Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
387 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
parents as therapists in layman's terms, a therapist is a person who distributes medication
to his clients with certain methods. Treatment was given to someone who was again in a
negative state. Parents function in children who face mental weakness, lack of self-
confidence, nervousness, doubt, laziness, trauma, mental stress and others. Parents as
close friends are obliged to be able to carry out all matters so that the child's mental
recovery is good. Parents become therapists when young people are usually unstable and
looking for their identity, so they often behave inappropriately.
The position of the teacher in educating children.
Teachers play a meaningful position in the lives of students in their classes.
Teachers are popular because of their position in educating the students who are placed in
their care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other positions in the class. Teachers control
their classroom atmosphere, build warm areas, guide and care for students, become role
models, and watch and look for signs of trouble. The very universal position that teachers
play in the classroom is for directing knowledge to children. The teacher also plays a
significant role in the class in the area. Students often imitate the teacher's actions. If the
teacher prepares an area that is warm and happy, the students will likely be happy.
Teachers generally don't think of themselves as role models, but they are unintentionally.
Students spend a lot of time with their teachers and therefore, teachers are role models for
them. Mentoring is a natural position that is tried by the teacher, whether intentional or
not. This again can have positive or negative repercussions for the child. Mentoring is a
method for a teacher to urge students to try to be the best they can. Another position
played by the teacher is a protective position. Teachers are taught to look for cues of
distress in students. When students' attitudes change or physical signs of harassment are
observed, the teacher is asked to look into the case.
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