Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
"Every act against a person, especially a woman, which results in physical, sexual,
psychological misery or suffering, and/or neglect of the household, including threats to
commit acts, coercion, or unlawful deprivation of liberty within the household".
Efforts to prevent and protect victims as well as handle perpetrators of domestic
violence are required to prevent, protect and prosecute perpetrators in accordance with the
philosophy of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
In general, household problems are related to economic problems, ethnicity, age,
education, and even religion. However, the violence experienced by family members is
very layered, such as violence that occurs in physical, psychological, and sexual violence.
Domestic violence perpetrated by members of the military or the Indonesian National
Armed Forces is a serious social problem and has attracted public attention, because the
family is the safest environment and paradise for the family, but in reality, the family is
life threatening. Domestic violence usually involves perpetrators and victims in the
family in the house, and the form of violence that occurs is in the form of physical and/or
verbal violence (threats of violence) (Bettinson & Bishop, 2015).
Considering the seriousness of the domestic violence crime, which originally
referred to criminal law, the Lex Specialis rule has been regulated in Law Number 23 of
the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. This
crime can be committed by anyone who uses the victim and may have been committed
mainly by the military soldier element dedicated to his wife. The Indonesian National
Armed Forces are citizens who meet the requirements specified in the legislation and are
appointed by authorized officials to serve in the soldiering service which can be defined
in general terms as the Indonesian National Armed Forces, consisting of the Air Force,
Navy, and Army.
When you want to start a military family as a prospective husband, when
choosing a prospective wife, there must be someone who is the best partner in every way,
based on his views, opinions, and judgments at that time. There are various reasons a wife
becomes a victim of domestic violence later in her family journey, dealing with/acting
both psychologically, physically and sexually, which culminates in the collapse of the
family and marriage. future by. Soldiers not only harm their families, but also cause
moral and material losses for soldiers, so it can be concluded that domestic violence
There are many violations that members of the TNI have committed, in the
period of 2020 there were 79 cases of violations that went to the Military Court II-10
Semarang, of which there were 5 cases of domestic violence that had been decided by the
Court. In 2021, there will also be 88 cases, including 3 cases of domestic violence that
have received verdicts, and the perpetrators received appropriate punishments for what
they had done.
As a citizen, a military soldier has the same position in the eyes of the law, as
explained in Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1946 Constitution which states that: "All
citizens have the same position under the law."
A member of the military always has a unit, in which the members are formed in
a "whole" family, so at first glance it seems as if a military unit has formed a separate
"autonomous power" (which applies specifically to the military unit concerned). , and this
military unit has a commander and a deputy commander, in addition to being assisted by
section officers and commanders of existing units, so if a problem arises within the
military unit concerned, as far as possible it will be resolved by the appointed unit