How to cite:
Ravensca Matatula, Danny Manongga, Hendry. (2022). Covid-19
Sentiment Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network / Reccurent
Neural Network Method. Journal of Eduvest . Vol 2(8): 1.563-1.572
Published by:
Ravensca Matatula
, Danny Manongga
, Hendry
Social media is a very important tool in this modern era , one of which is
namely twitter. Twitter allows user for give opinion / opinion to various
issues and topics hot / viral trending . Trending on twitter is so so fast in the
process of spreading so that Twitter becomes a medium of information that
often become a media issue conspiracy . Covid-19 is a moderate epidemic /
disease _ experienced the whole world when this . Issues circulating in the
population , they believe that Covid-19 is a real pandemic and a conspiracy
, issue this make population confused differentiate Among second issue
that . Because of that required a fast and accurate analysis _ for produce
valid results , that Covid-19 a real thing _ or conspiracy seen from opinion
population and corner views written on Twitter. CNN/RNN or combined
from RNN(LSTM) and CNN methods are method used _ for classify opinion
population about Covid-19 issues . Study this also done with compare is
correct RNN/CNN accuracy same like deep RNN even more fast for in the
process . Research results state that accuracy from combined RNN/CNN no
different remote , even RNN/CNN in the process more fast than deep RNNs.
Research results about opinion / opinion residents on twitter who believe
about Covid-19 is conspiracy more low than residents who have confidence
about Covid-19 is something the real thing . Percentage classification
opinion / opinion from sentiment positive by 63.15% and opinion / opinion
sentiment negative by 28.60%, this is results calculation use RNN/CNN
method , with accuracy reached 58%. Accuracy from method used _ make
Covid-19 issues that exist in the population no Becomes hoax news so
population more alert against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic happen .
Twitter, Covid-19, CNN/RNN, RNN
This! work! is! licensed! under! a! Creative! Commons! Attribution-!
Ravensca Matatula, Danny Manongga, Hendry
Covid-19 Sentiment Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network / Reccurent Neural
Network Method 1.564
COVID-19 pandemic is an event of the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019,
abbreviated as COVID-19 around the world. This disease is caused by a new type of
coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 (Gorbalenya et al., 2020). SARS and MERS are disease
variants of the corona virus . As is known , Covid-19 has been identified by researchers as
a variant of the disease from the corona virus as well. The SARS-CoV-2 which causes this
is a new type of corona virus . In 2003 the SARS-CoV corona virus caused the SARS
Pandemic, and MERS- CoV caused an epidemic in 2012. Meanwhile, other epidemics and
pandemics originating from the corona virus also occurred such as in 2009 Swine Influenza
, 2004 and 2013 Avian Influenza , 2014 Ebola and 2020 Covid-19 pandemic (Pranita, 2020).
There is something in this time of pandemic that spreads just as fast as a virus. It's a
conspiracy theory. The human tendency is to believe in conspiracies. Conspiracy theories
exist in every age. Spokespeople for each population and group have their own theories.
Conspiracy theories regarding Covid-19 have spread online which has had a considerable
influence on the public's view of this. Poor information and conspiracy theories about
Covid-19 have led to incidents of xenophobia and racism against Chinese and other East
Asian or Southeast Asian people (Wijaya, 2020). The spread of information about Covid-
19 has become a source of anxiety and panic for people around the world , especially in
Indonesia. A lot of false information is spread through social media, this makes a lot of
opinions appear about the accuracy or truth behind the spread of Covid-19 information .
Accuracy of data and information is very much needed in monitoring and evaluating the
results of the implementation. Decision making will also be better, if the data and
information obtained are better. Through this research, the author makes a comparison
between positive, negative, or neutral sentiments regarding the Covid-19 pandemic this is
happening . Sentiment analysis is a computerized technology to analyze an opinion
sentence in the form of a text whose way of working is to study and extract it like text
mining , so it can generate sentiment information (Boudad, Faizi, Oulad Haj Thami, &
Chiheb, 2018). Text mining is one of the fields related to Natural Processing language .
Sentiment analysis is carried out to see the tendency of a person to have a negative or
positive opinion, even a neutral opinion that can be used as a decision supporter.
Ivanedra & Mustikasari's research (2019) with the title "Implementation of
Recurrent Neural Network Methods in Text " Summarization With Abstract Techniques”.
