How to cite:
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman. (2022). Drying Onion Slices using
a Food Dehydrator. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(7): 1.252-1.269
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman
Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Shallots are one of the mainstay products of Demak Regency
which are continuously being developed. However, the Demak
Shallot Cluster faces a major obstacle, namely drying
technology, which is the main cause of the decline in
competitiveness, and farmers suffer huge losses. Therefore, in
this study, a study of the drying of sliced shallots using a food
dehydrator will be carried out. The research analysis includes
(1) Drying Characteristics, (2) Drying Rate Analysis, (3)
Application of Thin Layer Drying Model, (4) Rehydration Ratio
Analysis, (5) Color Analysis, (6) Flavonoid and Total Phenolic
Analysis, (7) Antioxidant Activity Analysis. The quality
parameters of shallot products in general will follow SNI 3159-
2013, this standard stipulates provisions regarding the quality,
size and hygiene of shallots (Allium cepa varascalonicum) of
the Alliaceae family for consumption, plus the strength of
onion bulbs, identification and quantification of flavonoid
compounds, and anthocyanin levels. The results showed that
the moisture ratio value in equilibrium was 9.34% with the
fastest drying occurring at a temperature of 60 oC , which was
0.938 g/minute. The three thin layer drying models were
analyzed to determine the appropriate thin layer drying model.
The Page model was chosen because it has an R value of 2 the
highest is 0.9353 and the lowest RMSE and x 2 values are
0.04354 and 0.0025 3. Changes in color and bioactive
compounds in the dried onion slices are caused by heat which
causes damage to bioactive compounds. Based on the
parameters that have been determined, a temperature of 50 o
C indicates the optimum temperature for drying shallot slices.
Shallots, Solar Dryer, Hybrid
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman
Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.253
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) is one of the horticultural crop commodities that
are widely consumed by the public as a mixture of cooking spices after chili(Suswadi &
Prasetyo, 2022). Apart from being a mixture of cooking spices, red onions are also sold in
processed forms such as onion extract, powder, essential oil, fried onions and even as a
medicinal ingredient to lower cholesterol levels, blood sugar, prevent blood clots, lower
blood pressure and improve blood flow. As a horticultural commodity that is widely
consumed by the public, the potential for the development of shallots is still wide open not
only for domestic needs but also for foreign countries (Sativa, Harianto, & Suryana, 2017).
Horticulture is a combination of Latin, hortus which means garden and culture
which means farming. Horticulture can be defined as a way of cultivating plants in gardens
and yards (Lang, 2014).
Shallots contain minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium
and zinc and nitrogen, also contain vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine,
riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and folic acid (Stephen & Suresh, 2015). Vitamins catalyze
reactions in the body, are essential for many body functions, are effective in small but
necessary amounts.
Shallots are known for their potassium content. 100 g of shallots provide 180 mg of
potassium(Stephen & Suresh, 2015). Potassium helps maintain osmotic pressure in cells.
Catalysts carry out several energy reactions and help maintain blood pressure.
In the last decade, the need for shallots in Indonesia from year to year for both
domestic consumption and seeds has increased by 5%. This is in line with the increase in
the number of residents which also increases every year. The Central Statistics Agency
(BPS, 2016) stated that the production of shallots in Indonesia from 2011 to 2015 was
893,124 tons, 964,195 tons, 1,010,773 tons, 1,233,984 tons, 1,229,184 tons. In 2015 the
national shallot production decreased compared to 2014 which was 0.39%. According to
the Director General of Horticulture (2016), the area of shallot harvested in Indonesia in
2011-2015 was 93,667 Ha, 99,519 Ha, 98,937 Ha, 120,704 Ha, and 122.126 Ha. The
national harvested area of shallots in 2015 only grew by 1.18% compared to 2014. To meet
domestic needs, the government adopted a policy of importing shallots from abroad
although this would result in less desirable domestic production (Dewi, 2012). Thus, the
productivity and quality of shallots need to be increased to meet domestic demand.
In Indonesia, shallot is one of the horticultural crops that many people cultivate.
Shallots are called horticultural crops because they are a type of vegetable crop, namely the
area of plants that are harvested at once / exhausted / unloaded and the area of plants that
have been harvested many times (more than once) / has not been exhausted. Plants that are
harvested all at once/exploited/unloaded are plants that are immediately
dismantled/uprooted after harvesting, consisting of shallots, garlic, leeks, potatoes,
cabbage/cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage/mustard, carrots, radishes and red beans.
