How to cite:
I Wayan Candra, I Gusti Ayu Harini, Agus Sri Lestari, I Ketut Gama,
Dewa Gede Sastra Ananta Wijaya. (2022). The Effect of Assertive
Behavior on Depression in Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Journal of
Eduvest. Vol 2(9): Page 1776-1784
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 9, September, Year
p- ISSN 2775-3735 - e-ISSN 2775-3727
I Wayan Candra
, I Gusti Ayu Harini
, Agus Sri Lestari
, I Ketut Gama
Dewa Gede Sastra Ananta Wijaya
Department of Nursing, Denpasar Health Polytechnic, Bali, Indonesia
The purpose of research is to know about the effect of
assertive behavior to depression on diabetes mellitus patients.
This study used pre-experimental design with ao ne-group
pre-post test t design. The sample used is 1 7 people selected
by purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the
category of depression before being given assertive behavior
treatment mostly in the moderate depression as many as 1 1
people (64.7%), and after being given assertive behavior
showed that a decrease in the number of moderate depression
to be 9 people ( 52.9 %). The results of this study were tested
by paired-sample t-test statistic, the results obtained value (р)
= 0.01 5 . The conclusion of research is assertive behavior
can decrease the level of depression in patients with diabetes
Assertive behavior, depression, diabetes mellitus
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
One of the types of diseases that attract the attention of the public is Diabetes
mellitus. A person who has diabetes mellitus tends to experience various changes in his
life. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs when blood glucose levels rise
because the body cannot produce enough insulin (Alberti & Emmons, 2017). Insulin is an
important hormone produced in the pancreas gland of the body, and transports glucose
from the bloodstream to the body's cells where glucose is converted into energy. Lack of
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 , Number 9 , September, 2022
The Effect of Assertive Behavior on Depression in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
insulin or the inability of cells to respond to insulin causes high blood glucose levels, or
hyperglycemia, which is a hallmark of diabetes mellitus (Bali, 2016). Common signs and
symptoms experienced by patients with diabetes mellitus are frequent urination
(polyuria), increased hunger (polypagi), excessive thirst (polydipsia), weight loss, fatigue,
lack of focus, slow wound healing, vomiting, and abdominal pain (Bali, 2016) (Lin et al.,
According to a survey conducted by IDF (2017), globally, in 2017 there were
8.8% (425 million people) of diabetes mellitus sufferers, it is estimated that in 2045 it will
increase to 629 million people. Indonesia ranks 6th with the number of diabetes mellitus
patients around 10.3 million (Bali, 2016). Data from the Bali Provincial Health Office in
2016 recorded the number of visits by diabetes mellitus patients as many as 12,553
people (Bali, 2016). Data from the Gianyar District Health Office in 2017 recorded the
number of patients with diabetes mellitus as many as 5,656 people and in 2017 as many
as 8,990 people (Bali, 2016). The results of a preliminary study at the Gianyar District
Health Office had the highest number of patients recorded in the UPT Kesmas Gianyar I
area, the number of patients in 2016 was 789 people who suffered from diabetes mellitus
which increased in 2017 as many as 2,820 people who suffered from diabetes mellitus
(Bali, 2016) (Donsu, 2014).
Diabetic patients in addition to experiencing physical disorders are also at risk for
psychological disorders such as depression. Patients with diabetes mellitus experience
various changes in their lives, starting from the regulation of diet, exercise, and blood
sugar control that must be done throughout their lives (Federation, 2017). These sudden
changes in life make diabetes mellitus patients show some negative psychological
reactions including anger, feeling useless, increased anxiety, and depression. Patients who
suffer from diabetes mellitus in their minds tend to find it difficult to accept the fact that
they have diabetes mellitus. Sometimes patients with diabetes mellitus feel angry or
depressed but it is a natural thing because the attitude of acceptance that they have
suffered from diabetes mellitus is not always viewed from a positive angle by the sufferer
(Mousa, Imam, & Sharaf, 2011).
