How to cite:
Cris Kuntadi, Ema Velayati. (2022). Factors Affecting the
Implementation of Performance-Based Budget. Journal of Eduvest.
Vol 2 (9): Page 1931-1942
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 9, September, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
Cris Kuntadi
, Ema Velayati
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
, Politeknik STIA Lan Jakarta,
Email: cris.kuntadi@dsn.
Previous or relevant research is very important in a research
or scientific article writing. Previous research or relevant
research serves to strengthen the theory and phenomenon of
the relationship or influence between variables. This article
reviews the factors that influence performance-based budget
implementation, namely: Organizational Commitment,
Resources and Rewards and Sanctions, a literature study of
State Financial Management. The purpose of writing this
article is to build hypotheses of influence between variables to
be used in further research. The results of this literature
review article are: 1) Organizational Commitment affects the
implementation of performance-based budgeting; 2)
Resources affect performance-based budget implementation;
and 3) Rewards and Punishment affect performance-based
budget implementation.
Organizational Commitment, Resources, Rewards,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
As a substitute for the conventional Line Item Budgeting system,
performance-based budgeting systems are becoming increasingly popular in
developed countries around the world. In contrast to traditional budgeting
Cris Kuntadi, Ema Velayati
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Performance-Based Budget
methods, performance-based budgeting focuses on measurable outcomes that are
directly related to the organization's stated goals and long -term goals (Cipta,
2011). This system has the potential to increase government efficiency in the
areas of resource management, policy making, and public/community
accountability. Because traditional budgets have many shortcomings, mainly due
to the lack of benchmarks used to measure performance in achieving public
service goals and objectives, a performance-based budgeting approach has been
developed (Ayu, 2017).
The emphasis of this method is on doing things as quickly and effectively
as possible. To improve accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in the use
of measurable budgets, performance-based budgeting is used to describe the direct
relationship between budget allocations and the outputs or outcomes of activities
or programs, as well as a direct relationship between performance achievement
and organizational structure. Methods to systematically and rationally decide on
these goals are also emphasized (Azisi & Qotrunnada, 2021) .
Ministries and institutions are required to use a performance-based
budgeting strategy as part of the implementation of PP no. 90/2010. According to
Minister of Finance Regulation No. 94 of 2013, new methods of state budgeting
and planning have been developed. implemented : performance-based budgeting.
This method provides a transparent view of how state funds are distributed and
how they are used (Bastian, 2001).
In its implementation, performance-based budgeting will not necessarily
succeed and coexist with the results for the company itself. As a factor that
triggers the successful implementation of performance-based budgeting, several
preparations are needed to counteract the impacts that may hinder it (Aparatur &
Datar, 2017):
1. Leadership and commitment from all components of the organization;
2. Focus on continuous improvement of administration;
3. Sufficient resources for the improvement effort (money, time and people);
4. Clear rewards and punishments;
5. A strong desire to succeed.
The automatic adjustment policy has been regulated in Law No. 6/2021
article 28 paragraph 2 concerning the State Budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year . In its
implementation, Ministries/Institutions must be able to self-block budgets that are
not prioritized by 5%. The budget can be reused by Ministries/Agencies if the
COVID-19 pandemic conditions have improved and for urgent needs after June
2022 (Erawan & Arifin, 2018). With this policy, it is very possible that all
Ministries/Agencies are required to set aside a budget for implementing the
policy, where the amount of the budget has been determined from the Ministry of
Finance which results in Satker in Ministries/Agencies with large budgets being
the target of automatic adjustment targets, so that in fact national priority
activities have become targets. target. Based on this, Government policies greatly
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
influence the implementation of performance-based budgets in terms of resources
(budget), as capital in achieving the performance of Ministries/Agencies.
In the implementation of performance-based budgeting, there are 4 (four)
factors that influence, one of which is Human Resources (HR). (Gani et al., 2022)
states that HR as an element of budgeting has an important role in performance-
based budgeting (Gagola et al., 2017).
The purpose of this study was to determine the positive and significant
effect of organizational commitment on the implementation of performance-based
budgeting, to determine the positive and significant influence of human resources
on the implementation of performance-based budgeting, to determine the positive
and significant effect of rewards and sanctions on the implementation of
performance-based budgeting (Gani et al., 2022).
Based on the background of the previous problem, the relevance of the
article is needed in strengthening the observed theory, in order to observe the
relationship or influence of the factors used as variables and the use of variables in
building a hypothesis. This literature review article in the field of State Financial
Management discusses the effect of Organizational Commitment, Resources, and
Rewards and Sanctions on the implementation of performance-based budgeting.