According to the 2015 Agricultural Data and Information System Center, in the
2010-2014 period (the last five years), the average growth of shallot harvested area in
Indonesia increased by 3.70% per year. Meanwhile, the average growth of shallot harvested
area in Java, in the period 1980-2014, was 4.29% per year.
The four shallot center provinces (Central Java, East Java, West Java, and West
Nusa Tenggara) contributed 86.24% to the average Indonesian shallot production. Central
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
Java province gave the largest contribution, namely 42.70% with an average production of
439,851 tons.
Meanwhile, in 2016, Central Java was able to produce 5,466,846 quintal shallots
with a harvested area of 53,331 ha. Besides Brebes Regency, Demak, Pati and Kendal
Regencies are also the highest shallot-producing areas in Central Java.
In 2016, Demak Regency had a harvested area of 6,218 ha, a production of 599,053
quintals, and a productivity of 96.34 ku/ha. Mijen District is a sub-district that is included
in the Demak Regency area, and is the highest shallot-producing sub-district in the last 3
years. As for the shallot production data in Demak Regency, in the last three consecutive
years period 2014-2016, shallot production in Mijen District has increased in the 3 years
period. In 2014 shallot production was 160,926 (Ha/Kw), for 2015 shallot production
increased to 281,111 (Ha/Kw) and in 2016 shallot production increased even more with
total production of 317,755 (Ha/Kw). The data on the amount of production was obtained
from the Department of Agriculture of the Demak Regency in 2016.
One of the main obstacles faced by these farmers is the need for onion drying
technology. At the main harvest with abundant onion production, the selling price received
by farmers is very low, sometimes it is not even balanced with the production costs that
must be incurred, among others, for harvesters. Shallots are one of the perishable
agricultural commodities.
Decrease in the quality of onion after Harvesting that often occurs in shallots is the
growth of shoots, softening of tubers, growth of roots and rot and the emergence of a dark
mass due to high water content, activity of microorganisms, and molds. This damage results
in decreased shelf life and quality of shallots. The critical point of failure in post-harvest
handling of shallots, especially when harvesting occurs during the rainy season, is at the
stage of leaf drying or withering and tuber drying.
Failure of the leaf withering process can lead to bacterial infection of putrefactive
bacteria, while failure to dry the tubers can cause low shelf life, tubers rot quickly, sprout
and root out. Yield loss due to this damage can reach 20 40%. So far, the drying technique
used by farmers is drying in the sun which takes between 7-9 days. Drying with this
technique is of course very dependent on the weather conditions at the time of drying. When
the weather is sunny, drying can take place well, but on the other hand, when the weather
is cloudy or even rainy, drying cannot be done at all so that the onion bulbs rot quickly.
With closed sun drying technology, the limitations of open sun drying technology
can be eliminated. Therefore, in this research, the technology of drying shallots slices will
be applied using a forced convection drying method with a food dehydrator for drying
shallot slices. The function of the dryer is very useful in the process of drying shallot slices
and in maintaining the quality of the dried shallot slices.
Some of the advantages of using a food dehydrator as a drying device include the
temperature can be adjusted according to the desired conditions, having a ventilator and
cover so that it can avoid the entry of dust, dirt, insects and other contaminants that can
cause a decrease in the quality of the sliced shallots to be dried. Another advantage is that
the drying process of red onion slices does not take a long time, compared to drying directly
in the sun and also a food dehydrator can dry onion slices in greater numbers with a
multilevel rack system, in one rack it can be filled with 50-100 sliced shallots, with the
initial weight of the onion that has not been peeled and sliced, which is 100 gr.
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Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.255
The specific objective of the study was to obtain technical data on the drying
process of shallot slices, including 1) Drying Characteristics, (2) Drying Rate Analysis, (3)
Application of the Thin Layer Drying Model, (4) Rehydration Ratio Analysis, (5) Color
Analysis, (6) Analysis of Flavonoid and Total Phenolic, (7) Analysis of Antioxidant
Activity. Through the forced convection drying method using a food dehydrator machine
or tool so as to speed up drying time, improve product quality, increase product yield,
reduce product damage, and perform scale-up.
Determination of Research Variables
The variables in this study are using two variables, the first is a fixed variable
consisting of the weight of whole onions that have not been sliced weighing 100 grams and
sliced red onions that have been peeled and cleaned with a thickness of 2 mm.