The negative psychological response experienced by patients with diabetes
mellitus if not treated will become prolonged stress that can lead to depression, if not
treated, the body's cells become insensitive or resistant to the hormone insulin so that
blood glucose levels cannot be controlled (Hermanns et al., 2015). Depression is a feeling
(affective) disorder that can occur repeatedly characterized by sadness, loss of passion,
disturbed appetite, feeling tired easily and usually the patient has poor concentration so
that the patient's activities will be disrupted when he has experienced signs and symptoms
of depression (Larijani et al., 2014) .
Patients with diabetes mellitus have a higher risk and rates of depression are
twice as severe as other diseases. Depression is more common in patients with chronic
diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. Evidence that depressive symptoms present in
patients with diabetes mellitus influence physical symptoms is related to glucose
regulation through poorer self-care pathways (Larijani et al., 2014). Often patients with
diabetes mellitus experience depression as a result of self-care management of diabetes
mellitus patients being ineffective. This happens because of the lack of monitoring from
the psychological aspect, especially screening for depression in patients with chronic
diseases, namely diabetes mellitus (Indonesia, 2015).
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease that is most often associated with
depression. Diabetes mellitus can affect the balance of the monoamine system in the
brain, a system that regulates the work of neurotransmitters in the brain called dopamine,
serotonin and norephinephrine. This serotonin imbalance in the brain can make diabetic
I Wayan Candra, I Gusti Ayu Harini, Agus Sri Lestari, I Ketut Gama, Dewa Gede Sastra
Ananta Wijaya
patients prone to depression . Diabetes mellitus that is not managed properly will result in
complications such as heart disease (cardiovascular), eye disease (diabetic retinopathy),
kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy), neurological disease (diabetic neuropathy) and
pregnancy complications (gestational diabetes). 1). Complications experienced by
patients with diabetes mellitus and when they cannot carry out good care management
will increase the chances of becoming depressed . Poor lifestyle in patients with diabetes
mellitus accompanied by not knowing the complications experienced and how to handle
them resulted in patients experiencing depression (Lubis, 2016).
The provision of interventions related to the handling of psychological problems
in patients with diabetes mellitus will make a major contribution to the patient's self-care
management (Lubis, 2016). The provision of interventions related to handling the
patient's psychological problems in self-care of diabetes mellitus patients will begin by
reviewing the medical history from the biological aspect followed by reviewing mental
health to find out psychological problems that hinder the patient's self-care management.
Assessment of mental health is very important to be recommended in patients with
diabetes mellitus to determine the level of anxiety and depression because it will make it
easier to provide interventions related to handling patient psychological problems (Mousa
et al., 2011). Overcoming the impact of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus
requires stress management efforts in patients with diabetes mellitus, one of which can be
done with assertive behavior (Marathe, Gao, & Close, 2017).
The study entitled The Effect of Diabetes-Specific Cognitive Behavioral
Treatment with Assertive Behavior for Patients With Diabetes and Sublinical Depression
at German Diabetes Center with a number of respondents as many as 214 people obtained
the results of assertive behavior treatment for depression (p = 0.012), from the study
showed that administration of CBT therapy and Assertive Behavior is effective for
treating depression in patients with diabetes mellitus (Hermanns et al., 2015). Another
study with the title Evaluation of Assertiveness Training for Psychiatric Patients in
Psychiatric Ward Of a Military Hospital at Taiwan with a number of 28 respondents
obtained the results of assertive behavior treatment for depression (p = 0.001), from the
study it showed that the provision of assertive behavior training was effective for
overcome depression in patients with diabetes mellitus who experience psychological
disorders (Lin et al., 2014).
