Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
241 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Grediana Rumlus
Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing (STBA) Cipto Hadi Pranoto
May 10
May, 16
, 2021
May, 19
, 2021
Teaching the routines and procedure is the way to form good
skill and behaviour at the early of education.The habit and
routine are formed from home.Classroom routines and
procedures is a set to maintain order in the classroom. When
entering the classroom, students will enter in a quiet manner.
They will sit at their assigned desk and have all material ready
to begin on required work. Once the bell rings and the door is
closed, students will be seated and working. Tardiness is
unacceptable and if the student receives more than three
unexcused tardies per 2 months. The princinple will disscused it
with their parents. Also, students should not be more than three
minutes late to class. Students will maximize their learning time
by staying on task and following directions, and remain seated
unless instructed to do otherwise. There will always be work
available for the student to complete. Being patient, which is
also the rule, students must follow all the rules at school. They
all should be actively listening to one another and learning. The
last and most important rule is to be polite. The purpose of this
research is for ways to shape good skills and behaviors at the
beginning of education. There are also procedures that can be
achieved in carrying out early childhood learning for Jamal in
his book Strategic Management of Early Childhood Learning,
including global ordinances (Ganze ordinances), trial
procedure, procedures for learning while doing, procedures for
home schooling groups and procedures for Glenn Doman
Keywords: Procedures, Routines, Good behaviour
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Early childhood education is a huge investment for families as well as for the
nation (Aubert, Molina, Schubert, & Vidu, 2017). Children are the next generation of the
family and also the nation (Susanta, 2019). The success of children needs to be based on
the habit of following good rules and procedures in education (Pratiwi, 2017), family and
society. Therefore, PAUD education is very important for every family in order to create
a good and right next generation of families (Tanu, 2019).
Early childhood is in progress both physically and mentally. It is good that parents
always provide direction and supervision (Fithri & Setiawan, 2017). At an early age,
children will better absorb and capture the knowledge given to them (Ariyanti, 2016), by
instilling character values in children. If character planting from an early age has been
carried out both in the family and school environment (Safitri, 2018), it will form good
morals and morals. Early childhood is critical for character orders. Character education at
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Teaching The Procedures And Routines To Manage Kids At The
Kindergarten 384
an early age is an effort to lay the foundation for character (Abdul, Rostitawati,
Podungge, & Arif, 2020).
Character education for early childhood is intended to instill good values so that
they can become a habit when they become adults or at the next level of education (Hu,
Yang, & Ieong, 2016). Character education for early childhood has a higher meaning than
moral education because it is not only related to the problem of right and wrong (Warren,
2021), but how to instill habits about behaving well in life so that children have the
awareness and commitment to implement virtue in everyday life (Fakhriyani, 2017).
Furthermore, according to (Soetari, 2017) the character of a person who is positive or
noble will raise a high and noble status for himself.
According to (Nasution, 2018) the process of development and formation, a
person's character is influenced by two factors, namely environmental factors (nurture)
and innate factors (nature). Environmental/community factors greatly influence the
development of children's character (Hayati, 2016), because daily activities such as
playing, socializing, and communicating occur in the environment/community (Sary,
2017). When in the environment the child will experience periods of development
(Soetjiningsih, 2018), and responsibility will be embedded in it. However, the
environment can also make children's morals and morals decrease because the
environment around them is not good, so it can worry about the child's character (Juwita,
Completing the description above, another opinion is expressed, it is not difficult to
find noble cultural values in character education, because the Indonesian nation is known
as a nation that still upholds the noble traditions and culture of the East (Tesaloka &
Munawar, 2016). Noble values are the main aspects that are internalized to students
through character education (Asriani & Sa’dijah, 2017).
The purpose of this research is for ways to shape good skills and behaviors at the
beginning of education. According to (Widyaningsih, Zamroni, & Zuchdi, 2014)
character refers to a series of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills. Character in
children is formed because of the habits they do, the attitudes they take in response to
circumstances, and the words spoken to others. A child's habit will be formed if the action
is carried out every day and repeatedly, initially the action is carried out by force but once
done it will become accustomed. Children will always have good habits if parents set
good examples, so that they can build children's character into good personalities,
responsibilities, and always speak politely. The benefit of research is to provide
information about routines and procedures for forming good behavior and behavior at the
beginning of education.
Good routine means a lot to be successful in life. However, as meaningful as
routine, some of them lack knowledge of their abilities.Even though most parties fall into
a bad routine for choices, it also means focusing on good routines to have and cultivate in
your daily routine.Learning is a vital element in human life, without learning human life
cannot grow naturally. Because learning means meaning, so that learning becomes a
measure of human credibility and civilization. It continues to be the greater the level of
human learning until the greater the level of credibility. Likewise the opposite, continues
to be the level of human education until it continues to be the level of human credibility.
Learning for human life is an absolute need that must be fulfilled as far as life. This
shows how meaningful learning is for human life. Produce creates quality. For UNESCO,
compulsory learning is formed on 4 pillars, in the form of learning and learning, learning
Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
241 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
to learn to be, and learning to live together.
