak (PNK) by 18%. Whereas for
passenger market share for two Other airports are Prince Aji Airport Tumenggung Pranoto
(AAP) and Tjilik . Airport Riwut Palangkaraya (PKY) at 7.5% and 5.1%, respectively. For
airports others located in Kalimantan have market share of 16% of amount passengers in
Kalimantan in 2020 .
2. Analysis Management Airport Manager
Application mulit -airports system in the City of London involves no only one Airport
Manager except from different managers . _ The fact that one organization, the British
Airports Authority ( BAA Limited) , owns and operates these airports reinforce the idea
that they are part of a system . However , unity of ownership or one unity no control
determine the system for planning and managing the multi-airports system Luton Airport
(LTN) is owned independently however _ is part in the concept of a multi-airports system
in the City of London (Rose et al., 2019).
Airport managers in a multi-airport system are faced with the importance of choose a
strategy for influence market development in multi-airport systems (de Neufville et al.,
2013). So that , in development of multi-airports system is important for knowing who
manager the airport located in such a system . In book reports compiled by The Airport
Council International ( ACI), ACI only include one manager airport from a lot manager
airports located _ in one multi-airport system, such as the implemented Multi-Airport
System airports in Paris, listed only the Aeroports de Paris as manager airports that .
Management manager for airports around the National Capital City (IKN) area can be
seen in the following table.
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika
Developing Multicultural Material Learning Guide Model For Students Of
Primary Education
Table 1.2 Management Airport Manager
Based on the table above , it can be is known that Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) as holder The largest market share on the island of
Kalimantan is managed by PT Angkasa Pura I Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
International Airport Sepinggan (BPN), PT Angkasa Pura I also manages International
Syamsudin Noor (BDJ) which is located in Banjarmasin.
Whereas manager other airports , PT Angkasa Pura II manages the International
Airport Supadio , Pontianak (PNK) and Tjilik . Airport Riwut , Palangkaraya (PKY). Prince
Aji Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP), Melalan . Airport Melak , West Kutai (MLK)
and Tanjung Bara Airport (TJC) are managed by the Airport Management Unit ( UPBU).
Meanwhile, Muara Badak LNG Airport (BXT) is owned by the company Natural Gas
processing The largest liquid LNG in Indonesia is PT Badak Bontang , which is located in
the city of Bontang , East Kalimantan management by the company it and used only for
interest company .
3. Analysis of Distance Between Airports
According to PM Number 39 of 2019 regarding Order National Airport , the service
radius on the island of Kalimantan is 60 KM ( distance straight between 2 ( two ) airports
by 120 KM) or time go fashion minimum transportation duration 4 ( four ) hours . Distance
analysis between airport conducted to Prince Aji Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) and
International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ), with Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) as point center ( center point ).
Calculation distance between airport conducted via google maps with method count
distance from Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) to
Aji Pangeran . Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP), and Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
. International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) to International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ).
From calculation that , got results as following .
Manajemen Pengelola Bandara
Bandara Internasional
Sultan Aji Muhammad
Sulaiman Sepinggan
Bandara Internasional
Syamsudin Noor (BDJ)
Bandara Internasional
Supadio, Pontianak
Bandara Tjilik Riwut
Palangkaraya (PKY)
Bandara Aji Pangeran
Tumenggung Pranoto
Bandara Melalan
Melak, Kutai Barat
Bandara Tanjung Bara
Bandara LNG Muara
Badak (BXT)
PT Angkasa Pura I
PT Angkasa Pura II
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Figure 1.2 Distance Between BPN-AAP Airports
straight distance between Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport
Sepinggan (BPN) to Aji Pangeran . Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) is about 104.92
km where Fulfill listed criteria _ in PM 39 of 2019 which is 120 km. Whereas distance
straight Among Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN)
to International Airport Syamsudin Noor (BDJ) yet Fulfill criteria the where could seen
in the picture under this , that is about 340.38 km.
Figure 1.3 Distance between BPN-BDJ Airports
From both calculation distance straight between airport the could concluded that
distance between airports that meet PM 39 of 2019 criteria include Sultan Aji Muhammad
Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) to Aji Pangeran . Airport Tumenggung
Pranoto (AAP) is about 104.92 km.
4. Analysis Airport Route
Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) serves various
domestic and route international . On domestic routes , this airport located in East
Kalimantan serve more of 40 routes flight based on departure data passengers in 2020.
Meanwhile _ for Aji Prince Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP), only serve route less
domestic flights more only 15 routes flights in 2020 .
Whereas for route flight Prince Aji Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP), among
others , serves route Banjarmasin, Berau , Datah Dawai , Denpasar, Jakarta (CGK), Jakarta
(HLP), Long Apung , Makassar, Melak , Surabaya, Tanjung Selor , Yogyakarta (JOG), and
Yogyakarta (YIA). Overview of route Aji Pangeran . Airport flights Tumenggung Pranoto
(AAP) can seen in the picture following .
Adi Nugroho, Bayu Arsan, Zannah Astaria Dhika
Developing Multicultural Material Learning Guide Model For Students Of
Primary Education
Figure 1.4 Route AAP . flights
Based on table 1.3 Routes Flight Domestic International Airport Sultan Aji
Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan (BPN) and in Figure 1.4 Route Aji Pangeran . Airport
Flights Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP), there are 9 routes the same flight served by both _
airport that . because of Therefore , the implementation of a multi-airports system is
required for share market share . Distribution airport role _ could realized if have service
the same flight , for example one airport _ special serve low cost carriers. (Ganar et al.,
5. Analysis of Airport Roles, Functions , Uses , Hierarchies and Classifications
If seen from Table 1.1 Role, Function , Use , Hierarchy , and Airport Classification ,
Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) and Aji Pangeran
. Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) has the same role . Second airport the play a role as
knot , gate economy , transfer fashion transportation , insight archipelago as well as
Becomes airport tourism . Likewise with _ side function , both airport the working as
airport government and business .
Difference Among Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan
(BPN) and Aji Pangeran . Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) lies in the use , hierarchy
and classification airport that . For usage , Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International
Airport Sepinggan (BPN) is used for serve route domestic and international flights
international . Whereas for Aji Prince Airport Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) is used only
for serve route domestic flights . Besides that , hierarchy Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) is as primary airport and Aji Pangeran . Airport
Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) as airport secondary .
Uses and hierarchies that have been determined at KM 166 of 2019 for Sultan Aji
Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport Sepinggan (BPN) and Aji Pangeran . Airport
Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) has Fulfill concept of multi-airports system definition , where
there is distribution role for service route domestic flights or international and primary
airports or secondary that is in one metropolitan area.
Based on results study above, can concluded that suitable airport _ with
characteristics Multi-Airports System concept with no rule out regulation government as
listed _ in PM 39 of 2019 and KM 166 of 2019, including Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman
International Airport Where is Sepinggan (BPN) is closest airport _ with the location of the
new State Capital (IKN) in Penajam Paser , East Kalimantan, and Aji Pangeran . Airport
Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP).
Illustration the implementation of the multi-airports system in the East Kalimantan
region can illustrated through picture under this .
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Figure 1.5 Illustration of MAS
Based on hierarchy , Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport
Sepinggan (BPN) hierarchy as primary airport ( primary airport ) used for serve route
domestic and international flights international airport , while Aji Pangeran . Airport
Tumenggung Pranoto (AAP) hierarchy as airport secondary ( secondary airport ) where
only serve route domestic flights . That is , second airport the has have each role good from
side use nor hierarchy so that in distribution market share will more easy To use reduce
accumulation in one airport.
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