Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
type II diabetes mellitus (Sukmana et al., 2020). In the United States 10% of
patients with multiple osteonecrosis occur in the age group 30-65 years, men tend
to be more affected than women (Fatimah, 2015). The other 90% of cases are
more often suffered by patients aged over 65 years with the term Keinbock
disease / Crescent Osteonecrosis with the most patients being women than men,
namely 3,125 residents of the United States. Indonesia, which is a developing
country, (Fitri, 2021) type II diabetes mellitus, which becomes gangrene pedis, is
still a significant health problem because the community's prevalence and
mortality rate is still high and the lifestyle is still bad (Fauzan et al., 2019). One of
the potential causes for the occurrence of Multiple Avascular Necrosis in
Gangrene Pedis patients is a microorganism which is a facultative anaerobic
bacterium, namely Staphylococcus aureus, where bacteria enter through soft
tissue causing diabetic gangrene injuries (Alalawi et al., 2017), to cause peripheral
neuropathy due to damage from the kidneys. blood supply to bone cells which
results in the death of many bone cells in several parts or compartments and is a
pathological process of bacterial infection from diabetic gangrene pedi (Sinaga,
Nufus, & Setiyohadi, 2014).
Therapy in patients with gangrene pedis is very important and is carried
out quickly and progressively with antibiotics, wound debridement in consultation
with a surgical specialist, intravenous fluid resuscitation, ICU monitoring, and
adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Buboltz & Murphy-Lavoie, 2019). In
addition, local astringents such as boric acid, tannic acid and antibacterial agents
such as neobakrine ointment, can be given as a treatment for gangrene pedis, this
can be given in combination with several other irritant drugs such as tincture of
iodine, mercury bin-iodide with limited use and under the supervision of a
surgical specialist. (Sukmana et al., 2020) The drug to eradicate bacterial infection
in gangrene pedis is antibiotics. Antibiotics are defined as the result of production
in the form of chemicals, where these materials can interfere with other
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi (Kaye, Petty, Shorr, & Zilberberg,
2019). Multiple osteonecrosis can be treated with prophylaxis or reconstructive
surgery in other words, this therapy is to slow the progression of osteonecrosis by
endoprosthetic replacement of the affected bone & soft tissue (Rahayu, Masfiyah,
Puspitasari, & Sari, 2016). The most frequently used prophylactic surgery is core
decompression of the femoral head, to prevent venous congestion and to stimulate
repair (Nabiu, Anandani, & Hardiansyah, 2021). Decompression can also be
performed at the malleoli pedis to improve mechanical support and promote
healing of avascular necrosis caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus in
gangrene pedis, confirmed by arthroscopic examination of the joint showing
varying degrees of chondral folds and features of joint degeneration with joint
collapse due to gangrene pedis (Rina, Setyawan, Nugroho, Hadisaputro, &
Pemayun, 2016). Administration of pencillin and clindamycin includes
prophylactic therapy in patients with gangrene pedis (Buboltz & Murphy-Lavoie,
2019) with avascular necrosis because of its broad spectrum for Streptococcal
group bacteria followed by continued physiotherapy thereafter (Matthews, Davis,
Fish, & Stitson, 2021).
Ischemic foot is characterized by reduced blood supply. This relates to the
symptoms of patients with gangrene pedis. Often found, patients complain of leg
pain when standing, walking or when carrying out other physical activities. Pain