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Teaching The Procedures And Routines To Manage Kids At The
Kindergarten 384
Learning management efforts that are tried by humans to improve character that is
in accordance with the norms of the provisions contained in the citizens. Parents are the
starting area and especially the place where children are connected as the oldest learning
institutions, meaning that this is where the learning process begins. So that parents
function as educators for their children. The family area is also said to be important,
especially because most of the child's life is in the family, so that learning that is very
much accepted by children is learning in the family.
Not only that, learning is also where the process of interaction between educators
and student participants aims to achieve national learning that has been formulated.
Parenting is no less meaningful in realizing national learning as stipulated in Law
Number. 20 of 2003, national learning aims to improve the ability of students to become
human beings who have religious spiritual strength, personal abilities, character,
intelligence, noble morals, and skills needed by themselves, citizens, the nation and the
country. There are also procedures that can be achieved in carrying out early childhood
learning for Jamal in his book Strategic Management of Early Childhood Learning,
including global ordinances (Ganze ordinances), trial procedure, procedures for learning
while doing, procedures for home schooling groups and procedures for Glenn Doman.
Classroom routines and procedures are a set to protect discipline in the classroom.
When entering the classroom, students enter quietly. They sit at a set table and prepare all
the materials for the work needed. After the bell rings and the door is closed, students sit
and work. Tardiness is unacceptable and if students receive more than 3 unforgivable per
2 months. The ring is thorough with the parents. Not only that, students should not be
more than 3 minutes late for class. Students who can optimize their study time by always
on assignments and exploring directions, and always sit at the place instructed by the
reverse. There should always be work available for students to complete. Be patient,
which also regulates the rules, students are obliged to explore all the provisions in school.
They are obliged to actively observe each other and learn. The last rule and above all is to
be polite.
Early childhood education requires a different methodology from education at other
ages. Early childhood education requires a unique and creative methodology. The position
of a teacher is needed in educating children and changing the abilities of students. From
here, teachers in PAUD are not seen only as carers and mentors, but teachers are required
to meet reliable standards. Jamal launched the words of Rini Utami Aziz, educators are
required to have academic qualifications and competencies as educational institutions,
physically and mentally healthy, and have the expertise to realize national learning goals.
The quality of educators really ensures the learning outcomes achieved. Learning
failure and learning greatly help the quality of teaching staff who understand reliable
modules, system methodologies, and expertise.
There are also procedures that can be achieved in carrying out early childhood
learning for Jamal in his book Strategic Management of Early Childhood Learning,
a) Global ordinances (Ganze ordinances)
This method is the closeness of the child to make a sentence in his own sentence.
For example, when reading a novel, children are asked to describe it in their own words.
So that the data obtained by children from their own learning outcomes is longer
absorbed. Thus, children think creatively and take initiative.
Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
385 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
b) Trial procedure
Procedures for children's closeness education as well as opportunities for children
to carry out their own experiments. The subject fits The results of research by Maryam, a
teaching staff at Ciganjur School of Nature, South Jakarta, who reported that there were 3
steps that children tried to make it easier to enter data, namely listening, writing or
drawing after that they saw and carried out their own experiments.
c) Procedures for learning while doing
Learning by doing is based on learning from experience. This approach allows
learners to encounter a minimum of tutorials from a person of age. This approach assumes
that students learn very well by participating in the educational process. Instead of being
told or presenting answers, they are treated to problems, problems, situations, or activities
that they must understand for themselves, meaning that nonverbal language functions in
the teaching and learning process, most of which adopt the Froebel language. kindergarten
education model as well as the casa dei bambini Maria Montessori education model.
d) Procedures for home schooling groups
The house is the closest area for children as well as the best place to learn for
children. At home, children can learn at their own pace. No need to sit still waiting for the
bell to ring, no need to compete with other children, no need to worry about
misrepresenting in front of the class, and can immediately get appreciation or correction if
he makes a mistake. This is where the position of the mother becomes very meaningful,
because the main task of the mother is actually the housekeeper and child educator. In the
house, a lot of sinful suggestions are used for children's education. Children can learn
many concepts about items, colors, shapes, and so on when mothers cook in the kitchen.
Children can also understand Allah's creation through the various living things near the
house, observe mothers reciting prayers, reciting verses from the Koran, and the stories of
the prophets and their friends in a safe and fun atmosphere. Therefore, home is an
appropriate area for sharing learning with early childhood.
The procedure for the home schooling group can be accessed by all members of the
population, because in its application it has a dynamic character and can vary according to
the socio-economic conditions of the parents. In its application, the home schooling group
requires learning and play groups that can be made by some of the child's parents
(mothers) themselves. This matter aims to instill the concept of socialization in children,
build solidarity between mothers, not only reduce the burden on mothers and efforts to
revise community areas. The home schooling group curriculum is expected to reflect the
activities of building children's character skills, religious knowledge and scientific skills
(cognitive, language, aggressive motor, fine motoric, art, independence, and social
The involvement of parents (mothers) in this procedure is very dominant and the
distance from the child to the home schooling group can be reached on foot. This matter
makes home schooling an advantage. The position of mothers as early and primary
educators is not only in order to educate their children. This is because the child is in
contact with the children of other people in the environment. Our children need friends to
learn to socialize and train to be leaders.
