Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Naddya Desteni
Bangka Belitung University
E-mail: naddya[email protected]
May, 3
May, 7
May, 18
Physical development of public spaces was one of the priority programs
during the Molen-Sopian administration as Mayor and Deputy Mayor
of Pangkalpinang for the period 2018-2023. The availability of public
space in urban areas refers to the provisions for the distribution of the
proportion of Green Open Space (RTH), namely 20% Public Green
Open Space (RTH) and 10% Private Green Open Space (RTH). The
City Government of Pangkalpinang is faced with the dynamics of urban
politics which are colored by pros and cons issues related to the
development of public spaces in Pangkalpinang City. This study aims to
determine the role of the Pangkalpinang City government in striving for
the arrangement and management of public space in the Pangkalpinang
City area as well as exploring the factors that influence the
implementation process. The research method used is descriptive
qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the availability of
public space in the form of Green Open Space (RTH) in Pangkalpinang
City has not reached the minimum target required in accordance with
the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), which is 20% of the city area. The
role of the Pangkalpinang City government in striving for the
arrangement and management of public spaces in Pangkalpinang City
includes regulators, facilitators, executors and dynamists. In the
process of structuring and managing this public space, there are also
three factors that influence, namely political will, the role of third
parties, and budget availability.
Keywords: Public space, City of Pangkalpinang, Arrangement and
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Globally, diverse groups of people, alone or with entire families, move to cities which
are seen as centres of opportunities in terms of employment, social mobility, or a refuge from
distress and violence (Joshi, Bailey, & Datta, 2021).Urban areas in the development structure
of an area have a very dominant role in people's lives (Baja, 2012). The role of urban areas as
the heart of the national economy refers to a series of developments to meet the needs of the
community so that an arrangement and management process for the use of space in urban areas
is needed (Akbar, Alam, & Rusli, 2012). The development that occurs in each urban area
cannot be separated from the role of the city government as a public service provider for the
community (Rangga, 2017). The efforts of the City government in the design of urban area
management and management are based on statutory provisions following the needs of each
Naddya Desteni
Urban Populism And Politics (Study On Public Space Governance In
Pangkalpinang City)
The provision of various public and social facilities from a city center needs to be
equipped that can serve all the needs of the community covering all parts of the city (Jamaludin,
2015). An urban area that is identical to the center of all types of city service activities requires
each city to have adequate capacity and is driven by the desire to build an image of the city
area (Pawitro, 2013). The formation of the image of an area in an urban area can be started by
handling physical aspects such as infrastructure and improving the aesthetics of the visual
quality of the city in the form of providing public space for the community (Soleman Raubaba,
The election of the pair H. Maulan Aklil and Muhammad Sopian as the Mayor and
Deputy Mayor of Pangkalpinang for the 2018-2023 period also brought hope to the community
that the presence of a leader who can carry pro-public ideas or known as figure-based populism
(Paskarina, 1919). The couple, who is familiarly called Molen-Sopian, has taken a realistic
approach to the people of Pangkalpinang City by carrying out physical construction of public
spaces as an effort to improve the image of their government in the eyes of the community
(Sururi, 2015). The process of structuring the urban area in the City of Pangkalpinang is based
on Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2012 concerning the Spatial Plan for the City of
Pangkalpinang for 2011-2030.
This basic plan related to spatial planning was then formed to adjust to the development
of existing global issues and to achieve certain goals based on the process of compiling,
implementing, and good supervision by the city government (Pratama, Wirawan, Maria,
Santoso, & Bidari, 2015). In this case, the Pangkalpinang City government has implemented
the construction of parks as part of the Green Open Space (RTH) which is used by the
community as a means to gather, carry out recreational activities or other activities (Imansari
& Khadiyanta, 2015). In addition to the construction of parks as an embodiment of Green Open
Space (RTH), there are also Green Non-Open Space (RTNH) used by the community, such as
sidewalks or pedestrians.
The determination of plans related to parking management and development as a
physical manifestation of public space is carried out in stages by involving the participation of
the community and the business world as regulated in the Pangkalpinang City Spatial Plan
2011-2030 (Henryk, 2013). The Pangkalpinang City government is trying to focus on fulfilling
the elements of the availability of public space by adjusting to the level of community needs
and interests (Liem & Lake, 2018). The city of Pangkalpinang, which is now known as the
“City with a Thousand Smiles” with the concept of structuring public spaces that is physically
dominant, makes the SMILE government regime (Prosperous, Comfortable, Superior, and
Prosperous) look attractive in terms of the use of populism in the context of urban politics.
