Listyowati Sumanto
Agrarian Reform in Historical Perspective, Concept and Implementation 1.429
Land policy is aimed at "land for justice and people's welfare", through land
redistribution, controlling abandoned land, increasing the legalization of community
assets, resolving disputes implemented through Agrarian Reform (Neilson, 2016).
The enactment of MPR Decree No. IX/MPR/2001 concerning Agrarian Reform
and Natural Resource Management "it is hoped that this will improve the inequality in the
structure of ownership, control, use, and utilization of agrarian resources and can prevent
various conflicts in this regard". In an effort to improve the quality of life and develop
Indonesia as proclaimed by President Joko Widodo in Nawa Cita (2014).
As a form of government commitment that has been promised through Nawacita
since 2014, Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018 concerning Agrarian Reform was
formed. Agrarian Reform is present through Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018
concerning Agrarian Reform, in addition to reducing inequality in ownership, control,
use, and utilization of land, but will also provide new hope for change and distribution of
socio-economic equality of the community as a whole, improve community welfare,
create new fields of work. work and reduce poverty, create sources of prosperity, increase
food security and sovereignty, handle agrarian disputes and conflicts. Since Presidential
Regulation Number 86 of 2018 concerning Agrarian Reform was ratified on September
24 2018, this regulation has become the legal umbrella and main basis for the
implementation of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia. According to Usep Setiawan, Member
of the Expert Assembly of the Agrarian Reform Consortium, Presidential Regulation
Number 86 of 2018 is a reference for the government in carrying out land redistribution,
land legalization, and community economic empowerment.
2. Concept and Implementation
Agrarian Reform in Indonesia emphasizes the concept of land redistribution by
distributing land controlled by the state, maximum excess land area, absentee land , and
other state lands that have been designated as land objects for Agrarian Reform to
farmers. However, in general, there are 3 main things in Agrarian Reform, namely asset
management, access arrangement, and land dispute resolution. This is in line with the
National Strategy for the Implementation of Agrarian Reform 2015-2019 which includes:
(1) strengthening the regulatory framework and resolving agrarian conflicts; (2)
structuring the control and ownership of land objects for Agrarian Reform (TORA); (3)
legal certainty and legalization of rights to TORA; and (4) community empowerment
using TORA.
The concept of agrarian reform or Agrarian Reform includes a continuous process
related to the realignment of control, ownership, use, utilization of agrarian resources,
which is carried out in the context of achieving legal certainty and protection and justice,
through asset management and access arrangement for the prosperity of all Indonesian
people (Lu et al., 2015). Development must be based on a sense of justice and equity.
Presidential Regulation Number 86 of 2018 defines Agrarian Reform as a
reorganization of the structure of control, ownership, use, and utilization of land that is
more equitable through asset management and structuring access for people's prosperity.
Asset management is the restructuring of control, ownership, use and utilization of land in
order to create justice in the field of land tenure and ownership, which is carried out
through redistribution of agricultural and non-agricultural land and distribution of
benefits, while asset legalization is carried out through land certificates. Regarding land
certification, since the enactment of Agrarian Reform in the National Medium-Term
Development Plan (RPJMN), the Government has been aggressively implementing land
certification throughout Indonesia through the Complete Systematic Land Registration
(PTSL) program with the target that all land parcels in Indonesia have certificates. In
2017 as many as 5 million certificates have been issued, in 2018 the target is 7 million