Information obtained that there has never been a special intervention to deal with
psychological problems of diabetes mellitus patients after interviews with officers at the
puskesmas (Markowitz, Gonzalez, Wilkinson, & Safren, 2011). The first treatment for
diabetes mellitus patients at the puskesmas is by giving sulfonyurea antidiabetic drugs,
namely metformin and glibenclamide to control blood glucose, other treatments by
checking blood glucose levels, and performing wound care if there are diabetes mellitus
patients who experience diabetic foot. After the treatment was given, the patient was not
given other interventions and had never applied the provision of assertive behavior
exercises in the treatment of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus. This study aims
to determine the effect of assertive behavior on depression in patients with diabetes
This study is a pre-experimental study with a one-group pre-post test design. The
measuring instrument used in this study to determine the level of depression of the
research subject is the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) which consists of 21
statements, the score will be classified into the following categories: 0-9: no symptoms of
depression, 10-15: mild depression, 16-23: moderate depression, 24-63: major depression
In this study the measurement of The level of depression was carried out twice, namely
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 , Number 9 , September, 2022
The Effect of Assertive Behavior on Depression in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
before treatment and after treatment. The results are recorded in a depression level
recapitulation sheet, another data collection instrument is an assertive behavior procedure
sheet . This research was conducted at the puskesmas from April to May 2018, using a
purposive sampling technique . The sample in this study used one sub - group without a
control group. The data analysis technique used in this study is the paired-sample t-test .
After going through the data collection process, there were 17 diabetes mellitus
respondents who met the inclusion criteria, namely diabetes mellitus patients who were
willing to become respondents, diabetes mellitus patients aged 31-60 years, and diabetes
mellitus patients who experienced depression after being screened for depression.
Before describing the complete research results, first describe the characteristics
of the research subjects. Characteristics of research subjects include: age , gender,
education, occupation and the presence or absence of complications described in the
following table.
Table 1 Distribution Frequency Sub y ek Research Based on Age
Age (Years)
Table 1 shows that the age of the research subjects was mostly in the age range of
31-59 years, namely 13 people (76.5 % ).
Table 2 Distribution Frequency Sub y ek Research Based on Gender
Table 2 shows that the gender of the research subjects were mostly male, as many
as 11 people (64.7 % ).
Table 3 Distribution Frequency Sub y ek Research Based on Education
No school
Basic education
Middle education
Higher education
Table 3 shows that most of the research subjects had basic education, namely 7
people (41.2 % ).
Table 4 Distribution Frequency Sub y ek Job Based Research
Doesn't work
I Wayan Candra, I Gusti Ayu Harini, Agus Sri Lestari, I Ketut Gama, Dewa Gede Sastra
Ananta Wijaya
Table 4 shows that most of the research subjects did not work as many as 12
people (70.6 % ).
Table 5 Distribution Frequency Sub y ek Research Based on Complications
With Complications
No complications
Table 5 shows that most of the research subjects of diabetes mellitus without
complications were 9 people (52,9 % ).
After the data on the characteristics of the research subjects were described, it
was continued with the results of measuring the level of depression before and after being
treated with assertive behavior. The results of measuring the level of depression before
and after being treated with assertive behavior can be described as follows.
Table 6 Frequency of Depression Levels Before Assertive Behavior Treatment
Depression Level
No symptoms of depression
Mild depression
Moderate depression
Severe depression
Table 6 shows the level of depression in most patients with diabetes mellitus
before being treated with assertive behavior was in the moderate depression category, as
many as 11 people (64.7 % ).
Table 7 Frequency of Depression Levels After Assertive Behavior Treatment
Depression Level
No symptoms of depression
Mild depression
Moderate depression
Severe depression
Table 7 shows that the level of depression in most patients with diabetes mellitus
decreased from 11 people (64.7%) to 9 people (52.9%), while the number of mild
depression increased from 6 people (35.3%) to 8 people (47 people). ,1%).
