Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
348 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Karta Atmaja
Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Cipto Hadi Pranoto
May, 3
May, 7
May, 19
The aim of this research is to find out the second semester
students’ ability in TOEFL Listening Comprehension at Sekolah
Tinggi Bahasa Asing Cipto Hadi Pranoto. The method applied is
the descriptive qualitative research. It revealed that the students’
ability to Longman Introductory Course Book by Deborah
Phillips for TOEFL Test show the level of difficulties in Part A
(short conversation) is 75 % comprising from 55 % moderate, in
skill 1(restatement), skill 2 (expression of negative sentence),
skill 3 (suggestion) and skill 6 (the expressions of agreement), 18
% easy in skill 5 (identifying occupation, location). However the
problematic aspect in Part A is 2 % difficult to comprehend skill
4, passive statements, in Part B proves that the students’
comprehension of skill 7 (anticipating questions) is 20 % easy,
and skill 8 (anticipating topics or main ideas) is 2 % moderate,
in Part C shows that 11 % considered moderate to comprehend
skill 11 (anticipating topics or main ideas), and 11 % easy to
comprehend skill 10 (anticipating question). However, the
problematic aspect in Part C is 2 % difficult to comprehend skill
12 (the order of the answer).
Keywords: Level of Difficulties, Problematic Aspect
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
English language skills are one of the indicators of student quality and also the
quality of the institution (Sucahyo, 2016). TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign
Language) is a test to measure the English skills of non-native English speakers (Snow
Andrade, Evans, & Hartshorn, 2014). The TOEFL is designed to evaluate the English
pro®ciency of people whose native language is not English (Widia, Rahma, &
Mar„atushshalihah, 2019). The test uses a multiple-choice format to measure the ability to
understand North American English (Hadijah, Shalawati, & Idayani, 2018). The
institutional form of the TOEFL used in the current study consisted of three sections:
listening comprehension (Section 1), structure and written expression (Section 2), and
vocabulary and reading comprehension (Section 3) (Rochmawati, 2018). Scores from the
three are combined to yield a total score that is reported in addition (Azharuddin, 2020) to
the section scores This is required by major academies as well as English-speaking
universities (Masduki, 2011). Not only that, institutions such as government agencies,
businesses, or scholarship programs may need this test (Al-Musawi & Al-Ansari, 1999).
The hallmark of TOEFL, on the other hand, is its psychometric qualities with a
strong emphasis on reliability (Chalhoub-Deville & Turner, 2000).The TOEFL test is
administered by ETS, Educational Testing Service (Setiawan, 2016). There are 3 sections
in the Examining Section of the Paper-Based TOEFL. Chats, talks and problems are
presented only once (Kemala, Astuti, & Maharani, 2019). In Part A, the test participant
Karta Atmaja
Analysing The Second Semester Students’ Ability in TOEFL Listening
Comprehensio 349
wants to hear a short chat between 2 speakers. In Part B, the test participant wants to hear
a long chat between 2 speakers. In Part C, test participants want to look at a short lecture
given by one person. The Longman Introductory Course is intended for use by students
who are interested in preparing for the TOEFL paper test but are not ready for all the
modules encountered in this test (Manan, Fadhilah, Kamarullah, & Habiburrahim, 2020).
The Longman Introductory Course can be used in a variety of methods, depending on the
needs of the reader, it can be used as the main test in courses that emphasize preparation
for the TOEFL test, bonus reading in a more universal ESL course, and as an aid kit for
individual education by students preparing for the TOEFL test. outside the ESL class. The
TOEFL course is one of the courses that must be taken by semester 2 students at STBA
Cipto Hadi Pratono. STBA Cipto Hadi Pranoto has the responsibility to improve students'
English language skills and skills. Therefore, in order to obtain data on their level of
English proficiency, researchers conducted preliminary research for the most problematic
areas experienced by 2nd semester students when they practiced the exercises from the
Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL test. Listening Part I Part A short chats
consisted of 30 problems from number 1 to 30. Part B long chats consisted of 8 problems
from 31 to 38. Part C, the conversation consisted of 12 problems from 39 to 50. The
problematic part experienced 2nd semester students at STBA Cipto Hadi Pranoto are part
I, Listening Descriptions. This is due to the fact that researchers analyze the problematic
aspects of the description, looking at what I encountered by students. The problematic
aspects analyzed are Part A, a short chat, consisting of 6 aspects (return statements,
negative expressions, suggestions, passive, who and where, agreed expressions) Part B,
long chats, consisting of 3 aspects (prediction problems, estimating topic or main idea,
answer sequence), as well as Part C, the discussion, which consists of 3 aspects
(estimating the problem, estimating the main topic or idea, the answer sequence). This
research aims to identify students' skills in mastering the TOEFL and to identify
problematic aspects in Part I of the TOEFL Test published by Pearson Education 2004.
