How to cite:
Genoveva Leasiwal. (2022). Loss and Gorgeous (A Pastoral Study on
Grace Counseling). Journal of Eduvest. Vol 2 (9): Page 1837-1846
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 9, September, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
Genoveva Leasiwal
Ambon State Christian Institute , Indonesia
This journal aims to analyze the role of mentoring and grief
counseling due to the loss or death of someone who cannot
be forgotten and resolved so that it becomes a heavy burden,
and sucks out one's creativity. The longer the healing process,
the greater the risk of grief for its integrity. In this case,
people grieving because of death need to get attention from
various parties, one of which is the Church in the form of an
assistance, for this reason this study aims to describe and
analyze forms of pastoral care that has been carried out so
far and to develop a pattern of pastoral assistance for people
grieving due to death. To obtain data, the authors use direct
interview techniques with informants consisting of servants
and people who experience grief due to death, both
unexpected and sudden deaths. The results obtained from
this study indicate that the pastoral care that has been
carried out by the ministry is only temporary and is carried
out when a grieving person contacts the minister, so that the
grieving person is still in an atmosphere of grief because he
does not receive effective assistance. The pastoral assistance
that is carried out requires a pattern that can serve as a guide
for ministers in providing help, for that the author offers a
pattern of assistance that can be adapted to the needs of
grieving people with different types of grief, namely a spiral
mentoring pattern where the counselee will not always be the
counselee because when he has been helped he will empower
himself to become a counselor and can help others too .
Grief, Consequence, Death
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Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Genoveva Leasiwal
Loss and Gorgeous (A Pastoral Study on Grace Counseling)
Grief is a state that no one can escape from. Everyone has and will experience it,
this is due to various experiences of losing something important in life. Loss that causes
grief include: breakup, divorce, abandoned by parents since childhood, friends, friends,
valuables, legs or arms (amputed/cut off), or due to the death of the closest people
(husband, wife, children, father). , mother, sister, or brother) (Ahmadi, 2002) .
This experience that causes grief, is an emotional experience that arises as a
reaction to the loss of something "important" in one's life. For this reason, in the face of
grief, people often have feelings of doubt, loss of trust, weakened spiritual vitality,
sadness and feelings of an empty soul (Asmarany, 2012) .
The experience of grief over the various losses is not as great as the reaction of
grief caused by the death of a loved one. This is because loss outside of death can quickly
disappear on its own, but the grief caused by death takes a long time to be able to revive
the spirit that has been reduced by the death. Death is something that will be experienced
by everyone, no one can escape death, even everyone knows that each of us is waiting for
our turn to experience death, but in reality everyone is not ready when their loved ones
die. precede them (Clinebell, 2002) .
The death of a person is a painful separation experience for the family or relatives
left behind, they are filled with deep sadness and sorrow. Suppressed grief, which cannot
be resolved, becomes a heavy burden, and sucks out one's creativity. The longer the
healing process, the greater the risk of grief for its integrity (Gunarsa, 2004) . According
to Yakub Susabda, in going through these times, church members in general and church
ministers in particular deserve to be guided to function as a substitute for a large family
for people who lack a support system, they can provide practical support and emotional
support in the form of whatever suits the needs of the bereaved (Harti, 2020) . The grief
that occurred due to death was also experienced by people in the GPM Siri Sori Sarani
Klasis PP Lease Central Maluku congregation. In accordance with what has been
described previously that the large role of the environment in the event of grief assistance
which has become a tradition in every ministry in the church, this is also experienced by
grieving people in Siri-Sori Sarani, especially in the Siri-Sori Sarani congregation.
Pastoral assistance that has been carried out so far is only situational in nature,
where assistance occurs because of a situation that has become a tradition, so people will
feel uncomfortable (embarrassed) if as neighbors or relatives are not present during the
night of consolation or other thanksgiving nights. An atmosphere where it only takes
place on a few occasions, including: the 3rd night after the funeral, 40 days, 100 days and
1 year of the death of the person (family member). The thanksgiving service which only
includes singing a few hymns, reading God's Word, a short meditation and eating or
drinking tea together, after that all of them go home leaving the grieving person. For this
reason, the grief experienced by the grieving person is getting bigger so that it can cause
physical pain and despair in looking at the future.