The level of depression before being given treatment mostly had a moderate level
of depression as many as 11 people (64.7 % ). The results of this study are in accordance
with the research entitled The Relationship of Depression Levels with Blood Sugar
Levels in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Karanganyar Hospital with 49 research
subjects. The results showed that most of the research subjects, namely 29 people ( 59.1
%) had moderate depression (Setyani, 2012). Another study entitled The Role of
Psychological Factors on Depression in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 , Number 9 , September, 2022
The Effect of Assertive Behavior on Depression in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Moyudan Health Center and Seyegan Health Center Yogyakarta Province with the
number of research subjects as many as 248 people. The results showed that most of the
research subjects, namely 110 people (44.4%) had moderate levels of depression (Donsu,
The results of this research show that the research subjects are mostly
experiencing moderate depression due to complications experienced by patients with
diabetes mellitus who are treated at the puskesmas such as diabetic foot , neuropathy and
retinopathy requiring further treatment . The treatment given to patients with diabetes
mellitus at the puskesmas is quite limited , namely the administration of sulfonylurea
antidiabetic drugs , namely metformin and glibenclamide . to control blood glucose .
Other treatments include checking blood glucose levels, and performing wound care if
there are patients with diabetes mellitus who have diabetic foot .
This situation has not been fully able to overcome the problem of diabetes
mellitus patients because there is no specific intervention to deal with psychological
disorders that occur. Untreated will lead to depression in patients so that self-care
management becomes poor. Major depressive disorders are associated with age, gender,
complications and uncontrolled blood glucose (Larijani et al., 2014)
. Patients who are
diagnosed with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus which are difficult to cure, the
patient will feel surprised then excessive anxiety, loss of self-confidence and self-esteem (
self-esteem ) to lead to depression.
The level of depression after being given treatment mostly experienced moderate
depression as many as 9 people (52,9 % ) experienced a decrease from the previous 11
people (64.7%). The results obtained are in accordance with previous research entitled
The Effect of Diabetes-Specific Cognitive Behavioral Treatment with Assertive Behavior
for Patients With Diabetes and Sublinical Depression at German Diabetes Center with a
number of research subjects as many as 214 people. depression (p = 0.012), from the
study showed that the administration of CBT therapy and Assertive Behavior can reduce
the level of depression in diabetic patients (Hermanns et al., 2015)
. Another suitable
study is the result of a study entitled Evaluation of Assertiveness Training for Psychiatric
Patients in Psychiatric Ward Of a Military Hospital at Taiwan with a total of 28 research
subjects. giving assertive behavior exercises can reduce the level of depression in patients
with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus who experience psychological disorders
(Lin et al., 2014)
The results of this study indicate that the level of depression in patients with
diabetes mellitus can be decreased by practicing assertive behavior. The essence of
assertive behavior is honesty, which is a way of life or a form of communication carried
out by patients based on honesty to express themselves sincerely, firmly, openly,
spontaneously, whether this is considered as desired so that it can reduce negative
responses such as stress and depression. experienced by the patient (Lubis, 2016)
Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus must be given intervention in the
psychological field to prevent psychological disorders such as depression, one of which is
by teaching assertive behavior, besides being easy to do assertive behavior can be done
by anyone and at any time so as to increase self-confidence in diabetes mellitus patients
in management self care. Assertive behavior is behavior in interpersonal relationships that
involves expressing emotions, feelings of anxiety or tension about the problems
experienced without harming themselves or others (Alberti & Emmons, 2017)
Assertive behavior exercises have been shown to be effective in dealing with
depression, anger, irritability, and interpersonal anxiety, especially when symptoms arise
due to an unfair environment, with patients becoming more assertive, patients becoming
I Wayan Candra, I Gusti Ayu Harini, Agus Sri Lestari, I Ketut Gama, Dewa Gede Sastra
Ananta Wijaya
aware of the patient's right to relax, and being able to take time to relax. themselves so as
to manage the patient's self-care
showed that assertive behavior had a significant effect (p= 0.01 5) on depression
in patients with diabetes mellitus. The results of this study are in accordance with the
results of a previous study entitled The Effect of Diabetes-Specific Cognitive Behavioral
Treatment with Assertive Behavior for Patients With Diabetes and Sublinical Depression
at German Diabetes Center with a number of research subjects as many as 214 people.
