How to cite:
Rizki Novitasari, Joko Waluyo, Nuriman. (2022). Chemistry E-Module
Based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) for Reaction Rate Material to
Increase Senior High School Students' Chemical Literacy. Journal of
Eduvest. Vol 2(9): Page 1811-1816
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 9, September, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
Rizki Novitasari
, Joko Waluyo
, Nuriman
Universitas Jember, Indonesia
Learning chemistry contributes to chemical literacy in specific
and science literacy in general. Chemical literacy relates to
the ability to think scientifically by using chemical knowledge
and natural phenomena identification. Chemical literacy is
defined as the ability to understand and implement chemistry
knowledge in everyday life by comprehending three aspects
comprising: knowledge, awareness and chemistry
implementation in everyday life accurately and effectively.
Based on the result of the questionnaire which has been
distributed to chemistry teachers in Jember regency through
chemistry MGMP, it shows that 71,8% of chemistry teachers
stated that students’ chemical literacy skill in learning did not
meet the target. Chemical literacy has significant relation to
the Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) drown as social problem by
using scientific context. This problem considered as scientific
issue developed in society. Then, this problem is analyzed
further in rate reaction materials. This research used quasi-
pretest-posttest experiment without using control class. To
analyze the data, this research used both quantitative and
qualitative methodologies. The sample in this research
consisted of 36 senior high school students in Senior High
School of Ambulu grade XI MIPA 6. The result of this research
based on both pretest and posttest using open ended
questions showed that there was significant improvement on
students’ chemical literacy. Therefore, it was in high category
Rizki Novitasari, Joko Waluyo, Nuriman
Chemistry E-Module Based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) for Reaction Rate
Material to Increase Senior High School Students' Chemical Literacy
E-module, SSI, Chemical Literacy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Science literacy is defined as one of sixteen skills that is needed in
learning process in 21 century (Rahayu, 2017). Science literacy is wide concept.
In this case, teaching any specific subject in science education must contribute to
train people in science literacy (Celik, 2014). This concept brings up theoretical
definition such as biological literacy and chemical literacy as part of science
(Thummathong & Thathong, 2018) defined chemical literacy as
someone’s ability to understand and implement chemistry knowledge in everyday
life by mastering three main concepts comprising: knowledge, awareness and
chemistry implementation in everyday life effectively and accurately. People who
contributed in chemical literacy should appreciate and able to use this knowledge
in their daily life (Arbid, Samir, & Tairab, 2020). To be chemically literate,
someone should has higher learning skill, for example the skill to produce useful
questions and to look for information to answer those questions (Anggraini &
Wahyuni, 2020).
The result of both teachers and students’ questionnaire that have been
distributed through MGMP chemistry community in Jember regency shows that
students’ chemical literacy skill in learning is not enough. According to(Arbid et
al., 2020), he stated that the low chemical literacy was caused by some factors;
monotonous learning methods and the use of learning model and strategy couldn’t
enhance students’ chemical literacy. Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) approach has
correlation to science literacy (Tekin, Aslan, & Yilmaz, 2016) and (Topçu,
Atabey, & Çiftçi, 2022). Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) provides complicated and
controversial problems so that it can be the source of society’s main attention in
the scope of scientific and principle views (Türkӧz & Öztürk, 2019). Socio-
Scientific Issues (SSI) implementation in learning process allows students to
develop scientific reasoning skill, critical thinking skill, moral and ethical
reasoning, decision making skill, growing students understanding related to
science subtance and science literacy as the goal of science education(Arbid et al.,
2020) (Forum, 2015) (Islamiyah, Rahayu, & Dasna, 2022).
The problem in Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) is factual problem which
consists of: global warming, nuclear energy, genetic manipulation, biotechnology
and pollution. One of subjects in senior high school student is reaction rate
material(Kurniati, 2017) (Kurniati, 2017). This section is used for grade XI that
can be categorized into the ultimate section because it has significant correlation
toward daily life. Moreover, it is important to learn reaction rate as basic applied
science in industry, medical and environment. Because of this, SSI integration in
E-module could train the students to explore themselves and to look for solution
toward some problems that arise in society so that literacy skill developed.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9, September, 2022
This research deals with one group experiment research; one group pretest
and posttest designs. The sample in this research consists of 36 students of grade
XI MIPA 6 in Senior High School of Ambulu. Students in one class are given
reaction rate pretest to measure their understanding. After that, those students are
taught by the teachers to learn reaction rate by using E-module based on SSI.
Then, the students are given posttest to measure their ability after learning rate
reaction using chemistry e-module based on SSI. Pretest and posttest instruments
are in the form of relevant open-ended questions to SSI so that it could be used to
measure students’ chemical literacy. Those open-ended questions are based on
three chemical literacy concepts; knowledge, competency and behavior. Those
three chemical literacy concepts can be seen through table 1 as followed.