Based on the reality that the author observes that in the Siri-Sori Sarani GPM
congregation, the form of Pastoral Assistance for those who mourn after death, is only in
the form of: worship of surrendering the dead, worship during funeral preparations at the
funeral home, which includes praise, preaching the Word of God. and prayer, funeral
services at the cemetery, thanksgiving services at the funeral home after the funeral
procession at the cemetery, with the same worship content (Hunt, 1987) .
The reality of this kind of assistance has resulted in some members of the
congregation, especially those who experience grief because of the death of their closest
people, still under various pressures that have an impact on feeling a dilemma between
having to accept this painful reality or not. Feelings of guilt, not ready to accept reality
(denying death), being sensitive, frustrated (unsatisfied), stressed (depressed state),
depression (depressed, heartbroken, hopeless and sad), developing thoughts that death
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
occurs because of the power of darkness (thinking to mystical things), in this case there
are people who are jealous of their family members so that they use supernatural powers
to destroy their family members, many even blame God for the death (Kansil & Wagiu,
2021) .
From the results of the author's initial interview, the assistance provided to people
grieving due to death has not fully answered their problems. Among them are several
people I met: first: Ibu Santi, a 64-year-old widow, after the death of her husband actually
Santi's mother was under heavy pressure, because now her husband's responsibilities are
on her shoulders. Ibu Santi has to play a dual role (as head of the household and
housewife), this takes a lot of energy and thought, eventually causing Santi's mother to
often get sick and have unstable emotions. This situation also has an impact on the
relationship between family members, where there is a conflict of opinion resulting in
children choosing to leave the house, because they do not like the conditions at home,
often noisy because of the loss of the leadership system in the family (Kübler-Ross, 1973)
Second: David.P is the eldest son who has experienced despair because of his
father's death. The atmosphere of family life after his father died, is very much different
when compared to previous times, tensions often occur in the family. So that David
himself felt unable to replace the father's role as the head of the family. Moreover, during
this time the very role as a substitute for the father is the mother herself. This further
made David feel unworthy to be born as the eldest child, especially since his youngest
sister (girl) is still in college who needs a place to take shelter. This atmosphere made
David even more stressed, with his only income as a motorcycle taxi driver he felt unable
to help his younger brother in his studies (Kurnia, 2010) .
Third: Ellen .L's mother, is a mother who lost her only child, her mood is mixed,
believe it or not. That it turned out that his newborn son was only given the opportunity to
live with him for three days. How as a mother, this loss is a very heavy blow to accept.
Moreover, this child is the first child and the background of this child's presence is
experiencing many problems (the child's father does not want to be responsible). Ellen's
mother hopes that this child will be a comfort to her, but everything is beyond her control
so the feeling of following her child to death often arises in her mind. One belief also
emerged in the mind of Ellen's mother and her family that the death of this child was due
to the power of darkness (mystical), this was strengthened by the findings of mawi-mawi
(clairvoyant) and people who prayed and got the answer to that prayer. This makes
Ellen's mother and her family even more unable to forgive the person who they think has
been proven to be the cause of the death of their child/grandchild (Lawrence, 2009) .
The pressures and tensions of life make a person need to get pastoral assistance,
because actually pastoral care is a form of conversation intended so that through
conversations that are built, people can know and recognize other people's personalities
and the problems they face, and vice versa. Conversation is used as a tool that connects,
helps and guides others in seeing the various problems that exist in this life. The intended
conversation is not an ordinary conversation, but a conversation that has more value
(really). Thus a person must be able to train himself to have the skills, intelligence and
ability to use the "conversation" as well as possible for pastoral purposes.
Pastoral assistance is intended to discuss human and environmental issues,
therefore pastoral assistance cannot be lived by simply learning the techniques. However,
they must be able to learn the attitudes and behavior of individuals well, for that the
waiter must be able to show an attitude of openness and willingness to serve others
(Nasution, 1996) .
