Vol 1, No 5, May, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Okfida Yani Syaf and Diah Putri Permata Dewi
Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing (STBA) Cipto Hadi Pranoto
May 10
May, 16
, 2021
May, 19
, 2021
The research aims to analyze the correlation between
vocabulary mastery towards employees’ speaking English skill.
The research conducted at obstetric and gynecology polyclinic in
Hermina Grandwisata Hospital. The research used quantitative
research which used correlational technique design. The
researcher takes 32 employees for the sample and gives test with
30 questions for English vocabulary and speaking test consist of
multiple choice and oral test. The data are analyzed using by
SPSS version 2.2. Based on the result of the study, it can be
concluded that there is a significant effect of vocabulary mastery
towards employees’ English speaking skill at obstetric and
gynecology polyclinic in Hermina Grandwisata Hospital. This is
evidenced by the acquisition of the results of the significant
0,000 < 0,05 and T Value = 2.824. It shows that T table is 1,697
< T value, so it can be concluded that (Ho) is rejected and (Ha)
is accepted. It means that there is a correlation between
vocabulary mastery (X) toward English speaking skill (Y).
Keywords :Quantitative Survey, Vocabulary Mastery, Speaking
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
In today's global society, English as the international language of communication
has been used primarily in the workplace (Cao & Wei, 2019). According to a (Neeley,
2012), English is spoken by nearly a quarter of the world's population at some level. Most
of the people who speak English are not native speakers (more than 1 billion people)
(Hayes, 2009). English is the language of international business, science and research.
(Van Weijen, 2012) reports that more than 80% of all academic dailies are written in
English and an estimated 85% of international organizations use English as one of their
working languages.
(Pérez González, 2019) said some of the benefits of using English in the
workplace. This is not only about helping the industry to succeed but also for enhancing
international ties. The skill of speaking English is a great legacy for many industries and
organizations, most notably those who tend to deal with people who have a dialogue with
English as their first or second language in an orderly manner (Julaeha, 2019). It makes
the ability to use English in the workplace an invaluable skill (Devianty, 2017).
English language skills are a significant aspect of job success and advancement
(Handayani, 2016). Communication skills in English have been thought of as means of
the workplace for success in business (Şimon, 2014). As stated by (Durga, 2018):
“English means to be used in the workplace and is different from universal chat English.
Each work domain has special requirements with regard to communication; it could be
Okfida Yani Syaf and Diah Putri Permata Dewi
The correlation between vocabulary mastery towards employees’english
speaking skill at obstetric and gynecology polyclinic in Hermina Grandwisata
that there is a specific type of report or form that must be filled in, or it could be that
interactions with customers must conform to industry policy (Hadijaya, 2013).
In the workplace, English is widely used as an internal communication in
exchanging data (So-mui & Mead, 2000). The lack of descriptions of vocabulary skills
makes it difficult for employees to talk to other people, especially strangers. Thus,
vocabulary can help us have a good dialogue and be confident in conversing or providing
In the Polyclinic of Midwifery and the contents of the Hermina Grand Wisata
Hospital, English is widely used in internal conversations between employees and foreign
doctors to share data for sufferers. It is also used between employees and foreign sufferers
in obtaining data. It is difficult to speak efficiently without having good vocabulary and
dialogue routines. Employees must be able to try to avoid confusion in messages due to
mispronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and cultural
requirements that apply in each atmosphere of communication.
The cases in the midwifery polyclinic and the contents of the Hermina Grand
Wisata Hospital are employees who are not able to speak English efficiently. It was found
that their English vocabulary skills are still lacking. Based on this research background,
researchers are interested in carrying out research that aims to identify the positive ties
between vocabulary skills and employee dialogue skills.
The Nature of Speaking Skill is there are several definitions of dialogue skills.
Dialogue is a process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-
verbal symbols in various contexts. Dialogue or oral communication is an activity that
connects 2 or more people in which listeners and speakers are obliged to react to what
they hear and share their donations with great speed. Each participant has an intention or
goal that they want to achieve in this interaction.
(Fauzi, 2012) reports that there are 2 basic language uses for dialogue skills;
transactional use, most importantly related to data transfer, as well as interactional use,
where the main purpose of speech is to maintain social ties. (Fauzi, 2012) also assumes
that there are some requirements that must be observed in making efficient dialogue,
including intonation, phonetic transcription, and area expression. This is usually
recognized in analyzing dialogue processes such as oral communication. In dialogue
skills, oral communication is a matter that is meaningful and can help share better
communication with each other.
Vocabulary is a term for words that must be recognized so that they are heard,
spoken, read and written. The word vocabulary comes from the Latin vocabularium
which means word notes. (Manik & Christiani, 2016) reports that vocabulary is a set of
words that are combined to form a language. This number of words is used so that a
person can master verbally or in writing, words that are said to represent the subject or
work and word notes to serve certain purposes.