Figure 1 The initial weight of the onion before being peeled and sliced with a weight of
100 gr
Furthermore, the second variable is the variable that changes, including the drying
temperature with variations in temperature of 40
C, 50
C, and 60
C, the method used
with a stacked rack system, and the drying of sliced shallots at each temperature (40
C, and 60
C) until it reaches a moisture content of ± 10% or the dry weight of sliced
shallots reaches a constant weight and for a drying time at a temperature of 40
C with a
drying time of 8 hours, a temperature of 50
C with a drying time of 5 hours 50 minutes,
and a temperature of 60
C with a drying time of 2 hours 30 minutes.
Figure 2 Sliced onion to be dried
Materials and Tools Used
The raw materials used in this study include shallots from Demak, for the materials
used in the sample testing (dried shallots with a thickness of 2 mm) carried out in the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
laboratory include standard phenolic determinations of gallic acid, Folin Cpa, Na2CO3 0.2
mM, Aquades, standard flavonoid determination material quercetin, 5% NaNO2, 10%
Al2Cl3, 1 M NaOH, filter paper, antioxidant determination material Methanol pa, DPPH
0.2 mM (Dissolve as much as 0.078 g in methanol pa to a volume of 1000 ml), the material
for determining the moisture content of silica gel, the material for determining the color of
the dried shallot slices with a thickness of 2 mm.
The drying equipment used is the Food Dehydrator ARD-PM88, weighing phenolic
determination tool, measuring pipette, suction cup, beaker, measuring flask, vortex,
centrifuge, vaccum filter, test tube, cuvette, uv vis spectrophotometer, weighing flavonoid
determination tool, pipette measuring tape, suction cup, measuring flask, centrifuge, glass
funnel, erlenmeyer separating funnel, test tube, cuvette, spectrophotometer. instrument for
determining antioxidant activity of scales, mortar hammer, measuring pipette, suction cup,
measuring flask, funnel glass, erlenmeyer, beaker, test tube, cuvette, spectrophotometer,
instrument for determining water content (oven method) weighing bottle, oven, desiccator,
analytical balance , the tool for determining the color of the color reader used is the Minolta
color reader.
Figure 3 Drying process with a food dehydrator
Trial Procedure
Material Preparation
For the preparation of the material to be dried, namely whole shallots weighing 100
grams, peeled, after that they were sliced with a thickness of 2 mm. With an initial moisture
content of 81.057% shallots were measured in an oven and calculated from the mass lost
at a temperature of 90-100
C until a constant weight was obtained.
Drying Stage
Prepare sliced shallots with a thickness of 2 mm and a weight of 100 g at each
operating temperature variable, namely 40
C, 50
C, 60
C. Pressing the Power button of
the dryer then placing the shallot slices by arranging them on the rack in the drying device.
solar food dehydrator, then records the change in the weight of the shallot slices every 10
minutes, each temperature of 40
C, 50
C, 60
C. After the drying stage of the shallot
slices is complete, the dried shallot slices will be tested in the lab for determine phenolic,
flavonoid, antioxidant, color, and % water content.
The steps in determining phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidants, color and moisture
content % namely Determination of Phenolics (Folin C Spectrophotometer Method) with
the procedure: 1. Preparation of standards used is gallic acid standard concentration made
(mg/l) is 0, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 solutions can be used for further processes, 2 Sample
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman
Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.257
preparation: for solid samples, the samples were crushed and then weighed as much as 0.5
- 2 g, then dissolved in methanol pa to 25 ml in a measuring flask, then homogenized and
allowed to stand for about 30 minutes, then filtered and if necessary centrifuged at 3000
rpm for 10 minutes and the supernatant was taken. The solution can be used for further
processing for liquid samples, take as much as 1 ml of the sample, add 5 ml of methanol
pa, place it in a test tube, homogenize using a vortex for 5 minutes. Filter the solution with
a vacuum filter, take the filtrate. The filtrate solution can be used for further processes, 3.
Determination of phenolics: 1 ml of sample or standard added 0.2 ml of folin c, 0.6 ml of
0.2 mM Na2CO3 homogenized by vortex for 5 minutes and allowed to stand for 120
minutes. Measure the absorbance at 765 nm.