According to Müller in Aboneno, pastoral care can be equated with nurturing the soul, it
is an independent function of the church, where the notion of assistance has a central
place. This assistance is given to church members in their lives for their personal needs,
to serve as the body of Christ and for their duties and responsibilities in the midst of the
world (Marbun, Th, & PdK, 2018) .
Genoveva Leasiwal
Loss and Gorgeous (A Pastoral Study on Grace Counseling)
Responsibilities in carrying out pastoral care must be shared together, both the
staff and church members who can be used as partners in carrying out this assistance.
Thus, the pastoral task is not only the official duty or monopoly of the pastor, but also for
everyone who is a follower of God. Everyone who is able to help others who are in
various life pressures to provide solutions to every problem faced by that person
(Putnarubun & Metanfanuan, 2019) .
From the explanation above, it is understood that pastoral assistance is a job in
serving others that is holistic. Holistic assistance is carried out by providing complete
assistance to others, including physical, mental, social, and spiritual. In this case we can
imitate God, because God, who is the creator, is caring and nurturing well, for that God in
Jesus Christ is called the "Great Shepherd".
The method used in this research is qualitative and the approach used in this
research is descriptive which aims to describe or describe systematically, and accurately
about the phenomenon or the relationship between the phenomena being investigated. In
addition, descriptive analysis is also understood as a form of research that seeks to
determine current problem solving based on data. So that it aims to describe and solve
problems systematically and accurately regarding the facts and characteristics of the
community as well as the targets and informalities studied (Setiawan, Lasmaria,
Hermanto, & Utomo, 2022) .
Lease Islands , there are various complex issues. One of the problems that exist is
the grief of death. In this case, the practice of pastoral assistance that has been carried out
has not run optimally. The location of this research is also a living laboratory of research
activities and research services, therefore the context of the life of the Jama'at is well
known. The targets and informants in this study were the Siri-Sori Sarani GPM
Congregation and people mourning the death, including servants in the Siri-Sori Sarani
GPM congregation and people/families who mourned the death (Susabda, 1996).
Data analysis is the process of compiling data so that it can be assessed.
Arranging words means classifying them in patterns, themes, or categories. Without
categorization or classification of data there will be confusion of interpretation or
interpretation, meaning giving meaning to analysis, explaining patterns or categories,
looking for relationships between various concepts. Interpretation describes or views the
researcher, not the truth. The veracity of research results must be judged by people and
tested in various other situations (Van Beek, 1987) .
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The
type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types,
namely primary data and secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library
research techniques (library study) which refers to sources available both online and
offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. These
sources are collected based on discussion and linked from one information to another.
Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and research.
This data is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn.
A. Grief Counseling
Basically grief (grief) is not a disease or disorder. However, if grief cannot be
accepted and managed properly by the mourner, then grief can become Patagonic grief.
Grief is natural in our lives. It is different from everyday conversation that associates
grief with the death of someone. Grief is not always related to someone's death. Grief is a
normal reaction when people experience stress (pressure) to lose someone or something.
Grief is an attempt to create a new balance after the loss. Grief can also be called post loss
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
stress or post loss stress. Facing loss, surviving, changing, and growing in a new
condition, namely life without missing objects. Grief can be experienced by individuals,
couples, families, groups, communities and even society at large.
Each form of assistance has a goal that becomes a reference as well as a
benchmark for the success of the assistance carried out. Similar to other mentoring,
pastoral care for grieving people also has a goal, namely: with this assistance, it is hoped
that people grieving after the death of loved ones can gain new strength and insight to
understand and, if possible, be able to overcome the problems they face and then be able
to free from the cycle of grief experienced (Zaini, 2021) .
B. Functions and Stages of Grief Counseling Assistance
Function is the use/benefit that can be obtained from the mentoring work. Thus, the
function of pastoral assistance is the operational goals to be achieved in providing help to
others. Pastoral care for the bereaved after the death of a loved one is carried out in
accordance with the functions and objectives of the existing assistance.
