How to cite:
Mashun, Mustaji, Andi Mariono, Muhamad Suhardi. (2022).
Management Model Development of Instructional Materials For
Professional Competence Improvement Of Teachers In Indonesia.
Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(10): 2081-2090
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 10, October, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
, Mustaji
, Andi Mariono
, Muhamad Suhardi
Universitas Negeri Surabaya/Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika, Indonesia
This study is aimed at developing a management model of
web-based instructional materials that can be used by
teachers to obtain teaching materials, knowledge sharing and
discussions in order to improve their professional competence.
This research used Borg and Gall’s theory, 4-D Model and
Development Model Prototyping. The results revealed that
based on the judgement of expert of educational technology,
expert of web design, and expert of information systems, the
model fits to be applied. The results from individual evaluation,
small group test, and field test showed that 84, 00% of the
web-based module can be used well. Furthermore, the results
of the expert evaluation and field test indicate that the web-
based module can be used by Indonesian teachers either
individually or in groups and it is very helpful for learning
Modules, Instructional Systems Design, Web-Based,
Instructional Materials
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The review of the research and development that discusses the process of
developing teaching material models for teachers in improving competence is the concern
of this paper. This web-based development model is utilizing information and
Mashun, Mustaji, Andi Mariono, Muhamad Suhardi
Management Model Development of Instructional Materials for Professional
Competence Improvement Of Teachers In Indonesia
communication technology and various online learning resources. The purpose of this
study is to provide a means that can be used maximally for teachers to interact each other
in order to share learning materials and knowledge so that it can be used as a reference and
model for teachers, principals, supervisors, and education practitioners. (Probst, Raub, &
Romhardt, 2000) reveals that it is very important that knowledge must be shared and
distributed within the organization so that all members of the organization can make use of
The background of this research is that teachers have a very important and strategic
role in guiding students towards maturity, independence, and creativity. All teacher's
personal integrity and abilities are needed to be carried out his professional assignments
since they are formulated in the form of teachers’ competence.
(Code, 2012) says that professionalism is the commitment of members of
aprofession to improve their professional abilities and continuously develop strategies that
are used in doing work in accordance with their profession. Professionalism also refers to
the attitude of the members towards their profession and the degree of knowledge and skills
they have in order to do their work. Professional teachers are teachers who have the ability
to plan good and correct learning plans. Teachers who do not prepare lesson plans should
be questioned for their professionalism. According to Permendiknas No. 16 of 2007 that
professional competence is a mastery of the material being taught, the ability to develop
the material being supported, as well as the ability to develop professionalism in a
sustainable manner by taking reflective actions using information technology.
The data on the results of teachers’ Initial Competency Test (UKA) which held by
the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2015 showed an average result of 42.25 with the
highest score of 97.0 and the lowest score of 1.0. The UKA average results include all
participants (teachers) from kindergarten to high school (Marazyan, 2009) Competence is
defined as knowledge, skills, and attitudes of values that manifest the habit of thinking and
acting. A teacher is considered competent if he is consistently able to display / show
specific abilities, which are very observable, and measured. Like the ability of teachers in
designing learning plans, Lesson Plan (RPP and Syllabus) is one of the indicators and forms
of teachers’ professionalism.
The facts on the ground show that the improvement of teachers’ competence is
absolutely immediate (Willingham, 2021). In order to be able to produce quality of
Indonesian human resources, the education sector must work seriously. In order to improve
the quality of education in Indonesia, it is important to improve the quality and competence
of teachers as one of the pillars of educational success. Then the question which is needed
to be considered is "What efforts need to be made to improve the quality of teachers’
competency?". In addition, other obstacles which are also faced by teachers are unwell
managed online instructional materials that can be used as a source of learning for teachers
in improving their competence. Various learning media have been developed to provide
convenience for teachers and students in the learning process. However, the utilization has
not been maximized, because it is not well distributed to the teachers. This is unfortunate
for considering the large amount of research that has been done through the development
of instructional media for teachers. In addition, learning materials from various sources are
currently not integrated in a forum that compiles these learning materials properly.
Teaching material is seen as it is much theoretical, less contextual. The learning method is
monotonous, lacking optimal use of various media and technology. The use of technology,
media, and learning aids by lecturers is more determined by the availability of these aids,
not by their compatibility with learning objectives (Budiman, 2018.). The number of
learning resources found in cyberspace today seems to be scattered about, although
complete but not well managed according to the type of learning material and whose users
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
are in need of it. Educational practitioners, researchers and teachers contribute to each other
in a variety of knowledge in the field of education, one of which is by posting / uploading
learning material online in cyberspace.
