Lutfi Dwi Aristiani, Mugi Wahidin, Hendry Amirudin and Gisely Violenita
Factors causing hearing disorders due to noise at PT X Jakarta Timur
bearing production in 2020 339
hazardous materials will continue to increase in accordance with industrialization needs.
But on the other hand, technological advances have also caused various adverse effects,
namely the emergence of various occupational diseases (Tarwaka, 2008). One of the
hazards that are often present in work locations is noise which causes hearing loss.
Scientifically, noise is defined as the sensation received by the ear as a result of a
steady fluctuation in air pressure "superimposing" atmospheric / air pressure. The ear will
respond to small fluctuations with great sensitivity. Noise can also be interpreted as a type
of vibration / energy that is conduced in air, liquid, solid, invisible, and can enter the ear
and cause a sensation on the hearing instrument. Meanwhile, according to regulations in
Indonesia, noise is a dangerous sound produced by a company or activity at a certain
level and time, which can cause disturbances to human health and environmental comfort.
(Kepmen LH No 48. th 1996). Noise causes various problems in life, including Noice
Induced Hearing Loses (NIHL). There has been a significant increase in noise in the
workplace with industrialization.
The World Health Organization (WHO) in its publication entitled addressing the
rising prevalence of healing loss stated that it is estimated that there are 466 million
people with hearing loss globally. WHO predicts that if action is not taken immediately,
there will be 630 million people living with hearing loss in 2030, this figure is estimated
to increase again to 900 million in 2050 (WHO, 2018). Hearing loss is the third most
common chronic disability in the United States, the National Institutes of Deafdness and
Other Communication Disorder (NIDCD) estimates that about 15% of Americans
between the ages of 20-69 experience hearing loss at higher test frequencies, suggesting
that hearing loss may be caused by exposure to loud noises (Sahota, 2017). WHO report
in 2012, the prevalence of hearing loss in Southeast Asia is 156 million people or 27% of
the total population (WHO, 2018).
According to the National Committee for the Management of Hearing Loss and
Deafness in 2014, hearing loss due to noise in Indonesia is among the highest in
Southeast Asia, which is around 36 million people or 16.8% of the total population
(Komnas PGPKT, 2014). The number of hearing loss sufferers in Indonesia is quite high,
around 4.6% of the population or 12 million people with a deafness prevalence of 2.6%
and is ranked 4th in Southeast Asia after Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India.
Any worker exposed to noise is at risk of hearing loss. The higher the noise
intensity, the longer the worker is exposed to the noise, and the higher the risk of hearing
loss suffered by the worker due to hearing loss. In the manufacturing and mining
industries, 40% of workers are exposed to high levels of noise for more than half of their
working hour, compared to 35% in the construction industry (Primadona, 2012).
According to a survey conducted in 1987 by the Classification Industrial Standards, the
primary metal industry ranks second, accounting for 32.7% of the total number of
workers exposed to noise. (National Safety Council, 2012).
Hearing loss due to noise is influenced by various factors, including noise
intensity, length of exposure to noise, genetics, years of service, age, use of ototoxic
drugs, use of ear protection and exposure to cigarette smoke.
Research at PT Indonesia Power UPB Semarang related to noise intensity, length
of work, years of service and age, and the use of personal protective equipment were
related to hearing loss due to noise (Septiana & Widowati, 2017). In line with research
conducted by Muhammad Rifqi at PT Acryl Textile Mills, it shows that there is a
relationship between age, years of service, smoking status and ear protection with hearing
loss (Rifqi, 2018). Research using the Case Control method conducted by Wulan Ayu at
PT Heinz ABC Indonesia - Daan Mogot shows that there is a relationship between age
and hearing loss (Pratiwi, 2019).