Furthermore, (Alqahtani, 2015) defines vocabulary as the number of words needed
to communicate inspiration and say the speaker's meaning. It displays 2 types of
vocabulary; receptive vocabulary as well as productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary
is words that learners recognize and understand when used in contexts such as reading
and observing, but they cannot produce. Productive vocabulary is words that leaners
understand and pronounce correctly and are used constructively in dialogue and writing.
The vocabulary ability has a meaningful function in language education. There are
several definitions of ability put forward by experts. Swannel defines ability as
comprehensive knowledge. Ability is domination, excellence, foremost expertise.
Vol 1, No 5, May, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
From the definition above, it can be concluded that ability is having complete knowledge
or expertise.
That vocabulary ability refers to a great skill in digesting the words of language,
which is the achievement and ability of people. To master the language, vocabulary is
very meaningful for employees to understand. Vocabulary skills are needed to express
inspiration and master the words of others. The specificity of a person's vocabulary
knowledge depends on the person and his motivation, willingness, and needs for his
words. From the review above, it can be concluded that employees' vocabulary skills can
affect their English language skills.
This research is a quantitative research using a correlational method design.
(Winarni, 2021) reports that quantitative procedures can be said as traditional methods,
because these procedures have been used in research procedures for a long time. After
that, (Sugiyono, 2018) explains that research variables are attributes or characteristics or
values of people, objects, or activities that have certain alterations which the writer
inaugurates for problems and draws conclusions. The purpose of correlational research is
to identify correlations between variables or to use these correlations to make predictions.
In this research, the researchers created a bond of vocabulary ability as a flexible variable
with dialogue skills as the dependent variable. The population in this study were
employees who worked in the midwifery polyclinic and the contents of the Hermina
Grandwisata Hospital consisting of employees, doctors and nurses. This research
illustration is taken using clustering sampling. Clustering sampling means sorting out a
group of complete population members as an illustration of research that has uniform
characteristic. Researchers sorted the population groups randomly, after which 35
employees were taken as research illustrations. The instrument used to collect
information in this research is an objectivity test consisting of a vocabulary test and a
dialogue test. (Arikunto, 2012) reports that the objectivity test is a test that can be tried
objectively, which consists of a true-false test, multiple-option test and matching test. In
the vocabulary ability test, employees are given an objective test consisting of 30
questions in the form of multiple options for 60 minutes. After that, the employees have a
test speech in the form of an oral test consisting of 30 questions. After carrying out the
vocabulary test and dialogue, researchers distributed scores on the employees answer
sheets for vocabulary tests and dialogue evaluations for dialogue tests. The method of
gathering information was tried by means of an objective test as well as an oral test on the
employees. In order for the research results to be used as valid information, researchers
have determined some measurements such as validity, reliability, normality, homogeneity
and hypotheses. These measurements are processed using SPSS (Statistical Product and
Service Solution) type 2. 2. The PC software feature is used in this research because it
can help researchers in analyzing information. To analyze vocabulary test and speaking
test, the researcher used the formula.
Score Range
90 100
75 89
Above average
60 74
50 59
Below average
0 - 49
Source: (Arikunto, 2012)
Okfida Yani Syaf and Diah Putri Permata Dewi
The correlation between vocabulary mastery towards employees’english
speaking skill at obstetric and gynecology polyclinic in Hermina Grandwisata
x 100
Data processing procedures are carried out through the validity and reliability test
stages of the objective and oral tests, data analysis test and research hypothesis test. The
significance test of partial regression was done by taking into account the value in column
t or column Sig in the Coefficient table. For partial regression the effect of X1 on Y is
used row t value and Sig on row variable X1. If the Sig Column is used, the significance
criteria are:
"If Sig <0.05 then the regression is
significant" If Column T is used, the
significance criteria are:
"If t> t table then the regression is significant"
To find out the correlation between employees vocabulary mastery and speaking
ability, the researcher used the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation.
The Formula:
𝒏 𝑥𝑦−( 𝑥)( 𝑦)
[𝒏 𝑥2−( 𝑥)2] [𝑛 𝑦2−( 𝑦)2]
Based on the results of data analysis conducted in this research, then the following
results were obtained: Based on computation, the employees’ vocabulary mastery in
general was good. It was shown by the mean score 75. In the detail, they were grouped
into 4 categories.
Table 1.
