Ivan Armawan and Sudarmiatin
Marketing strategy of local wisdom SMEs roti durian Panglima 330
running the Durian Panglima Bread business SMEs.
East Kalimantan is a tropical area; many trees can grow well, one of which is the
Durian fruit which is widely available in Melak district (Irawan, Hidayat, & Risal, 2017).
Durian fruit is only used by the local community as seasonal fruit. The taste that is
different from most of the durian on the market makes durian fruit the prima donna in the
hearts of East Kalimantan people, especially Kota Samarinda, which is very close to
(Febiana & Akbar, 2019). This potential is the forerunner to the use of local wisdom with
the use of natural resources as the main ingredient for Roti Durian Panglima SMEs.
According to (Lailia, 2014) conceptual ideas that exist and live in society develop
and grow continuously in people's consciousness, which can be approached from ethical,
religious, intellectual, aesthetic or even other values such as technology, economy and
others referred to as a pearl of local wisdom . The utilization of durian fruit, especially
fruit flesh, is increasingly widespread and diverse (Widyawati & Nurbani, 2017).
Currently, people can directly consume durian fruit flesh, but it can also be processed into
several products, including tempoyak, lunkhead, fruit juice, ice cream, confectionery,
jam, various cakes, chips and durian flour. Processing of durian seeds can be processed
into chips and flour. Durian seed flour can be processed into a mixture in making
cakes/bread and lunkhead.
This article aims to explore the potential for natural resource development,
namely durian in the Melak area, to be developed into a superior local product by
formulating a development strategy to be able to compete in the SMEs business world.
There have been many previous studies relevant to this research, namely
examining marketing strategies in SMEs. One of them is a research conducted by
(RAHMAT, 2015) with the title Marketing Strategy for UKM Kopi Rangkiang in
Batusangkar. In this study, it was found that small and medium enterprises were more
able to survive longer from the economic crisis, because they were more flexible and
made more use of local resources so that they could be relied on to support economic
resilience. However, in its development, small and medium enterprises are still facing
various problems that need attention from various parties such as low productivity,
unprofessional human resources and management, less responsive to technological
changes and lack of capital. Then inadequate market access, including The distribution
network which functions as a marketing channel is not yet running efficiently and there
are no signs of improvement in the national economy as well as challenges from the
development of free trade.
The difference between this study and previous research is that it lies in the
object under study. In this study, the object of research is Panglima Durian Bread which
is a local product from Samarinda.
The method used in this article is a qualitative approach, which is a research
procedure in which the resulting data is in the form of descriptive writing and behaviour
that can be observed from the subject itself (Afrizal, 2014). The selection of Durian
Panglima Bread SMEs as an object of research is based on local wisdom, which is used as
raw material in marketed products so as to introduce local potentials.
Data collection based on primary data and secondary data that the author has
done. Observations were made at the Durian Panglima Bread SMEs outlets in the cities
of Balikpapan and Samarinda. At the same time, in order to deepen the content of the
material, the authors conducted direct interviews with the primary source, namely Mr
Ferry as the founder and initiator of Panglima Durian Bread. The Panglima Durian Bread
SMEs was chosen because it is a new SMEs that is rapidly developing and is a product of
the development of local wisdom in East Kalimantan.