Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2, Number 9 , September, 2022
in public perception regarding the safety of public health services during the
COVID-19 pandemic in respondents who work or do not work. The results of this
study are in line with research conducted by (Akhmad, 2015) where in their
research it can be concluded that there is no significant effect between work and
public perception. This is contrary to the theory put forward by (Akhmad, Satibi,
& Puspandari, 2015) which states that by working someone can do something
useful, gain good knowledge about something so that they understand better and
finally perceive something positive. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, all
types of work felt how the impact started, starting from work from home (WFH),
not being able to work because of the PSBB, to ending in layoffs as a continuation
of the declining economy, this will certainly have an impact on the economy
Respondent (Chana et al., 2020).
Where all work will see the impact of Covid-19 so that they will give the
same perception of service and security to public service facilities, compliance
with health protocols, and also the efforts being made by the government, so this
theory also supports that there is no difference in public perception with the type
of work of the respondent..
Based on the univariate results regarding the respondent's religion, it can be
seen that almost all respondents are Muslim with 99.1% (228 respondents), and a
small proportion of respondents are Non-Muslim, namely 0.9% (2 respondents).
The meaning of religion itself can be different because it has several factors
including the opinion of Mukti Ali quoted by Adon Nasrullah Jamaluddin in his
book Religion and Social Conflict. These factors are first, experience in religion is
very subjective and individualistic, therefore sometimes everyone has a different
definition of religion. Second, in the discussion of Religion, it always involves the
strong emotions of each individual. The three conceptions of a person to define
religion are influenced by the goals and methods of his approach. Generally
everyone has a belief or belief in religion. A person's actions, behavior, and
perspective towards himself and others are influenced by the teachings of the
religion he adheres to. The importance of religion in a person's life is largely
determined by how he perceives the religion he believes or adheres to. In the
dictionary: Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary) perception is defined as
(1) consciousness: awarenees, (2) the awareness of objects on other data through
the medium of the senses, (3) the process or faculty of perceiving, (4) the result of
this: knowledge; etc, gained by perceiving, and (5) insight or intuition, as of as
abstract quality.
The understanding above explains that perception is a process of awareness,
namely awareness of an object that leads to an understanding, process or ability to
feel, the results of knowledge and so on which are obtained with feelings and
understanding or impulses that are abstract. Therefore, perception will lead
someone to understanding or giving meaning about something. In an article
written by (Chana et al., 2020) regarding the integrity of science and religion, he
stated that the integration of science (modern science) and religion in responding
to all humanitarian problems, including the Covid-19 pandemic, is expected to be
a solution, and both can play the same role. in ending this Corona epidemic. This
shows that any religion will view the COVID-19 pandemic as an epidemic whose
problems must be resolved immediately with various efforts that have been
implemented, such as 3M, and knowing other health protocols. However,