Score Range
of Employees
90 100
75 89
Above average
60 74
50 59
Below average
0 49
From the table above, there were only 4 employees who had excellent category and
No one got poor category in vocabulary mastery. Most employees got good category with
percentage 40,63%. It meant, from 32 employees, 13 are above average in vocabulary
mastery. Meanwhile, the employees’ speaking ability in general was good. It was shown
by the mean score 78. In the detail, the employees were grouped into 4 categories.
Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Table 2.
Score Range
of Employees
90 100
75 89
Above average
60 74
50 59
Below average
0 49
The result showed that there were only 3 employees who was in excellent category.
However, there were 43,75% employees in good category, and no employees in poor
category. Thus, it showed that almost half of employees had good speaking ability. The
research used Pearson Product Moment Correlation calculation with the significant level
of the refusal of null hypothesis α= 0.05. It is calculated by SPSS 2.2 Program to test the
hypothesis using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The criteria of Ha was accepted
when t observed > t table, and Ho was rejected when t observed < t table.
Based on the calculation by using SPSS 2.2 Program, it was found that r value =
0.647. It meant that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It was found that the result of r
value = 0.647 was higher than r table = 0,349 at df 30 with the significant level of 5 The
% and 0,449 at df 30 with the significant level of 1% as explained in the table below:
Table 3.
Then, the r value was converted with the table of the interpretation
coefficient correlation as follows:
Table 4. The Interpretation of Coefficient Correlation r. (Arikunto, 2012)
Interval Coefficient
Level of Correlation
0,80 1, 000
Very strong
0,60 0,800
0,40 0,600
0,20 0,400
0,00 0,200
Very weak (No correlation)
Okfida Yani Syaf and Diah Putri Permata Dewi
The correlation between vocabulary mastery towards employees’english
speaking skill at obstetric and gynecology polyclinic in Hermina Grandwisata
Based on the table above, the level of correlation r value = 0.647 was categorized
into strong correlation. It means that there was a significant positive correlation between
vocabulary mastery and speaking ability of employees at obstetric and gynecology
polyclinic in Hermina Grandwisata Hospital.
In the validation analysis research, variable X (vocabulary mastery) has the total
number of valid item 25 question then the total number of invalid 5 question, and
variableY (English speaking skill) has the total number of valid item is 29 question, then
the total number of invalid is 1 question by testing criteria where r count > r table with 𝛼
= 0,06. Consequently, based on the measurement, the instruments of the research is
declared valid.
Next, in the reliability analysis, the result of Cronbach alpha in this research
showed 0.903 for variable X and 0.989 forvariable Y. it means the reliability level of this
research very reliable.
Table 5. Reliability Statisticof Vocabulary (X)
Cronbach’s Alpha
N of Items
Table 6. Reliability Statistic of English Speaking Skill (Y)
Cronbach’s Alpha
N of Items
From the result of statistical calculation table, it can be concluded that Ha is
accepted it shows that T table is 1,697 < T count 2.824. Therefore, there is a significant
correlation between vocabulary mastery (X) and employee English speaking skill (Y) at
obstetric and gynecology polyclinic in Hermina Grandwisata Hospital
Table 7. Coefficients
Unstandardized Coeffiecients
Std. Eror
Based on computation, the employees vocabulary mastery in general was fair.
It was shown by the mean score 65. In the detail, the employees were grouped into 4
Based on the results of research that has been tried, it can be concluded that there is
a relationship between vocabulary skills and English language skills for employees who
work in the midwifery polyclinic and the contents of the Hermina Grandwisata Hospital.
The correlation is categorized as strong, thus it can be assumed that if the vocabulary
skills of the employeess are large, so that the employees English language skills are going
to be easy and good. Not only that, there is a significant effect of vocabulary skills (X) on
the English dialogue skills (Y) of employees in the midwifery polyclinic and the contents
of the Hermina Grandwisata Hospital. Based on the research results above, the
researchers wanted to share some of their special recommendations for the Hermina
Grandwisata Hospital. Hospitals are obliged to urge their employees to improve their
English language skills, most importantly dialogue. Those who work in the obstetrics and
Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
gynecology polyclinic of Hermina Grandwisata Hospital are obliged to study and use
English not only in industry but also in everyday life so that they are fluent in English.
Moreover, hospitals are required to have a standard listed English language skills for
employee recruitment. Hermina Grandwisata Hospital is obliged to distribute English
language training from English courses to employees who use English in their work and
share data with employees if English dialogue skills mean to help their services to
sufferers in need. It is hoped that this research can distribute donations to other people or
can be a reference in learning about English. Researchers recommend that STBA students
carry out uniform research that allows the hypothesis of vocabulary abilities that affect
employees' dialogue skills to be more tested. They must place more sources than this
research source and they must pay attention to illustrations in gathering information.
Researchers hope that the next researchers can use their time efficiently and do not
remember to continue researching uniformly so that it is perfect.
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