For this reason, the formulation of the problem that underlies the following
research can be proposed, namely: "Does organizational commitment, resources,
rewards and sanctions affect the implementation of performance-based
This research article uses qualitative techniques and a comprehensive
literature review (Library Research). Using a combination of offline (from
libraries) and online (from Mendeley, Google Scholar, and other online media)
resources to evaluate theory and the relationship or influence between variables.
In carrying out qualitative research, it is very important to review the relevance of
the literature using a method that is in line with the chosen methodology.
Therefore, an inductive approach is needed so as not to affect the questions asked
during the study. The exploratory nature of qualitative research is one of the main
reasons for conducting this research (Azisi & Qotrunnada, 2021).
According to Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finances, the
government's annual financial plan embodied in the State Revenue and
Expenditure Budget (APBN) is a tool for accountability, management, and state
economic policy in the form of fiscal policy which has an important function in
achieving state goals. So in order to meet the demands of realizing good corporate
governance and New Public Management (NPM) it is necessary to change from
the traditional budget system to performance-based budgeting (Ismid et al., 2020).
According to Ningtias et al., (2019) performance-based budgeting emphasizes the
Cris Kuntadi, Ema Velayati
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Performance-Based Budget
efficiency of implementing activities, namely the comparison between outputs and
inputs. An activity is said to be efficient if it can produce greater output with the
same input or can produce the same output with fewer inputs (Kuntadi et al.,
Based on the foregoing, performance-based budgets are prepared based on
organizational goals or objectives achieved in the budget allocated according to
community expectations. Organizational output is the main focus of performance-
based budgeting, which is why it is so closely linked to the organization's long-
term goals and strategic plans.
Performance-based budgeting is a method that connects the performance
plan with the annual budget of an entity so that a link between the availability of
funds and the expected output is obtained (Ningtias et al., 2019). To show how the
allocation of program funds contributes to the achievement of program outcomes,
a performance budget is developed annually as part of an integrated performance
plan (Bastian, 2001). Performance-based budgeting uses resources not only for the
needs of organizational units, but also for program planning, which is then
measured as an indicator of organizational performance.
A performance-based budget system is a proposed budget based on
performance that can be measured from an activity or program . The benefit of the
performance-based budgeting method is that a set of tools to achieve goals and
targets is channeled in the form of performance targets in each work unit or
organization . In order to find out and obtain information on the achievement of
an organization's performance based on the budget used to support the
implementation of predetermined programs, activities and functions, it is
necessary to conduct a Performance Audit. The performance audit function in the
budget-based system is very important because it will provide the results of the
reviewer's review of the achievement of organizational performance targets that
have been set or expected (Kuntadi et al., 2022).
The implementation of performance-based budgeting has been observed
by several previous researchers including (Maulina & Abdullah, 2019).
Organizational Commitment
Being part of an organization in the long term requires one to be
committed to its values and goals (Mowday et al., 1979). By having
organizational commitment, a person will not only make himself a member, but
will foster a high willingness to strive for the organization, for the benefit of the
organization (Putri & Tanjung, 2019).
its strong commitment to one's organization motivates individuals to work
towards organizational goals with an optimistic outlook and give their best effort.
An organization with a high level of commitment has members who believe they
play a key role in its success and who work hard to make it happen. When
employees are not concerned with the success of the organization as a whole, it is
in their own self-interest rather than the good of the whole. A person's
commitment to his organization will be disrupted if they do not try their best for it.
When there is not enough top-down support, performance-based budgeting cannot
A person's commitment to themselves and others is reflected in the way
they act. A group of people who work together formally under the same hierarchy
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
to achieve a common goal is called an organization (Mustika, 2018). Both the
physical location where work is done and the dynamic process of collaboration
among employees are important aspects that any organization should consider. A
person's level of organizational commitment can be measured by how much
loyalty they show to their superiors over other choices.
Commitment to the organization's vision, mission, values and goals can be
defined as a demonstrated willingness to go beyond and support the four
principles. Trust, closeness, and shared ideals among members, as well as the
organization itself, ultimately shape this devotion. Therefore, the continuation of
membership is highly valued by every member (Ningtias et al., 2019).
Organizations with high Organizational Commitment Dimensions or Indicators
have members who strongly believe in and accept the goals of the organization,
who are motivated to work for the betterment of the organization, and who want
to retain other members of the organization. We can trust that these indicators are
of high quality.
Research on Organizational Commitment has been observed by many
previous researchers including (Ismid et al., 2020), (Gani et al., 2022), and (Putri
& Tanjung, 2019).
