How to cite:
Ummu Iffah. (2022). Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java.
Journal of Eduvest . Vol 2(10): 2091-2104
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 10, October, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
Ummu Iffah
UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah, Tulungagung, Indonesia
This post served for see ideology and spread understand Shia
as well as observe typology development understand is in East
Java . Besides that this article is also presented for see why
typologies understand Shia the formed . Studies this conducted
with use method qualitative and approach studies case .
Results show that ideology important Shia are : Imamah ,
Washayah , Shahadah and taqiyah . Whereas the spread of
Shi'ism in East Java was centered on several the city which is
pockets Shia that is Bangil , Malang, Jember , Surabaya and
other areas residency of Kediri. With different social settings _
demand community Shia develop different models with other
areas so that the community they can received society and
survive . Typology Shia in East Java is different Among area one
with area other is form adaptation and implementation from
principle their taqiyah _ develop in accordance with social
setting the place community that grow and develop .
Shia , Typology , Taqiyah
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International
Since success Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhullah Khomeini al - Musawi in subvert regime
Pahlavi in Iran in 1979, attention to teachings Shia (Ahlul Bayt) start seen throughout
around the world, including Indonesia, because that 's where Shia develop fast and up now
still Becomes understand and embraced flow majority Muslims in a famous country with
the land of the Mullahs .
In Indonesia the majority sect sunni , shia often seen as deviant , dangerous and
even accused as source crime (Formichi, 2014). However, the achievements of Imam
Khamaini make people 's view of Shia at least a little changed , since moment that's among
intellectual Muslim , activist students and even among Public general start interested to
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
Shia ( especially in field thoughts ), books Shiah is very easy obtained in shops book,and
even institutions and communities shiah start brave show self .
This post attempted peeling about ideology shia and search history development
shia in java east as well as peeling about base, typology as well as context social shia in
java east .
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type
of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely
primary data and secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library research
techniques (library study) which refers to sources available both online and offline such as:
scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. These sources are
collected based on discussion and linked from one information to another. Data collection
techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and research. This data is
analyzed and then conclusions are drawn.
A. Shi'ah at a glance
Many researchers differ on the motivation for the emergence of Shi'a (Shi,
Wang, & Zou, 2017). Some argue that the Shi'ah emerged as a result of the political
turmoil after the death of the Prophet, to be exact at the meeting of the Muslims in
Saqifah Bani Sa'idah to determine who the leader would be after the death of the
Prophet. While others argue that its emergence is not only due to political issues,
but also religious (DeHanas & Shterin, 2018). This is because apart from political
issues, which are inherent in religious matters, seeing the emergence of Shi'ah only
from a political point of view greatly simplifies the problem (Rafatijo, 2022).
Regardless of the debate, the emergence of Shi'ah is clearly motivated to side with
ahlu al bayt which in its political history has always been marginalized (Nurhayati,
2020). Whereas according to the Shi'ah, Ali was the most privileged person of the
Prophet, as can be seen from several events and narrations.
After Ali's death many people joined, driven by their sympathy for Ali and
his persecuted family (Parker & Fahim, 2021). There were also many non-Arab
Muslims who were looked down upon by Muawiyah, joining the Shi'ah group, but
in its development the Shi'ah split into dozens of groups. The split was caused by
various factors: because of differences in principles and teachings that resulted in
the emergence of extreme groups and moderate groups. Among these groups the
most famous are the Zaidiyah, Ismaili and Ithna Ash'ariyah groups. The Itna
Ash'ariyah group is arguably the largest compared to other groups and its followers
are widely spread in Iran and Iraq.
B. Imamah: a Principal Shi'a Theology
In general, we can find in several classic books of the historical genre of
the Islamic kingdom, the issue of leadership occurs because of differences of
opinion about who the successor figure of the prophet was after he died (Brown,
2017). This problem became increasingly sharp, especially the absence of a direct
will from the prophet regarding who the companions would later assume leadership
positions in Medina (Al-Azami, 2022). Syahrastani pointed out that the heaviest
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Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
dispute that occurred among the people was the dispute about priesthood because
there is no sword drawn in Islam on the basis of religious rules such as the issue of
priesthood in every era. This is included as the main cause in forming firqoh-firqoh
and disputes between them. His understanding became increasingly blurred because
the prophet never spoke about this until he died. In the end, it was Abu Bakr who
was appointed by the majority of the companions to replace the prophet's position
as the holder of government control while continuing the da'wah relay.
