Dian Andriani Ratna Dewi, Nasser, Tiarsen Buaton, Topane Gayus Lumbuun
Stem Cells Service Legality Post-Application of Law Number 36 Year 2009 about
Health 1.289
research-based research is only limited to 11 government hospitals. This seems less
objective in developing stem cells technology, not only because of limited funding but
also limited human resources and strong personnel. The experience so far is that
hospitals that get permits tend to be more inclined to carry out research from their own
hospitals. This can lead to a tendency to dull the spirit and dynamics of stem cells
scientific development in Indonesia.
2. The current regulation of stem cells in a hierarchical and legislative manner is
incomplete and not comprehensive so that it does not accommodate the orientation of
stem cells technology development which moves very fast and has positive progress.
The implementation of the law in stem cells regulation must be accommodated by
hierarchical laws and regulations starting from Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health,
not yet followed by Government Regulations or Presidential Regulations. There are
only Ministerial Regulations below which are also not yet complete and comprehensive
in regulating the problem. This can lead to problems in the future, including law
enforcement if there are violations committed by the perpetrators in the field.
Decree of the Minister of Health No. 833 of 2009 concerning Stem Cells in Health Services.
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