How to cite:
Akbar Pahlevi, Rio Dhani Laksana. (2022). The Influence of
Organizational Politics on Organizational Commitment and Job
Satisfaction and Its Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(7): 1.357-1.362
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Akbar Pahlevi
, Rio Dhani Laksana
Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto
, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Email: [email protected],
The number of individuals who gather in the organization is
directly proportional to the number of interests in the
organization. The more individuals who prioritize their
interests, the more the goals of the organization will be
neglected. Increased perceptions of organizational politics
can worsen organizational outcomes. However, many studies
stated that organizational politics can improve organizational
outcomes. This study examines organizational politics and its
effect on commitment and job satisfaction and its effect on
OCB. This research is a quantitative-research with the number
of respondents as many as 40 salespeople in the furniture
sector and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The
results of this study indicate that only one hypothesis is
Organizational Politics, Commitment, Satisfaction, OCB
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Organization is a collection of several different and unique people to achieve
certain goals. The uniqueness of these different individuals raises important things in the
organization, such as power, politics, and conflict. Politics in the realm of an organization
or company is the ability to change the organizational situation. (Wright, 2017) argues
Akbar Pahlevi, Rio Dhani Laksana
The Influence of Organizational Politics on Organizational Commitment and Job
Satisfaction and Its Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior 1.358
that organizational politics is the use of authority and power to influence the definition of
goals, direction, and other major parameters of the organization. Political practice in
organizations can be triggered by differences of opinion between members of the
In addition, (Cohen, 2016) argue that organizational politics is related to behavior
to save personal interests or certain groups within the organization and sometimes these
interests conflict with the interests of the organization itself. So, the number of
individuals who gather in the organization is directly proportional to the number of
interests in the organization (Organization, 2007). The number of different interests of
individuals and certain groups will have an unfavorable impact on the existence of the
organization. The more individuals who prioritize their interests, the more the goals of the
organization will be neglected. A leader must be able to regulate politics within the
organization in order to compete with other organizations
In addition, organizational politics is a phenomenon that exists within
organizations that can affect various employee work attitudes. According to (Kaya,
Aydın, & Ayhan, 2016), organizational politics has an effect on work attitude variables
such as: job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment. This work
attitude will ultimately affect Organizational Citizenship Behavior. A study examining
the effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on OCB was conducted by
(Smircich, 2017) which states that job satisfaction has a positive effect on OCB but
organizational commitment has no effect on OCB.
Several previous studies have examined the path of the influence of
organizational politics on organizational attitudes which then affect OCB. (Keohane,
2017) argue that organizational politics has a negative effect on organizational
commitment. However, (Baran, 2019) actually argue that the higher the organizational
politics, the higher the organizational commitment. Meanwhile, organizational politics
has a negative effect on job satisfaction. Due to the phenomena that occur and the
differences in results in several studies, organizational politics has become an interesting
topic to study. This study examines organizational politics and its effect on commitment
and job satisfaction and its effect on OCB.
The population in this study were salespeople in the furniture sector in Banyumas
Regency, Central Java, totaling 40 people and all of them were taken as respondents.
According to Arikunto (2013: 95) if the number of the population is less than 100, it
should be taken entirely. According to Sugiyono (2014:143) if the population is relatively
small, less than 30 people, or research that wants to make generalizations with very small
errors, the research used is population research.
The data collection technique used in this study is to use a questionnaire and use
measurements with a Likert scale where the questions in the questionnaire are made in
the form of statements using a scale of 1-5.
This study uses a Partial Least Square (PLS) approach to analyze the data. PLS is a
variant-based SEM statistical method designed to solve multiple regression when there
are specific problems with the data, such as very small research sample sizes, missing
data (missing values) and multicollinearity (Jogiyanto and Abdilah, 2009:11).
Organizational politics is measured by the nine-item Perceptions of Organizational
Politics Scale (POPS) which was adapted from Kacmar and Carlson (1997).
Organizational commitment is measured by nine items adapted from Allen and Meyer
(1990). Job satisfaction will be measured by 7 items adapted from Macdonald and
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
MacIntyre (1997). Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is measured by 12 items
adapted from Niehoff and Moorman (1993).
A. Result
Table 1. AVE Value
Based on 1, it is known that the AVE value of all latent variables is above 0.5, so it
can be concluded that the instrument in this study can be used correctly regarding the
measurement of concepts in the model studied.
Table 2. Fornell-larcker criterion
Based on table 2, the square root of each AVE construct is greater than the highest
correlation with other constructs, it can be concluded that the indicators used in this study
are correlated with the variables used in this study.
Table 3. Cronbach's alpha and Composite reliability
Composite Reliability
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Politics
Orgnizational Commitment
Based on table 3, it is known that Cronbach's alpha value exceeds 0.6 and the
composite reliability value exceeds 0.7. So, it can be concluded that the construct is
reliable. With the fact that all constructs can be used to measure variables, the analysis
phase of hypothesis testing can be used.