With the passage of time the theory of Imamat became a standard
theological concept. Or at least there are two major terminology in explaining the
naming of leadership in Islam. The Ahlu Sunnah tend to call the concept of
leadership in Islam the caliphate , which is a leadership that existed after the death
of Muhammad who was in charge of replacing his position in dealing with religious
and state affairs. While the Shi'a group tends to use the name Imamah which means
a leadership based on the will of the Prophet which textually appoints 'Ali as his
successor in the future. And even the Shi'a scholars incorporated their theory of
Imamat into the pillars of faith and made it part of the basic concept of religion. The
Shi'ah Imamiyah adherents base 'Ali's personal appointment on several hadiths of
the Prophet Muhammad which are believed to be true and valid. For example,
Meaning: Whoever I am the leader, then Ali is the leader. O Allah, help
and protect those who help and protect him (Ali), and make enemies of those who
are against him.
The difference in understanding of the concept between Shi'ah and Sunni
in codifying the concept of Imamat or khilafah is the substance of the striking
difference between the two camps which both admit that they are closest to the
practice of the Sunnah of the Prophet. Shi'ah include the issue of leadership (
imamah ) in their books of aqidah, and belief in an imam is part of the pillars of
faith. In fact, this Imamate is the foundation for the Shi'a madhhab.
The Shi'a believe that there are texts which explicitly and irrefutably
mention that the Prophet appointed Ali as his future successor. Imamah in their
view, is not a common benefit whose authority is delegated based on the consensus
(ijma') of Muslims as a whole. However, the appointment system is only carried out
by the Prophet. For this reason, belief in the existence of an imam is included in the
pillars of faith and becomes the foundation for upholding religion. And even these
priests are holy people (ma'shum).
Departing from the understanding that the Imam must be appointed
directly by the Prophet, then his area of authority is automatically equal to the
Prophet, both as heirs or his teachings as well as in carrying out the mandate to
realize common interests. Therefore, an imam, according to the Imamiyah school,
must master all knowledge related to the Shari'a and law. The complete knowledge
of the imam must actually exist within him, not in the form of potential and not
because he did ijtihad . The determination that the knowledge of an imam is a
complete science is a logical consequence of their statement that al-awshiya'
received knowledge from the side of the Prophet Muhammad who was able to
master and protect Islamic law. So their knowledge is a prophetic deposit and they
are protected from mistakes.
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
Chronologically, the leadership of the people after the Prophet
Muhammad, according to the Shia perspective, was started by Ali bin Abi Talib,
then his son, Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba, Imam Husayn, and continued by nine
descendants of Husayn, namely Ali Zainal Abidin, Muhammad al-Baqir, Jah. 'far
Sadiq, Musa Kazhim, Ali Rida, Muhammad al-Jawad, Ali al-Hadi, Hasan al-
Askari, and Muhammad al-Mahdi. However, this last Imam, even though he was
born in the 3rd century Hijra (year 255 H) but experienced occultation for an
unknown time. During this period of hiding of Imam Mahdi, the area of the imam
is delegated to scholars who meet certain requirements to formally lead, guide, and
explain Islamic law to Muslims. This clerical leadership lasted until the presence of
the twelfth Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi.
When al-Mahdi, the twelfth Imam comes back, temporal and spiritual
authorities will be integrated in him like the Prophet Muhammad. He will unite the
two areas of the ideal Islamic government. Thus the idea of an appointed Imamat
among Ali's descendants, which is continuous throughout history and in all political
circumstances, is reinforced by the hope regarding the Imamate of the last Imam
who was unseen. This reaffirmed the Imami's hope of a true Islamic government by
a legitimate Imam from among the descendants of Hussein.
Mystery in Shia thought and belief is divided into two levels. First , the "
minor occultation/ghaibah ash-shugra " for 74 years (255-329 H), when Imam
Mahdi "hid in the physical world and represented his leadership to the Imam's
representatives". At this time the difficulties in terms of marja' (religious and
political leadership) were relatively easy to overcome. Because, the position of
marja' was held by four representatives of al-Mahdi, namely Abu 'Ammar Usman
bi Sa'id, Abu Ja'far Muhammad bin Usman, Abu al-Qasim al-Husain bin Ruh and
Abu al-Hasan 'Ali bin Muhammad Samari. .