Determination of flavonoids with the following procedures: 1. Preparation of
Standards: the standard used is quercetin, the concentration of the standard made (mg/L) is
0; 0.5; 1; 25; 50; 100, standard (100 mg/l) was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of quercetin
in distilled water to 100 ml. For other concentrations, it can be done by dilution from a
concentration of 100 mg/l, the solution can be used for the next process, 2. Sample and
Standard Preparation: a. For solid samples, the samples were mashed and then weighed as
much as 1 g, then dissolved in methanol pa to 10 ml in a measuring flask, then homogenized
and allowed to stand for about 30 minutes, then filtered with a vacuum filter and if
necessary centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes and taken supernatant, b. For liquid
samples, take 1 ml of sample, add 5 ml of methanol pa, place in a test tube, homogenize
using a vortex for 5 minutes, filter the solution with a vacuum filter, take the filtrate. The
filtrate solution can be used for further processing. c. The solution can be used for the next
process, 3. Determination of flavonoids: take 0.1 ml of sample or standard solution, add
0.1 ml of 2% Al2Cl3, homogenize with a vortex, let stand for 60 minutes at room
temperature then add distilled water to 1 ml volume a red solution will be formed if there
are flavonoids, after that the absorbance is measured with a spectrophotometer at 420 nm.
Determination of antioxidants by the procedure: 1. Sample preparation: a. Solid
sample, mashed sample then weighed as much as 2.5 g, then dissolved in methanol pa to
25 ml in a measuring flask, so that a 10% sample solution was obtained, b. Homogenization
and allowed to stand for about 30 minutes, then filtered and if necessary centrifuged at
3000 rpm for 10 minutes and the supernatant was taken, c. For liquid samples, samples
were taken dissolved in methanol pa up to 25 ml in a measuring flask, until a 10% sample
solution was obtained, d. Homogenization and allowed to stand for about 30 minutes, then
filtered and if necessary centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes and the supernatant was
taken. 2. Determination of Antioxidant Activity: a. A total of 1.5 ml of sample solution was
added with 3 ml of 0.2 mM DPPH solution, b. Homogenization and allowed to stand for
30 minutes, then the absorbance was measured at 516 nm, c. Perform the above procedure
on a blank that is 1.5 ml of methanol pa
Determination of Color (Minolta Color Reader Method) with the following
procedures: 1. The color reader tool used is the Minolta color reader, 2. Change the on-off
button to the on position to turn on the tool, 3. Adjust the position so that the sensor is in
contact with the sample to be tested. the color level is measured, 4. The sample must be
placed in a transparent container (glass or plastic), 5. Press the target button, which will be
followed by a beep sound, indicating the reading is complete, 6. Record the numbers L, a,
and b on the monitor screen of the instrument. color reader, 7. Press reset for the next
measurement, 8. Turn the on-off button to off to turn off the instrument, 9. Store the
instrument in a dry place away from sunlight.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
Figure 4 Color Reader Minolta CR-10
(Reference: Konica Minolta, 1996. Color Reader CR-10. Konica Minolta Inc.)
Determination of Moisture Content (oven method) with the following procedures: 1.
Wash the weighing bottle or beaker to be used as a sample holder, 2. Dry the weighing
bottle by heating it in the oven and then cooling it in a desiccator, 3. Weigh the weighing
bottle and record (a), don't forget to label, 4. Carefully weigh the sample as much as 1-2
grams (b) depending on the moisture content of the material and place it in a weighing
bottle, 5. Oven the sample along with the weighing bottle at a temperature of 100 ° C for 5
hours, then cool in desiccator, then oven again for 1 hour at the same temperature, cool in
a desiccator and then weigh, repeat the process until a constant weight is achieved (c). 6.
Heating can also be carried out for 24 hours at a temperature of 90 - 100 ° C, usually on
heating in this way a constant weight can be obtained.
Drying Data Analysis
Phenolic Analysis
The standard phenolic absorbance results that have been obtained are processed with
the help of a statistical program to determine a simple linear regression equation y = a +
b(x), where y = absorbance and x = phenolic concentration. The phenolic content was
determined with the help of the standard regression equation by taking into account the
weight of the sample used and the dilutions carried out. (Oluwaseun R. Alara, 2018.).
Flavonoid Analysis
The standard flavonoid absorbance results that have been obtained are processed
with the help of a statistical program to determine a simple linear regression equation y =
a + b(x), where y = absorbance and x = flavonoid concentration. The flavonoid content was
determined with the help of the standard regression equation by taking into account the
weight of the sample used and the dilutions carried out. (Oluwaseun R. Alara, 2018.).
Antioxidant Analysis
Antioxidant activity (%) =(1-s/b)×100%, where b is the absorbance of the blank and
s is the absorbance of the sample.