Under the leadership of Molen-Sopian as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of
Pangkalpinang for the 2018-2023 period, the City of Pangkalpinang is faced with urban
political dynamics colored by issues of pros and cons from the community or other parties
related to the development of public spaces in Pangkalpinang City. The development of public
spaces is marked by the rampant development of parks, sidewalks, or pedestrians in the
Pangkalpinang City area make the community as users also get a certain impact which will
later affect the determination of the success of developing these public spaces by the
Pangkalpinang City government.
Based on Law Number 26 of 2017 concerning Spatial Planning, urban spatial planning
must contain plans for the provision and utilization of green open space, and the minimum area
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
should not exceed 30% of the total urban area. The proportion of green open space (RTH) in
urban areas itself includes 20% public green open space (RTH) and 10% private green open
space (RTH). By referring to the distribution ratio related to the provision and utilization of
green open space, the City Government of Pangkalpinang is certain it is necessary to seek the
availability of special land for the development of the shape of the Pangcapinan City
community itself.
The concept of structuring and managing public spaces in terms of park development
infrastructure in the City of Pangkalpinang has often been in the spotlight and has attracted
attention from the public because it is considered to have given Pangkalpinang City a new color
as a "City of Thousands of Smiles". One of the many parks as the embodiment of physical
public spaces in the Pangkalpinang City area, Dealova Park, which is located in the Tampuk
Pinang Pura area, Jalan Jembatan 12, is a city park with a populist approach concept pursued
by the Pangkalpinang City government in the Molen-Sopian couple government regime.
The Pangkalpinang City Government, which has been aggressively making physical
improvements to the condition of Pangkalpinang City through the development of public
spaces, has certainly generated a lot of reactions, especially from the community as users. There
are indications of the rejection that has occurred in the development of these public spaces,
then more or less has an influence on the Pangkalpinang City government in carrying out the
park arrangement and management process as part of the physical manifestation of public
spaces. Indirect input and criticism of the idea of having a city then encourage the
Pangkalpinang City government to seek its role in regulating and implementing every policy
related to the arrangement and management of public space.
Based on the elements that regulate green open space as part of the public space to fulfill
the needs of public space proportionally, this study aims to explore the role of the South City
Government of Jalan Poingar in fighting for public space, building and managing public places
in urban areas. In addition, although some many pros and cons are obtained from the
community or other aspects, this is related to the ongoing structure and process of managing
public spaces. This research will also explore the factors that influence the structure and
management of public space processes in Pangkalpinang City.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Political behavior and
attitudes in qualitative research analysis provide opportunities for researchers to see a larger
variety of expressions and explanations to answer any existing problems (Harrison, 2016) The
use of qualitative research methods in this study also provides an opportunity to explore each
of the respondents' beliefs and attitudes help researchers find understanding based on the
formulation of the problem raised. So that based on the openness of sources and the value of
each of the findings later, qualitative research would be relevant to describe various aspects
regarding the elements of structuring and managing public spaces in Pangkalpinang City.
The technique of determining informants used in this study is purposive sampling
technique where the researcher first determines certain criteria related to the information needs
needed (Afrizal, 2014). In this case, information providers who meet certain requirements must
also be able to provide information in accordance with the research objectives. The criteria for
providing information for this study include: Bangka Pingnam City Government (namely the
Bangka Pingnam Housing and Settlement Service), Bangka Pingnam City Creative Team
Naddya Desteni
Urban Populism And Politics (Study On Public Space Governance In
Pangkalpinang City)
(namely the creativity of the Mayor of Bangka Pingnam) Team Coordinator) and Bangkapinan
City Community (as users of city park facilities) as part of the public space in the Bangkapinan
City area.
Sources of data in this study were obtained through interviews and observations or direct
observations made at the research location in Bangkapina City. While the data types used in
this study include raw data and auxiliary data. The types of primary data in this study were
obtained based on data sources consisting of in-depth interviews using unstructured interview
techniques. Apart from the results of interviews, other types of primary data were also obtained
through the results of non-participant observation and documentation as one of the physical
evidence in this study. While the type of secondary data in this study comes from document
archives, thesis results of previous research, reference books, research journals, and internet
sources therein.