Second , the "big occultation" ( major occultation / ghaibah al-kubra ),
namely after the death of the four deputy Imams above until the return of Imam
Muhammad al-Mahdi at the end of time. It was during this period of "great magic"
that leadership based on Khomeini's ijtihad was delegated to the faqih . This
conception is known as wilayat al-faqih . So, in this case the Imams have an
obligation to carry on the Prophet's message in the cycle of Imamat.
F. The Theory of Washa yah , Shahadah and Taqiyah in Imamah
There are several political stances that further support the theory of Imamat
. It means how the Imamiyah understand and apply the political attitude as an effort
of the Imamiyah to understand and apply the political attitude as an effort to
strengthen the Imam's authority in social and religious duties. Political attitudes that
support the theory of Imamat include:
1. Was ha yah (appointment)
Wasiyat or this appointment is one of the main joints in addition to the nas in
the Imamat succession mechanism . As has been explained, the priesthood of Ali
and the Imams after him was established on the basis of the will of the Prophet. The
will here can be understood as the legitimacy of the Prophet, as well as evidence
that Imamat is a conception (design) of God, not based on human election. Thus,
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Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
the role of the people is no longer important, because they have no right to vote, let
alone reject it. Thus, when viewed from the theory (politics) of democracy, it
becomes irrelevant and even contradictory, because the political participation of the
people is no longer needed. The only thing that exists is unlimited sovereignty,
because the priest is the seat of power and the seat of authority , namely Allah swt.
On the basis of this will, the boundaries of Imamat are clearer but "narrow".
This means that if at first the ahl bayt was still general, then it was reduced to only
the descendants of Ali and the line of Fatima and tightened again with a will . The
meaning of this will is as a reinforcement and justification for the appointment of
12 priests / ithna ashariyah . However, there is one thing that is not yet clear,
namely the will from one imam other than Ali to the next imam. Is it inherently
included in the will of the Prophet in the sense of one will for all, or is there a need
for further wills. But what is certain is that with the existence of the will, the
continuity and sacredness of the priesthood will be preserved. Thus, the
transmission of Imamat can proceed without any doubt in its determination. It is
clearer about the transmission of power adopted by Shia Ithna Ash'ariyah .
2. Shahadah (martyrdom)
The point is the belief that Allah is the Creator and the absolute Sovereign
of this universe always does justice. Therefore Allah always pays attention to
human welfare, and this welfare will be achieved if humans pay attention to the
guidance given by His revelation to the Prophet Muhammad. This guidance
revealed by Allah also demands obedience to the Prophet Muhammad, in his
capacity as the head of the Islamic government, as well as being the bearer of
prophetic messages. Consequently, the Imam is seen as the legitimate successor of
the Prophet Muhammad. It must also be placed as the true leader of the people, to
whom obedience must be given to the priest in his capacity as controller (head) of
From this arose the belief that when the Imam, following the Prophet's
death, was denied the right to exercise the temporal authority conferred by Allah's
appointment, direct political action was justified to replace a looted government
carried out by those who were not entitled. This struggle to establish a government
that is legitimate, just and elects political authority has resulted in the killing of
several Shi'a leaders Ali and his two sons who, based on the above belief, are
understood as shahadah, ie willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of upholding
justice and quelling oppression.
The political message that can be drawn from this doctrine is that to
establish a just government requires sacrifice. And the sacrifice in this case is a
martyrdom, which in the eyes of Allah is of very high value (honorable). However,
if we look at the martyrdom that occurred, according to the author, it is not a pure
martyrdom that is motivated by efforts to enforce a just government, but a
martyrdom due to political "innocence". This means that Ali and his two sons are
victims of politics, because of their ignorance and sincerity, they are consumed by
these cruel political intrigues. The value of sincerity is perhaps what his followers
call shahadah.
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
3. Taqiyah
Taqiyah etymologically comes from the root word atqa-yaqi- which means
to protect or guard oneself and then specifically understood as a preventive
measure, namely hiding the true belief ( Shi'a ) for the sake of vigilance and
preventing pressure from befalling the "remains" of the descendants of Ali and
others. followers after al Husayn's martyrdom in the massacre of Karbala 880 CE.
This attitude later developed into the basis for the political stance of all imams, even
declared as an obligation for their followers, to temporarily avoid the pressure to
establish the rule of Ali's descendants and overthrow the existing caliphate.