Moisture content calculation
To calculate the moisture content, dry and wet weight data is needed. (Nidhi, 2015):
Mc (wet basis) =
100 (3.1)
Mc(dry basis) =
100 (3.2)
 (3.3)
Information :
Xn = Moisture Content
Wn = Initial Mass (grams)
Mbk = Dry Base Mass (grams)
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Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.259
Drying rate calculation
To get the drying rate, data on sample weight reduction is needed for each (Nindhi,
2015) :
( 3.4 )
DR = drying rate (g/s)
Mi = initial mass (g)
Md = final mass (g)
t = drying time ( minutes )
Product Quality Analysis
Chemical content
Fresh onions were measured soluble solids content (%), pH, and titrated acidity (g
citric acid / L) was measured. Ash content and moisture were also analyzed on fresh onions
and dried onions.
Bioactive compounds: total soluble phenolic content (TSP), flavonoids (F) and
antioxidant activity (AA).
Onion extract. Methanol extracts from fresh and dried shallot samples were prepared
according to the methodology described by Siddiq et al. Onions are ground in a coffee
grinder and mixed to obtain a homogeneous product. Samples were weighed (ca. 5.0 g fresh
or dry material), and extracted by sonication (40 kHz, 45 min, 25 C, ultrasound bath model
TB02TACA, TESTLAB SRL, Buenos Aires, Argentina) using 20 ml methanol:water
(80:20). , MeOH:H2O). The homogenate was then centrifuged at 10,000 g for 10 min using
the Biofuge 28RS Heraeus Sepatech Centrifuge (Heraeus Instruments, Hanau, Germany)
and filtered. Each homogenate was extracted twice and the combined fraction was diluted
to a final volume of 40 ml and used for further analysis.
Total soluble phenolic content (TSP) was determined by the FolinCiocalteu method,
using linear regression of calibration plots constructed using gallic acid. The results were
expressed as mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g shallots at fresh weight (fw) (mg
GAE/100 g fw) and at dry weight (dw) expressed (mg GAE/100 g dw). The flavonoid
content (F) was determined using the AlCl3 method according to the modified
methodology proposed by Ismail et al. The F content was calculated by linear regression
of the calibration curve construction using quercetin. The results are expressed as mg
quercetin equivalent (QE) per 100 g of onions on fresh weight (fw) (mg QE/100 g fw) and
on dry weight (dw) (mg QE/100 g dw). Antioxidant activity (AA) was determined using
the FRAP assay as described by Oyaizu. Trolox (050 M) was used as the standard
antioxidant and AA of the extract was expressed as microMolar equivalent of Trolox (µMol
TE) per g onion based on dry weight (dw) (µMol TE/g dw). The free radical scavenging
effect was assessed according to the procedure described by Brand-Williams et al. with
minor modifications to reduce testing time. Quercetin equivalent was used as the reference
compound. The concentration of the extract giving 50% radical scavenging activity (EC50)
was calculated. Absorbance measurements were carried out at 25°C, using a Multiscan FC
spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Corporation). All measurements were made in
Rehydration ratio
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
After the drying process, the rehydration was evaluated to observe the possible
structural changes produced by the drying process. Rehydration was carried out at 25 ± 1
C. The dry sample (3 slices dried at each temperature) was put into 50 ml of distilled water
in a Petri dish for 3 hours (until the weight was constant). The sample is removed from the
water and then, its surface is covered with a piece of filter paper to soak up the excess
water. The rehydrated shallot slices were then weighed using an electronic scale (Taff-
Ware brand, type I 2000, Max resolution 1000 g, d = 0.1 g). All experiments were carried
out 3 times and the average value of the rehydration ratio (RR) was taken. The rehydration
ratio can be calculated by the following formula:
RR =
Color Measurement
The color of the shallot slices was measured with a Minolta Chroma meter CR 400
color meter (Minolta Co., Osaka, Japan) before and after drying. The color meter is
calibrated against a standard calibration plate from a white surface and set to CIE Standard
Illuminant C. Values L*, a*, b* are the average of ten readings. The L* color brightness
coordinate measures the whiteness of a color and ranges from black at 0 to white at 100.
The a* chromaticity coordinates measure red when positive and green when negative, and
b* chromaticity coordinates measure yellow when positive and blue when negative
(Doymaz, 2003). Tugrul, & Pala, 2006).
Drying Characteristics
The process of drying thin layers of sliced onions using a food dehydrator at
temperatures of 40
C, 50
C, and 60
C starting at a moisture content of 85% was carried
out for 8 hours and stopped when the weight of the sliced shallots has reached a constant
or has reached equilibrium. . Connection drying time to moisture ratio on the drying of
sliced shallots is presented in Figure 4.1.
