Indriati, Rr Sri Endang Puji Astuti, Tuti Anggarawati, Yuni Astuti
The Effectiveness of the Papaya Mengkal and Green Grass Jelly Against the Decrease in
the Blood Pressure of the Client's Mild Hypertension 1.355
The papaya group had the most significant difference compared to the control
group and the grass jelly group starting on days 7, 11 and 14 of the respondents' systolic
and diastolic pressure measurements with p value: 0.000 (<0.05). There needs to be a
breakthrough in the provision of food-based treatment technology (Food Based Therapy)
and it is necessary to consider determining the exact dose in each consumption so that
unexpected negative effects are minimized. New breakthroughs are needed to explore
food-based therapy other than papaya and green grass jelly as consumption plants to
lower blood pressure such as advocate leaves, celery, cucumber, and others. Further
research is needed that provides treatment with graded doses of papaya juice and control
of disturbing factors in this study including economic status, type of work and type of
hypertension of the respondents.
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