In a certain sense, taqiyah implies the will of the Imamiyya people to
continue to strive for an Islamic government, (the Shi'ah version of course), if not
by launching a revolution that depends on the presence of an imam and his
confirmation as the leader of the ummah, then at least by preparing the way for such
a revival. it's in the future. The long struggle of the Shi'a can be enjoyed after
Khomeini succeeded with his Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979. Meanwhile in his
taqiyah the Shi'ah must avoid revealing true identities and opinions openly, as well
as about obvious defects. exist in various de facto Muslim governments that will
cause hostility and conflict. Regardless of the motivation and basis, this political
attitude & stance can be said to be smart & wise. This is evident, after so far they
have avoided the risk of annihilation, and even managed to brilliantly occasionally
emerge to the surface with their steadfastness, starting with the Shafavid dynasty
and then being continued by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Because after all, it is a social reality in Islam that is religious-political in
nature, almost all of its teachings are still not only limited to religious issues but
also political policies, including the concept of taqiyah, which is explained at least
in 3 verses of the Koran. The first verse is a general warning to believers not to
prioritize unbelievers as friends: al-imran: 28.
The second verse excludes from God's punishment, people who withdraw
their statements of faith because of threats or coercion: al Nahl: 106
The commentators of s hi'ah believe that this verse refers to the incident of
torture carried out by the infidels against Anwar Ibn Yamir, a friend of the Prophet's
foremost companion who was forced to profess belief in polytism, the god of the
infidels. However, the prophet Muhammad defended him on the grounds that he
(Anwar) was a true believer who was steadfast from head to toe.
And the third verse is part of the book of the prophet Moses, when Pharaoh,
Hammam and ordered to throw away the followers of Moses: Al Mu'minun: 28.
Besides these three verses, there are many sayings that are misbahakan to
the Shi'a Imams. Especially the sixth imam, Ja'far al Sadik who strengthened the
necessity of taqiyah, even to the point of identifying it with the essence of religion.
Among his fatwas is ''Whoever does not practice taqiyah means no religion. And
taqiyah is (water) my religion from the religion of my ancestors.
In its development, modernists s hi'ah examine and categorize taqiyah more
specifically into four categories, namely first taqiyah because of coercion
(ikrahiyah), even though the actions taken fulfill the orders of the oppressor and
because of an emergency in order to save lives. This type of taqiyah is mostly
applied to the political conditions of the Shi'a all over the place, both in the past and
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Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
now. However, due to the lack of clarity about who is meant by the oppressor, it is
difficult to predict and anticipate it. Therefore it becomes less clear also the
implementation format.
second category , taqiyah to guard against the feared danger ( khawafiyah ).
This is usually applied as a preventive measure against harm which includes the
implementation of practices and rites according to the fatwas of Sunni scholars and
carried out in Sunni lands. For example, the Shi'a people who live in Indonesia,
where the majority of them comply with Sunni rites, apply this model of taqiyah.
The third , taqiyah to keep a secret ( kitmaniyah ). This involves the whole series of
acts of concealing religious beliefs on their ideology, secretly trying to fight for
religious goals. This type of taqiyah is the opposite of idha'ah (propaganda). And
lastly, the fourth is symbiotic taqiyah ( muratati ) which means only a code of
coexistence with the Sunni community, and a code of participation in their
ceremonies, social and rituals to maintain the unity of Islam and establish a strong
state consisting of all groups of Muslim communities. In this case, it seems that
there is no barrier that separates the Shi'ah from the followers of other schools
(Sunnis), even though this cannot be called a 'collaboration of schools'.
G. Spread of Shia in Indonesia
The history of Shia in the archipelago is actually older than the independence
of the Republic of Indonesia (Sukarna & Ming, 2021). Shia entered Indonesia
through three major waves. The first wave was brought by the early propagators of
Islam (Ibrahim, 2020). In the past, the Shiites who were being chased by the
Abbasid rulers fled from the northern Middle East, which is now probably Iraq, to
the south under the leadership of a man named Ahmad Muhajir to Yemen. They
stopped their escape on the steep hilltops. This story is published in several Shi'a
books. Once upon a time, the leader, Ahmad Muhajir, broke his sword and then
said, "From now on we will replace our struggle with a pen." Then they all adhered
to the Shafi'i school of thought. They are taqiyyah as followers of the Shafi'i school
in Yemen, Hadramaut (Ardemagni, 2019). From there, they spread Islam to various
regions including Indonesia as Shafi'i followers (Anwar, 2022).