Figure 5 Relationship of drying time to moisture ratio
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480
MR (
Moisture Ratio
Suhu 60˚C
Suhu 50˚C
Suhu 40˚C
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Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.261
Figure 5 shows a decrease in the value of the moisture ratio with increasing drying
time. The time required for drying shallot slices using a temperature of 40
C to reach an
equilibrium weight of 9.34% is 7 hours. The drying time is slower than the drying of sliced
shallots using a temperature of 50
C and 60
C, namely for 3 hours and 5 hours.
The decrease in the value of the moisture ratio during the drying period is due to the
reduced moisture content of the material due to the mass transfer of water from the material
to the air (Sahoo et al., 2016). The difference in temperature used also affects the high
decrease in the value of the moisture ratio so that it affects the drying time used to achieve
the equilibrium weight of sliced shallots. This phenomenon can be caused by the use of
higher temperatures in the drying process which causes the heat transfer to be greater. As
a result, the process of transferring water mass from the material to the air is faster so that
the drying time used is also faster (Salamatullah, Uslu, Özcan, Alkaltham, & Hayat, 2021).
Research conducted by Hendrawan et al . (2018) on the drying of sliced shallots shows that
the value of the moisture ratio at equilibrium is 9.99%. The difference in the moisture ratio
value obtained can be caused by the initial moisture content of the material and the
thickness of the material used (Olubi, Oniya, & Owolabi, 2021).
Drying Rate Analysis
The drying rate data analysis showed that the drying of shallot slices occurred in the
falling rate period . Drying rate can be defined as the rate of evaporation of water from the
material into the air per unit time. The value of the drying rate of sliced shallots using a
food dehydrator at temperatures of 40
C, 50
C, and 60
C is presented in Figure 4.2.
Figure 6 Curve of drying rate
Figure 6 shows the drying rate at temperatures of 40
C, 50
C, and 60
decreased with increasing drying time due to a decrease in water content with increasing
time. The average drying rate of sliced shallots at each temperature of 40
C, 50
C, and
C were 0.865 g/minute, 0.904 g/minute, and 0.938 g/minute. Figure 4.2 also shows that
the higher the drying temperature used, the faster the drying rate that occurs.
The use of higher temperatures in the drying process can accelerate the drying rate
because the rate of evaporation of water from the material to the air also increases with
increasing temperature (Davodi-Boroujerd, Abasi, Arani, & Aslzaker, 2022). Then, the
drying rate decreases with increasing time. The drying rate that occurs at the beginning of
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
drying is still relatively high because the free water content on the surface of the material
is still quite high. The free water content is easy to evaporate because it fills the cell cavities
and intercellular spaces (Kaveh, Abbaspour-Gilandeh, & Nowacka, 2021). Furthermore,
there is a decrease in the drying rate with increasing time because the remaining water
content in the material is water bound to the cells and tissues of the material making it
difficult to get out of the material. The bound water content is difficult to evaporate because
it is hygroscopically attached to the cell wall which in the end the drying rate of the shallot
slices becomes constant (Misha, Mat, Ruslan, Sopian, & Salleh, 2013).
Application of the Thin Layer Drying Model
The three thin layer drying models are used to predict the drying characteristics of
sliced shallots so that the drying process can be controlled according to the desired results.
Moisture Ratio (MR) data obtained from the experiment was plotted into three drying
models, namely Newton, Page, and Henderson & Pabis. The results of the constant values
for each tested model are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Analysis results from thin layer drying model
T (
- Pabis
Table 1 shows the results of the constant value analysis of each model equation. The
drying model shows that Page's model has the highest R2 value between
to 0.9353 and
the lowest RMSE and x2 values
0.04354 to 0.05111 and 0.00254 to 0.00969. This
indicates that Page's model is the most accurate model in describing the drying
characteristics of sliced shallots based on the resulting constant values.
The analysis of the R2 value
a test of a statistical model that describes how well
the variance of the model is with a series of observations. These measurements usually
summarize the difference between the observed value and the expected value in the model.
The closer the R2 value is to
, the more the model explains the observed variation, the
more perfect it is. Analysis of the value of x
is a statistical test used to determine whether
two variables have a significant difference between the observed and the expected. RMSE
value analysis is a measurement for the error rate based on the difference between the two
corresponding variables, the smaller the RMSE value, the more accurate a predictive model
is (Siami-Namini, Tavakoli, & Namin, 2018).
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman
Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.263
Figure 7 The relationship between predicted MR and experimental MR in the Page .
Figure 7 shows the predicted MR and experimental MR at temperatures of 40
C, and 60
C using Page's model. The results of the relationship between prediction
MR and experimental MR show that the Page model is a drying model used to predict the
water content of sliced shallots at various temperatures so that the drying process can be
controlled according to the desired results (Santoso et al., 2018).