In this study, a text summarizing system with an abstract method can be generated by
calculating the weights repeatedly from the Recurrent Neural Network ( RNN ) systematics.
Types of Recurrent Neural Network ( RNN) which is used to cover the shortcomings in
RNN which after sorting the memory but cannot save it and each word can focus more on
context by adding an Attention mechanism is LSTM ( Long Short Term Memory ). This
study compares the results of the summary generated by the system and the summary
generated by humans by testing the performance of the system using Precision , Recall ,
and F - Measure . News article data with a total data of 4,515 articles is used as a dataset .
The test is divided based on the data using Stemming and Non - Stemming (Ivanedra &
Mustikasari, 2019)techniques .
Hikmawan, Pardamean and Khasanah's research (2020) on "Analysis of Public
Sentiment Against Joko Widodo Against the Covid-19 Pandemic Using the Machine
Method Learning "in this study the classification method used is SVM , Naïve Bayes and
KNN. The results of this study, from the three methods used, the SVM method was chosen
as the best in analyzing sentiment with an accuracy rate of 84.58%, precision 82.14% and
recall 85.82% (Hikmawan, Pardamean, & Khasanah, 2020)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
Research (Taufik, 2018) with the title "Comparison of Text Mining Algorithms for
Hotel Review Classification ". This study aims to determine a stronger predictive method
for classifying hotel reviews , using four different methods. The methods used in this study
are the SVM method, Naïve Bayes , SVM-PSO and C45. By processing the results of the
comparison test method Support Algorithm Vector Machine , Naïve Bayes , Naive
Optimization Bayes with Particle feature selection Swarm Optimization and the C45
Algorithm can be concluded that the C45 algorithm is superior in predicting the
classification of hotel reviews . By applying the C45 Algorithm to the classification of hotel
reviews , it can help online site visitors who are looking for lodging or hotels in making
more accurate and faster decisions without reviewing comments from previous visitors and
can directly compare the facilities and prices that visitors want.
Sherstinsky's (2020) research entitled Fundamentals of Recurrent Neural
Network ( RNN ) and Long Short -Term Memory ( LSTM ) Network ”. In this study, we
present the basics of RNN and LSTM networks using a principled approach. Starting with
the differential equations encountered in many branches of science and engineering, it is
shown that the canonical formulation The RNN can be obtained by the sample delay
differential equation which is used to model processes in physics, life sciences, and neural
networks The main contribution in this research is the uniqueness of the pedagogical
approach used to analyze the LSTM system RNN and Vanilla from a signal processing
perspective, formal derivation of the RNN unrolling procedure , and thorough treatment
using descriptive and meaningful notation, this is aimed at demystifying the underlying
concept. Additionally, as an unexpected benefit of this analysis, two new extensions for the
vanilla network were identified LSTM : convolutional non-causal input context window
and external input gate . Then the equations for the LSTM cells with this extension are
added together with the iterative projection layer (Sherstinsky, 2020).
Salim & Mayary's research (2020) with the title " Twitter User Sentiment
Analysis Against Electronic Wallets Using the Lexicon Method" Based and KNN ". In this
study, two methods were adopted in sentiment analysis, namely Lexicon Based and KNN .
Specifically in this study the Lexicon . method Based using data of 949 tweets from three
electronic wallets, namely OVO, GoPay , LinkAja . The final result of the calculation with
KNN obtained confusion matrix for OVO the accuracy value is 86.91%, GoPay has 94.05%
accuracy, and LinkAja has 76.31% accuracy (Salim & Mayary, 2020).
Previous studies that have been carried out have proven that sentiment analysis
has been successfully applied to determine the sentiment of the population towards an issue
that is trending in the discussion. Because of this, a study was conducted on the analysis of
sentiments of the Indonesian population, regarding the problem of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) / Reccurent Neural Network (RNN) is the sentiment
classification method in this study.
This study uses the method of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for its sentiment
classification. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based on Long Short -Term Memory
(LSTM) is ideal for use in the aspect of text or sentiment classification in the case of a
pandemic Covid-19 . In addition , LSTM is better at analyzing the emotions of a long
sentence and as a language model LSTM can be used for multiple sentiment classifications
of emotional attributes of text (Li & Qian, 2016). The data for conducting sentiment
analysis is taken from twitter using tweet in Indonesian obtained from Twitter APIs .