0.012) from the study showed that the administration of CBT therapy and Assertive
Behavior was proven to be effective in reducing the level of depression in patients with
diabetes mellitus
. Another study entitled The Effect of Assertiveness Training Program
on Assertiveness Skills and Social Interaction Anxiety of Individuals with Schizoprenia at
El Maamoura Hospital, Egypt with the number of research subjects as many as 62
people, the results of the treatment of assertive behavior towards depression (p = 0.001)
from the study showed that there was a significant effect of assertive behavior on
psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression in patients with schizophrenia
who had a history of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus
(Mousa et al., 2011).
Other related research is a study entitled Evaluation of Assertiveness Training for
Psychiatric Patients in Psychiatric Ward Of a Military Hospital in Taiwan. with the
number of research subjects as many as 28 people, the results of the treatment of assertive
behavior towards depression (p = 0.001) from the study showed that there was a
significant effect of giving assertive exercises on depression in patients with a history of
chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus (Lin et al., 2014).
Assertive behavior exercises carried out in this study can reduce the level of
depression in patients with diabetes mellitus, but the average level of depression in
patients with diabetes mellitus is still in the category of moderate and mild depression.
Observed one by one from the results of the study, it was found that research subjects
whose depression scores were still fixed and increasing, there was a fixed depression
score of 1 person, namely research subject No.001, depression score increased by 2 points
as many as 2 people, namely research subjects No.009 and 016, depression scores
increased by 1 point by 1 person, namely research subject No.017. Based on the results of
observations and interviews after being given treatment, research subjects No. 001, 009,
016, and 017 in carrying out assertive behavior exercises have not been serious in
implementing them. Research subject No.001 said that after exercising assertive behavior
the problems experienced such as still feeling tired quickly, anxiety about diabetes
mellitus still existed this was due to the condition of the body that was still fat so it was
difficult to carry out activities in self-care management. .009 and 016 said they still could
not behave assertively well. The problems they experienced such as anxiety about illness
still existed because of the increasing age factor, especially because of the disciplined
care management such as taking medicine, they complained of feeling anxious when the
medicine ran out and there was no family involved. want to accompany or deliver for
control and treatment to the puskesmas, research subject No.017 said that after doing the
assertive behavior exercise, he felt that he was experiencing changes in himself such as
being able to maintain his diet but when he did control at the puskesmas, the patient
experienced other complaints, namely toothache. I so the patient was not serious in
carrying out the exercise of assertive behavior at that time.
From the results of observations and interviews, this is because there are factors
that influence the onset of depression such as age, lifestyle and different mindsets of
patients, besides that the time span for implementing assertive behavior exercises is very
minimal. The results of this study are in accordance with previous studies that have
shown a decrease in the level of depression from moderate depression to mild depression,
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 , Number 9 , September, 2022
The Effect of Assertive Behavior on Depression in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
the depression scores obtained by research subjects do not always decrease, but there are
scores that increase and remain due to the psychological condition of patients with
diabetes mellitus. different (Lin et al., 2014)
. In addition to the different psychological
conditions of patients, it can be caused by factors that influence depression such as age,
and lifestyle (Oieru, Popa, & Vlad, 2014)
The provision of care for patients with chronic diseases, especially diabetes
mellitus who are prone to psychological disorders such as depression, needs to be given
interventions to overcome their psychological disorders so that they can increase the
patient's self-confidence for self-care management. The more often the exercise of
assertive behavior is carried out, the more self-confidence of diabetes mellitus patients is
trained for better self-care management.
To overcome psychological disorders such as anxiety to depression faced by a
person due to various problems experienced by assertive behavior can increase the ability
to be honest with oneself and improve personal life to be more effective. Assertive
behavior training is a systematic summary of skills, rules, concepts or attitudes that can
develop and train an individual's ability to convey thoughts, feelings, and needs
confidently , so the more often it is done, the better.
The level of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus before being treated
with assertive behavior was mostly in the category of moderate depression as many as 1 1
people ( 64.7 %). The level of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus after the
treatment, the number of moderate levels of depression decreased to 9 people (52,9 % ) .
Based on the results of the paired t-test statistical test, it can be concluded that the p .
value = 0.01 5 which means that there is an influence of assertive behavior on depression
in DM patients, that assertive behavior can reduce the level of depression.
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