Based on the findings from the data that had been previously collected, the researcher
then processed the data set and analyzed it further using three stages of qualitative research
data analysis according to Miles and Huberman. First, data codification, namely the process of
sorting data which is then entered into certain main parts of the study. Second, the presentation
of data that allows researchers to provide data displays based on the results of interviews,
observations, or previous documentation. Third, drawing conclusions or verification as a form
of interpretation of findings when carrying out data collection techniques that are able to solve
the formulation of research problems regarding the role of the Pangkalpinang City government
and what factors influence the effort to organize and manage public spaces in the
Pangkalpinang City area.
A. The Role of the City Government of Pangkalpinang in the Arrangement and
Management of Public Spaces in the City of Pangkalpinang
1. Pangkalpinang City Government as Regulator
The Pangkalpinang City Government as the regulator provides a basic reference by
issuing a policy that regulates all provisions related to the arrangement and management of
public spaces in the Pangkalpinang City area. The city of Pangkalpinang as the “City of a
Thousand Smiles” under the leadership of Molen-Sopian as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of
Pangkalpinang for the 2018-2023 period is like entering a new change where the development
of physical public spaces is a stark contrast to the image of the new city area. Based on the
Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) Pangkalpinang City which is a regional
development planning document for a five-year period, the regional development priorities of
Pangkalpinang City are then divided into seven development priority programs.
Referring to the provisions that require the development of a Public Green Open Space
(RTH) of 20% of the city's area, then based on the overall total of the park and green lane data
above, it shows that the physical development of public spaces by the Pangkalpinang City
government is still lacking. Although the development of public infrastructure and optimization
of regional spatial planning are set to be priority programs in the Regional Medium-Term Plan
(RPJMD), the Pangkalpinang City government through various innovations offered regarding
the idea and concept of garden planning has received harsh criticism from several groups,
especially from the provincial government. In this case, the role of the Pangkalpinang City
government as a regulator is considered not to have achieved the maximum target.
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
The role of the Pangkalpinang City government in the effort to organize and manage
public spaces can indeed be seen clearly from the incessant development of public facilities
and infrastructure such as parks and sidewalks. However, on the other hand, the role of the
Pangkalpinang City government in the planning and utilization of the budget for the
development is also felt to be insufficient, especially if it is also linked to long-term utilization
by the community. So that the Pangkalpinang City government in this case only seems to focus
on achieving the target of development projects which actually have not met the minimum
standard, namely 20% availability of Public Green Open Space (RTH) based on the area of the
2. Pangkalpinang City Government as Facilitator
The role of the Pangkalpinang City government as a facilitator with regard to the process
of structuring and managing public spaces in the Pangkalpinang City area is to facilitate private
parties in the construction of public facilities and infrastructure so that they can be enjoyed by
the wider community. The Pangkalpinang City Government in this case plays a role in creating
a conducive situation for the implementation of the development of public spaces by bridging
the interests of several private parties as an effort to optimize regional development for the
Pangkalpinang City area. In line with the provisions in the Pangkalpinang City Spatial Plan
2011-2030 regarding the management and development of public spaces carried out in stages
by involving the participation of the community and the business world.
Therefore, the Pangkalpinang City government which acts as a facilitator in this case
needs to prepare several strategic steps to bridge the interests of investors with the community
so that neither party feels disadvantaged. The government of Pangkalpinang City as a facilitator
is not only required to increase partnership activities with investors in order to advance the
economy of Pangkalpinang City, but it also needs to be emphasized that the granting of these
permits must adjust to the consideration of small traders from the local community. Responding
to these demands, the Pangkalpinang City government was later found to have established a
policy that limits the existence of 10 mini-market outlets such as Indomaret and Alfamart as of
3. Pangkalpinang City Government as the executor
The role of the Pangkalpinang City government as executor is to carry out or implement
development, in this case regarding the arrangement and management of public spaces in the
City of Pangkalpinang. Based on the distribution, the implementation of physical development
of public spaces in the City of Pangkalpinang consists of Green Open Space (RTH) and Non-
Green Open Space (RTNH) which are generally used by all levels of society. The role of the
Pangkalpinang City government as executor in this case is taken over by the Pangkalpinang
City Housing and Settlement Area (Perkim) Office which is tasked with carrying out the
construction of parks as part of the public space with the category of Green Open Space (RTH)
in the Pangkalpinang City area. One of the many innovations in park development by the
Pangkalpinang City Perkim Agency which is busy being visited by the community is Dealova
The role of the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Agency as executor in carrying out the
development of Dealova Park, among others, includes involvement with several companies
through collaborative efforts to support the arrangement and management of public spaces in
the Pangkalpinang City area. This coordination effort by involving several companies is one
of the steps taken by the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Service regarding the limited amount of
Naddya Desteni
Urban Populism And Politics (Study On Public Space Governance In
Pangkalpinang City)
the Pangkalpinang City Regional Budget (APBD). In this case, the involvement of several
companies was then used as best as possible by the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Agency to
obtain additional support from these companies' CSR funds.
