How to cite:
Siti Lia Amaliah. Iman Permana (2022). The Relationship of Parents'
Parenting Patterns with Online Game Addiction During The Covid-19
Pandemic at SMK Mekanika Cirebon. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(8):
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August, 2022
p-ISSN 2775-3735-e-ISSN 2775-3727
Siti Lia Amaliah, Iman Permana
Postgraduate Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the activities of parents and
children have changed, many parents who experience stress
due to their business experiencing a decrease in income and
even going out of business, while some have to work at home
using the WFH (Work from Home) system set by other
companies and institutions. Stress conditions experienced by
parents have a relationship with the parenting style given by
parents to their children, there is a statistically significant
relationship between the stress conditions of parents and the
parenting style of parents for their children The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between parenting and
online game addiction at SMK Mekanika Cirebon. The method
used is descriptive quantitative with survey research. Data
collection by questionnaire. 220 Participants were taken by
proportional random sampling. Data analysis with simple
regression test method with the help of SPSS. Based on the
values obtained, it shows that the percentage of the influence
of the parenting style variable on online game addiction is 22,
28%, while the remaining 7.72% is influenced by other
variables not examined in this study. This study concludes that
the characteristics of respondents consist of the work of
parents of private employees, students in class XII are male
with a duration of playing games more than 3 hours/day. The
parenting pattern used by parents for students at SMK
Mekanika Cirebon is democratic parenting, the level of
addiction game online on students at SMK Mekanika Cirebon
Siti Lia Amaliah, Iman Permana
The Relationship of Parents' Parenting Patterns with Online Game Addiction During
The Covid-19 Pandemic at SMK Mekanika Cirebon 1.553
is relatively low. There is a relationship between parenting
patterns and online game addiction in Cirebon. Cirebon
Mechanics Vocational School.
Parenting, Addiction, Online Games, Teenagers
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the activities of parents and children have changed,
many parents who experience stress due to their business experiencing a decrease in income
and even going out of business, while some have to work at home using the WFH (Work
From Home) system set by other companies and institutions. Stress conditions experienced
by parents have a relationship with the parenting style given by parents to their children,
this is in accordance with research conducted by Wardani and Sudyasih (2017) which states
that there is a statistically significant relationship between parental stress conditions and
parenting patterns. parents to their children.
While on the other hand, the condition of parents who are stressed and the lack of
parental control since the cessation of face-to-face learning activities, children, especially
teenagers, have also experienced quite drastic changes. They only learn through
telecommunication connections in the form of cellphones, this is because since the Covid-
19 outbreak, the government has implemented a Distance Learning policy for each
educational institution. (Budiarti, 2022), actually Distance learning only takes a few
minutes, while the rest they use to play with their cellphones, and one of the games they
like is online games. This is in accordance with the opinion of Smart (2010), which states
that aspects that can cause addiction to online games are lack of attention from the closest
people, experiencing stress, lack of parental control, lack of activity, lack of environment,
and inappropriate parenting.
Referring to research conducted in the United States, it is known that 70% of
adolescents play online personal computer games, of which 65% are permanent online
personal game players. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the largest online game enthusiasts are
also teenagers, with 64.45% males and 47.85% females, with an average age of 12-22.
There has been no research on how many teenagers in Cirebon are interested in playing
online games, but the national picture shows that at a young age, children tend to like online
games. As a result of online game addiction, teenagers can ignore and leave various aspects
of communication with their family members because of their busy playing online games.
In addition, teenagers began to lie to family members, especially to their fathers and
mothers about their internet use. Cases that arise from online game addiction require family
intervention to avoid internet and online game addiction. This is in accordance with the
opinion of Adwitiya and Suminar (2015), which stated that teenagers, especially those who
are still in school, cannot be separated from their parents' environment. Therefore,
parenting patterns in fact directly or indirectly affect the attitude of playing online games.
Online game addiction destroys people's lives every day, be it online games or compulsive
PCs. When playing online games continuously, it will interfere with daily activities and
make people addicted to online games so that children do not have enough free time to
study. The characteristics of online game addiction are someone who overplays the game
and seems helpless. Playing this game is his life and has a negative impact on players. It
can be said that people who spend more than 3.5 hours a day engaged in online games and
activities related to online games will be addicted to playing online games.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
One of the triggers of online game addiction is due to the parenting provided by
different parents to their children, there are parents who always supervise their children,
supervise every child's behavior and there are also parents who don't really care about their
children. In the family in particular, parents play an important role in shaping the behavior
and attitudes of their children. Various situations can affect a child's ability to focus and
explore learning activities at school. Teenagers who are addicted to online games cannot
live without certain aspects. Aspects that can cause addiction to online games are lack of
attention from those closest to you, stressful experiences, lack of parental control, lack of
activity, lack of environment, and inappropriate parenting.