It is alleged that the first kingdom or sultanate in the archipelago - namely the
Perlak sultanate (founded in 840) was Shia, because this sultanate was founded by
a Shia named Alauddin Syed Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah, a descendant of Ali bin
Muhammad bin Jakfar Siddik ra, who married perlak princess.
Around the 900s, the Sunni Islamic school was introduced to the Perlak
sultanate and only 928 the Perlak sultanate was ruled by a Sunni sultan, namely
Sultan Makdum Alaudin Malik Abdul Kadir Shah Johan. Since then the Islamic
kingdom of the Archipelago is Sunni until now. However, the Shi'a influence did
not fade.
This is reinforced by the existence of Shia Islamic traditions that have long
been practiced by Indonesian Muslims, such as the commemoration of Ashura,
grebeg suro in Yogyakarta, the reading of prayers every Friday night (especially
among NU), in which all Shi'i Imams mention this prayer. oh the twelve. Likewise
the tradition of the Ark in Pariaman and Bengkulu (Letmiros, 2019). The Javanese
habit of considering the month of Muharram as an unlucky month. According to
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
Jalaluddin Rachmat, these traditions are not found in Sunni Muslims outside
Indonesia, such as in Saudi Arabia, or in Egypt (Machmudi, 2018).
The influence of the Shia is shown by the development of the Syattariyah and
Naqsyabandiyah orders in West Sumatra which have survived to this day. The two
tarekat are considered as a form of assimilation of Shia in West Sumatra. This tariqa
when traced turns out to be a continuous lineage to the Shi'ah priests (Krstić, 2021).
While in literary form, in Malay classical texts there are many writings that mention
the greatness of Shia priests, such as in the saga of Hasan Husein when he was a
child, Hikayat Hasan Husein when he was about to die, and Hikayat Tabut, the
lyrics of a song in Aceh about Hasan's martyrdom. and Hussein.
The second wave of the entry of Shiites into the archipelago occurred after the
Islamic revolution in Iran which changed Iran from a monarchy under Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, to an Islamic Republic under the leadership of Ayatollah
Ruhullah Khomeini (1979). books by Shia thinkers such as Ali Shari'ati and
Murtadha Muthahari as well as books that study shia sect.
In addition, there are study groups that specialize in the study of Shia schools
that have sprung up in various regions in Indonesia. In Bandung, there was the
Mutahhari Foundation led by Jalaluddin Rakhmat, in Pekalongan (Central Java)
there was the Al-Hadi Islamic Boarding School led by Ahmad Baragbah (an Iranian
Qum graduate) who openly acknowledged that it was the only Shia Islamic
boarding school in Indonesia. In Makassar, the Rausyanfikr Foundation was
opened, which studies Shia thinkers, especially philosophy, this foundation can also
be found in Jogjakarta. In Bangil, East Java, the Islamic Boarding School
Foundation (YAPI) was established which openly flies the Shia flag
News of the Iranian revolution with the figure of the high priest, Ayatullah
Khomeini, also amazed and amazed Kiai Achmad Nawawie, one of the ulama' from
Madura. Then he sent his sons and daughters to study Shia at YAPI Bangil. This
was the forerunner to the establishment of PP IJABI and the spread of Shi'ism in
Sampang Madura.
In the next phase, Shia followers in Indonesia began to form bonds. Among
them are IJABI (Ikatan Jama'ah Ahlu Bait Indonesia) and ABI (Ahlu Bait
Indonesia). IJABI is one of the associations they formed on July 1, 2000. IJABI is
a mass organization whose existence is recognized by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
IJABI according to Jalaluddin Rahmat, its distribution emphasizes morals rather
than fiqh.
H. Basis, typology and social context of shiah in East Java
In East Java , there are a number of pocket deployment Shia with specificity
their respective characteristics . Among them is Majlis Tathhir Surabaya, YAPI
(Islamic Boarding School Foundation ) which is located in Bangil , Al- Hujjah
which is located in Jember , and Al- Kautsar which is located in Malang, PP IJABI
in Sampang Madura. But in Surabaya and in Sampang the community is very small
and not too significant . Inhabitant Shia Surabaya and Sampang on certain occasions
join often with Malang or Bangil.