There are several functions that can be found in a Pastoral Assistance process that
is carried out, including:
1. Guiding Function
2. Support/Support Function
3. Parenting Function
4. Affirming Function
Grief is an emotional crisis experience, for that it is necessary to have several
stages in overcoming it. By using the stages in crisis counseling, pastoral care for
grieving people can be carried out, because the stages in crisis counseling are applied in
long-term assistance. Condolence assistance is also a long-term assistance, for that there
are several stages that will be passed, namely:
1. In this case the helper does what he did in the pre-help phase and the early
response stage in long-term counseling. Creating an atmosphere is an important
task. Warmth and hope are the most prominent skills accompanied by listening
and basic empathy as the main basic skills. Boarding is a pastoral function that
should be most visible.
2. Narrow down the issue; In this stage the counselor tries to eliminate all irrelevant
information and look for the core problem. The counselor needs to help the
counselee to explain what events or events preceded the crisis and how these
events could result in the counselee's intense distress. In this stage we can
distinguish between two sub-stages.
a. Sub-stage answering: the counselor responds with warmth and acceptance
and through advanced empathy. The feelings of someone going through a
crisis are usually more visible than usual, but are also often more complex
and difficult to separate. The pastoral function here is still supportive.
b. sub stage : counselors need concrete skills and seek information in this stage.
The pastoral function is more towards guiding. There are 4 things that really
need to be considered by the counselor , namely: a). Events that precede, b).
Loss experienced by the counselee (someone who is very loved, job, dignity
and so on), c). The level of the counselee's ability to endure suffering and d).
Factors that hinder the ability that used to exist to survive (for example,
maybe the counselee has lost a mate who was always supportive and now the
counselee is unable to survive in a crisis, because a mate is no longer there).
Genoveva Leasiwal
Loss and Gorgeous (A Pastoral Study on Grace Counseling)
c. survival stage; In this stage the counselee needs help from the counselor to
survive in his distress. The pastoral function of " guiding" is increasingly
prominent although the function of support remains important. The
orientation in this stage is more and more on the problem. At this stage, it is
hoped that the counselee's feelings have been sufficiently expressed so that
they are strong enough to accept a more practical approach from the
counselor. There are five sub-stages in this survival stage.
1) Define goals; Counselors and counselees together set some goals that
will help them find direction for further counseling.
2) Inventory of sources
3) Counselees and counselors need to determine the extent to which the
counselee has internal and external resources that can help in achieving
goals. Internal sources mean the counselee's abilities (intelligence,
emotional stability, previous experience and others). By external sources,
we mean relationships with certain people, financial sources, etc.
4) Determining alternatives After goals have been determined and resources
have been found, the counselee and counselor consider the means that
can help in achieving the goals, it is best to make an inventory of all the
5) Commitment to action Because the client's situation is facing a crisis that
is so critical, it is very important that the counselee is truly committed to
doing something. In discussing this we recommend that counselors use
an empathetic approach at both elementary and advanced levels.
In this case, when facing grief according to Elisabeth Kubler Ross, that there
are 5 phases that are usually passed by grieving people, including:
a. surprised; Feelings of shock and disbelief with the news or reality that is seen or
heard, so that an attitude of rejection arises (this death is not possible).
b. Denial; Sudden or unwanted death, tends to cause a distraction that this death is
just a nightmare, and not real. So people prefer to continue to exist and remember
the person who has died. They (the grieving person) will be angry if someone
else talks about something that the dead person doesn't like.
c. Anger; The attitude of not accepting the reality that resulted in blaming all those
who were close or there when the death occurred, and even blamed God. This
attitude is often shown through not communicating well in the environment or
not being active in worship.
d. mourning; This situation is very time consuming , it can last several months or
several years. Various feelings can arise, including: depression, guilt, loss,
loneliness, panic and crying without a clear trigger can be shown, can even arise
in physical pain.
e. Recovery; This period cannot be passed by everyone with the same conditions ,
everyone can get through this period well depending on the awareness and
support of the people closest to them and the environment in which they are.