Most of the drying of agricultural products occurs in the falling rate period and the
movement of water during this period is controlled by internal diffusion. Analysis in this
period was carried out to understand the drying kinetics by determining the effective
diffusivity ( Deff ) (
et al., 2017). The results of the calculation of the D
eff value
for all
treatments are presented in table 8.
Table 2 Effective diffusivity (Deff) value of
shallot slices at various temperatures
Drying Temperature (
Effective Diffusivity (m
1.58 x 10
1,744 x 10
1.866 x 10
Based on Table 2, the value of the effective diffusivity ( Deff ) for
sliced shallots
at temperatures of 40
C, 50
C, and 60
C is 1.58 x 10
/s, 1.74 x 10
/s, and 1.86
/s. This value is considered acceptable for most agricultural products. The higher
the drying temperature, the higher the product temperature, which encourages the
movement of water in the product through diffusion and then evaporates into the air
(Herlina & Suherman, 2020). Several other studies have shown that the Deff value in sliced
garlic on drying using an oven dryer at a temperature of 60
C and 70
C is 8.11 x 10
/s and 1.22 x 10
/s (Roman et al. , 2019). The difference in effective diffusivity
values between agricultural commodities is possible due to differences in the structure of
the dried material including differences in material thickness (Widowati et al., 2017).
Rehydration Ratio Analysis
The rehydration ratio is one of the important parameters of the quality of a drying
product. Rehydration properties are the ability of drying products to absorb water so that
they are close to their fresh condition. The results of the study for the effect of drying
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
MR Prediction
MR Experiment
Suhu 60˚C
Suhu 50˚C
Suhu 40˚C
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
temperature on the rehydration ratio of sliced shallots are presented in Table 3.
Table 3 Value of rehydration ratio of drying products at various temperatures
Drying Temperature (
Rehydration Ratio
Figure 8 Effect of drying temperature on product rehydration ratio
Figure 8 shows the value of the rehydration ratio obtained from the comparison of
the mass of sliced shallots after being rehydrated to the mass of dried shallots slices. The
results showed that the rehydration ratio of sliced shallots for temperatures of 40
C, 50
C, and 60
C was 5.28; 4.92; 4.64. The higher the drying temperature used, the lower the
value of the rehydration ratio. This can be due to the red onion slices which are very
sensitive to temperature so that the tissue is easily damaged if dried at too high a
temperature (Ali Asgar, 2013).
Widyasanti et al. (2018) stated that the higher the rehydration ratio value, the higher
the ability of drying products to absorb water, and the better the elasticity of the cell walls
and vice versa. A high value of the rehydration ratio is needed in drying products because
it shows that the product is close to its original shape which means it has good physical
Color Analysis
The appearance of a product, especially its color, is very important in influencing
the preferences and decisions of a buyer. Therefore, the color of the dried shallot slices is
an important parameter to measure. The results of the analysis of the effect of drying
temperature on the values of L, a, and b shallot slices are presented in Figure 9
40˚C 50˚C 60˚C
Drying Temperature (
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman
Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.265
Figure 9 Effect of drying temperature on the values of L, a, and b shallot slices
The results showed that the drying temperature had a very large effect on the color
of sliced shallots. Both the values of L (brightness level), a (red intensity), and b (yellow
color intensity) decreased with increasing drying temperature used. Sliced shallots in fresh
condition had the highest L, a, and b values of 61, 19, and 19. Meanwhile, sliced shallots
dried at 60
had the lowest L, a, and b values of 25, 4, 1.
The lower L value in the dried product indicates the darker the color of the product.
The decrease in the brightness of the shallot slices at higher drying temperatures can be
caused by the high protein content in the shallot slices. In addition, the decrease in the
brightness of the shallot slices can be caused by the Maillard reaction during the drying
process. The Maillard reaction is a reaction between reducing glucose and primary amino
acid groups which can produce brown or melodic nitrogen polymers . The decrease in the
value of L was also followed by a decrease in the values of a and b which could be due to
the intensity of the red and yellow colors being very sensitive to heat. This is also supported
by the research of Wijaya and Wahyono (2018) which states that the presence of drying
temperature and blanching time gives a decrease in the values of a and b .
