Arvina Dian Wahyu Permatasari, Astidio Noviardhi, Meirina Dwi Larasati, J. Supadi,
Yuwono Setiadi
The Effect of Pocket Books as Nutrition Counseling Media on Knowledge and Attitudes
of Prospective Bride and Groom 1.492
2. The Effect of Pocket Books as a Media for Nutrition Counseling on Knowledge
Before and After between the Control Group and the Intervention Group
The results showed that there was a significant difference. The knowledge of
respondents who were given a pocket book as a medium for nutritional counseling had
better knowledge than respondents who were only given counseling. The influence on both
groups was due to the measuring instrument used to assess the level of knowledge using
closed-ended questions in the form of True and False (True and False). This true-false type
is included in the objective test because this test has provided a number of answers making
it easier for respondents to choose one correct answer (Pendidikan, 2013). It is different
when using open-ended questions in the form of essays because this type of question
requires broad and free answers so that it can measure the broad insight of the respondents
(Azwar, 1919).
The increase in knowledge scores more in the intervention group showed that the
provision of pocket books in nutrition counseling was an appropriate medium to increase
knowledge, compared to the control group which was only given counseling. Because
counseling is done orally without media/props so that respondents may not digest and are
less interested if there is no media/props, by giving a pocket book, respondents can read
independently and can ask the researcher for things that are not clear to the researcher just
before filling out the posttest.
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Dian, et al (2018) which
states that there is an increase in knowledge after being given health education, so it can be
concluded that there is a significant difference in knowledge between before and after being
given health education (Nurlaela et al., 2018). As well as research conducted by Winda
(2018) found that the use of pocket book media increases the knowledge of mothers of
toddlers which is greater than leaflet and video media.
3. The Effect of Pocket Books as a Media for Nutrition Counseling on Attitudes Before
and After between the Control Group and the Intervention Group
The results of this study are in line with research conducted by (Syah et al., 2020),
namely there are differences in the attitudes of respondents before and after in the
intervention group, but there is no difference in attitudes of respondents before and after in
the control group. And research conducted by (Margaretha, 2015) showed that there were
differences in attitudes in the treatment group and no differences in attitudes in the control
4. Influence of Education Level with Knowledge Level and Attitude of Prospective
Bride and Groom in Control Group and Intervention Group
The results showed that changes in attitude occurred in respondents who were given a
pocket book as a medium for nutrition counseling, while respondents who were not given
a pocket book had no change in attitude. This shows that the attitude of respondents who
are given a pocket book as a medium for nutritional counseling will be better than
respondents who do not receive a pocket book and only receive counseling. Through a
pocket book that is coherent, clear and in easy-to-understand language (adequate
explanations), the respondent's erroneous attitudes can be corrected. The higher attitude
scores in the intervention group showed that the provision of pocket books as a counseling
medium was an appropriate method for changing attitudes, compared to the control group,
which was only given counseling.
Based on table 4 shows the effect of education level with the level of knowledge and
attitudes of the bride and groom in the control group and the control group intervention
calculated using ordinal regression analysis. In the control group, p = 0.587 on knowledge,