Grief is a mental turmoil that allows a person to experience emotional stress,
in this case people can experience stress. According to Don Colbert, MD Stress is the
body and mind's response to any stress that upsets normal balance, it occurs when our
perceptions of events don't meet our expectations and we don't regulate our reactions
to disappointment. Stress is an unregulated reaction that is why people often express
themselves in the form of rejection, tension, or frustration, upsetting the physiological
and psychological balance and leaving us very unbalanced. If our balance is disturbed
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
for a long time, stress can be paralyzing. We become exhausted from too much
burden, feel emotionally weak and eventually fall ill.
Emotional instability according to WF Maramis, emotion is an outward
affective manifestation and is accompanied by many physiological components,
moreover it usually lasts relatively short time (eg fear, anxiety, depression, and
excitement). And according to the psychological dictionary, emotional instability is
erratic emotional shocks.
Denial is not daring to see and admit a frightening reality. For example,
closing your eyes, because you don't dare to see something scary; does not want to
think about death, does not want to accept that his child is retarded; did not want to
understand that he had a terrible disease.
Loneliness according to WF Maramis is feeling left out. We've all
experienced loneliness, not only people living in cities, but also people living in
villages. Especially if they lose their loved ones: their mother, their father, or their
children and so on. In such situations they may experience deep loneliness.
Guilt according to Abineno is a feeling of guilt that is closely related to a real
awareness of one's own shortcomings or mistakes, and which is based on that
awareness trying to do things better.
Social interaction according to H. Bonner in his book "Social Psychology" is
a relationship between two or more individuals, where the behavior of one individual
affects, changes, or improves the behavior of the other individual or vice versa.
Orientation is a person's ability to recognize his environment and his
relationship with his environment in time and space towards himself and others.
Disorientation or orientation disorders arise due to impaired consciousness and can
involve time (not knowing the hours, days, weeks, months, years and seasons), not
knowing about oneself or others…or misinterpreting others, this needs to be
distinguished from "illusion" and "depersonalization".
Solution to problem
Grief is a normal response to a loss, especially the loss of loved ones due to
death. In accordance with the results of observations and interviews that the author
conducted on the condition of grieving people after death in the Siri-Sori Sarani GPM
Congregation during the research, it can be described that: when the death occurred
or the news of the death was heard, first of all, the grieving family experienced was
so devastated, that they expressed their mood by crying, some of them immediately
blamed the people who were near the mourning event, both the nurse who served at
the time, the caring family, the person suspected of being the cause of the death, some
even spontaneously blame God for the death event (this happens to those who die
suddenly), but there are also have a resigned attitude to the situation, thinking that
death is God's will.
The attitude of surrender to death does not mean that the person is not sad or
does not feel grief, they are also sad and feel sorrow for the event of death, but they
can control the emotions that are released. The author also found that at the time of
death there were people who cried until they were weak and unconscious (fainted),
but there were also those who suppressed their feelings of sadness at that time, this
happened because they were limited by their families and even Church servants
themselves, with the language " don't cry, what God has made is good or if you love
papa/mama/wife/husband/child/brother, don't cry because it will make them sad too
and don't leave in peace . " This can unwittingly make the grieving person suppress
Genoveva Leasiwal
Loss and Gorgeous (A Pastoral Study on Grace Counseling)
the sadness or the feeling of loss is more difficult to help, because they really only
feel the loss of a loved one after two to three days after the funeral is carried out, they
can even cry suddenly, when they think back. about loved ones. This seems different
from people who express sadness by crying as long as the deceased has not been
buried, they feel more relieved because at least they have released a little mental
The peak point of grief for grieving people based on the author's
observations, namely at the time after the thanksgiving service, where everyone has
left the grieving person, it is at this time that they begin to realize that they cannot see
even through the next days with their loved ones. , people who have been a source of
comfort and pride (children's death), even people who are life support, this is when
they begin to feel lonely.