YAPI in Bangil , Pasuruan
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
YAPI was founded by Ustadz Husayn bin Abu Bakr al- Habsyi in June 21 ,
1976 in Bangil Regency Pasuruan . YAPI founded in Bangil this at first is part from
movement Shia who already is in Bondowoso 1971. YAPI Bangil founded by
Ustadz Husayn bin Abu Bakr al- Habsyi one person , while YAPI is in Bondowoso
founded by character such as Habib Alwi al -Haddar , Hedra al -Haddar and Habib
Muhammad Saleh al -Muhdar as well as a number of another name . In progress ,
YAPI Bangil stand up alone and “ separate ” from YAPI in Bondowoso .
As institution education , YAPI Bangil active stage study , publishing
magazines and activities social religious like warning day major Islamic related
with traditions Shia in general , like Eid Ghadzir , Ashura , wiladah Fathima al -
Zahrah etc. _ This thing could seen through publishing calendar academic for YAPI
circles themselves who have similarity with calendar issued by the Embassy Iran's
Headquarters in Jakarta (ICC). In calendar the no there is warning day the usual big
Islam celebrated in Indonesia as Isra ' Mi'raj and Nuzulul Quran.
Besides that , YAPI also publishes a number of books and VCDs containing
lecture or description about ahlu al-bait or about Shia . as handle for cadre or
Students they for face many other Sunni books circulating in the middle society .
Books understand Shia this rely on reference main title al -Kafi . This also carries
over to the aspect of curriculum where structure curriculum taught _ no only
referring to the Shia scriptures but also use the usual books used by the Sunnis.
However the use of these Sunni books no as ingredient main , only more as
comparison , or more appropriate made ingredient study for look for confirm and
strengthen the arguments they use in the Sunni scriptures.
Doctrine the main book of al - Kafi which became handle on YAPI, especially
in chapter Hujjah , loading two category important which often causes _ anger
among the Sunnis, namely about tahrif ( change ) manuscripts of the Koran that
have been general used majority of scholars) and takfir ( disbelief of the leaders )
companions of the Prophet SAW other than Ali bin Abi Talib .
tier education at YAPI showing face cadre Shia start from Kindergarten to level
special ( takhassus ). For students who have go through level takhassus , they will
get Theory like creed , fiqh , history , mantiq ( logic ), and Islamic philosophy .
I. Curriculum Takhassus YAPI
Sunni book
Shia Book
Al-Aqo'id al-Islamiyah,
Ayatollah Taqi
Mizbah Yazdi
Comparative Fiqh
Al-Fiqh 'ala al-
Madhahib al-Khamsah
Shaykh Jawad
Al-Halaqat 1-3
M. Baqir Sadr
Argumentative Fiqh
Fiqh Istidlali
Shaykh Baqir Irwani
Mantiq (Logic)
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
Islamic philosophy
Bidayah al-Hikmah
Sayyid Husain
Sharh Alfiyah
Ibn Malik
Al-Balaghah al-
Provided curriculum to Students this spread through brochure reception
Students newly released by YAPI. So often brochures _ the fall down to hand
people in Bangil and reading information about curriculum taught at YAPI. From
this moment appear a number of accusations that lead to YAPI that institution
education the understand Shia .
The image that YAPI is conducting syi'ahization in Pasuruan , triggers
response understanding guardian _ Ahl al-Sunnah with move children those who
have already enter boarding school it's in some boarding school surrounding area
which is also managed by haba'ib ( descendants of the Prophet Muhammad) like
Dar al -Lugha Islamic Boarding School wa al - Dakwah (DALWA), Dar al -
Nashihin Lawang , Dar al - Hadith li Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al - Jamaah Malang,
Islamic boarding school sunniya Salafiyah Kraton , and so on .
So in short , YAPI in Bangil Beside have institution education from
kindergarten to high school, also has a recitation forum for circle limited and circle
general as well as has a print media named Islamuna . YAPI do ideological Shia
with education it applies , and proclaim teachings Shia through the magazine he
published .
With movement model like this , YAPI forms ideological , militant and
capable cadres _ organize self as well as his community . cadres _ Shiah generated
by YAPI is redirected for deepen quality science and ideology Shia they with
continue studies especially at Qum University Iran, Syria , or State Islamic Higher
Education (PTAIN) in Indonesia. With so , cadres this will have strength ideology
Shia in herself at a time have strength network for then used return in skeleton To
do ideological Shia . However , YAPI 's ability to adapt with environment
surrounding a number of year final start reduce since left died by Ustadz Husein
Abu Bakr al - Habsyi and continued by his son , Ali Rida bin Husein al - Habsyi .
