Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
sought to be enforced by the Islamic elite even though they do not fully
understand the material aspects of Islamic law.
As an illustration of the penghulu , this institution has been known since
the Majapahit era. Precisely in one of the pardikan lands of Majapahit, namely
Ampel Denta. In Muhammad Hisham's writings it is stated that the person who
bears the title of penghulu is a Jipang official, a figure as well as a scholar who
teaches Islamic law in the Ampel Denta area which at that time was still under the
rule of Majapahit (Christelow, 2014) . He played the role of the penghulu when he
first married his son to Sultan Gading from Pasai, known as Maulana Nurul Yaqin
(Sunan Giri's father). Along with the emergence of new areas based on Islam
during the Majapahit kingdom, such as Gresik, Surabaya, Demak, and Kudus, to
meet the needs of "spiritual leaders" in the area, the position of penghulu was
The kepenghuluan institution grew stronger with the transition of power
from Majapahit to the Islamic kingdoms of Demak, Pajang, Cirebon, Banten, and
Mataram, with several name changes . As in Banten as Pakih Najmudin. In
general, the penghuluan institutions are more represented from the legacy of the
Mataram royal system in Java, where the competence of the penghulu occupies
the religious field as part of the general government. As explained by Abdulmu'thi
Handipiningrat, that religious office starts from the lowest level, namely the
village. Religious positions at the village level are called people, amil, modin,
kayim, lebai and so on. At the sub-district or kawedanan level there is always a
naib leader. At the district level there is always a penghulu (Coulson, 2017) . At
the central government level there is a person who serves as kanjeng penghulu or
penghulu ageng. During the time when the Mataram kingdom was still sovereign,
the kanjeng penghulu or district chief also served as a judge.
After the Dutch East Indies Government succeeded in conquering the
Mataram kingdom, this system was still applied. During the leadership of
Governor-General Daendels (1808-1811) an ordinance was issued in 1808 for the
northern coast of Java, which stipulates that the penghulu must act as an advisor
in a general court when the litigants are Muslims. Then when Java was under
British rule in 1811 as a consequence of the Napoleonic wars, Raffles was elected
Lieutenant Governor of the Dutch East Indies. He adopted Daendels' system and
extended it to cover all of Java. In the “Regulation to make the administration of
justice more effective in the provincial courts in Java,” which was promulgated in
1814, Raffles referred to the penghulu as a member of the judiciary in his capacity
as an advisor (Dobbin, 2016) .
After the Dutch returned to control Indonesia from the British on August
13, 1814, Raffles' successor maintained the legal tradition that had existed in
society. Regulations that emerged in 1819 provided that indigenous Indonesians
would remain subject to their own laws while a penghulu would remain a listener
at a trial in his advisory capacity. This regulation differs from the previous one,
namely that customary law will be applied to the natives except in the cities of
Batavia, Semarang and Surabaya (Federspiel, 2009) . Moreover, the exception to
the population in these big cities was officially abolished in 1824, so that the
function of the penghulu as a translator of Islamic law was practically abolished.
There is one thing that needs to be noted behind the function of the
penghulu as an advisor to the general judiciary, namely regarding the religious