In line with elaboration theory as conveyed by (Christopher S. Reigeluth & Addis,
2021) which is a theory of learning design on the basis of the argument that lessons must
be organized from simple material to complex expectations by developing understanding
in a more meaningful context so that it develops into integrated ideas. It reveals that the
management of learning materials that are well organized will be one of the keys to
successful education, where educators will be able to deliver their teaching materials so
that it can reaches students’ purposes. The elaboration theory also allows the knowledge
sharing between students, in this case, the teacher can contribute to conveying thoughts,
ideas and experiences to complement each other’s insights knowledge and problem-solving
learning process.
(Elhefni, 2011) revealed that the way of learning is also known as cooperative and
collaborative learning which seeks to use peers, and teachers as their learning resources. In
a collaborative learning environment, knowledge is jointly conveyed between students to
achieve learning objectives. For example, an understanding of problems and solutions to
be known is needed. Students are no longer passive but are active in the process of gaining
knowledge because they participate in discussions, seek information, and exchange
opinions with their peers. Knowledge is created and shared among peers, not owned by one
particular student. The learning process creates bonds between students as knowledge
constructs, and they depend on their respective contributions to discussion. According to
(Brindley, Blaschke, & Walti, 2009) that the collaborative learning process helps students
to develop their thinking skills and achieve richer knowledge through shared goals, and
exploring shared knowledge.
This study used the development model by the Borg and Gall through adopting a
4-D model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) proposed by Thiagarajan, Semmel
and Semmel (Brindley et al., 2009). Borg and Gall model was chosen because this model
covers all the complete stages of development, especially in the part of the test and revisions
which are carried out repeatedly to make it possible to obtain the final product of learning
as needed. The 4-D model was adopted in this development because the stages cover a very
detail development process step by step. Because the final product of information system
development is software, so the process of developing this model is equipped with a special
method of developing information systems, namely; the prototyping method. (Grygoryev
et al., 2021) The hallmark of the prototype method is that among system developers, clients,
and users to see each other's processes so that the process can be well controlled by all
parties. By using a prototype approach, consumers and the development teams can clarify
their needs and interpretations. The prototype of the resulting software is then presented,
and the user is given the opportunity to provide their input so that the later produced
software is truly in accordance with the wishes and needs of the users (Code, 2012). The
data collection procedures in this study began with the preliminary research, expert
validation, and field test. The data collection instruments used were questionnaires,
observation sheets, interview sheets, and photo and document documentation.
Mashun, Mustaji, Andi Mariono, Muhamad Suhardi
Management Model Development of Instructional Materials for Professional
Competence Improvement Of Teachers In Indonesia
Based on preliminary research, it shows that 77% of the teachers were willing to
improve their competency in order to achieve the standards competency set in the
applicable laws and regulations. And 69% of teachers want that the facility can share
knowledge through articles, scientific work, experiences and ideas to improve their
competency. There are 75% of teachers expressed a desire to be able to interact to establish
a communication forum among teachers, and as a network in order to discuss some
problems and solutions within the learning process through learning concepts that are
correctly and easily to be understood by students. In order to update teachers’
competencies, it is needed to meet the needs within the development of science, technology
and arts as 72% of them want to use information and communication technology (Pulungan,
Based on the needs analysis, some steps are done in order to develop the model,
starting from the information system design stage, the front-end display design, the back
end, the menu structure and proceeded with coding programming. The name of the
developed system is shortened into ‘SIPIMRu’, which stands for Instructional Materials
Management Information System for Improving Teachers’ Professional Competence. The
website's domain address is as presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Display of Instructional Materials Management Information
System Website
There are some menus that can be utilized in viewing SIPIMRu profiles in the form
of general explanations and operational technical instructions for using the website such as
technical assistance, contact us, website links, reading articles, news, knowledge sharing,
discussion forums, and downloading learning materials and references. General users can
provide comments or opinions and respond to each other about the content of articles or
other user contributed to the posts. However, to be able to contribute to sending articles,
references and learning materials, it must be registered as a user who has an account in the
form of a username and password.