4. The City Government of Pangkalpinang as the dynamist
The vitality of the Pangkapinan City Government is to mobilize community participation
to handle all problems related to the arrangement and management of public spaces in
Pangkapinan City. This is the work of the Bangkapinan City Government which aims to invite
the community to participate in maintaining the dynamics of the regional development of
Bangkapinan City through intensive and effective guidance. The notification process carried
out by the city government of Bangka Penang itself includes promotional activities to increase
public awareness of the protection of various public space facilities that have been provided.
The Pangkalpinang City Government in this case is required to balance its role as a
dynamist by inviting the participation of the community to be able to continue to maintain and
maintain the sustainability of public spaces for its long-term use. One of the efforts made by
the Pangkalpinang City government as a dynamist is to carry out promotional activities for
public spaces while at the same time offering tours in Pangkalpinang City. But on the other
hand, the lack of awareness from the community towards the conservation efforts of the
facilities that have been provided makes the Pangkalpinang City government need to take firm
action against these irresponsible parties.
B. Factors Affecting the Process of Organizing and Managing Public Spaces in the City
of Pangkalpinang
1. Political Will
The concept of political will originating from Molen-Sopian as the regional head in
structuring and managing public spaces in the City of Pangkalpinang, apart from referring to
priority issues, also requires support from the community. The determination of several priority
issues is Molen-Sopian's first step in carrying out the concept of political will which was
formed from the results of the initiative and then developed with various innovations offered
in the development of physical public spaces in Pangkalpinang City. The authority possessed
by Molen-Sopian as the figure of the regional head for the Pangkalpinang City area is required
to always please the public with the presence of public spaces as a manifestation of the concept
of political will.
The innovation offered by Molen-Sopian through the concept of political will can be
seen from the construction of iconic gardens with various photo spots to attract people's
attention. The construction of these iconic parks is one of the strategies used by Molen-Sopian
to improve the image of his government in the eyes of the community by presenting the many
physical developments that have characterized the previous changes in Pangkalpinang City.
Although the process of structuring and managing public spaces in the Pangkalpinang City area
through the creation of iconic parks has also reaped pros and cons from several parties, thanks
to the strong political will from Molen-Sopian this has brought Pangkalpinang City to be more
open to various opportunities that exist.
2. Role of Third Parties
The role of investors as third parties in structuring and managing public spaces in
Pangkalpinang City, apart from contributing to the rate of economic growth, on the other hand
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
also makes the new face of Pangkalpinang City get the attention of the public. But of course
the public's attention to the presence of these investors is divided into two, namely the pros and
cons. For people who are pro, the presence of investors as third parties in the arrangement and
management of public space is considered to provide convenience and impressions of bringing
change to Pangkalpinang City with the characteristics of a modern and advanced urban area.
Whereas for those who are contra, the presence of investors in the arrangement and
management of public space can be a boomerang because they have to accept the presence of
these investors as competitors for UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) belonging
to the people of Pangkalpinang City.
Based on the "Regional Medium Term Development Plan" (RPJMD), the economic
growth target of the Pangcapinan City Government for 2018 is 5.10%, and according to the
data obtained it is 5.07%. Compared to 5.07% the previous year, the vision to identify
Pongapinan as an environmentally sound investment city has actually experienced a significant
decline in 2019, and the aim is to increase economic growth. The existence of investors,
originally expected to support the development of the investment environment towards the rate
of economic growth, is inversely proportional to the income received.
The role of investors as third parties is considered quite influential for the Pangkalpinang
City government, especially in making decisions and establishing policies related to the
arrangement and management of public spaces in the form of development of public facilities
and infrastructure. As can be seen from the results of the data findings in the table above, the
economic growth rate of Pangkalpinang City has decreased quite drastically in 2019 so that it
can be said that it is not comparable to the increase in investment value from the presence of
investors in the Pangkalpinang City area. The presence of investors who act as third parties in
the arrangement and management of public spaces is considered necessary to receive a review
by the Pangkalpinang City government.