Analysis of Flavonoids and Total Phenolic
According to Tiho et al . (2017), polyphenols are a large group of phytochemical
compounds in onions. Polyphenols also have aromatic ring components, which include
flavonoids and phenols. The results of the study for the effect of drying temperature using
a food dehydrator on flavonoids and total phenolics in sliced shallots are presented in
Figure 10.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
Figure 10 Effect of drying temperature on flavonoids and total phenolic
The results showed that the drying temperature had a big effect on the flavonoid
content and total phenolic in the sliced shallots. The content of flavonoids and total
phenolic increased from fresh sliced shallots to dried shallot slices. The highest value of
flavonoid content and total phenolic content of sliced shallots was obtained at a temperature
of 40ºC, namely 226 mg QE/100 g and 730 mg GAE/100 g, while the lowest flavonoid and
total phenolic content of sliced shallots was obtained at a drying temperature of 60ºC,
namely 141 mg QE. /100 mg and 486 mg GAE/100 g.
The increase in the flavonoid content and total phenolic content of fresh shallot
slices against dried shallot slices could be due to the inactivation of the polyphenol oxidase
enzyme (Khatulistiwa et al., 2020). In addition, the increase in the flavonoid content and
total phenolic content of shallot slices due to drying can also be caused by the release of
polyphenolic compounds during the drying process (Roman et al ., 2020). According to
Lisanti et al . (2015), drying accelerates the release of bound polyphenolic compounds
during the breakdown of cellular constituents. Meanwhile, in the drying of sliced shallots
after a temperature of 40
C the content of phenolic compounds decreased which could be
caused by damage to bioactive components such as polyphenol compounds due to
excessive heat (Oniya et al., 2021).
Antioxidant Activity Analysis
Antioxidants are compounds that are able to inhibit or prevent cell damage due to
oxidation by free radicals (Artanti and Lisnasari , 2018). The results of the study for the
effect of drying temperature using a food dehydrator on the antioxidant activity of sliced
shallots are presented in Figure 11.
Arianto Passalli Sarjono, Suherman
Drying Onion Slices using a Food Dehydrator 1.267
Figure 11 Effect of drying temperature on antioxidant activity
The results showed that the drying temperature had a very large effect on the activity
of sliced shallots. The antioxidant activity increased from fresh sliced shallots to dried
shallot slices. The highest antioxidant activity of sliced shallots was obtained at a drying
temperature of 40ºC, which was 73%, while the lowest antioxidant activity of sliced
shallots was obtained at a drying temperature of 60ºC, which was 45%.
Flavonoids and total phenolic compounds are compounds that have the ability as
antioxidants. According to Molaveisi et al . (2018), flavonoids and total phenolics can act
as antioxidants because of their ability to donate hydrogen atoms to free radicals, and as
metal binders. The increase in antioxidant activity of fresh shallot slices against dried
shallot slices could be caused by the release of polyphenolic compounds (flavonoids and
total phenolic) during the drying process (Roman et al ., 2020). According to Lisanti et al
. (2015), drying accelerates the release of bound polyphenolic compounds during the
breakdown of cellular constituents. Meanwhile, in the drying of sliced shallots after a
temperature of 40
C, the antioxidant activity decreased which could be caused by the
higher heating temperature resulting in secondary metabolite compounds that act as
antioxidants (polyphenol compounds) being damaged (Molaveisi et al ., 2018).
The decrease in moisture ratio is influenced by an increase in temperature, due to
a decrease in air humidity so that heat and mass transfer also increase, and the moisture
content of the material will decrease more quickly. Meanwhile, the drying rate on a food
dehydrator with variable temperatures of 40
, 50
, and 60 o as well as traditional drying
were 0.865 g/minute, 0.904 g/minute, and 0.938 g/minute, respectively . The fastest drying
rate occurs in the drying process at a variable temperature of 60
C. Then the drying rate
will decrease with increasing drying time, because the moisture content of the material also
The mathematical model of thin layer drying that is suitable for drying shallot
slices using a food dehydrator is the Page model because it has the highest R2 value of
0.9353 and the lowest RMSE and x2 values
are 0.04354
and 0.00253. The content of total
phenolic, flavonoid, and antioxidant activity found in sliced shallots before drying was 730
mg GAE/100 g, 210 mg QE/100 g, and 71%, respectively. Meanwhile, the total phenolic,
flavonoid, and aa content found in sliced shallots dried at 60
were 486 mg GAE/100 g,
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
141 mg QE/100 mg, and 45%, respectively. The decrease in bioactive compounds on
drying at higher temperatures was caused by the destruction of bioactive components such
as polyphenol compounds due to too high heat. The use of a higher temperature also
reduces the color degrees of L, a, and b so that the color of the dried red onion slices
becomes darker. The rehydration ratio was determined to determine the parameters of good
physical quality of the drying product. The highest rehydration ratio value was obtained at
a drying temperature of 40
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