This research uses a cross sectional study design. Meanwhile, the research method
used in this research is descriptive quantitative with survey research. Participants in this
study were 220 consisting of 70 students in class X, 65 students in class XI, and 85 in class
XII. The inclusion criteria for students of SMK Mekanika Cirebon, and students who are
addicted to online games. The research was conducted at the Cirebon Mechanics
Vocational School in December 2021.
a. By class
The description of the distribution by class at SMK Mekanik Cirebon is as follows:
Table 1 Respondents by Class
Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that most of the 38.64% respondents are in
class XII of SMK Mekanika Cirebon, aged between approximately 17 years.
Table 2 Respondents by Gender
Based on the table above, it can be seen that most of the respondents 57.73% are male.
Siti Lia Amaliah, Iman Permana
The Relationship of Parents' Parenting Patterns with Online Game Addiction During
The Covid-19 Pandemic at SMK Mekanika Cirebon 1.555
c. Work
Table 3 Respondents Based on Respondents' Parents' Occupation
civil servant
Factory workers
Private employees
Based on the table above, it can be seen that 37.73% of parents work as private employees
and 9.55% of parents work as drivers.
Description of Research Variables
Description of Parenting
From 220 respondents, it is known that all have scores between 73-108, so it can be
concluded that 100% of respondents have democratic parenting.
Table 4 Distribution of parenting patterns
Description of Online Game Addiction
Distribution of the frequency of online game addiction in Cirebon Vocational School,
obtained 99% of respondents in the category of moderate online game addiction and 1% in
the category of severe online game addiction. The distribution of online game addiction
can be seen below:
Table 5 Distribution of Online Game Addiction
Online Game Addiction
Simple Regression Test Analysis Results
Regression test in this study is used to test the magnitude of the effect of variable X on
variable Y. The results of the simple regression test analysis with the help of SPSS are as
a. Gender Against Online Game Addiction
Table 6 Effect of Gender on Online Game Addiction
Model Summary
Predictors: (Constant), Gender
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Online Game Addiction
Based on the values in the table above, it shows that the results of the regression analysis
in the Summary Model are known that the adjusted R square value is 0.015, so Gender has
an effect on Online Game Addiction by 1.5%. And in the Coefficient table, the significance
value is 0.039 < 0.05, which means that gender has a significant effect on Online Game
Parents' Work Against Online Game Addiction
Table 7 The Effect of Parents' Work on Online Game Addiction
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
Predictors: (Constant), Parent’s Work
Std. Error
Parent’s Work
a. Dependent Variable: Online Game Addiction
Based on the values in the table above, it shows that the results of the regression
analysis in the Summary Model are known that the adjusted R square value is 0.017, so the
work of parents has an effect on Online Game Addiction by 1.7%. And in the Coefficient
table, the significance value is 0.029 < 0.05, which means that the work of parents has a
significant effect on Online Game Addiction.
The Effect of Parenting Parenting on Online Game Addiction
Table 8 of the Influence of Parenting Parenting on Online Game Addiction
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
i. Predictors: (Constant), Pola Asuh Orang Tua
Siti Lia Amaliah, Iman Permana
The Relationship of Parents' Parenting Patterns with Online Game Addiction During
The Covid-19 Pandemic at SMK Mekanika Cirebon 1.557
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Online Game Addiction
Based on the values in the table above, it shows that the results of the regression
analysis in the Summary Model are known that the adjusted R square value is 0.220, so
Parental Parenting has an effect on Online Game Addiction by 22%. And in the Coefficient
table, the significance value is 0.000 <0.05, which means that Parenting has a significant
effect on Online Game Addiction.
Regression test in this study was used to examine the magnitude of the effect of
variable X (parental parenting) on variable Y (online game addiction). The results of the
simple regression test analysis with the help of SPSS are as follows:
Based on the table above, it is known that the results of the regression analysis in
the Summary Model are known that the R value is 0.223. Furthermore, based on the output
of the summary model above, the adjusted R square value of 0.472 maa The Coefficient of
Determination (KD) will be known when calculated by the following KD formula:
KD = r2 x 100%
KD = 0.4722 x 100%
KD = 22.28%
Based on the value obtained, it shows that the percentage of the influence of
parenting style variables on online game addiction is 22, 28%, while the remaining 77,72%
is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Characteristics of Respondents
Characteristics of respondents consist of students in class XII as many as male, in
the work of parents the most parenting is as private employees and students who are
addicted to online games playing games for more than 3 hours.