So PAUD teachers do not mean mothers educate their children individually, but
they can be tried in groups by linking parents (mothers) around their environment to
become a teaching team (teacher). The study group system in the form of a group is not
only for fostering togetherness and training children in socializing, it also increases
brotherhood and intimacy between parents so that it makes it easier to share solutions to
cases arising from these children
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e) Procedures for Glenn Doman
This procedure directs our toddler to read. Glan Domman uses this method on
children who have brain injuries, which makes them late compared to other children of his
age, whether in dialogue, reading or analyzing.
Glenn Doman's manner of inviting children to study in a very safe atmosphere. It is
as if children are invited not to learn, but to play happily. This atmosphere raises the
child's curiosity to continue to grow. This activity is tried with the love of the parents for
their children. However, parents are not allowed to test the child. Activities must be
stopped if the child seems bored. For the Glenn Doman procedure, parents can start
teaching their children to learn to read from a toddler. Meanwhile, since it is still in
content, parents have been able to dialogue with him. Early education is about training the
sense of sight
Good routine is a fundamental matter for being successful in life. Learning is a
vital element in human life, without learning human life cannot grow naturally. Learning
is an effort tried by humans to improve character so that ok with the norms or provisions
contained in the residents. Starting at home and continuing to class routines and
procedures are a set of tools to protect the discipline in everyday life. Learning will take
place well through the position of parents and teachers at school. in carrying out his
position by his own tricks.
The position of parents in educating their children.
1. Parents as coaches
In universal language, a trainer is a person who shares training in the form of
knowledge and skills. In fact, this position is very suitable for parents to educate children,
especially when children are 1- 7 years old. At that age, is the right time to share the
foundation of life in the form of basic knowledge and skills.
2. Parents as coaches
What is meant by the coach himself is a person who helps a person reach his goal
by optimizing his potential. A trainer / trainer wants to pose a problem as a facility to
achieve goals. Parents become coaches when children are 8- 21 years old. Even though it
is intended for young people, coaching can be applied at any age. Also read: 4 Benefits of
Parents Accompanying Children to Learn,
Parents are like pens who want to write anything. On the other hand, children are
like ordinary paper that are ready to be scribbled or built by their parents themselves.
Therefore, the position of parents is very meaningful in educating children, one of which
is by accompanying education. Summarized from the Family Friends page of the Ministry
of Learning and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, here are 4 properties of parents
accompanying children while studying is able to close the bonds of the heart. This matter
is meaningful, given the existence of data technology which continues to advance. So, the
bond between parent and child must be good. A close bond aims to facilitate 2-way
communication, help solve childhood problems. It is normal for children to have their
own problems. Whether when studying, problems at school, or other problems that
sometimes get in your way. If the problem is generally left unchecked, it will definitely
have a negative impact on children's psychology. So, it is very permissible to help
children as problem solving in education, the child becomes self-assured which is very
meaningful. With the encouragement of children's learning, it becomes normal in the
modules they learn, help the child's mental peace. When a parent accompanies a child,
this can produce peace of mind for the child. As a result, children can concentrate more,
Vol 1, No 5, Mei, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
387 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
parents as therapists in layman's terms, a therapist is a person who distributes medication
to his clients with certain methods. Treatment was given to someone who was again in a
negative state. Parents function in children who face mental weakness, lack of self-
confidence, nervousness, doubt, laziness, trauma, mental stress and others. Parents as
close friends are obliged to be able to carry out all matters so that the child's mental
recovery is good. Parents become therapists when young people are usually unstable and
looking for their identity, so they often behave inappropriately.
The position of the teacher in educating children.
Teachers play a meaningful position in the lives of students in their classes.
Teachers are popular because of their position in educating the students who are placed in
their care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other positions in the class. Teachers control
their classroom atmosphere, build warm areas, guide and care for students, become role
models, and watch and look for signs of trouble. The very universal position that teachers
play in the classroom is for directing knowledge to children. The teacher also plays a
significant role in the class in the area. Students often imitate the teacher's actions. If the
teacher prepares an area that is warm and happy, the students will likely be happy.
Teachers generally don't think of themselves as role models, but they are unintentionally.
Students spend a lot of time with their teachers and therefore, teachers are role models for
them. Mentoring is a natural position that is tried by the teacher, whether intentional or
not. This again can have positive or negative repercussions for the child. Mentoring is a
method for a teacher to urge students to try to be the best they can. Another position
played by the teacher is a protective position. Teachers are taught to look for cues of
distress in students. When students' attitudes change or physical signs of harassment are
observed, the teacher is asked to look into the case.
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