Even at the peak condition of the grieving people, there is less attention from
the Church's staff, this can be seen from all the Church's servants (pastors, sector
councils, sector administrators, unit administrators and administrators of other
accompaniment forums ) immediately leaving the grieving person alone after the
thanksgiving service at funeral home, they seem to feel that with the end of the
thanksgiving, the task is done. Whereas the greatest hope of the grieving person is
after the thanksgiving service, the presence of a servant device to strengthen them is
very much needed, even if it is just to hear complaints or put a hand on their
shoulders. Due to the absence of effective assistance to grieving people,
psychologically this condition results in grieving people experiencing: Stress,
Emotional Instability, Denial, Denial, Guilt Feelings and Social Conflict.
The condition of the grieving person with this complex problem requires a
special pattern of pastoral care which is a reference for the ministry's apparatus in
providing pastoral assistance to people who grieve after death. To answer the needs
of ministers regarding an effective pattern of pastoral care, the author on this occasion
offers a pattern of pastoral care for people grieving after death as follows:
Grief Assistance Pattern
M 1 M 2 M 3
KO : Counselor (Priest/other ministerial apparatus)
KL : The counselee (the person who mourns)
M1 : The process of pastoral assistance from KO to KL
M2 : The process where KL has been able to accept himself and can play a
function as a knockout again. In this case, KL can help other grieving people with
the experience they have received.
M3 : The process in which the KO who was originally a KL, carries out a
process of Pastoral assistance to other KLs with the experience he has
In carrying out pastoral assistance to grieving people using the above pattern,
the counselee does not always only act as a counselee, but can play a role as a
counselor. This can happen, if the counselee has managed to get out of the
atmosphere of grief experienced, so the counselee can also help other people (playing
the role of being the next counselee) who are experiencing similar problems, in this
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
case the main counselor (KO) still has a role to control the counselee (KL) who has
continued his role as counselor.
Effective pastoral assistance must have a role or we call it the work task of
grief that is played jointly by the counselor (KO) and the counselee (KL). The
following is an explanation of the role or work duties of the mourner :
The form of pastoral assistance/assistance to grieving people whose type of
death has been suspected (due to illness for a long time) so we call them those who
experience normal grief, the healing process is very dependent on the role of the
counselor and counselee, for that what must be done by counselors/pastors are:
1. The grieving person is still accompanied by the death of a loved one, especially at
the climax/after the funeral service at the funeral home. For the grieving person
to feel the touch of love from a servant
2. The counselor can make regular home visits, at least four times a month, so that
the counselor can find out the situation experienced by the grieving person after
being abandoned, whether there are problems that arise both internally and
3. Counselors can be able to create a comfortable atmosphere for the counselee, and
accept the counselee as is. So that the counselee does not feel awkward to open
up about his feelings
4. The counselor can offer help to the counselee, so that the counselee does not feel
alone in dealing with his problems
5. The presence of the counselor should only be as a listener and not as a
counselor/preacher, so that the counselee feels comfortable to tell the problems
he is facing
6. The counselor can encourage the counselee to restore his relationship with God
7. The counselor can invite the counselee to find a solution to the problem at hand
and let the counselee find the solution himself without interference from the
8. The counselor directs the counselee to think about the disadvantages and
advantages of the solutions that have been proposed by the counselee and let the
counselee decide what solution is best for him to do.
9. The counselor continues to monitor the counselee, whether the counselee is able
to accept his current situation or not.
Pastoral care for grieving people with this type of sudden death (suicide,
accident and illness in a short period of time), we call this type of grief because this
type of grief is usually difficult to heal and takes time, so what the counselor must do
is The counselor/pastor can form a team in which there are people who have been
trained beforehand and can be trusted in carrying out mentoring programs for the
From the results of the research conducted, the authors conclude that pastoral
assistance to people grieving due to death is carried out by priests / other ministerial
staff with the aim that grieving people can slowly accept the reality, and be brave in
living their next life even without their loved ones, and fostering grieving people to stay
closer to God so that they get strength in facing all the problems that will come. Deep
grief over the death of a loved one can make a person experience various kinds of
effects, both psychological and physical. With the existence of a good pattern of
mentoring, it can help grieving people in reducing one's sadness and despair in facing
life with new responsibilities.
Genoveva Leasiwal
Loss and Gorgeous (A Pastoral Study on Grace Counseling)
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