Findings related to male sex characteristics have a relationship with online game
addiction. This study is in line with (Mais et al., 2020) showing that men tend to be more
interested and addicted to playing online games compared to women. (Tiara Setia Hastuti,
Duma L.Tobing, 2020) men spend more time playing online games, causing addiction to
online games because they can relieve boredom, while the female gender spends more time
chatting, social media, youtube and browsing. (Tiwa et al., 2019) Teenage boys like online
games because they have various levels of difficulty and there are elements of violence in
the game and lead to addiction to playing online games. (Rondo, Wungouw, & Onibala,
2019). Gender can influence a person to become addicted to online games where boys
prefer to play online games with types that have variations in playing with levels of
difficulty and elements of violence (Rifki, 2020).
The finding of characteristics related to the work of parents of students, namely
private employees who have a relationship with online game addiction. This is in
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
accordance with research conducted by (Kristiawan, Adi, 2021) which says that
socioeconomic levels with parents' jobs as private employees affect students with online
game addiction. Related to online games, socioeconomic status affects internet
connections, computer specifications, and so on (Halawa, 2018) that one of the factors that
influence learning achievement is family, namely parents. Parents with jobs as private
employees, are bound by various rules that exist in the company where the parents work
have a relationship related to addiction to children who play online games. (Permana &
Tobing, 2019). so that this causes children to feel less cared for (Yanti, Marjohan, &
Sarfika, 2019).
Findings with the characteristics of the duration of playing games that are more
than 3 hours. According to (Arianto & Bahfiarti, 2020) research results that adolescents
tend to spend more time playing games more than 3 hours / day due to online game
addiction, or more than 14 hours / week (Nita, 2018) The results of the study indicate that
teenagers spend a lot of time playing games, namely 55 hours a week or an average of 20-
25 hours who are addicted to playing online games. (Damanik & Ricky, 2020) the duration
of playing online games is 8 hours / day, one third of a day is spent just playing online
games, often using breaks to play online games so that it makes sleep time irregular or often
stay up late, forget to do daily activities such as eating only once a day.
Parenting Patterns of Cirebon Mechanics Vocational School Students
The results of the research conducted showed that out of 220 respondents, most of
the foster parents used democratic parenting. There are many kinds of parenting patterns,
such as democratic parenting. According to (Sumandar, 2017) aspects of democratic
parenting of parents, namely affection, communication, control, demands for maturity.
Meanwhile, the factors that influence democratic parenting according to (Bibelia,
Hidayati, & Somantri, 2021) are the value factors adopted by parents, personality factors,
socio-economic factors, and education levels. Meanwhile (Tiwa et al., 2019) argue that
democratic parenting is the best type of parenting from other types of parenting.
Democratic parenting is a form of parenting that pays attention to and respects children's
freedom, but that freedom is not absolute and with understanding guidance between parents
and children.
Overall, each dimension of democratic parenting on the value factor held by
parents and socio-economic with online game addiction tendencies has a significant
relationship and has a positive correlation value (Yosephine & Lesmana, 2020).
(Budiarti, Sustrami, & Febriani, 2022) Based on the results of the study, it can be
concluded that there is a significant relationship between democratic parenting and
smartphone addiction in students and there are several influencing factors such as
socioeconomic and beliefs held by parents. To overcome the bad effects of playing smart
phones, parents need to control the use of smartphones by their children. Parents are
advised to tell their children about how to use gadgets positively and explain adverse
effects. (Azizah et al., 2019) From the results of this study, most parents apply democratic
parenting because it is influenced by the trust factor held by parents, socioeconomic and
educational level. It is recommended that teenage students can schedule their daily
activities by making a priority scale, so that time can be used as best as possible.