3. Availability of Budget
The construction of city parks as a manifestation of the provision of public space in
urban areas is carried out by the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Service in stages. Starting from
2018, the construction of new city parks and the maintenance of the Taman Merdeka Square
have become the focus of the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Service in striving for the success of
structuring and managing public spaces as a priority development program in the Molen-
Sopian government regime. Although it can be said at the beginning that the Regional Budget
(APBD) funds are very minimal, in fact the development of public spaces in the City of
Pangkalpinang has increased from year to year.
Based on the data found, the budget value for park development in the Pangkalpinang
City area has increased from 2018-2020. This indicates that the lack of funds obtained from
the Regional Expenditure Budget (APBD) has been successfully covered by the existence of
CSR assistance from certain companies as a result of coordination carried out with the
Pangkalpinang City Perkim Agency. But on the other hand, what is an obstacle to its
implementation for the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Service is actually the disbursement stages
of CSR funds by each company. The Pangkalpinang City Perkim Agency is also known to have
to adjust to the existing procedures of each company so that some development activities
experience delays than previously scheduled.
Naddya Desteni
Urban Populism And Politics (Study On Public Space Governance In
Pangkalpinang City)
C. Structuring and Management of Public Spaces in an Urban Regime
In the urban regime, the process of structuring and managing public spaces by the
Pangkalpinang City Government can be seen through two main aspects, namely political
policies and resources to analyze the dynamics of the implementation of the Molen-Sopian
government as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Pangkalpinang for the period 2018-2023. An
explanation of political and resource policies in the arrangement and management of public
space in an urban regime is presented as follows:
1. Political Policy
This political policy setting is based on strategic planning as a planning method for
managing change effectively and protectively from a management perspective. This strategic
planning arrangement includes the creative abilities of the relevant regional apparatus, namely
the Pangkalpinang City Creative Team and the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Service to show
responsibility for solving problems in any development carried out. The Pangkalpinang City
Government in establishing a political policy related to the arrangement and management of
public space through the urban regime is also influenced by non-governmental elements who
are also considered to have certain interests.
So that the Pangkalpinang City government in this case must establish a political policy
that is balanced with the interests of the investors while at the same time paying attention to
the impact on the sustainability of the community's economy. One of the policies decided by
the Pangkalpinang City government is to make arrangements for the location determination of
the investors to obtain the location for the construction of business buildings that require prior
approval by the surrounding community. Therefore the arrangement and management of public
space in this urban regime depends on the determination of political policies by the
Pangkalpinang City government which is also influenced by the participation of non-
governmental elements in the form of investors.
2. Resources
The capacity of the Pangkalpinang City government as the holder of power through the
urban regime has become fragmented due to limitations in terms of resources. Therefore, the
arrangement and management of public spaces through the urban regime can combine the
capacity of the Pangkalpinang City government and several companies that own these CSR
funds for empowerment purposes. This is because the success of a city area is judged based on
the physical characteristics of development, especially on public facilities and infrastructure
used by the community. In the collaborative practice, the Pangkalpinang City Perkim Agency
is in charge of building the physical park from the land that has been provided by the
Pangkalpinang City government. While the company helps in terms of supporting
infrastructure in the form of providing facilities obtained through CSR funds from related
companies as a source of resources for the purpose of empowerment.
Based on the above discussion, the researcher concludes that the research conducted
shows that the availability of public space in the form of Green Open Space (RTH) in
Pangkalpinang City has not reached the minimum target required in accordance with the
Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), which is 20% of the city area. In an effort to organize and
manage public space in the Pangkalpinang City area, the Pangkalpinang City government plays
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
several strategic roles including: First, the role of the Pangkalpinang City government as a
regulator refers to the determination of priority programs in the Regional Medium-Term
Development Plan (RPJMD), one of which is infrastructure development. public and
optimization of regional spatial planning. Second, the role of the Pangkalpinang City
government as a facilitator is to bridge the interests of several private parties by facilitating the
licensing process as an effort to optimize regional development for the Pangkalpinang City
area. Third, the role of the Pangkalpinang City government as executor leads to the
development stages of physical public spaces which are divided into Green Open Spaces (RTH)
and Non-Green Open Spaces (RTNH) by involving several companies to obtain additional
support through corporate CSR funds. Fourth, the role of the Pangkalpinang City government
as a dynamist, namely the efforts made to increase public awareness of the preservation of the
various public space facilities that have been provided, one of which is by carrying out
promotional activities for public spaces through social media by influencers from
Pangkalpinang City.
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