Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9, September, 2022
Several factors that affect sleep quality include psychological status such as
anxiety, stress, depression. Often the condition of a person who is anxious or stressed and
depressed even experiences disturbances in his sleep. Psychological conditions that are
not good have an effect on increasing levels of norepinephrine in the blood by stimulating
the sympathetic nervous system (SSS). This increase in norepinephrine levels affects
during sleep in stage IV NREM and also REM sleep until the resulting condition is that a
person will be easier to wake up frequently. Psychological status (anxiety, depression,
stress) in cancer patients in particular will stimulate the production of catecholamines
(norepinephrine and dopamine), histamine, acetylcholine, glutamate which causes a
person to be awake (Romito, Cormio, Giotta, Colucci, & Mattioli, 2012).
An important role that regulates sleep and wakefulness is the neurotransmitters
histamine (affects wakefulness) and GABA which affects sleep. When a person
experiences insomnia, a lot of histamine is produced in the body while not much GABA
is produced, on the Contrary, during the day a lot of GABA is produced and not much
histamine is produced as a result, the patient experiences excessive sleepiness
(SETIYARINI & Effendy, 2018).
The results showed that most of the respondents who experienced normal
psychological status had good sleep quality (77.8%), and all respondents who had
mild psychological status disorders all had poor sleep quality (100%). The results
of the statistical test of bivariate analysis that have been carried out using the
Spearman rank test get p value = 0.004 < = 0.05, then H0 = rejected which means
that there is a relationship between Psychological Status and Quality in Breast
Cancer Patients at Waled Hospital, Cirebon Regency, on the coefficient value The
correlation value is 0.509, which means that the correlation strength is at moderate
strength and positive means that the better (normal) the psychological status of the
respondent, the better the quality of sleep (ρ value : 0.004, : 0.05, r: 0.509).
The results of this study explain that a person's response to accepting his
condition is very varied. As the results of research conducted by Purwati (2014)
on 40 breast cancer patients with Severe anxiety has poor sleep quality as much as
70%. Conditions of anxiety, stress, depression often interfere with sleep so that
the quality of sleep becomes poor. While the quality of sleep is very important for
a person's health status, especially in people with illness, because sleep functions
as a maintenance of health, especially the heart during the NREM stage 4 process,
the release of growth hormone to repair brain cells, muscles relax progressively,
the body's energy storage as a result of a decrease in the rate of basal metabolic
rate (Perry et al., 2013).
If the quality of sleep is poor, it will cause several impacts, namely
physical effects such as excessive sleepiness, sad and tired facial expressions,
fatigue, increased blood pressure, dizziness, stiff neck. And other impacts are
psychological impacts such as apathy, decreased response, lazy to talk, reduced
memory, confusion, hallucinations arise. In this study, the value of the correlation
coefficient obtained a value of 0.509, meaning that the strength of the correlation
was at moderate strength and positive, meaning that the better (normal) the
psychological status of the respondent, the better the quality of sleep . On the
other hand, if the psychological status is not in a good condition, the tendency for
sleep quality is to be in a bad condition.