This analysis can certainly uncover their problems and improve their skills in mastering
the description of the TOEFL.
The method applied is the descriptive qualitative research. Therefore, in order to
obtain data on their level of English proficiency, researchers conducted preliminary
research for the most problematic areas experienced by 2nd semester students when they
practiced the exercises from the Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL test.
Listening Part I Part A short chats consisted of 30 problems from number 1 to 30. Part B
long chats consisted of 8 problems from 31 to 38. Part C, the conversation consisted of 12
problems from 39 to 50. The problematic part experienced 2nd semester students at
STBA Cipto Hadi Pranoto are part I, Listening Descriptions. This is due to the fact that
researchers analyze the problematic aspects of the description, looking at what I
encountered by students. The problematic aspects analyzed are Part A, a short chat,
consisting of 6 aspects (return statements, negative expressions, suggestions, passive,
who and where, agreed expressions) Part B, long chats, consisting of 3 aspects (prediction
problems, estimating topic or main idea, answer sequence), as well as Part C, the
discussion, which consists of 3 aspects (estimating the problem, estimating the main topic
or idea, the answer sequence). This research aims to identify students' skills in mastering
the TOEFL and to identify problematic aspects in Part I of the TOEFL Test published by
Pearson Education 2004. This analysis can certainly uncover their problems and improve
their skills in mastering the description of the TOEFL.
Vol 1, No 5, May-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
350 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
The results of this research are convincing that the students' description skills of the
Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test at the Cipto Hadi Pranoto Foreign
Language School show that the level of distress in Part A (short chat) is 75% consisting
of 55% more, 18% easy, and 2 % difficult. The level of difficulty in Part B (chat) shows
22% consisting of 2% again and 20% easy, and the level of difficulty in Part C (talk) is
23% consisting of 11% more, 11% easy, and 2% difficult. The description looks at part I
of the Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL Test has 3 parts. The initial part of
listening listening is a short chat consisting of 6teen aspects (return statements, negative
expressions, suggestions, passive statements, job identification and position, and
expressions of approval). This section contrasts with Part B and Part C, where these two
sections have 3 aspects (estimating problems, estimating topics, estimating the order of
answers). Comparison of Part B and Part C is on speaker; on the other hand, Part B has 2
speakers (discussion) consisting of 8 issues and Part C contains only one (monologue)
which consists of 12 issues. The results of the research show that the level of difficulty in
Part A is 55% which consists of 4 aspects, namely restatement, negative sentence
expressions, suggestions, and expressions of agreement. Its aspects are moderately tested.
To make it clearer about the level aspect again, here are examples of short chats of
suggestion, restatements, and negative sentences.
(man): I need to see the math professor.
(girl): Let's go to his office today.
(narrator): WHAT DO Women Suggest?
(Something). Explore math classes
(B). Responds to some math problems
(C). Check math homework
(D). Look at their professor
The expression of suggestion from the chat was the Lets word. Therefore, women
encourage the men to meet their professors. The best answer is D.
(girl): Are you going to show up at the meeting at 4 o'clock?
(man): No, I'll be there later.
( Something). He wants to eat
(B). He has 4 meetings today
(C). He was about to come after 4:00
(D). He needs a little luck
In this chat, students focus on the key inspiration in the second line, the key inspiration
after that creates the word restated in the answer. The best word to repeat is C after
(girl): Is your answer correct? I have a different answer to this problem.
(man): I don't really believe my answer.
( Something). They have the same answer.
(B). He wanted to change the answer.
(C). He couldn't believe his response.
(D). He didn't want to answer his question.
In this chat the students focused on negative sentence expressions, the word
disbelief is the same as indeterminate expression. His best answer is C He doesn't believe
his response.
Karta Atmaja
Analysing The Second Semester Students’ Ability in TOEFL Listening
Comprehensio 351
(girl): I think posting in the garden in front of the school newspaper is so unfair!
(man): Me too!
( Something). He also writes articles
(B). He shared the woman's comments
(C). The meeting is in front of the school
(D). What's in the post is fair
In this chat, the students focused on the expression of agreement. So did I on the
second line of chat. Therefore, the best answer is (B) He gave the woman's comment.