Humans as planners, implementers, controllers, and evaluators have a
significant impact on the success of performance-based budgeting. because of the
crucial role it plays , therefore the competence of human resources is very
important. Resources are the most important capital and wealth owned by the
organization, and effective management of these resources is the key to the
success of organizations that are critical and decisive. Competence refers to the
demonstrated skills and proficiency of employees in performing the essential
functions of their position.
Apart from Human Resources, other resources in the organization are also
important factors in performance-based budgeting. According to BPKP (2005) in
Ismid et al., (2020) there are several factors that trigger the successful
implementation of performance-based budgeting, namely leadership and
commitment, improvement of the administrative system, rewards and sanctions,
strong desire, and sufficient resources. The resources in question are funds, time,
and people.
Resources, especially funding, are inputs that can be used to produce the
output of an organization or government agency that is closely related to
performance appraisal from an efficient and economical aspect. To assess
government institutions or agencies in achieving performance, it is considered
effective if the output produced can meet the targets or targets that have been set
(Kuntadi et al., 2022), so that adequate funding is an input to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of performance-based budgeting.
Research on Resources has been observed by many previous researchers
including (Kuntadi et al., 2022), (Ismid et al., 2020), (Putri & Tanjung, 2019), and
(Ayu, 2017)
Cris Kuntadi, Ema Velayati
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Performance-Based Budget
Rewards and Sanctions
Awards (Rewards)
One of the best ways to encourage someone to do what's right and do
better at their job is to reward them for doing it. Rewards can be in the form of
goods or as an expression of gratitude and appreciation from outside parties
To encourage employees to work hard towards organizational goals,
businesses and other institutions often provide material and immaterial rewards
for their efforts. Rewards, whether monetary or symbolic, given to employees by
company management are intended to encourage them to put forth greater effort
in pursuing company goals. Thus it can be said that reward is a way used to show
gratitude to those who have done well and excel, in the hope that it can be a
positive incentive for them to continue to do so.
Sanctions (Punishment)
According to (Erawan & Arifin, 2018) the word " punishment " comes
from the English word " punish ," which means "punishment" or "punishment" .
In ensuring that only rules are followed, punishment is used to serve as a deterrent
to those who choose to act otherwise. When someone gives or inflicts pain on
another person in anticipation of a transgression, crime, or wrongdoing, they
punish them. Punishment is defined as “an unpleasant or unwanted consequence
given by a superior” (Erawan & Arifin, 2018). If used, punishment has the
potential to deter undesirable behavior in an organization; however, to be effective,
penalties must be imposed after careful and objective consideration of all the
factors involved. Managers and subordinates alike can provide punishment in the
form of constructive criticism, demotion, or even dismissal.
When implementing a performance-based budget, it is important to set
expectations for individual departments or teams. The provision of sanctions
(punishment) is an important factor to trigger the success of performance-based
implementation, as is the provision of rewards . The success or failure of a
company in implementing performance-based budgeting depends on the severity
of the penalties given to those who ignore or ignore warnings about the
implementation. In general, both positive reinforcement and negative
consequences are needed to effectively motivate individuals, including employees,
to increase their level of performance. Both are responses from superiors who aim
to help their employees do their jobs better .
Research on awards and sanctions has been observed by many previous
researchers , including (Ismid et al., 2020) , (Erawan & Arifin, 2018), and
(Mustika, 2018) .