Table 4. Hypothesis testing
P Values
Job Satisfaction -> OCB
Organizational Politics -> Job Satisfaction
Organizational Politics -> OCB
Organizational Politics -> Orgnizational Commitment
Orgnizational Commitment -> OCB
Job Satisfaction
Org. Politics
Org. Commitment
Job Satisfaction
Org. Politics
Org. Commitment
Job Satisfaction
Org. Politics
Org. Commitment
Akbar Pahlevi, Rio Dhani Laksana
The Influence of Organizational Politics on Organizational Commitment and Job
Satisfaction and Its Influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior 1.360
Based on the table above, it is known that only hypothesis three is rejected. This is
because the P values on the influence of organizational commitment to OCB are more
than 0.05.
B. Discussion
The results of statistical tests show that organizational politics has a negative effect
on organizational commitment (0.000), this means that the higher the organizational
politics in the company, the commitment of the sales force will decrease (Eliyahu, Bibu,
Sala, & Săcui, 2021). Self-interest pressure on a salesperson causes them to feel
uncomfortable. This will result in a decrease in organizational commitment (Gilbert,
Krush, Trainor, & Wayment, 2022).
These results are consistent with the research of (Utami, Bangun, & Lantu, 2014)
who found that organizational politics has a negative effect on organizational
commitment. This is in line with several previous studies which state that organizational
politics has a negative effect on job satisfaction (Vigoda-Gadot et al., 2003; Nye and
Witt, 1993; Maslyn and Fedor, 1998). Negative effects occur due to negative/adverse
impacts caused by organizational politics such as violations of social contracts (Farmer,
In addition, organizational politics has a negative effect on job satisfaction (0.000).
This shows that if organizational politics gets stronger, employee satisfaction will
decrease (Erkutlu & Chafra, 2016). This result is in accordance with the research of Ferris
and Kacmar (1992) which states that organizational politics will reduce job satisfaction.
Supported by several other studies which have found that organizational politics has a
negative effect on job satisfaction (Saleem, 2015).
One of the determinants of sales force satisfaction is the existence of good
cooperation with co-workers. If one coworker is too self-absorbed, other salespeople will
be displeased. The same thing happens when the leadership conducts organizational
politics it will make the sales force below him feel pressured thereby reducing the work
papacy. On the other hand, there is pressure felt by salespeople in the socialization
process from family or culture. In other words, organizational politics causes the family
culture of salespeople to be unappreciated, thereby reducing the job satisfaction of
Meanwhile, the analysis of the effect of organizational commitment on OCB
showed insignificant results (0.328). This result is in accordance with the findings of
William and Anderson (1991) which states that high organizational commitment does not
affect employees in performing OCB. The same result was also found by Darmawati et
al. (2013) and Randall et al. (1999) which states that organizational commitment has no
effect on OCB. This contradicts the research of Cropanzano et al. (1997) Bakhshi et al.
(2011), and Rini et al. (2013) which states that organizational commitment has a positive
effect on OCB. This difference is possible because OCB is the behavior of salespeople
that exceeds what has been their main task, so that high organizational commitment does
not always cause someone to do OCB.
Meanwhile, this study shows that job satisfaction has a positive effect on OCB
(0.011), which means that if salespeople have high job satisfaction, they tend to engage in
OCB behavior more often. These results are in accordance with the research of
Darmawati et al. (2013) stated that job satisfaction has a positive effect on OCB. Similar
opinions regarding the relationship between job satisfaction and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) are found in the studies of Organ and Ryan (1995) and
Podsakoff, et al. (2000). Job satisfaction is an important determinant that encourages
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 7, July 2022
someone to show Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), because individuals who
get satisfaction in their work will work with dedication.
The other test results show that organizational politics has a negative effect on
OCB with (0.004). This means that if the political construct of the organization is
increasingly felt in the company, the OCB behavior will decrease. These results are
consistent with the research of Chen and Indartono (2011) who found that organizational
politics has a negative effect on organizational commitment. If some parties such as
leaders are too concerned with their own profits without paying attention to the interests
of employees, then employees will naturally feel reluctant to be loyal voluntarily (Ward,
From this study it can be concluded that only H3 is rejected, namely organizational
commitment has no effect on OCB. Organizational politics has a negative effect on
organizational commitment and job satisfaction (Barusman & Mihdar, 2014). This means
that the higher the organizational politics, the lower the job satisfaction and commitment.
In addition, job satisfaction has a positive effect on OCB. Meanwhile, organizational
politics has a negative effect on OCB.
Managers and managers must reduce organizational politics in their companies, this
is an effort to increase organizational commitment, job satisfaction and job involvement
which will increase the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the sales force.
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