It can be concluded that the skills of students' descriptions in the Longman
preparation course for the TOEFL test on skills 1 (restatement), 2 (negative sentence
expressions), 3 (suggestions) and 6 (expressions of agreement) tested 55% again ...
Research results show that 18% tested easy. These aspects are a method of identifying
jobs and positions. Examples of job and position identification are as follows:
(girl): My car has a problem. Can you recommend a place where I can fix it?
(man): You're going to look at Mark at the gas station in the corner. He is very good at
fixing cars.
(narrator): WHO COULD BE?
( Something). A car mechanic
(B). A bicycle repair man
(C). An engineer
(D). A train station clerk
In this chat, students focus on problems about work. Therefore, they sorted out the
answer (A) Car repair as the best answer.
(girl): What did the doctor say?
(man): He told me to take medicine and rest. I'm about to make this formula populate this
( Something). To the workshop
(B). To the doctor's office
(C). To the gym
(D). To the pharmacy
In this chat the students focused on problems about position. Therefore, students
sort out the answers (D) to the pharmacy.
It can be concluded if the student's skill in the Longman Preparation Course for the
TOEFL Test at skill 5 (recognizing who and where) is tested 18% is easy. The
problematic aspect of Part A experienced by the second semester student of STBA Cipto
Hadi Pranoto is skill 4, a passive statement, as evidenced by a 2% level of difficulty.
Examples of passive statements in skill 4 are as follows:
(girl): How was your French class?
(man): Not very good. I was called 3 times, and I don't know the answer to his question.
(narrator): What is there for the man?
( Something). He responds to all the professor's problems
(B). He called the professor 3 times
(C). The professor could not respond to all of his questions
(D). The professor called him several times
In this chat, the second line represents me being called 3 times. This is a passive
statment in skill 4. Therefore the correct option is (B) It calls the professor 3 times. The
problematic aspect experienced by students is how to distinguish passive and active
Vol 1, No 5, Mei-, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
352 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
sentences. It can be concluded that the skills of students' descriptions in the
Longmanpreparation subject for the passive and active TOEFL 4 statment test skills are
still lacking as evidenced by a 2% hard level of difficulty. The level of difficulty in Part B
(chat) shows 22% consisting of 2% more and 20% easy, consisting of 2 aspects, namely
estimating the topic or main idea and prediction problems. These aspects tested 2% again
and 20% easy, and the level of difficulty in Part C (talk) is 23% consisting of 11% again,
11% easy, and 2% difficult. Thus it can be concluded that the skills of students'
descriptions in the Longman preparation course for the TOEFL part B test make sure that
the skill description 8 (prediction topics or main ideas) is 2% more, and skill 7
(estimating problems) is 20%. easy. The students' skill in mastering the Longman
Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test in Part C shows that 11% is thought to be more
for mastering skill 11 (estimating topics or main ideas), and 11% thinks it's easy to master
skill 10 (estimating problems). However, the problematic aspect in Part C is 2% difficult
to understand skill 12 (answer sequence).
It is known from the results of this research, the skill of student descriptions of the
Introductory Longman Course for the TOEFL Test at the Cipto Hadi Pranoto Foreign
Language School shows that the level of difficulty in Part A (short chat) is 75%
consisting of 55% again, 2% difficult in expertise 1 (re-statement), skill 2 (negative
sentence expression), skill 3 (suggestion) and skill 6 (agreed statement), 18% easy in skill
5 (recognizing job, position), and 2% difficult in skill 4, passive statement . Students'
expertise in mastering the Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test in Part B
ensures that the description of skill 8 (prediction topic or main idea) is 2% more, and skill
7 (estimating problems) is 20% easy. The students' expertise in mastering the Longman
Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test Part C shows that 11% are thought to be able to
master skill 11 (prediction topics or main ideas), and 11% think it's easy to master skill 10
(prediction problems). However, the problematic aspect in Part C is 2% difficult to
understand skill 12 (answer sequence). To improve students' listening skills in TOEFL
listening descriptions, students may need to pay more attention to problematic aspects
such as skill 4, passive and active sentences by practicing more listening descriptions.
TOEFL tutors can focus more on problematic aspects such as passive and active 4
sentence skills, skill 8 how to estimate topics or main inspiration and skill 12 how to
estimate the order of answers, when guiding students on TOEFL Listening
Comprehension in part I (short chat, long chat, and talks) from the Longman Introductory
Course Book written by Deborah Phillips and published by Pearson Education 2004.
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