Recurrent Neural Network ( RNN ) is the basis for feature extraction from a more detailed
data machine learning . This RNN is a development of a Neural Network and its architecture
has almost the same resemblance to Multi Layer Perception ( MLP ). Deep work process
Learning has similarities with the human brain, because it can send information to each
Ravensca Matatula, Danny Manongga, Hendry
Covid-19 Sentiment Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network / Reccurent Neural
Network Method 1.566
neuron (Hughes, Li, Kotoulas, & Suzumura, 2017). Based on this background, this research
was conducted to find out how the population's sentiment towards the pandemic
phenomenon is Covid-19 using the Convolutional Neural Network ( CNN ) method
combined or hybrid with the Recurrent Neural Network ( RNN ). The research objective of
using the combination of the 2 methods above is to compare these methods with the deep
method RNN on the level of accuracy and speed. The data used is the opinion of the
population on social media Twitter . With these two combined neural network methods , it
can produce fast and accurate data, as well as become useful information for the population
This sentiment analysis research was carried out in several stages which can be
seen in Figure 3 .
Figure 3. Research Stages
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
1) Data Scrapping
Process data scrapping conducted with retrieve tweet data use search with the keyword
"#covid19, #coronavirus, #pandemicovid19, #konspirasicovid, #covidisreal". Data
obtained use method scrapping with a total of 10,000 tweets , as for the data range is
January 2020 to August 2020. Then the data is separated Becomes two big data in
accordance with approach learning engine , to 7,000 tweets and 3,000 tweets of test data .
2) Pre-processing Data
Pre-processing Data applied to training data for make algorithm learning on the data .
This process applied for more data processing easy with method get structured text _ from
data scraping text that doesn't structured earlier . Tweets using _ language abbreviation or
language area will interpreted to Indonesian so that the resulting data could synchronized .
Text pre-processing conducted use a number of stages of research this , namely :
a) Cleansing : is for reduce noise with delete characters who don't including alphabet .
Removed characters _ in the form of signs such as “@” and “#” mark the user and hashtag,
website url and emoticon , respectively .
b) Case Folding : is the process of making all sentence or the word be letter small
( lower case ) in the sentence nor word.
c) Tokenizing : Tokenizing is the process of making token or term with separate words
from sentence its constituents .
3) Creating Models
Create a model using method research used _ that is CNN / RNN - LSTM . LSTM is type
module processing for RNN . LSTM created by Hochreiter & Schmidhuber , and later
developed and popularized by many researchers . This is where the data is shared into 2
parts namely train data and test data.
In study this built a model with combine second method CNN and RNN - LSTM , here is
the process of the model being built researcher :
Input : in this process input is done datasets and data pre-processing . The process
that helps organize the dataset by performing basic operations on the dataset before passing
it on to the model such as removing spaces and meaningless words, converting various
forms of words into their root words, and removing duplicate words, etc. is data pre-
processing . It converts raw datasets into useful and organized datasets for further use.
Word Embedding : The preprocessed dataset provides a unique and meaningful
word order and each word has a unique id . This Word Embedding initializes words to
assign random weights and learns embedding to embed all words in the training data set.
This layer is used in various ways and is mostly used to learn the embedding of words that
can be saved for use in other models.
CNN : Word Embedding passes words in sentence form to a convolutional layer .
Convolution layers convolute input using the pooling layer , pooling layer helps reduce the
representation of input sentences , input parameters , computing in the network and control
overfitting in the network. We apply global max-pooling at the end of the network layer, it
gives the best global result of the whole network after applying different convolution layers
(Yuliska, Qudsi, Lubis, Syaliman, & Najwa, 2021).
LSTM : After max-pooling is forwarded to the LSTM layer , the LSTM uses three
types of gates and cells to handle the flow of information across the network (Hermanto,
Setyanto, & Luthfi, 2021).
- Dropout , as this prevents our model from overfitting . This drops irrelevant information
from the network that does not contribute to further processing to improve the performance
of our model.
Ravensca Matatula, Danny Manongga, Hendry
Covid-19 Sentiment Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network / Reccurent Neural
Network Method 1.568
- Dense Layer , the dense layer in the proposed model. It relates each input to each output
using a weight.