Addiction to Online Games for Mechanics Vocational High School Cirebon
The results showed that most of the respondents were addicted to games in the
moderate category. Online game addiction is using a computer or smartphone excessively
and continuously which will cause problems in social, emotional aspects and players cannot
control excessive game play. This research is in line with (M. Awin Arja Sirait, Ramadhan
Bestari, 2019) that there is a significant relationship between the level of online game
Siti Lia Amaliah, Iman Permana
The Relationship of Parents' Parenting Patterns with Online Game Addiction During
The Covid-19 Pandemic at SMK Mekanika Cirebon 1.559
addiction in the moderate category, so it is hoped that the school will cooperate with parents
to provide guidance on the impact of online game games in order to improve student
(Novrialdy, Nirwana, & Ahmad, 2019) Based on the results of the study, the
understanding of high school students about the risk of online game addiction is in the
moderate category. Online gaming addiction needs to take firm action as a preventative
measure. One of the preventive steps that can be taken is to try to increase adolescents'
understanding of the risks of online game addiction. (Rahayu, Karana, Hardiansyah, Dewi,
& Elihami, 2021) Based on research, it was found that there was a relationship between
addiction to playing online games which were categorized as moderate with learning
motivation in school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(Manuputty et al., 2019) Saying online game addiction is in the moderate category,
someone who is addicted to online games will continue to play and will not stop until their
curiosity about the game is fulfilled so that the time that should be sleeping is used to play
(Anwar & Winingsih, 2021) Stated that there is a relationship between online game
addiction in the moderate category with academic achievement caused by students who are
accustomed to dynamic stimuli rich in colors and the impression of addictive online games
when playing them. So they assume that learning at school feels monotonous like books
and writings seem boring, especially when the teacher explains learning without innovation
such as games or just ice breaking before learning begins which makes children more
enthusiastic when carrying out learning.
According to (Juniarto, Apriliyani, & Rahmawati, 2021) it shows that they have an
addiction to playing online games, mostly in the moderate category. (Khaerullah, Widianti,
& Sumarni, 2020) that students who experience online game addiction are at a moderate
4. Relationship Pattern Upbringing with Addiction Game Online Students of SMK
Mekanika Cirebon
Students from parents who adopt democratic parenting are more effective in
helping children to avoid addiction to playing online games (Lee et al., 2021). Teenagers'
parenting style which is more dominant is authoritative or democratic which is related to
online game addiction in teenagers, which is more dominant in the moderate category.
Parents can increase control and warmth to teenagers. In order to prevent teenagers from
becoming addicted to online games.
(Ulah & Muslimin, 2020) It can be concluded that parenting with a democratic
style and the intensity of playing online games can have an effect. Likewise, teenagers who
were cared for by parents who applied authoritarian and permissive parenting can become
teenagers who tend to behave aggressively than other teenagers who are cared for by
parents who apply democratic parenting.
The most dominant parenting pattern applied by parents of students is democratic
parenting with a moderate level of online games addiction. There is no guarantee that in
the future children who are in the medium level category of online game addiction will
become low or even become a high category of online game addiction (Azizah et al., 2019).
(Zhang et al., 2018) These findings suggest that academic involvement and parenting with
democratic style may be the main and feasible factors to effectively protect students'
academic achievement from the damage of online game addiction.
Therefore, it is recommended to use a democratic style of parenting to reduce
students' addiction to playing these online games and to identify the damage caused by
excessive games (Esrafili & Basharpoor, 2019).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
According to (Welly, 2018) there is a relationship with democratic parenting styles
(social and economic) towards online game addiction, which can be categorized as
moderate addiction (Öner & Arslantaş, 2018) The parenting style found the The most
widely applied is parenting with a democratic style, while online game addiction is mostly
still in the moderate category. (Rochmayanti, Azizah, Bintang, & Pradana, 2021) show that
online game addiction and parenting with democratic parenting affect the level of addiction
in the moderate category, so it can be recommended for parents to apply democratic
parenting and limit the intensity of playing games for children. their students so that they
are not addicted to the heavy level of online games. (Sert Agir, 2019) Addiction to online
games with democratic parenting in students is very significant to the level of addiction to
online games, where students are addicted to online games at a moderate level.
From the results of the research conducted, researchers have limitations because
they only conduct research on the type of democratic parenting. It is hoped that further
research can be carried out using qualitative research methods so that the results can be
combined/compared with quantitative research.
Based on the results of the research and discussion that have been described in the
previous discussion, the conclusion in this study is that the characteristics of the
respondents consist of the work of parents of private employees, students in class XII are
male with a duration of playing games more than 3 hours/day. The parenting pattern used
by parents for students at SMK Mekanika Cirebon is a democratic parenting style. The
level of.addiction game online in students at SMK Mekanika Cirebon is relatively low.
There is a relationship between democratic parenting of parents and online game addiction
at SMK Mekanika Cirebon.
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