Work construction often experience delays that cause losses to contractors ,
consultants and owners good that time and money (Hassan et al., 2016) . Type
profession construction miscellaneous . one _ delivered is profession building
storied . High -rise buildings in general shared Becomes two , building graded low
and building graded high .
From the side contractor , lost time cause source power no could quick
drawn from location project . This cause happening swelling cost . Lateness be
measured with no the fulfillment of the work progress that has been planned in
schedule parent . Many factors cause _ why lateness occur (Mardiaman &
Indriasari, 2021) ; (Hassan et al., 2016) ; ( Shahsavand et al., 2018) . Lateness often
caused by contractor no capable provide appropriate funds with the progress of the
plan that has been compiled . Often an advance payment has been found given
diverted to project another . This occur because contractor work more from one
profession construction in time simultaneously . For prevent lateness contractor
must To do analysis the cause (Shahsavand et al., 2018) . Besides that must
identified factonrya (Asmi & Pratama, 2016) Stability finance must available for
finance profession construction . According to (Mardiaman, 2020) that criteria
stability finance Becomes most important criteria for choose contractor so that
profession construction can success . one _ success profession construction seen
from side suitability time plan .
Work progress construction could seen every period time . generally
evaluated every week at the time meeting weekly . Meeting weekly generally
attended element owners , consultants and contractors . On every meeting all
problem about achievement of progress and weekly targets discussed by together
according to ability . Target time customized with availability source power and
condition field. However resources that should provided no fulfill good from side
amount and quality.
In practice , progress can be experience deviation , fine positive and negative
. The deviation of progress is difference between plan and actual progress . The size
deviation is score results profession construction , Yield value Becomes criteria in
evaluation value performance _ vary . This value must traced (Amruta B. Vyas &
BV Birajdar, 2016) . Yield value is one _ technique control profession construction
(Suharto, 2007) ; ( Bhosekar & Vyas, 2012) . Time and costs incurred is reflection
achievement progress (Huda et al., 2018) .
Because of the nature profession construction that is not certain then
progress will be character probability , can fulfilled and not fulfilled . more and
more information obtained so level probability the more high , worth zero until with
one . There is progress pessimistic , most likely and optimistic , so that from all
three will shape one score hope for progress (Mardiaman & Kusuma, 2021) .
The purpose of this study was to determine the deviation of the progress of
29 construction works.