Table 1
Chemical Literacy Aspects
Chemical Literacy Aspects
Chemical Literacy Domain
Chemical content
Explaining phenomenon scientifically
Evaluating and designing scientific incubation
Interpreting data and scientific evidence
Perception and awareness toward environmental
(Muntholib et al, 2020)
The data collection in this research uses test methodology. The obtained
data were analyzed further qualitatively and quantitatively. The quantitative data
are in the form of students’ chemical literacy description. While the quantitative
data are in the form of score improvement on students’ chemical literacy skill. It
could be seen through N-gain based on score criteria shown in table 2 below.
Table 2
The Result of Chemical Literacy Criteria
Criteria of Effectiveness
N-gain > 0,7
0,3 ≤ N-gain ≤ 0,7
N-gain <0,3
(Hake, 1999)
A. Chemistry E-Module Based on SSI
E-module based on SSI is designed by using the latest technology that
carries social scientific issues in order to improve students’ learning
independency. This module gives clear understanding by presenting social
scientific issues that develop in surrounding environment. It can be analyzed and
Rizki Novitasari, Joko Waluyo, Nuriman
Chemistry E-Module Based on Socio Scientific Issues (SSI) for Reaction Rate
Material to Increase Senior High School Students' Chemical Literacy
explored further by the students through problem solving process using minimal
teachers’ guidance (Prayogi & Yuanita, 2018). This process aims to make
students’ capability in analyzing and implementing certain concept. It happens
because it gives significant impact on their chemical literacy skill. Chemical
literacy skill requires students to be aware toward themselves and their
environment to solve some problems existed in their surrounding environment
using their chemical literacy skill (Putra, 2020).
To enhance students’ chemical literacy, this module is published
systematically by showing certain discourse in the form of social scientific issues
derived from electronic media such as: accurate and reliable news and newspaper.
The writing model of chemistry e-module is based on SSI that has been developed
and modified by (Kurniati, 2017) (Putra, 2020). This module consists of three
parts; introduction, discussion and conclusion. Introduction chapter involves
acknowledgment, table of content, concept idea, main competency, basic
competency, competence attainment indicator, a brief e-module description and
module instruction. Discussion chapter comprises three sub chapters; tittle,
research goals, discussion and learning activity based on SSI to enhance students,
chemical literacy, summary and exercises. The conclusion chapter consists of
competency test, answer key, glossary and bibliography.
B. Students’ Chemical Literacy
Quantitative data of students’ chemical literacy is gained from pretest and
posttest scores. These pretest and posttest scores are in the form of open-ended
questions reaction rate contextual questions. These questions deal with social
scientific issues developed in society in order to measure three chemical literacy
aspects; knowledge, competency and behavior. Pretest and posttest percentage are
counted using N-gain as it is shown in table 3.
Table 3
Students’ Chemical Literacy Score
Chemical Literacy Criteria
Chemical Literacy Percentage Score
According to the data above, it can be seen that students, chemical literacy
pretest and posttest score using N-gain is in high score (61,11%), average score
(36,11%) and the lowest score (2,78%). The average of N-gain is 0,71 which is
categorized into high category. Because of this, the development of chemistry e-
module based on SSI is effective to enhance students’ chemical literacy. In case,
chemical literacy is someone’s ability to comprehend and implement chemistry in
everyday life in the scope of understanding three essential concepts; knowledge,
awareness and chemistry implementation in daily life effectively and accurately
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9, September, 2022
(Thummathong & Thathong, 2018) (Putra, 2020). Chemistry literate people
should appreciate and able to use chemistry in daily life.
Students’ chemical literacy in this research is measured through learning
process using chemistry module which is based on SSI. The result of the research
above relates to the previous research because it is stated that learning by using
SSI successfully enhance students’ chemical literacy. In this case, SSI problems
can be used as a tool to: (a) creating learning chemistry more applicable toward
students’ life, (b) directing learning results by appreciating NOS as science
subtance, (c) guiding dialogue argument, (d) enhancing the ability to evaluate
scientific information, and the essential aspect in science literacy (Rahayu, 2017).
Hence, SSI contributes to inspire, provoke and create controversy ideas toward
scientists’ questions which have no solution yet. Because of this reason, SSI has
significant potency to train students’ brain power to solve problem in real life.
Using this module as learning material based on SSI also helps to improve
students’ chemical literacy. Module is learning sources that can be used by
students independently due to the existence of instruction within the module itself
(Nasional, 2008) (Sunyono & Efkar, 2020). Moreover, it is also necessary to use
module which is based on the recent technology / SSI so that it can help learning
process. Implementing e-module in learning process can assist students to be more
active and learning center does not rely only on teachers. Therefore, this module
is easy to use, understandable and interesting to use using SSI approach. Thus, e-
module contributes to accessibility to use anywhere.
According to the result of this research, it can be concluded that students’
chemical literacy skill is in high category (61,11%). In this condition, there is no students
who are classified in to low category. Thus, chemistry e-module based on SSI is effective
to enhance students’ chemical literacy. The significant improvement of students’
chemical literacy shows students’ capability to analyze and implement certain concept
toward the problem in society.
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