In learning technology, descriptions of development research procedures and steps
have been developed. state that the development research procedure basically consists of
two main objectives, namely: (1) developing a product, and (2) testing the effectiveness of
the product in order to achieve its objectives. The first objective is called the developer
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
function while the second objective is called validation. Thus, the concept of development
research is more precisely interpreted as a development effort that is accompanied by
validation efforts.The results of the further development were evaluated and validated by a
team of experts, including: (1) educational technology experts; (2) expert of website design
material; and (3) information system development experts. The results of the expert team's
validation are illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Graph of Expert Team Validation Results for Development
Based on Figure 2 shows that the percentage of validation results quality which
consisted of Educational Technology experts, Website Design Experts and Information
Systems Development Experts stated that the model is very feasible to be tested to users.
The expert team recommends that the product development can be continued and used for
the field test process.
In this study, the criteria for evaluating how well the method works in achieving
learning outcomes are effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness. Januszewski and
(Rybakowski et al., 2013) say that effectiveness is an indicator that measures learning
outcomes. Effectiveness is measured by the level of achievement of learners on the goals
set. Effectiveness relates to the extent to which students achieve the stated learning
objectives, namely schools, colleges, or training centers preparing students with the
knowledge, skills and attitudes desired by stakeholders. Efficiency is the optimal use of
resources, such as time and money, to get the desired results. Efficiency in the context of
education and training can be seen as the design, development, and implementation of
learning by using the fewest resources for the same or better results.
According to (Charles M. Reigeluth, 2013) that attraction is the extent to which
students enjoy instruction, and it can be very effective in motivating students. Learning that
has good attractiveness has the following characteristics, namely; a) provides challenges,
raises high expectations; b) has relevance and authenticity in terms of students' past
experiences and future needs; c) have an aspect of humor or a pleasant element; d) attract
attention through things that are new; e) involves intellectual and emotional; f) connecting
with the interests and goals of students; and g) using various forms of representation (for
example, audio and visual).
Mashun, Mustaji, Andi Mariono, Muhamad Suhardi
Management Model Development of Instructional Materials for Professional
Competence Improvement Of Teachers In Indonesia
Field test were conducted to see the effectiveness of the use of the developed
product. The obtained result of field test found that development model gives an ease at
finding out a lot of learning materials from a variety of learning sources.
Figure 3. Model Development Test Results
Figure 3 shows that learning materials originating from various sources can be
uploaded by teachers and used together as a reference for improving teachers’ professional
competence. In this menu, the users can download learning materials in the form of
teaching materials, including electronic books (e-books), educational media (print media,
non-print media, and electronic resources), computer software, video cassettes, films,
DVDs, and programs instructional television is a fundamental source for schools to
improve instruction and advance knowledge. Some electronic documents can be utilized
from this menu are such as power points, document files, pdf files, images, excel and video
tables (MP4, MPEG) and others. Currently, there is a lot of diverse information in
cyberspace, but it does not come from a group of teachers who have the appropriate
instructional material needs. The uploaded instructional materials will continue to grow as
a knowledge base and contributions from teachers that are expected to be used together.
Teachers can take advantage from developed models to obtain learning materials
including learning material to download, research reports, journals, links to Internet
learning resource sites, references in the form of government regulations that can be used
as references, ideas or experiences posted by other users. In this development model,
discussion forum facilities are also provided that provide an opportunity for users to submit
problems, especially in an effort to improve teacher competency. This forum facility
requires a competent resource in the discussion of problems so that they can find a solution.
The use of technical assistance is helpful enough to help the users understand the steps in
using the development model well. On the developed website, there is a Knowledge
Sharing menu that provides knowledge sharing facilities in the form of user experiences,
and ideas that can be shared with other users. In this menu the teacher can convey
knowledge, and provide responses like in Figure 4.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
Figure 4. Menu The Teacher Can Convey Knowledge, and Provide
Learning is a system because it has component that must be organized. To achieve
learning quality, lesson plan must be based on a systems approach. To develop a learning
system design model, the concepts of system are generally characterized as systematic,
systemic, responsive, interrelated, redundant, dynamic, cybernetic, synergy and creative.
The development of information and communication technology can greatly influence
learning activities. Information technology, including internet-based information systems,
plays an important and increasingly widespread role in business.
Information technology can help all types of businesses to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of business processes, managerial decision making, and working group
work, so as to strengthen the company's competitive position in a rapidly changing market.
