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power maximum from various condition lighting this connected with a line that is almost
vertical .
The techniques used _ in MPPT , among others, protrude and observe, incremental
conductance, fractional open-circuit voltage, fuzzy logic control, network nerves
duplication , ripple correlation control, current sweep, and so on [11]. Voltage maximum
power point ( Vmpp ), varies to temperature and intensity light sun . A DC–DC converter
can installed between the solar panel and the load . This converter used for maximize power
transfer from solar panels to load . DC–DC converter used depends from solar panel
specifications and installed loads . _
Converter One method enough simple is fractional open voltage method . In PV cells
made of from ingredient silicone voltage point power maximum ranged from 70 – 80% of
voltage Suite open . With decide cell from burden During a number of milliseconds by
periodic and measure
voltage Suite open , voltage optimal PV cells can determined with multiply voltage
Suite open with k factor of 0.75. With method this point power maximum no truly achieved
, however only approached course . Voltage Suite can also be open obtained with use pilot
PV cells , which have characteristics same with primary PV cell . With thereby no need
conducted disconnection power by periodic .
similar approach can also be conducted with use current connect short . Other
methods can use network nerves imitation . DC-DC converter controlled with use network
nerves imitation that has been trained (train) more first , so optimal voltage of PV cells can
estimated . Network input nerves imitation could in the form of temperature , irradiance ,
current connect short , and voltage Suite open [12].
C. Network Nerves Imitation
Network Nerves Imitation (ANN) is system processor information that has
characteristics similar with
network nerves biology . JST formed as generalization of mathematical models from
network nerves biology with assumptions that processing information happens to many
element simple (neurons), signal sent between neurons via liaisons , liaisons between
neurons has the weight to be strengthen or weaken signal , and for determine the output of
each neuron using function activation . ANN is determined by 3 things , pattern connection
between neurons ( architecture network ), method for determine weight link ( method /
algorithm learning / training ), as well as function activation .
For maximizing energy PV system , then need for extract available energy _ as much
possible from PV . So for operation PV system in MPP is done through the hour light sun
. The resulting output in the form of power from PV module change with voltage and
current operation on each score radiation and temperature . MPPT is used for track point
where dot power maximum happen .
Network nerve mock (ANN) is used in find right solution _ for non-linear system .
Network Engineering propagation come back is most extensive technique used in
engineering network nerves [13]. ANN customized with good for microcontroller . System
this have three layers : input , hidden , and output as shown in Fig. 2. Number of nodes in
each layer is standing variable _ alone . Input parameters are PV Array parameters such as
and Isc ,
data like radiation and temperature , or combination among them .
Output usually one or a number of signal reference . This can in the form of voltage , current
, power on MPP or signal duty cycle used for move converter power for operate on or close
to MPP. Link between all nodes worth . The link between nodes i and j is labeled with
symbol W
. For identify MPP directly accurate .