- Sigmoid , a function that is widely used in the final layer of neural networks. It takes the
average of the random results to be 0.1 shape.
Figure 4. CNN / RNN - LSTM model .
CNN / LSTM Testing
In CNN / LSTM model training is done with epoch. The epoch was determined by
the researcher to get good accuracy. Before conducting training and testing the model , the
data used must be split into training data and testing data. Split data is done with a
comparison of 70% training data and 30% test data .
Results of training data using epoch 5 and batch size 32 resulted in loss : 0.9316,
accuracy : 0.5845, validation_loss : 0.9287 and validation_accuracy : 0.5983, we can see
that loss has decreased while accuracy has increased. Loss which is training loss is the
calculation of the loss function of training datasets and predictions from the models
EduvestJournal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
created. Accuracy is training accuracy is the calculation of the accuracy of the training
data set and its prediction model. Validation loss is the loss calculation value function of
validation dataset and prediction from model with input data from validation the datasets.
Validation accuracy is the value of calculating accuracy from validation dataset and
prediction from model with input data from validation datasets . While Validation itself is
data or datasets that have never been seen or trained from the built model.
After seeing that the results of the training data showed good accuracy , then data testing
was carried out. The results of testing the data using the model that has been implemented
found a significant change, namely from the real - positive number of 3,835 the data
predicted by the model to change to 6,315 data. On the other hand, real negative
automatically changes according to the predicted changes that occur in real - positive , from
5,340 data to 2,860 data.
Classification results sentiment using the CNN/LSTM model on against Covid-19
in Indonesia uses opinion / opinion residents on Twitter . A total of 10,000 data that has
been scrapped from opinion / opinion twitter show that opinion / opinion population for
sentiment negative have number percentage by 28.60% who have confidence that Covid-
19 is a conspiracy and opinion / opinion population for sentiment positive have number
percentage by 63.15% who have confidence that Covid-19 is something the real thing .
Then the words that often appear in the results of positive and negative sentiments
in this analysis are visualized in the form of a wordcloud . Wordcloud Negative sentiment
was generated due to people's distrust of Covid-19 on tweets with the word 'conspiracy'
which was a word that had a high frequency in tweets during that period. While the words
"pandemic", "positive cases", and "real" are words which often appears in some positive
sentiment tweets . The wordcloud results are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Fig 5. Wordcloud positive sentiment
Ravensca Matatula, Danny Manongga, Hendry
Covid-19 Sentiment Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network / Reccurent Neural
Network Method 1.570
Fig 6. Wordcloud negative sentiment
RNN Testing ( LSTM )
The author tested the RNN ( LSTM ) as a comparison to the CNN / LSTM model .
Tests are carried out using the same data , epoch and split_data .
results of the training data resulted in loss : 0.9054, accuracy : 0.5777,
validation_loss : 0.8751 and validation_accuracy : 0.6325, we can see that loss has
decreased while accuracy has increased.
In table I can be seen the comparison of the 2 tests carried out.
Average time
Table I. Table of model test results
Based on the test results of the two models above , which can be seen in the table. 1. In the
table it can be seen that the accuracy of the CNN / LSTM model is not much different from that of
the RNN - LSTM and also the time it takes to perform 1x epoch in the CNN / LSTM model is far
superior to the RNN - LSTM model . It proves that the proposed model can do a good job in this
From the sentiment analysis process that has been carried out with the CNN / LSTM model
, the results of the study found that positive sentiment of 6,315 tweets with a percentage of 63.15%
of the twitter population believed Covid-19 was real, then the results of negative sentiment with a
total of 2860 tweets believed that Covid -19 19 is a conspiracy.
Negative sentiment is generated due to the population's distrust of Covid-19 . Several tweets
showed distrust with the word 'conspiracy' being the word that had high frequency in tweets during
that period. While the words "pandemic", "positive cases", and "real" are words which often appears
in some positive sentiment tweets that show the belief in Covid-19 is real. Based on these results, it
is concluded that the opinions of Twitter residents who believe in Covid-19 are real, higher than
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 8, August 2022
those who believe that Covid-19 is a conspiracy. It is hoped that further research can apply different
methods to get more accurate results in sentiment analysis .
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Network Method 1.572
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