Decrease strength YAPI adaptation with environment surrounding this cause
happens often _ dispute between YAPI and several scholars in Pasuruan , so that
impressed like showdown Among Sunni versus Shia . Dispute this occur no only in
recitation forums , education , and taklim majlis other , but it also happens through
deployment flyers without mutual identity _ attack and defend two group this .
Sunni - Shia strife in Bangil actually more localized and represented with the term
" Arab war " because the stubborn representing Sunnis there are also people of Arab
descent while from party Shia is also driven by people of Arab descent . So Sunni
- Shia conflict in Bangil actually could said as the Arab conflict ”. From the
incident this , in one Arab family sometimes there is leaning member _ to Sunni
and some are leaning to S h iah .
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Al- Hujjah in Jember
Al- Hujjah is a foundation founded and fostered by Ustadz _ Husein al -
Habsyi in Jember 1987. Established Foundation over hectare of land this manage
institution Al-Quran education which is centered in a mosque and also has house
child orphan . This institution managed by Ustadz students Husein al - Habsyi
whose name is Jamaluddin Asmawi who came from from Madura. He once have
religious education in Sunni Islamic boarding schools , has interest with
Wahhabism, however finally he convert her faith as Shia understand . That thing
proven Assymawi with the lessons he did to Ustadz Husein al - Habsyi in Bangil
and continued deepening teachings Shia in Iran in 1982. After came home in 1987
, he invited chaplain Husein al -Habsyi founded al -Hujjah . Assymawi die 2002
and his leadership forwarded by Lamidi.
Organization this have a published magazine _ 1992 as _ funnel spreader
doctrine his teachings to community that contains a number of rubric related with
study islam . Magazine this contains writing that seems " balanced " and becomes
bridge from Sunni and Shia ( Su-si ) in Jember . From the Sunni side , al - Hujjah
magazine impressed be a medium of dialogue between Sunnah and Shia thought by
objective when binoculars problematic people who are happen . From the side Shiah
, magazine this useful as a medium for implement draft taqiyah practiced by
Shiaism . _
Community - developed collaboration _ Shia with Sunni doctrine through al
- Hujjah yayasan foundation this Becomes phenomenon alone for Shia in Indonesia.
Jargon " turn on " ukhuwah " become " motto main al -Hujjah for able to survive in
Jember as the main base nahdliyyin , however motto this is also later bring obscurity
identity al - Hujjah 's ideology in the eyes of Public surrounding so that bear
predicate organization “ Su -Si” (Sunni at once Shia ).
Al- Kautsar in Malang
Organization this is formation from chaplain Husein al - Habsyi who is more
special destined for circle interested student _ with teachings Shia in East Java .
This Foundation domiciled by move around though now have TK and SD I area
Blimbing Malang. At first al -Kautsar stage study for community The ideological
Shia as well as crossbreeds from Sunni -Shia , but al - Kautsar more focus herself
as organization that handles publishing books thinking chaplain Husein al -Habsyi
like book entitled "The Prophet SAWW Sweet Faced No " face Sour ”; so as not
Slander Occurs ”; and "Sunnah- Shia " in Islamic Brotherhood ".
Besides move in Thing publishing , al -Kautsar is also on the move in Thing
activity surgery dedicated books and seminars for dissect works scientific
publications Al- Kautsar also held haul annual for commemorate death Ayatollah
Khomeini with rent place in some college tall prominent in Malang. This thing
aimed at getting sympathy from circle thirsty student _ will knowledge .
al- Kautsar movement more many oriented in form publishing and review
thinking Shia . As a result , formed group well-wishers to teachings Shia , no mass
ideological and militant . The formed sympathizer from al - Hujjah movement is
those who pay attention and spend time for observing doctrines offered by al -
Hujjah 's related books about Shia . Reading to ideas from book the enough coloring
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
thinking reader , without must remove confidence basic to Islamic-Sunni teachings
. Well-wishers Shia like neither is this position truth argument Shia as offered by al
- Hujjah above truth argument Sunni group , however position both to the same
degree . In practice , community this permanent will many influenced Sunni
ubudiyah because has have established roots in the middle society .