Information and communication technology have been able to provide convenience in the
world of education in facilitating teaching and learning. One important element in learning
is the learning material. The importance of learning resources in learning activities cannot
be denied anymore. However, learning resources at school so far have generally not been
managed and utilized to the full.
While information technology provides a variety of learning resources, provides a
lot of learning material and knowledge, it is not well organized. Even though the learning
resources will only be effective if they are managed and functioned optimally and in an
organized manner, the utilization of advances internet technology, learning materials can
be obtained from various learning sources. Teachers are no longer only depending on the
source of their knowledge from books available at school but they can utilize some learning
materials on the internet as learning materials. Thus, it is in line with the principle of
learning from various sources reveals that the teacher who has extensive knowledge and
insight can be able to convey their educational mission to students.
The development of a learning material management model is a way that provides
facilities in obtaining organized learning materials. Some material available in this media
comes from teachers through their contribution in the world of education form the research
results and other written works, as well as other public works in the form of learning
materials that has been uploaded on the internet. (Satyarini, Kasidi, & Setyaningsih, 2022)
revealed that learning or instructional is an attempt to manage the environment intentionally
so that someone can forms themselves positively in certain conditions. This opinion
confirms that in the multimedia-assisted learning process in the form of a website, users
are expected to explore their potential to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes from what is
learned through the presentation of multimedia in the form of a website. The teacher's role
in utilizing this media is to make this media as a means of sharing learning material,
Mashun, Mustaji, Andi Mariono, Muhamad Suhardi
Management Model Development of Instructional Materials for Professional
Competence Improvement Of Teachers In Indonesia
exchanging information, scientific work, ideas, knowledge and interacting with other
teacher group members.
The test results show that this system can already be used by teachers as a medium
for sharing their learning material, knowledge, information, experiences as well as
references. Some sample posts in the form of articles, writings such as scientific work have
been uploaded by the teachers. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can
create learning openly and provide a shift that learning is not centered on the teacher but
on students. This is in line with the statement of Semenov (2005: 3) that teachers who were
originally the main source of information and transmitters of knowledge turned into
collaborators in which the role of students changed from one of the recipients of passive
information to be actively involved in their own learning. In the current global era, of
course we are no longer bound by the time and place to get information. Anywhere and
anytime teachers can get answers to learning problems by sharing the thoughts of fellow
users of the developed model. The advent of online learning and communication through
computers has created major changes in how educators and students think about teaching
and learning (Orey, 2010).
Currently education sector of e-learning system is an inseparable part of the
development of modern educational institutions. This system does not intend to replace the
role of the teacher or lecturer in the education process but rather on improving the services
of learning and research facilities, for example the ease and availability of teaching
materials, learning resources, references, practice questions, quizzes and examinations.
Some important building components are learning management systems (LMS), learning
content management systems (LCMS), and computer and internet networks. A number of
supporting applications have been widely available, for example the open-source Moodle
application that can be used to build LMS (Sutandi, 2016)
The Strength of Developed Model
1. The test results show that this system can already be used by teachers as a
medium for sharing learning material, knowledge, information, experiences as well
as references. Some sample posts were in the form of articles, writings such as
scientific works have been uploaded by users easily.
2. This model uses the concept of collaborative and interactive learning by
utilizing advances in information technology. The teachers can easily
communicate an active contribution and mutually respond to the problems faced
in the classroom as well as efforts to improve the professional competence of
teachers. This development model also adopts the concept of learning from various
sources, especially those from the internet.
3. The development model method is used in detail step by step which adopts three
development models namely the 4-D Model, the Borg and Gall Model and the
prototyping development Model.
4. By using this development product, learning materials are not bound by time and
place. Discussions do not have to be face to face with a special room, but teachers
can do it anytime they wish. Teachers also can independently learn from the
knowledge and experience uploaded by other users through the website.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 10, October, 2022
The development of instructional materials management model is a way that
provides facilities to obtain organized learning materials. The provided material in this
media comes from teachers through their contribution in the world of education in the form
of research results and other written works, as well as other public works in the form of
learning material that has been uploaded on the internet. The teachers’ role in utilizing this
media is to make it as a means of sharing learning material, exchanging information,
scientific work, ideas, knowledge and interacting with other teacher group members. The
existing facilities in this developed product utilize a form of collaboration among educators
of learning management materials by utilizing information technology. Furthermore, the
researcher has been able to provide effective forms of interaction to contribute to each other
in learning materials management and mutual knowledge sharing among educators.
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