Table. 1 Relevant previous research
Previous Research
Similarities to
this article
Difference with this
HR Quality,
Organizational Culture
and Organizational
Commitment have an
Quality of Human
Resources and
Have a Positive
Culture Positively
Affects the
Implementation of
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
positive on the
Implementation of
Effect on the
Implementation of
Based Budgeting
Budgeting Policies,
Ethical Behavior,
Rewards, and
Sanctions Affect
Rewards and
Sanctions Affect
Based Budgeting
Budgeting Policy,
Ethical Behavior,
Improvement of
System, Resources
(Human Resources
and Time to Achieve
Goals) Positive and
Significant Influence
on Performance-Based
Commitment and
Human Resources
have a positive
and significant
impact on the
Implementation of
Based Budgeting
Improving the
System and Time to
Achieving Goals has
a positive and
significant impact
on Performance-
Based Budgeting
Improvements to the
Administrative System
and Sanctions
influencing factors
Implementation of
Sanctions are
factors that affect
Implementation of
Based Budgeting
Improvement of the
System Factors
Affecting the
Implementation of
Regional Financial
Information System,
and Financial
Resources have a
significant effect on
Commitment and
Resources have a
significant effect
on Performance-
Based Budgeting
Information Systems
have a significant
effect on
(Maulina &
Leadership Style,
Human Resources,
Monitoring and
Evaluation, and
Regulation Together
have an effect on the
Implementation of
Human Resources
Affect the
Implementation of
Based Budgeting
Leadership Style,
Monitoring and
Evaluation, and
Regulation affect the
Implementation of
Cris Kuntadi, Ema Velayati
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Performance-Based Budget
(Ismid et
al., 2020)
Resources, Rewards
and Sanctions Affect
Rewards and
Sanctions Affect
Based Budgeting
Commitment and
Environment have a
positive influence on
Commitment has a
positive influence
on Performance-
Based Budgeting
Motivation, and
Environment have a
positive influence on
Understanding of
Apparatus and
Availability of
Supporting Facilities
Affect the
Implementation of
Understanding of
Apparatus and
Availability of
Supporting Facilities
Affect the
Implementation of
(Gani et al.,
There is a positive
influence of
commitment, quality
of human resources
and supervision on the
implementation of
There is a positive
influence of
commitment and
the quality of
human resources
on the
implementation of
based budgeting
There is a positive
influence of
supervision on the
implementation of
(Kuntadi et
al., 2022)
External Pressure,
Understanding of
Financial Management
Systems and
Procedures Affect
On the government
Affects Budgeting
On the
External Pressure,
Understanding of
Systems and
Procedures Affect
On the government
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
Based on theoretical studies as well as the relevance of previous research,
the following is the elaboration of the following literature review articles on the
concentration of State Financial Management: The Effect of Organizational
Commitment on the implementation of performance-based budgeting.
Commitment from every element in the organization is important in increasing
performance-based budgeting. Commitment can foster a feeling of responsibility
and make a person make a heart, be determined to work hard, and be willing to
sacrifice for the organization (Putri & Tanjung, 2019). In growing organizational
commitment, one way that needs to be done is to develop a leadership style that is
suitable for the agency (Gani et al., 2022). Organizational commitment is a key
factor in the successful implementation of performance-based budgeting, and it
requires leadership and commitment from all levels (Maulina & Abdullah, 2019).
Consistent with findings from studies by (Ayu, 2017).
1. The influence of resources on the implementation of performance-based
budgeting. The quality of resources consisting of human resources,
budgetary resources, supporting information and other supporting facilities
is an important and relevant factor for measuring performance-based
budget implementation (Ismid et al., 2020). The results of research
conducted by Ismid et al., (2020) show that resources are quite influential
on performance-based budgets.
Human resources as an element that carries out the performance-based
budgeting process has an important role so that it needs to be improved to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of performance-based budgeting.
According to Gani et al., (2022) the improvement of human resources can
be done by providing training and debriefing. However, other resources
are also needed to support implementation. If there are resources in the
form of staff and funds as supporters, it will have a positive impact on
performance-based budgeting (Ismid et al., 2020).
2. Resources have an influence on the implementation of performance-based
budgeting, this is in line with the research carried out: (Ayu, 2017), and
(Maulina & Abdullah, 2019).
Effect of Rewards and Sanctions on the implementation of performance-
based budgeting.
Rewards have a positive and significant impact on the implementation of
performance-based budgeting (Ismid et al., 2020). According to Ismid et
al., (2020), awards are a way of giving appreciation to individuals or
organizations who excel so that by giving these awards they can give a
positive spirit to repeat the good work. The award can be material or non-
Meanwhile, there is a positive influence between sanctions as a trigger
factor for the success of performance-based budgeting (Mustika, 2018). (Mustika,
2018) states that controlling tools in the form of rules and laws are needed to
Cris Kuntadi, Ema Velayati
Factors Affecting the Implementation of Performance-Based Budget
make an organization run well. Rewards and sanctions have an influence on the
implementation of performance-based budgeting, this is in line with research by
(Saraswati, 2017). Based on the formulation of the problem, theoretical studies,
the relevance of previous research and discussion of the influence between
variables, the following article framework is obtained, namely.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
According to the conceptual framework above, the following factors
influence the successful implementation of performance-based budgeting:
organizational commitment, available resources, and rewards (incentives) and
sanctions. The following three exogenous factors are not the only ones that have a
role in the implementation of performance-based budgeting, other variables that
have an influence are: Leadership Style: (Maulina & Abdullah, 2019).
Administrative System Completion, (Hasan, 2018), and (Mustika, 2018).
Organizational Culture: (Ayu, 2017).
Based on the theory, the relevance of the article and the discussion, a hypothesis
can be formulated in the following observations: Organizational commitment has
an influence on the implementation of performance-based budgeting. Resources
have an influence on the implementation of performance-based budgeting.
Rewards and Sanctions have an influence on the implementation of performance-
based budgeting.
Rewards and
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