J. Main Shiah Activities in East Java
Main activity
Bangil, Pasuruan
YAPI Islamic Boarding
Magazine Islamuna
study Special
Students /
residents YAPI
Habaib and
Majlis Taklim al-
Hujjah foundation
Bulletin al -Hujjah
parents /
guardians _
Kindergarten and
Elementary School
Publisher al -
Kautsar 's book
Housing area
Real estate
Student /
Other Areas
Pocket Shia other than three the place the on found in Surabaya and in Sampang
Madura, but in both the place the the community is very small and not too significant
.Inhabitant Shia Surabaya and Sampang on certain occasions join often _ with Malang or
Bangil . Shiah Surabaya is based in the Al- Tathir foundation which is located on Jalan
Mrutu Kalianyar III Number 11, Wonokusumo , District Semampir , North Surabaya. This
Foundation chaired by an Arab ethnic Habib alumnus of the Qom university in Iran named
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Ahmad Rusydi . Tathir Assembly Activities cover read prayer kumail together every night
Friday , study fiqh jakfari , interpretation and study special for the usual student held on
the day Tuesday . Currently in Sampang Madura, Shiah based in PP Ijabi led by Tajul
grandiose .
From place deployment Shia in East Java ( Bangil , Jember and Malang , Surabaya
and Sampang ), according to Muhammad Baharun , there are a number of pattern
development Shia First , Shiah ideology developed by YAPI in Bangil through education
More Shia structured with neat ; second , Su -Si” (Sunni - Shia ) that appears consequence
collaboration and understanding half way between Sunni and Shia from al - Hujjah
movement in Jember ; third , Shiah Sympathizers that appear caused interest excitement
academic with books published by al - Kautsar in Malang. In the pocket Shiah Surabaya ,
there are two developed pattern that is Shia Ideological , as seen in the followers of Habib
Rusydi from Public general good from Yapi alumni in Surabaya and _Public around . And
the second one is follower well-wishers from circle the only student interested in thinkers
Iranian Shia .
Developmental model Shia in East Java according to author is effort from the bearers
ideology Shia in interpret theory taqiyah in accordance with socio-cultural sitting Medan
da'wah that surrounds it . Bangil is area various ethnicity however relatively safe conflict
, aside it YAPI is foundation old solid and already Secrete thousands of alumni so that
developing the Shiah model ideology it's very possible there .
While in Jember , the majority residents ethnic Madurese with character loud and '
chuckles ' in hold religious principles ( in Thing this ber NU Sunni sect ). Apply Shia
ideology in Jember will fast spark conflict . From here then developed the 'SU-SI' model
with showing balanced understanding between Sunnis and Shiites .
Unlucky is city student . Student will always thirsty will science and thought .
Marketing Shia _ past another thought _ boom post the Iranian revolution is an idea that
can reliable . Reading to the ideas of thinkers Shia the enough coloring thinking reader ,
without must remove confidence basic to Islamic-Sunni teachings . Well-wishers Shia like
neither is this position truth argument Shia as offered by al - Hujjah above truth argument
Sunni group , however position both to the same degree . In practice , community this
permanent will many influenced Sunni ubudiyah because has have established roots in the
middle society . From here growing Shiah model sympathizers in Malang.
Meanwhile in Surabaya, the Shi'a ideology model was developed for the loyal followers
and disciples of Habib Rusydi and could not be forced on the fans of Shia thinkers -
Syariati, Imam Khomeini, Mutahhari etc. - from among students who studied under Habib
Rusydi. So there are two models of Shia in Surabaya, Shia ideology and Shia sympathizers
from among students
From the explanation above , the author conclude that Shia in Indonesia have there
is far before happening Iranian revolution , p that could seen from presence of people or
traditional group _ they many influenced and elemental shiah as already _ called above .
And influence Shia the more look after incident The Iranian Revolution is good in the field
philosophy nor aqeedah .
Post Iranian revolution , popping up groups studies that specialize self in study sect
shiah various areas in Indonesia. In Bandung with foundation Mutahhari , in Pekalongan
appear Al- Hadi Islamic Boarding School , in Makassar and Yogyakarta , the Rausyanfikr
Foundation was opened to study about thinkers _ shiah specifically philosophy. In East
Java Shiah spread to a number of city . The city which is pockets center deployment
including : Bangil with the Islamic Boarding School Foundation (YAPI) which is a center
Ummu Iffah
Shi'a Ideology And Its Spread In East Java
cadre Shia in Indonesia, Malang, Jember , Surabaya and other regions residency of Kediri.
foundations and centers study Shia in cities that are pockets Shia this grow and
have typology and the characteristics of each as form adaptation and implementation from
principle their taqiyah _ develop in accordance with social setting the place foundation that
grow and develop.
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